Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Blow me one last kiss by Grace Jacques (best thriller books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซBlow me one last kiss by Grace Jacques (best thriller books to read TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Grace Jacques

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New town, new start or so I thought

As I got out of my car, ear buds in Florence and the machine blaring and I looked round I would be lying if I said I was impressed by the town. The pavement spotted with chewing gum and the floor littered with rubbish it wasn't exactly clean, hell it didn't even look sanitary I thought as I wrinkled my noise at the stench of a nearby factory. The pollution wouldn't be that bad for normal people with normal noses but then I wasn't normal.

The town looked pretty dull at that moment, for I wasn't aware of the normal havoc of which the town revolved around, at that time it looked pretty normal. I walked across the street Google map instructions in hand and looked for the nearest, most helpful looking local around.

I spotted a girl that looked about 17 with brown cropped hair and light blue eyes. She was wearing some skinny blue jeans and had on a zipped up claret hoodie while sporting a pair of purple head phones blasting out something resembling what I assumed was Skrillex.

"Excuse me?" I tapped her lightly on the shoulder causing her to swerve round quickly and assumed what I think she thought was a defensive position though I thought it just made her look strange and me calling someone strange is not exactly a good sign for them.

She relaxed when she saw me. She fell for the camouflage, all the humans did. By camouflage I mean what I looked like on the outside, a 5'4 skinny 16 year old with a heart shaped face sporting longish curly black hair and curious green eyes. In short I look pretty helpless, though that statement is entirely inaccurate.

I'm probably one of the most dangerous creatures this girl would ever encounter, I'm a vampire. A 486 and a half year old vampire permanently stuck inside a 16 year old's body. But lets get our facts and legends straight first. Sunlight is fine as you can probably guess considering I was out in it. I drink blood, No problem with shifters as a whole and I was transformed by a blood switch (I was fed vampire blood while said vampire fed on me) against my will.

I hunt, I prey and I kill.That pretty much sums it up. Even after 470 years of people judging me as a non threat it still astounds me that a person can not look beyond my appearance.

I don't complain though, being viewed as a non threat is probably part of what has kept me alive all these years, if you call what I am alive that is. Anyway, after the girl had relaxed she took off her headphones and responded with a oh so polite "What?" while glaring at me for disrupting whatever she was doing before: Badly dancing to the sound of robots having sex.

"Can you tell me where Hallows Way is please?" I asked politely not fazed by her attitude. "Your new to town?" She asked ignoring my question. "Yes" I replied "I just moved here with" I paused wondering what to call Louis "A friend" I finally decided. "Oh" was all she responded.

After a moment of silence I held out my hand "I'm Alice, nice to meet you". After a moment she shook it as if reluctant to give away her name, or to touch me "Rose" she responded and took her hand out of mine. "Well Rose, can you please tell me where Hallows Way is?" I asked again.

She nodded "Just down through that alleyway" she responded pointing in the direction of a leering, dark alleyway. "I'd be careful though" she warned, "Its in the bad part of town" she said and then paused. I was rather surprised that where I currently was wasn't the bad part of town and feared slightly for my mental, hygienic sanity.

"Okay thanks" I said nodding at her and heading towards the alley. "Wait!" Rose called out and I paused, not turning round. "Be careful, I mean it!" she yelled and I nodded and continued on my way. I found it odd that a girl that didn't seem all that interested in me at first was suddenly concerned for my welfare,I found it quite laughable considering I was a vampire.

As I took came out of the alley I realized as I went further in the opposite direction of which I had come that the girl, Rose was correct, this part of town was worse than the other part. As I walked down a street of the name "Marks avenue" I noticed more smashed in windows than not and noticed more than one collapsed buildings.

Finally I came to Hallows Way I smelt the familiar scent that was Louis, elf. Laugh all you want but Louis was one of the toughest people I knew elf or no. He'd been through everything with me and was the only one other than me to come out alive. I practically skipped to tiny crumbling grotto of which it seemed he occupied.

"Louis" I yelled waving and grinning at the elf like a mad woman. He shook his head and exited the cottage to come and give me a huge hug. Elf though he was, small he wasn't. He was 6'3 and nearly a foot taller than me.

"Alice, I've missed you!" he grinned letting go of me. "Why wouldn't you?" I grinned mockingly and he ruffled my hair chuckling. I mock frowned at him "Don't do that". He grinned wider "What?" He asked innocently. "This?" He ruffled my hair once again and I flicked him on the forehead.

"What was that for?" He asked pouting. "Don't pout Louis" I said smiling. "Its unbecoming". He raised his eyebrow at this. "Coming from the 486 year old that still acts as though she's 10 I find this ironic" He said. I flicked him again, this time on his ear."Ow!" He exclaimed. I smiled innocently.

He then sighed, as if tired of me. Fat chance. "Would you like to come in Alice?" he asked after a moment of silence of which I assumed he was debating as to whether he was going to leave me out on the street. "Why thank you Louis, I would be delighted" I winked at him and stepped over the fresh hold into Louis's current home.

I followed him into what appeared to be a living room and sat opposite him in an old armchair while he chose to occupy a horrific pink sofa. "Nice dec" I said sarcastically wrinkling my nose at the smell of old. He made a face and replied with "Beggars can't be choosers" and pointed a look my way.

"I know" I sighed. "I'm sorry, I really am grateful of you letting me stay here". His face softened, "I understand that Ally" he said using my old nickname as a sign of affection. "I'd do anything for you, you understand that right?" He said eyes locking into my own waiting for my response.

I nodded and smiled at him "Thank you for that old friend" I said. "No need for thanks" he responded. "I want you safe Ally and believe me when I say you weren't safe in Europe any longer, the hunters were catching up" he looked at me gravely. I nodded once again.

To some the hunters up would be to say that their a group have existed as long as anyone can remember, though only super naturals are aware of them existing. The hunters is, as said a very old group that happen to hunt all supernatural beings. The supernatural rules for all on the hunters are:

1.Kill them on sight.
2.Don't purposely attract them.
And 3.Never, ever form any relationships of any kind with them.

I may have sort of broken rule number 2. Back in my home country, England I'd been quite the rippette (Female ripper) going from town to town and devouring thousands. This of course had not been my fault, I was a new vampire at the time and had no one to teach me the rules of vampire-ism. This of course changed within around 100 years when I met fellow vampires that learnt to (sort-of) control their thirst.

They taught me the rules and when I discovered I didn't have to kill to when I fed I never did again, with a few exceptions. Still, the past being the past, it couldn't be changed and I was forever a prime target in the hunters eyes, hence my moving to a different continent. That and the fact that I hadn't seen Louis in 50 years.

It was a relieve to finally see him, though that feeling quickly left me when his smile slid from his face and he looked at me gravely and said "Ally, there's something I need to tell you". That's when I heard them come in through the door.

Long time no see

"LOUIS!" I herd a familiar voice tell and I winced at the screeching tone. I also saw Louis wince and knew that the visitors weren't welcome ones. It was then they came thundering in, all 5 of them, the five people I least wanted to see (Excluding the hunters of course). They were the group of vampires I mentioned earlier, the ones that kind of helped me with my control issues.

Sure, I was grateful for being able to not kill humans, to have a choice but that wasn't the reason as to why they taught me control. Truth is, they didn't give a damn (No pun intended) about humans, they saw them only a source of food or entertainment and mostly seemed to forget that they were once humans themselves.

No, they taught me control in hope of gaining my trust and getting me to join their little 'family' so we could all be psycho blood suckers together. But how was a deemed worthy of their coven you ask yourself? In answer to that question, during my Jackie the rippette day they were looking for a new member of the crazy crew at that time anyway an coincidently I fit the bill, or so they thought at the time.

What they didn't know was that beneath the ripper lay an innocent (Or as innocent as a vampire can be) 16 year old girl. A 16 year old girl who wouldn't hurt a fly. A 16 year old girl who'd been a vegetarian before it was in fashion. Most importantly a 16 year old girl with morals.

They didn't like that though, the part of me with morals. So they took that part away, almost as soon as they'd gotten it back. They'd sculpted me to

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