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Book online ยซnew girl by tashamarie (inspiring books for teens .txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author tashamarie

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hey guys, ok so this is my first story so not to much hateing please
enjoy :)
lv tashamaie

"WAKE UP! GOODNESS HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO CALL YOU DOWN ROSE?!" my auntie shouted at me jeez what with her?

"waa?" "whats going on?.. ten more minutes" i mumbled not bothering to get out of the tangeled mess of quilts i
was stuck in

"Rosie leigh Jackson if you don't wake up right this instant i'll make you clean the toilet when you get home from school,
thats if you ever get there" whoa full name i must me late, i roled over to look at my clock

"SUGAR why didnt you wake me up sooner?!" whining was always one of my strong points in the morning as well as complaining
and acting like a toddler when someone else stole there toy.

"come on cambell high starts at 9am and i dont want you late on your first day, what would your mother say?" that made me
my mother had allways been dead on time for everything, and then it brought a tear to my eyes as i realised now she was
just plain dead.

AJ came up to me and gave me a hug knowing what i was thinking about

"come on petal iv made pancakes for breakfast"

okai so i geuss i should tell you a bit about myself, well im your average girl really im 17, 5.9" and my friends call me
leggs because of how long they are,
medium build you carnt see my ribs but im not fat either more curvy id say and long sleeky jet black hair that reaches the
small of my back allthough if i have
it natural it falls into uncontrollable ringlets that everyone but me adores,
i have naturally taned skin and electric green eyes that make me self conscious because everyone stares, but anyway back to

so i grab the first things i find in my wardrobe which happen to be dark green skinny jeans and a dark purple vest top that
huggs my curves and shoved my pastry's on my small feet and sprinted down stairs as the smell of freashly made pancakes
called to me,
once id finished breackfast i went back up stairs to fix my hair i didnt have enough time to straighten it so i left it curly
quickly applyed mascara and lip gloss and dicided i couldn't delay my first day at a new school in a new country with new
people. great.

i jogged down stairs to scarfe down my pancakes before grabbing my keys of the hook to my new car AJ and uncle adam had
bought me as a welcome present, a sun yellow ferrari
my pride and joy.

as i made my way to school i rallised that there werent many traffic lights in calafornia but i was used to living in
central london so it was never going to be the same,
i glided to a stop as i pulled into an empty space at my new school, i was five minutes early and everyone was just arriving
and allready in there clicks staring at me as i got out of my car
well it is very ostentagious, i smiled at the glares i got of all the plastics and wolf wistles i recived of the jocks,
i was used to it all allready its amazing how there type is the same in every school.

i had moved schools allot when mom and dad were alive as dad had to keep moving with his work.

three dark shiny green lotus eles's pulled into into the car park and suddenly all hell broke loose with girls crouding round the cars shoving each other out of the way to get a better veiw of as the guys got out of there cars i realised why,
three of the most gorgeous guys i had ever seen stepped away from there cars shutting the doors with smriks on there faces.

ofcourse id seen it all before at my old schools and desided to go find the office to pick up my scedual.

on my way out of the office i bumped into something hard and sent us both flying onto the concret floor with him ontop of me

"OUCH! shiz man what the fudge cakes is wrong with you? are you blind?" i screemed at the strange boy lying on top of me look
ing shocked then to my annoyence a smirk maid its apperance accross his tight flawless face as i looked up seeing the most
gorgeous milky blue eyes with ony a sweeping of dirty blond hair to hide there infuence

"well im used to women throwing themselves at me but never quite dramatic as this" he chuckled a very suductive chuckle
but there is no way im falling for this they were all the same hartless jerks underneith

"urm you can get of me now i have places to be and all"

"im not quite sure i want to though, thats a very nice acsent you have there, british huh"

"yeah now if you ever want to have kids in the future i suggest you get off me" i spat at him really getting angry now
i proved my point by raising my knee to his groin

this did the trick as he slowly got off me seeing i wasnt bluffing and offerd me a hand which i reluctently took

"im jake, whats your name?" he asked looking kinda shy and unsure i geussed he didnt usually get girls threatening him

"rosie and i don't care what your name is" i grumbled walking away leaving him stood in shock with his mouth allmost
touching the ground

when i got to homeroom i found that all three of the lotus guys were in here and quite a few jocks, barbies and one or two
nerds allong with a few emo looking kids staring out of the window
" hello you must be miss Jackson" said an old raspy female vocie

"urm yeah that would be me"

"well class we have a new student today her name is rosie jackson, would you like to introduce yourself miss jackson?"

" err no. but here goes. well urm hi im rosie im seventeen and my hobbies are basketball hockey netball basically i like
all sport"

the guys just stared and the plastics glared when a girl i haddent noticed called out to me

"hey rosie, come sit by me before the guys eat you" she laughed as i walked up to her. she was wereing light denim skinny
ans a white vest top with a light denim waist coat and white vans

"hey im anna, this lott are a bit freeky you wanna stay away from the barbies and the jocks or they'll turn you" she said
the last bit in a freeky voice that made me smile

"dont worry this isnt my first school"

we hit it off instantly and found we have almost every lesson together, anna loves sports to so we have lotts in common,
she lives with her dad as her mom passed away.
seems deaths a touche subject for both of us.

the bell rang signeling us to go to first lesson, i let anna lead the way as we talked freely about the school and people i
should watch out for, when suddenly she stopped dead
causing some pore slacker to walk straight into her


"so you think im pritty huh!" it wasnt a question. it was one of the lotus guys not jake, i didnt no this one yet

"andrew you no eggsactly what i think of you and that sure aint pretty" she hissed at him as he went on smirking away

"sure thing sugar you "detest me with the fire of a thousand suns" yada yada"

"and yet you still insist on trying it with me, i never realised anyone even a bafoon such as your thick self could be that
dumb as to not take the hint"

whoa i sure was in the middle of something here so i tride to slouch of in the direction we were previously going in when a
large hand with long strong fingers entwined themselves
around my rist

"were do you think your fine self is going?" oh now that was it anna was allready mad but that last comment pushed her over
the edge

"you leave my friends allown!" she hissed and swung her fist CRACK! direct hit! straight with his jaw


"well i think thats pritty darn obvious dont you rosie" i smiled at my new friend and we went to class leaving andrew
stareing after us
my thats twice in one day, well i only have one left to meet. yay (note sarcasm)

i had english first so atleast we had a good first period so i was in a good mood for gym which made me, anna and cyann
-one of anna's- friends very giddy

we changed quickly into a baggy red top and black shorts anna was telling cyan about how she had punched andrew and cyan
was in hysterics laughing so hard she was crippled over with tears streaming down her face

when we walked out into the sports hall to find we were going to slpit in to pare with the lads gym group as we both had
small classes today

"ok guys stand in a line" "right now i need two volentears" me and anna both put out hands up

"no guys? well then i geuss your fate will be left in the hands of women" "okay girls your team captins i want you to take
it in turn to pick your players"

"sir what are we playing" anna had asked

"basket ball today" this caused a huge grin to spreed across my face and all the barbies to moan and fake illnesses and
sitting at the sides

"okay newbee you get first pick" so i pointed to the tallest guy i say seeing a smile come to his face when sir said we
were playing basket ball man i hope he's good

me and anna picked eight guys each we were the only girls on our teams

i felt a tap on my shoulder right after sir said we could have ten minets practice and warm up before the game began,
i turned around to see who it was who tapped me

seeing the last lotus guy, "hello, can i help you?" his eye brow instantly went up at the anoyed tone of my voice i was
getting rarther fustrated with all these lotus dudes

i mean im no lesbian, not that i have anything against them, but yes there all stunningly mouth wateringly beautiful but

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