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Book online «No escape by Anne Louise Guest (best story books to read TXT) 📖». Author Anne Louise Guest

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in front of Joshua and looked deep into his eyes pleading for understanding “and I have five days to make it.”
“What are your options” Joshua asked.
“I can’t say” I said quietly.
The whole room exploded Joshua leapt off the chair coming towards me. Kath and Raul moved at the same time and clashed throwing kicks and fists at one another their movements to quick for me to follow the room was being destroyed in the chaos. I backed up as Joshua approached me my body betrayed me and reacted with a surge of lust until my fear took over. I lifted my arms and threw energy at him which he battered away with a casual wave. I refocused and threw a larger blast at him he causing him to stagger but he brushed it off as well. I had backed up and was now going into the kitchen leaving Kath and Raul to their fight in the lounge as Joshua continued to still follow me into the kitchen.
“Please” I begged lifting my hands up in front of me.
I was up against the counter I had nowhere to go, he continued coming until he had pressed his body into mine and I was leaning back to put space between us.
“What choices” he asked low and menacing.
“I am begging don’t make me tell you” tears fell from my eyes. “The price is too high.”
“What is the price if you don’t” he demanded leaning closer still.
“One I’m willing to pay” I whispered but a bit of steal in my voice. He leaned in closer taking a deep breath breathing me in. he placed a kiss on my lips; his eyes staring into mine. I didn’t react because I was just so shocked.
“You are no longer under my protection, I withdraw my aid.” he said as he pulled back stepping away from me. I thought I saw a little regret before his expression went back to his usual stony mask that he wears.
“Raul” he yelled and left not looking back. I dropped to the floor putting my head in my hands I heard someone else approached me I looked up to see Raul looking down at me. He crouched so he was down at my level. He looked a little worse for wear his right side of his face was turning a horrible shade of purple and a little blood was smeared at the corner of his left eye.
“You should have told him he would have helped.” Raul said as he kissed my forehead and then stood “I’m sorry” and he too left.
I sat there unable to move, Kath came to me and slumped on the floor by my side and threw her arm over my shoulder hugging me to her.
“I’m sorry Kath” I sobbed.
“There must be a good reason why you won’t tell me or them what’s going on” she said stroking my hair. I nodded in agreement but didn’t say anything.
I don’t know how long we sat there but my backside had gone numb and by unspoken agreement we got up. I looked at kath and like Raul she just looked tired and had some yellow marks that must have been bruises, but thanks to vampire healing was nearly gone.
“Am you ok?” I asked her.
“Yes I’ll live” she said brushing my concern away “you?”
“I’m fine” I replied.
I took myself off to my room; kath had started cleaning up the destruction. I lay on my bed and cried until I was exhausted and couldn’t cry anymore, how could I go from feeling wonderful to feeling like my world had fallen apart and it was all because of Joshua. I didn’t even think about Alex threats. I had to face it I was falling in love with Joshua even though I know he didn’t feel the same about me. With this revelation I drifted off to a very troubled sleep dreaming of deep blue eyes.

Chapter 8

I didn’t sleep for long probably only about 2 hours or so, I got up not able to stay put the nervous tension making me jumpy and unable to stay still. I went back down stairs to interrupted Kath drinking a bottle of blood I averted my gaze until she finished. I just sat there not knowing what to say to fill the silence. I heard Kath throw the bottle away and sit back opposite me.
“What should we do now” I heard myself say.
“We’re on our own, I need to go hunting and I’m sorry but your going to have to come with me” she said regret and resolve evident in her voice. I bowed my heard and murmured my agreement.
“I must go soon, get dressed wear dark, warm and comfortable clothing so you can move easily. Oh and tie your hair back out the way” she said “I need you to be as near invisible as possible”
“But didn’t you just drink blood” I said pointing at the bin where Kath’s empty bottle was thrown.
“I have been injured, and I need extra blood. I can not get more till the morning so for what left of the night I must go hunting and I am not leaving you here on your own with your psycho brother on the loose” she stated.
I run upstairs and dressed as Kath had told me in black jeans and jumpers and tied my hair back. Kath was similarly dressed, except she looked drop dead gorgeous where I just looked plain.
We jumped in Kath’s car which was a black BMW; she pulled out of the driveway and drove like a lunatic further in to the city. We didn’t speak but if I’m honest I don’t think either of us wanted to or even knew what to say. We pulled up to a small bar; looking through the large glass windows it looked busy.
“Come on Sarah lets get this done and get back home” I sighed knowing I had no choice, we got out the car but didn’t enter the bar instead she made her way round to the side street. Kath pointed and told me to hide behind two large metal bins; I took my place and hid. Kath reached inside her jacket and pulled out a cigarette and lit it she then leaned up against the wall and waited. It didn’t take long before a lone figure came walking down toward where Kath was stood. It was clearly male because of his height and build, he was also clearly drunk by the fact that he was weaving his way towards us whilst tripping over his own feet twice he nearly fell but corrected himself at the last minute. He was also messing with the front of his trousers he must have come outside to relieve his bladder.
Kath made her move I didn’t hear what she said as a couldn’t hear from my position, the next thing I know Kath head was buried in his neck and her arms held him to her firmly. I was riveted by what she was doing I couldn’t look away thinking about when Joshua had done that to me and how wonderful it had felt and wondering if Kath lunch was feeling that to. I looked away when kath lifted her head I heard the man drop to the floor but I stayed hidden.
“Is he dead” I asked kath, she had walked over to me and I could see her shoe where she had stopped in front of me.
“No just tired” she reached down and pulled me up to my feet.
“We done”
“No I need at lest another two” she said as she kept watch. She left her hand on my arm and began to pull me along back to the car.
“What about him?” I kept looking over my shoulder to where he lay.
“He is asleep, tired he will wake with nothing more than a headache” sighing as she said “get in the car.” I got in and Kath drove off pulling up to another bar instead of bins I hid in a door way and this time it was a drunk couple who were getting hot and heavy up the wall of the bar.
Kath approached them taking firm control of the males mind and fed from the women first. I didn’t watched this time I couldn’t bring myself to. I looked up and down the side street and saw a group of about 4 or 5 coming towards us and they didn’t look friendly. I left my hiding place and made my way over to Kath who lifted her head to look at me, her eyes glowed a deep red her canines were still extended she looked feral. She looked over my shoulder and saw why I had interrupted her she dropped her lunch to the floor and grabbed me walking very quickly in the opposite direction. He came to a stop when another three walked to us from the direction we were heading.
We were trapped with nowhere to go. They were now just a few feet either side of us and stopped. The blond who I had encountered when my power first manifested stepped forward
“Hello again it’s nice to see you” she said sweetly.
“Cut the shit” kath spat “what do you want”
“You can not do this” I yelled “I still have time.” the blond smiled at me and came even closer.
“So you do” she acknowledged “but we have not come for you we have come for her. A little insurance to make sure you make the right choice.”
I didn’t think I just thrust my magic at her
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