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Book online «Vamp Huntress Hunted by Mariana Mendoza (best thriller books to read txt) 📖». Author Mariana Mendoza

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and kept feeding. I had forgotten how good it was to feed on a human. The first time I had blood all I could think of was how good it tasted but I was ravished and didn’t care about anything else. But gradually, the feeding became like doing something sexual. Feeding was like sex, exactly good and wanting more. It wasn’t uncommon to see a vampire have sex and feed because that makes a total bliss feeding, so I’ve heard.
My sire carefully put me down on the floor with the girl. He then moved the boy to a side while he began to kiss my neck. I made a small moan, loving how it felt. He kept kissing me and slowly began to squeeze my breasts. I almost stopped feeding but I was very hungry. But I stopped feeding on her. I don’t know how but my subconscious knew when to stop feeding.
“ More blood.” I asked my sire, it was more like a moan than a demand.
“ You didn’t finish your food.” he said.
“ I’m not a killer, sire.” I told him.
“ Call me Nero.” he told me.
“ Do you want me to die? I don’t think so. Now, blood.” I said.
He grinned down at me. God, I loved that grin. Actually, I loved those lips.
He grabbed the human boy and gave me his neck. I bit down and I fed. He kept searching my body, touching my breasts and my hips.
“ Your wound is healing nicely but it wouldn’t heal completely until you feed on me. Its the only.” He told me, grinning.
I believed him. I had heard that huge fire or wood wounds needed blood from the maker to completely heal.
When I finished with the boy, he moved him away and he came towers me. I thought he was going to kiss me but he just offered his neck.
“ Bite.” he said.
I did.
He tasted so good, better than human blood. I placed my arms around him, wanting to be closer to him. He moaned and grabbed me by the hips and lifted me into his lap. I wrapped my legs around him. I wanted him to moan again, loving how his voice sounded when he did.
He lifted my shirt and my bra up. He started to squeeze my breasts, playing with my nipples. I moaned into him, sucking more. He gasped.
“ Not so fast, love, or I’ll pass out.” he said.
I fed slower. He went back to playing. It was all too good. It all felt good but I wanted more. I ground my hips into his. He moaned again and he lied me on the floor, him on top of me. He grounded into me harder. I arched my hips up, wanting to get closer to him but it was hard with all the cloth on.
At some point, I had stopped feeding because my sire had suddenly captured my lips with his. I kissed him back, our tongues dancing together. I I bunched his shirt up, wanting to touch him all over. His abs felt good and his skin was so smooth and cool to the touch that I wanted more of him. He moved his mouth to my breast. I gasped.
It felt amazing. I wrapped my legs on his hips again, putting pressure on my wet spot and on his growing pants. He made a noise between a grunt and a moan that sounded zoo sweet to my hears. He went back to my lips and I moved my head to the side, giving him better opening to my lips.
We were like that for a while before his hands traveled to the zipper of my pants. Alarms sounded in my mind. Something brought me back up to the real world, putting a hold on pure bliss and pleasure.
“ Stop.” I told him, gasping from how much I wanted him not to listen to me.
“ Why?” he whined.
I gave him the quickest grin in the world. I wasn’t a grinner like he wasn’t a whiner.
“ We’re in the council room.” I said.
“ So?”
“ They’re right outside, sire, they’re waiting for me to finish feeding. I’m done.” I said.
“‘ No,” he whispered, “ your still hungry.”
He pressed his erection on my sweet spot. I gasped, trying to stifle the moan that came out.
“ See? Still hungry.”
“ You’re such a dick.” I told him.
“ Yes I am.” he said.
I glared at him. Eventually he sighed and stopped exploring.
“ Fine.” he said and helped me up to my feet. I felt better yet not.
He gave me one last deep kiss that was zoo good that I had to grab onto him, fearing that my knees would leave me.
We came out for air a few minutes later, trying to get air back into our lungs. We began to fix ourselves to be the most presentable we could be.
The sire then opened the door and in came all the council, slowly. Lyall and his people smelled the room, frowning.
I didn’t blush or anything. I had my bored expression back on.
“ I see you are done?” Gretel said, looking down at the humans with disgust.
“ I apologize, queen Gretel. I’ll clean up the mess right now.” I muttered. She nodded, approving.
“ You didn’t kill them.” One of Lyall’s guard said.
“ I thought made vampires killed when they fed.” the other guard said.
“ Well, as you can see, they don’t. Pardon my language, Lyall, but can you please shut them up.” he said.
I looked at sire, worried. His skin was a shade paler than before. I took the bodies and went to leave them into the back entrance but Biggy came down and grabbed them from me. I looked up at him, waiting for an answer. He just smiled and went upstairs. I went back into the council room. They had a chair beside the sire’s. I guess they wanted to interrogate me.
I told them everything. By the time I finished, they were all quiet, most of their questions answered.
“ Okay, then, since we know she is small and slender, that narrows it down.” Lyall said sarcastically.
“ Well, yeah, since we started without knowing The Ghost’s gender. Now, all we have to do is to warn our people about small, short girls.” Chepi said.
I hid the hit of a smile I had.
“ Keeper Kira, you said that she was faster than a human but slower than a vampire. Why did you compare her to a vampire?” Lestat asked me.
I replayed the fight again and saw nothing that would tell me she was vampire. But some part of me was gnawing on me that she was a vapor though she didn’t smell like it. I wonder if she could have hidden her vampire scent. Only the super strong, powerful, or old vampies had the power to hide their vampy scent. She seemed too young to be any of those.
“ I don’t know,” I said, “ but no matter what I think, my instincts say she is vampire. She’s not old or strong enough to hide it and she’s slow. All those point weaker specimen but instincts tells me she’s vampire.” I said.
he nodded. “ Well, if any of your people see something off in a short, thin woman, immediately tell us.” Lestat said to all of the council members.
They all nodded.
“ Well, if we are done here, then can we consider this meeting closed? I am hungry and sleepy.” The boss said.
Everyone nodded and we were the first to leave. The boss and I were at our car a few minutes later.
“ Lestat will be our guest in our house so you’ll have to tell Sauda to fix a room far away from mine so that he can move in tomorrow night.” he said.
I nodded.
Once we were home, I didn’t wait for the sire to stop the car. I ran to my room with vampire speed. I knew that if I stayed longer, he would want to do more of what we did on the council floor and I was too tired and shocked to go through that. Plus, I was confused with the whole thing about Kass. God, my life sucked so bad right now. I lied down on my bed and in minutes, I was fast asleep.

Calm down, calm down

I woke up the next morning with Kass yelling at me to get the fuck up.
“ Oh yay, we’re saying curse words in the morning now?” I asked him, whispering a huge yawning. I wanted to go back to bed but it was already too late. He had woken me up and now I couldn’t get back to sleep. What a bag of douche.
“ Kira, wake the fuck up or else Nero will.” he yells at me. That woke me right up.
With my vampire speed I got out of bed as quickly and began to search for for soap and shampoo for my shower.
“ I’m up, I’m up, no need to wake the boss.” I mumbled through another soundless yawn.
“ Wow, are you that afraid of sire that much? You’ve never been this much of a pussy since you became a vampire.” he said.
I looked at him with one of my eyebrows raised slightly. He didn’t know why I was afraid. I had a major make out session with the sire then stood him up last night and fled to my room like a helpless coward, which I was.
I didn’t know how sire felt about me today but I had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be loving or caring. So yeah, I was afraid of sire lately, but only because I’m afraid fo more than our growing relationship.
“ I’ll be the pussy today. I’d rather fight The Ghost than eat breakfast with the sire.” I muttered and went into my bathroom. I began to take my clothes off and turned the shower on.
“ So it was true? You fought with The Ghost?” he asked me. I heard him gulp a little. I decided to ignore it because I didn’t know wether it was for me going nude almost in front of him or because he was afraid of the Ghost. I was hoping it was choice one but I put my bet on choice number two.
“ Wow, talk goes around fast.” I said.
“ Obviously, we’re vampires.” he says.
“ Yeah, yeah, vampy senses and super jumping abilities and stuff. I swear, sometimes I feel as if I’m like Spiderman.” I tell

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