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Book online «The Vampire Joy by Alisa Freund (free children's ebooks pdf TXT) 📖». Author Alisa Freund

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at him and took his hand, “of course you may.” He ushered her onto the dance floor as the music started. Adrian was light on his feet but joy managed to match him perfectly. It wasn’t a sensual dance and joy was glad about that. As they spun around they past Emilio standing at the edge of the crowd. “Emilio! My numbers next! Can you get my equipment?” she asked as she passed he nodded and went out t the car.
After the dance was over they bowed to each other and Adrian took his leave. Joy stayed on the dance floor with her poi balls in hand. The mc announced, “now joy carter will be performing a traditional poi dance.” Joy could hear murmurs from the crowd she could only make out what a couple of them were saying, “that’s her.” She heard a woman say and “she smells delicious, it must be true.” She ignored them and waited for the music to start.
The music started and joy began twirling the light balls around. It was simple compare to the things she did at raves but she wasn’t used to this much pressure. The only thing that got her through was a voice in the back of her head that kept telling her to just have fun. Once it was over everyone cheered and she hurried into the crowd.
“that was great.” Emilio said grabbing the balls out of her hands.
“thanks, but I don’t think it is nearly as amazing as what the vampires can do.” She said being glad she chose a slow, graceful dance.
The mc announced the next dance to be the rumba. Joy definitely wanted to stay out of that dance. The rumba was way too passionate to dance to. But again a hand reached towards her. She looked up to see Alex. He was wearing a pinstriped suit with a pinstriped fedora. “may I have this dance?” he asked innocently.
Joy shook her head no. she was in no mood to dance so close to man she hardly knew. Alex sensed her reluctance but countered, “if you’re scared then-“
“I’m not scared!” she said haughtily. “I’ll show how well I can dance!” she said taking his hand. Once they were on the dance floor joy scolded herself for being so hotheaded.
The music started and Alex commanded her body moving it to his whim. Joy followed his lead but with each step the moves got more provocative. Her body became less submissive and turned to complete putty in his hands. She found herself clinging to him with each embrace and regretful when they parted again. With each second she yearned more and more for his warm touch. She couldn’t think only feel. She felt like a wild beast on the floor. Wanting his body and hers to be alone so she could do animalistic things to him.
With the last beat of the song he trust her body to him so that their mouths were a mere centimeter away from each other. She wanted those lips. She wanted to taste the cinnamon and chocolate that they promised inside. But he broke away from her and bowed. She felt abandoned without his body pressed against hers but she nodded and thanked him for the dance.
She left the dance for feeling flustered but tried to look calm as she made her way through the crowd. She was intercepted by a voice. “so you are the infamous joy carter I have heard so much about?” she looked around to see a boy of about nine standing next to her. She saw the blue badge and bowed. The boy waved his hand dismissively, “no need for formality.” He looked her up and down as he circled her like a vulture. This went on for quiet some time without a word spoken.
Joy felt very uncomfortable and said, “you know my name but I regret to inform you that I have yet to catch yours.”
The boy looked up to her eyes dumbstruck. “oh dear,” he said shaking his head, “where are my manners?” he extended his small, delicate hand and said, “my name is Samuel. I’m am the oldest thing in this room… hell I’m the oldest thing in most places.” He said that last part with a chuckle.
Joy thought this boy might be pulling her leg. He was young with curly blonde hair and rosy cheeks and right bellow his high cheek bones were two perfectly indented dimples. Joy started laughing, “am I being punk’d?”
“miss carter I assure you I am what I say I am. Why do you find that so hard to believe?” he asked not sounding upset but very curious.
“well your just so young and, well, dimples?” she said still laughing. Samuel joined in the laughter.
Stefan came waltzing up to the holding two glasses, “ah, I see you have met joy dear. Told you she was a peach.” He said handing Samuel a glass.
“thanks lover.” He said grabbing the glass, “yes I would say you were right. I quiet enjoy her company.”
“wait.” Joy said putting her hands up, “Stefan this is your lover? But how does that work?”
They both looked at her stunned, “ah, I forget you are still human.” Samuel said and redirected his attention to Stefan adding, “no offense my dear.”
“none taken. I know where you are going with this.” He said and motioned for Samuel to continue talking.
“we found each other some time ago when he was this age.” He said pointing to himself. “it was love at first sight. He didn’t know what I was then but he noticed over the years that while he aged I stayed the same. Trapped at this age forever. One day he asked and I told him. He didn’t looked frightened at all he looked like he understood. We have been together for twenty years. Enjoying each other’s company sharing a bond that goes beyond sex.” He finished and held Stefan’s hand. Joy could see the love dwindling through their eyes.
It warmed joy’s soul to see love like that, “but there is still one question.” They both looked at her curiously, “when you guys go out in public don’t people see you as a pedophile?”
Without warning Samuel looked up at Stefan and said, “daddy, pick me up.” In a cute little kid voice, “I love my daddy.” Joy started laughing but it was sad that they would never be able to openly show their love.
The solo dance ended and the mc announced the next dance would be the tango. Joy tried to runaway know someone was going to intercept her but she fell right into the trap. Leaning in the door frame was David giving joy a wicked smile. He extended a hand to her and said, “dance with me.”
Joy wanted to say no but she was scared. Petrified on the spot. David chuckled in his throat and grabbed her hand dragging her to the dance floor. She moved with him methodically. Not looking up at him just keeping her focus on the music. “I’ve missed you.” He said to her and she looked up into his crystal blue eyes. She almost fell for it when he added, “you know I love you.” It sounded foreign in his mouth.
Joy stopped mid dance as if hurled back to reality, “no you don’t.” she said staring him down, “why are you lying to me?” as if on cue the music stopped and everyone stared at them. “do you want revenge on Alex that badly that you’ll do anything including lying to me and spending the rest of eternity with a woman you hold no feelings for?”
David was stunned, frozen in place by the truth of her words. Suddenly all of the pieces of the cosmic puzzle came together. “you adopted me so you could covet me from the rest of the world. All this time I thought that you were the phantom but you turned me into the phantom. I only knew your touch so I assumed what I felt for you was love.” She ripped off the necklace he had given her on her birthday and threw it down at his feet, “well,” she continued, “you can’t buy my love and you can’t force it.” Then with a final blow she said, “she’s dead, it sucks but get over it and stop living with such resentment.” It was the final nail in the coffin.
David had a look of panic mixed with rage across his face. Joy was scared for her life and felt like running but her feet wouldn’t move. In one swift movement he lunged for her. Joy closed her eyes and covered her face waiting for death but it didn’t come. She opened her eyes to see Alex standing over her and David laying on the ground in front of him. Sabrina, Adrian, Emilio and Gretchen ran to Alex’s side.
“I will protect her with my last breath.” Alex said David as he got up. Then he redirected his attention to Samuel who stood at the edge of the crowd of onlookers. “this vampire has attacked a mortal under the protection of the council. Do I have permission to execute?”
Samuel sighed as David looked at him with pleading eyes, “my hands are tied my son.” Samuel said looking away, “but I will grant you one favor that you granted me a long time ago. The hunt will not begin until tomorrow. So leave and may you be in safety’s bosom.”
David looked past Alex and stared at joy in the eyes then back to Alex, “mark my words. I will destroy your heart just as you destroyed mine.” Then he looked back to joy and said, “I should have killed you eight years ago in that theater.” With that he left through the front entrance.
The room was filled with uncomfortable silence then Samuel spoke up again. “enough of this melancholy tonight is and will remain a special night.” He looked over at joy and said, “are you ready my dear?” joy gave a weak nod and walked over to him. “I have to test your blood. Do you mind?” joy shook her head no and brushed the hair away from her neck. Samuel laughed as well as the rest of the vampires, “no my dear not like that, we wouldn’t want any venom in your blood now do we.” He took a sewing needle out of his pocket and pricked her finger. A single droplet of blood formed on it and he lightly licked it up. “mmm.” He said closing his eyes in ecstasy. He opened them and looked back down at her hand, “I think I may need a larger sample.” He said with a smile.
“Samuel!” Stefan said from beside him.
Samuel rolled his eyes and said, “I was only joke darling.” Then he yelled to the crowd, “her blood is the strongest I have ever tasted.” Everyone cheered. Then he looked back down at her, “have you made a decision on the type of vampire you want to be. Remember night stalkers are stronger and day walkers have to serve a decade under the council’s rule.”
Joy looked over at Alex who was smiling at her, “day walker.”
Samuel smiled at her and said, “thought so.” And motioned for Adrian to fetch him a glass. Adrian looked over at joy as he handed Samuel the cup. He smiled softly and she smiled back. “he pulled a knife out of his coat pocket and slit his wrist swiftly letting the blood flow into the cup. The wound healed fast though so there was only a half a cup. “the blood that runs through all of us will now course through you.” He handed her the cup and continued, “may I be the first to say, “welcome to our
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