Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป No Regard by Carolyn Barber (e book reader free txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซNo Regard by Carolyn Barber (e book reader free txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Carolyn Barber

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dress in one hand by it's hanger and a pair of white sandals, in the other "Sil, this okay?" he asked as if we were husband and wife. "It's lovely!" I said looking at him with a big grin on my face, as I looked away I immediately disposed of my smile. Like I give a damn about fashion right now? I thought to myself, annoyed.

Adam came over and sat by me, I continued to stare into the fire. I could see out of the corner of my eye he was looking at me. "Stop starring Adam, it's not polite!" I said to him without moving my focus from the fire. I tried not to giggle as I saw him stick his tongue out at me from the corner of my eye. "Adam, please I'm not in the mood" I said looking at him seriously. "Oh come on, it was a little funny, admit it!" he said. "I will not! It was stupid!"  I snapped at him, agitated. "It's okay Sil, I'll leave you to take your bath, it should be ready in a little bit, I'll be back in an hour and tell you what happened last night." he sounded so hurt, it made me feel bad. "I'm sorry Adam, I don't know why I'm so agitated, well, I mean other than the obvious, but I shouldn't have snapped at you for that" I said as I looked into his eyes sensing some relief in them. "It's the come down off the Nitro, it's natural that you're a little irritated" he said as he stood up and kissed the top of my head and vaped.

I relaxed in the tub, thinking of Ty and how much I missed him, hoping he was trying to find me. "What if he wasn't even looking for me?" I thought to myself. I wondered how long Adam thought he could keep me contained? Eventually, even he must know, I would find a way out. I got out of the tub, dried myself off and dressed in the clothes Adam had laid out. I walked back into the bathroom and sat at the vanity, I brushed my hair, braided it to one side and applied some mascara and lip balm.

It had been an hour, Adam was sitting on the loveseat in front of the fire, watching me as I emerged from the bathroom. "Your simple, flawless beauty amazes me Silvie." he said admiring me. I smiled and replied, "Well you're an easy crowd to please". He smiled back and patted the seat next to him, "Come on, I know you're curious" he said gesturing for me to join him. I was curious that's for damn sure, so I eagerly complied and sat next to him, "Okay start from the beginning and tell me everything, and don't leave out any details, or make stuff up either" I said looking at him skeptically. He chuckled, "Jesus Sil, where's the trust?" I looked at him raising an eyebrow, "For Real?" I said in comical disbelief. He hung his head, knowing I had a point. "Never mind, just go on" I said letting it go. Adam took a deep breath, slowly letting it out and began.

Chapter 25: True Colors

Hells Pit was hoppin' as usual. It had an excellent reputation with the vampire community. The entertainment never failed to deliver and with Hell's Pit being the sole distributor of Nitro infused blood, every vamp frequented the establishment often. "Quality" was the nightclubs main interest. Only the best bands played there, the venue was extravagant, the surroundings and environment comparable to the finest nightclubs in the largest cities, yet here it was in an abandoned zone, living large, hugely successful. The electricity in the forty block radias, nearly the entire city, was generated by an elaborate solor system, powered by the sun a vampires worst enemy. The water was powered by massive turbines from a rapidly flowing river near-by that pumped throughout the entire provience. Sustaining the abandoned city while remaining completely off the grid.

Ty ordered a loaded "O" positive and slugged it down, energized and anxious, he watched and waited. Red pulled up a stool next to him at the bar, after getting the bartenders attention he ordered the same for himself. "Here's to determination" Red said as he held up his deep crimson drink and slammed it down his throat in one shot. Ty seemed distant, his eyes affixed towards the dance floor, watching couples in their erotic dance, remembering that last hour with Silvia. His eyes roamed, then he noticed a voluptuous, scantily dressed vamp with long, straight, shinny, black hair moving seductively to the intoxicating rhythmic beat. He watched intensely, his eyes black, his mouth watering, she seemed to hold him in some hypnotic trance. Red looked over at him, noticing something had caught his eye, he looked to see what was holding his stare captive. He found the source and realized Ty was lusting. Red clicked his fingers in Ty's face and waved them trying to get his attention without success, Red put two fingers in his mouth and tried to whistle "Frsssst", his pathetic attempt spraying Ty with spit directly in his face. "God dammit Red!" Ty yelled at him as he grabbed his hanky and wiped his face down. "Yeah, oh jeez, hey man, sorry 'bout that, my bad, it just seemed like you were a little distracted ya' know?" Red responded feeling bad. Ty snapped, "How about you don't worry about it Red! Fuck! What are you my chaperone now?" His reaction seemed pretty harsh. Red stood up, "No man, I'm not your chaperone, I'm just the dumb-ass who's trying to help you get your love back while you're busy lusting over someone else. Fuck man, maybe you need a chaperone!" Red fired back, defending himself. Red turned and left the bar.

Ty didn't stop him, he just went back to watching the voluptuous beauty dance. She noticed him watching her, starring her down with a deep lust in his eyes, she smiled seductively, now she was dancing just for him. Teasing him, taunting him. He found himself gravitating towards her, their eyes locked, he put his arm around her waist, pulling her into him, rubbing against her matching her provocative movements. One song blending into the next, three songs later they made their way to the bar where he learned her name was Chantel. He order two loaded "O" positives, one for her, one for himself, as soon as they downed the enhanced concoction he grabbed her hand and led her out into the night, finding a private area he satisfied his sexual desire with her.

Chapter 26: Reason and Accountability

Adam began explaining what had happened after I drank the second vial, "You stood up, and started to go down so I caught you and carried you to the couch while I held you. The way you were looking at me was so..." he thought about it for a second and then continued, "Anyway, we kissed, you wanted me, you said you loved me, but I knew it wasn't me you were desiring, you looked so beautiful Sil", he paused and took a deep breath, "You're not going to like this part" he said, then continued. "I took you over to the bed, I wanted you so bad you have no idea, and yes, I took your clothes off, it was getting pretty heated, then my conscience appealed to my better judgment and I had to stop myself. I went to leave the room and before I could open the door you pounced on me, you ripped my pants off trying to have your way with me." I listened intently and was believing everything he said, up to the part where he said I ripped his pants off. I busted out laughing, "Oh come on Adam! I ripped your pants off?" He replied with a quick answer, "Yes!" I paused for a second, "Are you telling me that I raped you?" I asked him. "Well, you tried" he responded. I couldn't stop laughing. He got up and walked over to the door, grabbed something off the floor and walked back over to me holding up his ripped pants, "OK Sil, look at the pair of ripped pants!" he said with a huge smile on his face. "You could have ripped those off yourself trying to get to me, and how do I know that you didn't?" He took his shirt off exposing his beautifully yoked chest and abs and turned around, "Then how would you explain this?" he said pointing to the fang marks on his meaty shoulder. "I suppose I did that to myself too, right?" he said more serious. I looked at him shocked and speechless. He put his shirt back on, "Oh and just for the record honey, if I had "gotten to you" you would definitely know" he smiled and winked. I looked away embarrassed. "You were so out of control with yourself, I had to distract you by biting you, which you really liked by the way" he said with a cute grin, "and that's when I took you to the basement and chained you so you wouldn't do something you would regret. I didn't know what else to do except restrain you. I'm sorry love that it came down that way, I really am" he said with sincerity.

I raised my fingers to the bite mark on my neck and touching it I could feel its soreness. I studied him for a moment, knowing he was telling the truth. "Was I really that bad? I'm sorry I tried to rape you Adam" I chuckled a little thinking how ridiculous that sounded, " I never thought of myself as a rapist before, was it the Nitro? Does it do that to everyone who has a couple shots?" I asked him. "No. It was designed to enhance the neuro-receptors in the brain allowing an increase in the amount of endorphins that can be created. I think because you already naturally produce more endorphines on a regular basis, just with exercise the second vial of Nitro was too much, you overdosed on endorphins so to speak. I hadn't taken that into consideration when I gave you the second vial, I just expected it would give you a little rush, so I'm sorry, everything was my fault really, and don't worry, I'm not mad at you for trying to rape me" he

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