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I couldn't turn away anymore. 

"You just have to say that you don't want me to kiss you and I'll leave.", he said in a deep voice and still looked into my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to kiss him, because I knew that I would then be just another girl on his list, but at the same time I did want to kiss him, because I really wanted  to. 

"I-", I started, but I just couldn't decide what to do. 

"I have wanted to do this for three years now!", Sirius said and then, he kissed me. His lips were really soft, but he kissed totally different than Remus. He was more experienced and more ruff than Remus, but he also made want more. I didn't exactly know how long the kiss lasted, but at some point Sirius pulled away. I looked into his grey eyes again and his lips formed into that smirk again. 

"You are a great kisser.", Sirius simply said and then let go of me. Innerly I was torn. I was happy that he said that, but on the other hand I rather wanted him to say something else. Sirius turned away from me and got dressed, while I walked to the door. The great feeling from the kiss was gone, now that I knew that he just used me. 

"Hey, wait up. We can walk together!", Sirius shouted when I was already outside and I smiled to myself. Maybe he did actually care about me. I held the door open until he got out and then we both walked towards the castle. The rain had stopped again, but the dark clouds were still covering the sky. 

"So, how are you?", Sirius asked and put an arm around me. "I am good, and you?" I responded, but before Sirius could say anything, I heard a woman scream. It was a high pitched scream that made my ears protest and instantly both of us covered them. 

"What the hell was that?", Sirius asked, but I already saw the thing that had made the sound: It was the same beast that attacked James on Friday and it was about to attack me and Sirius now. 

"Stupor!", I shouted, since I still held my wand in my hand and a red light bold shot out of my wand in direction of the birdlike creature. Now Sirius saw it too and he got out his wand as well. We both shot spells at it, and eventually one of us hit the black thing. It screamed again and then fell on the ground, not moving anymore. When we stepped closer to inspect it, it opened its mouth and three little insects came out. They fly high in the air and then, suddenly, we heard the scream again. 

"There are more!", Sirius shouted and looked around to see where the screams came from. 

"I think the insects turned into another beast!", I shouted back and then we saw them: Three black, bird like creatures with fangs now started to attack us. We defended ourselves with spells, but every time we hit one, three new ones were born.

"How are we going to get rid of them?", I asked, but just when I didn't pay attention, one of the beasts bit into my left arm. Pain shot through my body, but it didn't hold long, because Sirius shocked the thing with a spell. 

"I don't know!"

- 7 -


The truth

Fri- 18. September 1977


"Stupor! Petrificus totalus! Stupor!", I shouted, aiming at anything that moved in the air and light bolts shot out of my wand to hit any kind of taget that would be in it's way. Sirius did the same but there were just too many of the beasts. 

"Well at least I had a great kiss before I died.", Sirius joked and I had to smile a little despite the dangerous and deadly situation. Both of us had little wounds and also deeper cuts on our bodies and my strength was starting to vanish. It didn't matter how many of the beasts we shocked or killed, there were always more coming. 

"INCENDIO!" ,a strong voice shouted and out of nowhere, a circle of flames surrounded Sirius and me. They were different from normal fire, and stayed in the place they were, while the beasts burned themselves and also seemed to be blinded by it. After they tried a couple of times to get into the circle, they all turned away and flew back to the forrest, screaming. 

"Those were Harpies, creatures of the night. They haven't been seen around the forbidden forrest in a long time, but now that Voldemord is back, they are more and more of them. Their only enemy is light and fire.", the same voice said and I knew it was Professor Dumbledore even before I saw him. 

"Thank you for saving our lives, Professor.", Sirius said and looked truly grateful. Dumbledore just nodded and then inspected our wounds. Then he mumbled a spell and they all started to heal. He smiled a bit, but it didn't reach his eyes, in which I could see worry and anger at the same time. "Come with me, I will take you to the Hospital wing, I want you to sleep there tonight.", he then said and without another word, we followed him. 


"I can't believe that Harpies are so close to Hogwarts!",  Madame Pompfrey said when she looked at our wounds and gave us some potion to make them heal faster and make us feel warm and secure from the inside. Dumbledore had explained her what happened next to the Quidditch field and then he went to the headmasters office to take care of the Harpy-Problem. Sirius and I laid in two beds next to each other and we both weren't capable of saying anything. We had been attacked before, but never was it by such dark creatures. 

"Merlins beard, I just heard what happened, are you guys okay? Are you wounded?", Aya asked while she came running to our beds, worry on her face. After her Remus, Peter and James also came into the hospital wing, all of them looked as worried as Aya, but relieved when they saw us both. 

"Hey, guys." , Sirius said with a tired smile on his face. Madame Pompfry inspected the shoes of the visitors and then when she saw that they were clean, she left us all alone to go into her office. 

"How are you two?", James asked and sat down on Sirius' bed.  We both told everyone that we were fine, but nobody believed us. "I can't believe that they are so close to Hogwarts.", Remus said, repeating Aya, and sat down next to my bed on the chair that Lily had used before when James had been injured. "I have read about these creatures and they are really horrible. Did you know that three more live when you kill one?"

Sirius and I looked at each other and then said in a union: "Yes." 

"Oh.", Remus said and then looked to Sirius, to me and then back to Sirius. "Wait, did you two kiss?", he then asked and I could hear that his voice was a little higher than usual. I felt bad for Remus, because he did tell me that he had a crush on me, but I felt even more embarrassed when Sirius said: "Yeah, man. I kissed her before you." 

Did they have a bet on or something who would kiss me first? Was all the 'I really like you'- stuff from Remus just a fake? I really didn't expect him to have a competition about kissing a girl first. 

"Actually, Sirius. I kissed her first.", Remus said with a fake smile on his face. I closed my eyes because this was such an awkward situation while James and Aya giggled and Peter just silently stood next to my bed. I expected Sirius to not like this, I expected him to swear, but I didn't expect him to do what he now did. 

"You did what? You, Katherine are such a slut! Look at me when I talk to you!", Sirius started shouting, making Madame Pompfrey come out of her office. Sirius got out of his bed, even though James tried to hold him back, and then he came closer to me and Remus. Remus got up as well, prepared for anything, but Sirius just pushed him aside and then leaned over me. I could see fury in his eyes. 

"You are such a whore, why would you kiss him before you kiss me? You probably sucked his dick too and now I practically kissed his dick, I had his dick in my mouth!", Sirius continued and then he sat back on his bed, still angry and clenching his fists.

"Uhm, Sirius? Do you even know what you are saying right now? YOU are the male slut in Hogwarts and if you count that as kissing one persons dick then you have kissed hundreds!", I defended myself, not knowing why he was so upset about all this. Deep inside my heart, I hoped that he cared so much because maybe he loved me. 

"What are you all doing here? You are supposed to rest Mister Black! Back into your bed, immediately!"; Madame Pompfry said as she came out of her office. 

"Can I have another bed?", Sirius demanded and he got his wish. She placed him on the other side of the room and then she send everyone out. Aya gave me a quick wink that probably meant: 'Well done on kissing them both', but I didn't feel happy at all. I just felt like I just lost both of them, and I hated that feeling. 

"Sirius?", I asked into the dark, because Madame Pomfrey had turned off all the lights for us to sleep, but I didn't get an answer. He was ignoring me, brilliant. I turned around in my bed and tried to fall asleep, but I just couldn't. I had so much on my mind, starting with a silly problem like love, but also the N.E.W.T's and then there was Peter's problem and the Harpies attacking us for the second time. 

"Pssst.", I heard a voice say. 

"Sirius?", I asked, but then I realized that that was a stupid question to ask since he ignored me right now and was probably already asleep. 

"No, stupid, it's me!", the voice said and then the tip of a wand lit up and I saw Peter coming to my bed. He sat down next to me, and he looked horrible. I didn't notice it today, but now I could see the rings under his eyes and all the worry and fear in them. He looked a few years older then when we arrived at Hogwarts. 

"What is it?", I asked him, and sat up to properly talk to him. I felt a bit of pain where the Harpy had bitten me, but I ignored it and gave Peter a kiss on the cheek after hugging him. When I looked back into his face, I could see that he had started crying. 

"It is all my fault!", he sniffed and shook his head. "I told father that I didn't want to be a death eater, because I would never betray my friends and then he told me : 'So

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