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car and noticed where we were. I froze in utter shock. I checked the address again and just as it said, I was here. I must have been to angry to recognize the address and now I was frozen for all to see.
“ Kira?” I heard someone say.
I looked at Keir’s surprised face. I looked around to see the rest of my old group look my way.
I was back at the park I used to hang out.
My day— uh, I mean night has just gotten much chipper.

The dead man

I looked at my friends, well, what used to be my group of friends. Keir and Ami had expanded the group. I felt a pain of jealousy of how much friends she had and I wasn’t part of that anymore.
This was how I felt:
- On the outside: I seemed to be bored and milady surprised. I just stood there before walking again.
- In my mind: Damn you, sire, for making me go vampy. I want to kick the shit out of you so bad. God, give me the strength to not kill that mother fucker when I get back home. He’s suck a sack of douchey shit and has sexual issues but that can’t be his fault. Maybe the person that turned him had it and passed it to him. Poor old man, but still, help me not to assassinate him or jump his big bone down there when I get home.
I wanted to slap myself but I was in front of almost descent people. I went to Keir and he hugged me hard.
“ I’ve missed you so much Kari, I mean Kira, where have you been?” he asked.
Kari was a little cute name he and Ami used to call me. I didn’t really get it but I didn’t really care much, back then.
“ Doesn’t Ami tell you anything?” I asked, making my voice a little louder than I liked. He was human after all so he wouldn’t be able to hear me if I whispered.
“ Yeah but she only says that you’re in a sorority thing and that you’re working at someplace she can’t tell me. Are you okay? If you’re in any kind of trouble, just tell me and I’ll get Kass to come with me to kick the living hell out of the guy.” he told me.
Yeah, about that, Kass would never let him come to the rescue since he’s too weak and human to even try to kick the living hell out of my boss. Nice try though, so I gave him a little credit for that.
I gave him a bigger hint of a smile. He wouldn’t know if I was smiling or not if I twitched my mouth a little, since he wasn’t a vampire.
“ I’m all right, Keir, just here on some business, unfortunately, not with you guys.” I told him. My voice felt odd when I talked loud.
“ Wow, you look so young. You really haven’t changed a bit. Thats good, that you’re the same as ever, makes me feel like we’re still good friends.” he tells me.
I give him another ghost smile.
“ Thanks but don’t get so affectionate or Ami will blowtorch my face.” I told him, making him laugh.
“ Yeah, hey, I was wondering if you and Kass would like to go out for a movie with Ami and me. We haven’t seen you both for a while and I wanna catch up, you know?” he said.
I was thinking whether I should accept his offer or not. He looked desperate to get our intimate group back together. What was wrong with him? He seemed a little off. Was he and Ami in a fight? I didn’t want to ask. He was a great friend and since I hadn’t seen him in so long, I felt it would be wrong if I asked.
I looked back up to him and nodded.
“ Sure, why not? here’s my number so call me and I’ll see if I have time. Well, I have to go, work, you know?” I told him.
He gave me one last hard squeeze and I left. I tried to not use my vampire speed but the moment they all went back to their business, I ran to the crime scene. I could smell the burnt flesh now. Why didn’t I smell it from where I stood with Keir? Probably because some of the guys were drinking and smoking.
I got to where Kass was, he was looking down at the dead human man. He was burnt to a crisp, and I do mean a crisp. I could see the skin had been burnt black and the organs were all fried and full of bubbly holes. I could see the melted eyes from its skull and all the way down to his little guy down there, and I do mean little. I had to pinch my nose from the horrendous stench but eventually I let go because I knew it was wrong if I disrespected the guy like that. Doing that was crossing the line, and thats saying something coming from me.
I blew out a low whistle. He looked up at me and nodded.
“ Yeah, thats what I said when I came here. Myles will be here soon.” he added.
“ Boy, I guess he’ll be warm and toasty for the whole spring, don’t you think?” I asked Kass, still looking down at the man.
“ Are you being sarcastic?” he asked.
“ Are you being a hole of ass?” I asked him in return.
“ No” he said simply, looking a little offended.
“ Oh, well, there’s your answer.” I mumbled.
“ How come you’re not sarcastic all the time? It fits you well.” he told me.
“ Well, if I was sarcastic all the time then that would mean that I would lose my secret talent.” I told him.
“ Yeah, and whats that? Sarcasm?” he asked, amused.
“ No, shit of dip, my talent is using sarcasm to piss people off.” I muttered and knelt down as Kass laughed at my statement. It wasn’t meant to be funny but the whole house always laughs when I’m angered. Only they shut their hole fit for pies whenever i glare at them. I still had to ask someone about that but I couldn’t ask Kass. I was angry at him for making Sauda mad at me.
“ Why are you so aggressive right now?” he asked, confused.
I stood up slowly so that I could let my anger rise.
“ What did you say to Sauda before you left?” I asked him.
“ Nothing, just that I liked you and that she should help me get you, why?” he asked.
Wow, straight forward and to the point. I liked that about kass. So why was Sau so angry that he said that. I mean, Sau is beautiful and she can get whoever she wants in the world… unless…. oh, crap. She likes Kass. I almost fell but I caught myself before my knees tried to give. Well, that explained why she was so angry.
“ What, Kira?” he asked
I shook my head, not really angry anymore. It wasn’t my fault that Kass was dense and ignorant but the fact that Sauda liked him was really weird. I mean, besides his good looks and charming attitude (sometimes), he wasn’t worth looking over twice.
“ Nothing, hey, how about you try and help me find out what killed him so we can give Myles a little break.” I muttered to him.
He bent down next to me. We looked at the gory body that used to belong to a living human man.
I saw that, just like the body of the vampy cockroach, the man had two small pin pricks that could possibly belong to The Ghost. There was no scent of her anywhere near the body. That was weird, I realized that while I was fighting her, not only did I think she was a strange thing resembling a vampire but that she had no scent on her. I didn’t smell of her or take a whiff of her. Something was odd with that girl.
“ Kass, The ghost’s scent isn’t on the body yet she had touched him. I mean, either she has telekinesis or The Ghost has no scent whatsoever.” I whispered to him.
He made a weird face and sniffed the body. I couldn’t help but teasing him.
“ You look a little like a dog when you do that.”
He gave me a look like I had offended him, which I did.
“ Ouch, Kira, that hurt. How dare you compare me to a werewolf or any dog in that matter. Don’t you know we vampires have more class than they do.” he told me, pride and ego being omitted out of his pores.
“ Yeah, yeah, we vampies like to act as if we’re old and be as still a statue.” I waved his words out. My brain was too infected with the bitch illness to care at the moment.
I touched the body and began to feel the man.
His skin was and bones had melted together. How the hell did that slow ass bitch burn him this bad without the man screaming or anyone hearing. I was curious but my imagination began to take over of how the man was tortured. I wanted to murder my own brain for coming up with horrific ways to kill someone.
“ Are you bothered by this, Kira?” he asked.
I looked to him as if he had asked the weirdest question ever.
“ Aren’t you? I mean, if you don’t then I congratulate you that the killing profession is available to you since this doesn’t even seem to bother you the slightest bit.” I told him, applauding him as if he had discovered a way to let vampires walk out in the sun.” I told him. He frowned a bit.
“ Thanks, Kira, no wonder I hand the fuck out with you.” he said. I gave him a small hint of a smile because he had found a way to put the word fuck into that sentence. He must be more bothered than I had thought. Kass only said fuck whenever he was weirded out or angry.
“ Fine, thanks for that. I think the bitch disease is infecting just more than my brain.” I mumbled out.
And even before Kass could even bother to reply something snarky, We felt Myles’ presence even before we saw him. We were a clan of tight knit vampires so it was obvious why we could sense each other at any time.
“ Hey, Myles.” I muttered out, knowing he would hear me even if he was halfway

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