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the rules” I added. Raul helped me to my feet. I brushed my hand down my clothing to remove the dirt from the floor off my clothes.
“You won’t be able to hide that from Kath or Joshua” he said tilting my head to take a closer look at Alex’s bite mark.
“I know Kath going to go mental; considering she’s a vampire she is quite strict about not getting bitten, and dating vampires for that matter.”
“That’s because some victims become addict to the feeling of pleasure or complete euphoria that the bite of a vampire can produce. Some people willing become cattle to us and live only to get bitten by us.”
“I never knew that” I said gingerly touching my neck.
“You’ll live, but I would be more worried by Joshua reaction than your Aunts” Raul said with a half smile.
“My master whether he is willing to accept it considers you his or a least his vampire half does.” he said no smile evident on his usual jolly face.
“He doesn’t want that from me, he was very clear about that” I replied.
“I know that” he said roughly “intellectually he knows that’s what he wants, but physically his reactions are doing the opposite.” Raul explained.
“I don’t understand” I protested.
Taking a deep breath before he answered me, also I think he was deciding if to answer me at all. “when we think or feel that something is our we become overly protective, when he bought you back last night I tried to take you from him” he paused to emphasize what was coming next “he growled at me and in whole the five hundred years I have known him I have never seen that reaction that strong from him over anything or anyone.”
“So what are you saying?” I asked.
“What I am saying he wants you but he is fighting it, and he is going to definitely react very strongly to you being bitten. Another vampire has touched you. Biting with vampires is very intimate. ” he informed me. Raul’s words scared me a little and I paced around the room as Raul watched.
“What’s he going to do?” I swung round to face Raul whilst I asked my question.
“I don’t know Sarah” was all he said.
“Can I hide it from him” I asked, Raul again sighed before he answered me.
“no, but you can delay the confrontation you need to shower to remove his scent from you and wear something to cover the bite, but it wont hide it for long or maybe not at all.” I walked to out the building towards the car when Raul grabbed my arm and looking intensely at me.
“You will never leave me behind again do you understand?” he demanded.
I nodded my head in agreement; we both got into the car again Raul drove us home. We got to my home but before we went in Raul stopped me with asking the one question I knew I didn’t want to answer.
“Who was that vampire, a lover, or a friend” he asked.
I headed to the house and entered through the back door. I knew he waited for my answer bit didn’t press. He put the coffee pot on as I grabbed a towel and wet it to clean some of the blood from my neck.
“Neither his name is Alex” was all I said.
“He is Sarah brother and my nephew” Kath finished as she walked into the kitchen.
“Would you like to tell me what’s going on” she said harshly.
I told everything that had gone on the last two days except the ultimatum that Alex had given me and his threat to Joshua. Kath remained silent throughout my narrative. Kath tilted my head just as Raul had done earlier looking at my bite.
“I will kill that ungrateful child” she announced and began pacing.
“I need to know about what am I supposed to do regarding Joshua.” I asked my aunt then briefly repeated my conversation I’d had with Raul. She looked at Raul for confirmation which he gave with a nod of his head.
“Well Sarah all I can say is that I thought things were heading that way with you but never imagined it in regards to him.” she said sounding quite stunned. “But Sarah your in over your head with him” she added laughing at my stricken face.
“What’s he liable of doing to me because of this” I said as I pointed at my neck.
“He may bite you, he may physically threaten you it’s a sort of mastering you to establish his authority over you, taking back what is his.” she explained.
“Great” I moaned throwing my hand in the air. I looked over at the clock it was 2am but I remained wide awake, “I need a shower, he is not coming till tomorrow will the things that Raul suggested help” I asked Kath.
“They may” she said but grimaced and added “but I doubt it, his very old and very powerful but you can try.”
I went to my room throwing an evil glance at my aunt as I left; I showered and dressed ready for bed. It was now 3.25am and I now had at least 4 hours till my usual bed time. I got my romance novel and read for the next 2 hours, I cleaned my room, I was worried about meeting Joshua again after what Raul and Kath had said earlier, I believed that they were wrong he had said that he didn’t want me like that. I looked at the clock again 6.25am I could take no more I checked that my dressing was in place and settled down sleep came upon me quickly.

Chapter 7

I awoke sore, aching and still tired. I looked at the clock 9pm it read. I was astonished that I had slept for so long. I got up stretching and took another long shower to hopefully wipe any remaining traces of Alex from my skin. My neck throbbed but wasn’t painful. Once showered I replaced the dressing and dressed in trousers and a blouse with a high collar to cover my neck. I crept across the landing to the top of the stairs and heard voice talking in the kitchen I didn’t remain there as they probably heard me anyway as its impossible to eavesdrop on vampire due to their bloody super hearing. I could hear Kath, Raul and a third person who given the tone of the conversation was Joshua.
I walked the remainder of the way and joined the group in the kitchen, the conversation sounded heated when I entered silence descended in the kitchen. The atmosphere was thick with tension mainly radiating from Kath direction. Raul looked his usual self and Joshua looked quiet relaxed. He greeted me with a nod and was drinking something red out of a glass. Nausea fit me briefly I never did like it when Kath used to drink blood in front of me, however she hadn’t don’t it in years knowing my reaction, Joshua just didn’t think or care what I thought so I picked up a mug of coffee and left to sit in the lounge until Joshua was ready for me.
I heard voices continue with their debate. I heard Kath ask if I could be excused from training today as I needed rest, I heard Joshua’s negative response and turned up the TV to drown them out. I was grateful that Kath was trying to give me more time to heal; but to be honest I would rather get our confrontation out the way, than keep putting it off. The TV held no interest for me and basically I was in for a boring wait, surprisingly I was calm I mean no one knew how this was going to play out it might surprise everyone and Joshua may not react at all.
Joshua walked in and walked through to the office space where he usually gave me my magical lessons. He sat as always on the floor and indicated with his hand that I should sit which I did without comment or question.
“What happened yesterday Sarah?” he asked.
“I’m sure Raul and Kath have filled you in.” I answered as neutrally as possible. He frowned but didn’t comment his eyes searched my face and then wandered across my body looking for something. I knew he would feel something out of place with me.
“Why are you nervous?” he asked.
Dam I thought “tired that’s all” is the answer I gave him.
He leaned forward as if he was sniffing me, his eyes bore into mine but I didn’t look away hoping to front it out. He sat back frown still in place but began our session with the usual centring exercise. My bite mark itched and it took all my will not to scratch it so not to bring attention to it. If Joshua noticed my fidgeting he didn’t comment.
“Today we are going to test if you have any control over the elements fire and water today only” he stated getting my full attention back.
“I never have before” I said.
“You were never tested Kath didn’t allow them to complete your testing process.” he replied,
“Oh indeed”
What he got me to do was basic tricks light a candle then put out the flame, also warm up a bowel of water; he also had me moving the water around in the bowel making it rise and fall. Everything he asked me to do I did on my first attempt I was imprested with myself, the thing was that I was so worried about everything else I was relying on instinct and it was working. Joshua showed no reaction either way. Here we go back to the iceman I mused. I got so distracted and warm considering that we had been playing with fire literally for the last hour I pulled down my shirt collar to cool myself.
His gaze fastened to me, I realised what I had been
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