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to leave. I watched her leave and I crawled onto the bed, and wrapped myself in the blanket.
“ Maybe if I close my eyes it will all go away,” I whispered. I laid there and just stared at the ceiling. I heard someone enter and I just continued to stare at the wall. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone. I just wanted to be left alone. I heard someone breathing heavily.
“ What do you want?” I muttered.
“ Lillenette,” He muffled. I turned my head, and saw Ronnie standing across from my bed. I got out of bed and faced him. I looked down at my body, and I was still wearing my clothing.
“ Ron,” I whispered.
“ Hey,” He said bitterly.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“ Why are you acting like that Ron?” our eyes met.
“ Darien, my best friend is dead! How the fuck am I supposed to act Lilz,” he growled.
I threw my hands up in the air, and rubbed my temples, and I muttered something underneath my breath.
“ What did you say?” Ronnie mumbled.
“ Ron you’re not the only person that lost someone!” I screamed at him.
“ What the fuck Lilz! You didn’t lose anyone!”
I was taken aback by this and I was lost for words. What is Ron thinking?
“ You lost nothing,” He spat bitterly. I clenched my jaw, and walked up to him and our bodies where inches from one another, and I tilted my head up and looked him in the eyes.
“ I?” I stopped. “ I lost nothing!” I screamed. He just stared at me, and I felt completely and utterly pissed. I raised my hand and gripped onto Ron’s shirt.
“ You listen here Ron! I did lose something! I didn’t just loose someone! I lost one of my best friends, and the one person that I loved. No Ron I didn’t just love darien I was in love with him!” a tear fell down my face. Ron just rolled his eyes. “ Everyone is born with two ears, two eyes, two arms, and two legs. But they were born with only one heart. Ron do you want to know why? Because we needed to find that other heart and I found mine Ron! You love G right? Well that’s how I love Darien and even more.”
“ Liar! You hated him. You always gave the weirdest face when I mentioned his name. I believe your happy that he is known out of your life,” Ron glared at me. My mouth fell open.
“ Are you freaking serious! Like are you freaking kidding me or something? RON I LOVED HIM I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM….” I stopped for a second and shut my eyes to try and keep the tears back. I took a breath and looked back into Ron’s eyes. “ I lost my virginity to him Ron,” I whispered.
Ron just looked at me, and he grabbed my wrists and clenched my hands off his shirt, and he just walked out. The tears busted out, and I broke down. I fell to the ground and laid on my side and brought my knees up to my chest, and cried. That’s all I could do was cry. I eventually laid back in the bed. One of the nurses came in and brought me my food. When she set it down next to me I looked at her and smiled, and she didn’t even look me in the eyes. She seemed so timid and terrified. She put down the food, and then quickly turn around and left.
I sat on the bed, and stared at the door. I guess they really believe im a killer… I brought the food on my lap, and picked up the fork and poked at my oatmeal to see if it moves. I slowly poked it and nothing…
“ This isn’t food,” I mumbled. I pulled the tray off my lap, and set it to the side. I fell back into the bed, and sighed. I wonder if Giles really think that I killed darien. I wonder if there is one person that would believe me. believe that I didn’t kill him. It was the wind… yes that sounds crazy, but that large whip of wind made him fall.
“ Lillenette?” A voice squeaked. My eyes trailed up, and I saw my mom standing their looking at me.
“ Oh mom!” I cried. I jumped out of the bed and ran into her arms. She wrapped her arms around me and we fell to the floor, and I was cradled in her arms. “ Oh mommy, I didn’t kill him! I didn’t kill him!” I sobbed. My mom ran her finger through my hair, and held me close.
“ I know you would never do anything like that, especially to someone you love,” My mom comforted me. My mom tilted my chin up, so I was looking her in the eyes.
“ Lilz,” She smiled. I backed up a little.
“ What’s going on?” I stared at her. “ Mom you never call me that… its always Lilly.”
“ Hun you can’t come home,” She whispered. I narrowed my eyes, and looked at her confused. I shook my head and looked down.
“ What do you mean?”
“ the doctors… they think it’s best if you go to this private home…”
“ Their sending me to a Looney bin!” I screeched.
My mom threw up her hands and turned red.
“ no! Of course not. It’s like a private school, and you live there. You’re going to have to stay their… I don’t know how long though, but there are only nine other people living their right know.”
My eyes started to tear up.
“ You sending me to a place for crazies….”
“ Lillenette-..”
“ They think im crazy. They really think I fucking pushed darien off the building. They believe that I committed murder!!!” I screamed. Tears flew down my face, and I stood up and walked over to the window.
“ Oh baby,” My mom whispered.
“ Where is dad?” I asked.
My mom didn’t say anything. I turned to her, and she was looking down, and when our eyes met I saw the pain in hers. My stomach curled and I thought I was going to puke.
“ Oh mom where is he?” I cried.
“ We don’t know,” She mumbled. “ He went on his business trip, but no one can contact him… it’s like he disappeared,” She stifled. I put my hands over my face.
“ My life is falling apart,” I cried under my breath.
“ Honey your leaving today…” My head shot up.
“ Oh my god… what about all my clothes and everything?” I looked at her. “ Oh mom! You already packed my stuff! What are you trying to get rid of your crazy daughter…” My mom jumped up and wrapped her arms around me.
“ don’t ever say that. I love you Lilly. You think I want you to go there? The doctors said you MUST,” She cried. I felt my heart ache and I wrapped my arms around her.
“ I know mum… im… sorry,” I whispered.
“ I should get going,” She whispered. She looked at me, and kissed my forehead. I felt tears fall down my face, and my mom turned to leave. When she shut the door I looked back out the window, and then I heard another person walk in. I turned around and saw Lallie standing there.
“ Lallie,” I whispered.
“ L- Lilly are you gonna leave me?” She cried. Tears fell down her face. I ran towards her, and wrapped my arms around her and picked her up.
“ Shhh don’t say that. Im always going to be here,” I ran my fingers through her hair.
“ Lilly… mom said you’re not coming home…”
I sat Lallie on the bed, and she sat in my lap.
“ Not right know… Im gonna go away for school for some time…” I tried to smile.
“ How long?”
“ I- I don’t know….”
Lallie looked down.
“ Im sorry Lilly,” She sniffled. I tilted her head up and our eyes connected.
“ what could you be sorry for?”
“ You lost darien,” She said. I felt my body go numb and tears escaped my eyes. I smiled and kissed her cheek.
“ Thank you Lallie,” I smiled. She sat in my arms, and I held her. I held her to me, and I didn’t want to let go. I don’t want to lose anyone else. Lallie looked up at me.
“ Hey listen every week you need to send me a letter OK? And ill reply and send you one back. Ok?” I smiled. She nodded her head and I held out my pinky.
“ Pinky promise?” I asked. Lallie and I pinky promised and she started to cry.
“ Im going to look forward to those letters,” I smiled.
“ me too,” She sniffled. My mom was at the door, and I gave Lallie a kiss goodbye, and my mom a hug and then they left. I have lost so much… I laid in the bed, and starred at the ceiling. I must of laid there for about three hours, and I heard a knock on the door I sat up and a tall man with black hair, and glasses came in.
“ Hello Lillenette, are you ready to go to Lukris Home?” He asked. I nodded my head, and followed him out of the hospital and got into a cab with him. I looked out the window, and watch my life leave me.
“ Goodbye, and hello crazy home,” I muttered.
Chapter ten-
The car came to a halt and I kept my face buried in my knees. I didn’t want to look up. I refused.
“ Lillenette,” The guy said.
“ Err,” I muttered. “ What’s your name?”
“ Dr. Ryik. Know please we are here we must go in,” Dr. Ryik stated.
I shook my head.
“ I don’t Wanna,” I hissed.
“ Lillenette, your acting like a child!”
I looked at him and stuck my tongue out at him.
“ Then I sha’ll be a child. I mean I am crazy right?” I growled. I believe he was started to get pissed. I have been doing this the whole car ride. Dr. Ryik started to rub his temples and then he looked me in the eyes.
“ Alright Lillenette its either you get out of this car and help me bring in your luggage, or I can get some of my assistants and they can drag you inside of the building…” He stopped and looked at me. “ which do you prefer?”
I looked at him completely flabbergasted… he wouldn’t… would he? I looked at him, and he was completely serious. I pulled the door open, and jumped out of the car, and opened the trunk. I grabbed some of my luggage well only one bag and left the other three, for that jackass. I lifted it. Damn that’s freaking heavy. I pulled up the sidewalk, and stopped at the door. It wasn’t a big building at all. Someone opened the door. He was tall, and for some reason he looked so damn familiar… where… he held the door for me and I stumbled inside. When you walk in there is a long hall… I left my bag by the door, and looked around. The first door to the right is a closet with a whole bunch of crap. If you keep going to the left is the stairs. I looked up them and their where two more levels. I continued down, and all the way down is a huge kitchen, and to the
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