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and roared after him. He ran into the bus, and ran to the back. I made my way towards him and then I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and brought me into the seat next to him.
“ Got yuh,” Darien smiled. I giggled and I felt someone hit the top of my head, and I turned around and glared at Ronnie. He had a huge smile across his face.
“ I could kill you Ronnie,” I spat. Giles busted out into laughter’s. I pointed my finger at Giles.
“ And don’t even get me started with you!” I hissed.
Giles placed her hand over her mouth and started to laugh. Ronnie leaned over to Giles and stuck his tongue down her mouth.
“ Gee Ronnie,” I gagged.
“ You want some?” he winced his eye at me. I sat back down in my seat, and darien wrapped his arm around my hip an brought me closer to him.
“ You want some?” Darien whispered. A smile came across my face, and darien kissed me passionately. I rested my head on his shoulder, and the bus started to go. We drove for about thirty minutes, and then Darien nudged me.
“ Hmm,” I grumbled.
“ We are here,” He laughed.
I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and I was picked up off my seat and carried out of the bus.
“ what the hell!” I hissed. And then they put me down. I looked up at Ronnie.
“ Ron man what is up with you today!” I cried. He shoved me and laughed.
“ It’s just so funny because you’re so weak and defenseless.” He smirked.
I balled up my fist, and he covered his man parts.
“ Too far too far! Sorry!” he stumbled back. I busted out into laughter.
“ Too weak my ass,” I muttered. Darien wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we made our way inside of the museum.
“ I swear to god you, and Ronnie are like siblings…” Darien laughed. I let out a smile and looked over to see Ronnie walking next to me with his arm around Giles. I gently nudged his arm.
“ You lucky G loves you,” I spat.
“ I know,” He kissed Giles on the forehead.
“ Oh!” Giles squealed.
I looked over at Giles.
“ What is up with you?” I muttered.
“ Oh Ronnie look at that beautiful sculptures!” Giles pointed over to the statue area. Ronnie laughed and followed Giles to the statues.
“ Wanna go check them out?” Darien whispered in my ear.
“ Yeah sure. I’ll meet you over their I gotta use the restroom,” I smiled.
Darien nodded his head and made his way over to Giles and Ronnie. I walked around and was so out of luck for searching for a bathroom. I ran face smack into something, and cursed underneath my breath.
“ Sorry little lady,” A deep voice said. I looked up and saw three guys standing in front of me. they probably from another school. About a year or two older than me.
“ Err it- Did you call me little lady?” I looked up at him.
A huge grin formed around his face “ Yes I did call you little lady,” He snarled.
I shook my head, and rolled my eyes at him. His friends let out laughs, and I glared at them.
“ I aint no little lady,” I hissed at him, and I continued my search for the bathrooms. When I turned the corner I let out a deep breath, and my whole body relaxed. There was something wrong with them. The way they looked at me. the deepness of his eyes… I saw a man standing by the pictures and saw a name tag. Wonder if he works here.
“ Excuse me sir,” I mumbled.
He turned around and he was tall, slim, and creepy… his nose stuck out and he looked so… stiff. Like not down their stiff. So emotionless.
“ Yes?” he spat. I crinkled my nose, and wiped the spit off my face. Sick…
“ Where are the restrooms?” I looked down.
“ The top floor,” He said.
“ How many floors are their?” I asked.
“ Nine,” He spat.
“ Elevator?” I looked around.
“ Down the hall to the right. Any more questions?” He asked growing impatient.
I shook my head, and made my way to the elevator what in bloody hell is their only one bathroom and on the ninth floor! God dang. I pressed the button and waited for the elevator. I tapped my foot against the floor, and then the elevator squeaked opened. I peered inside and slowly stepped in. I felt a weird chill. I looked at the numbers and lightly tapped number nine. The elevator shook, and I stumbled back against the wall, and it made its way up.
“ Damn elevator,” I hissed. Elevators scared me shitless. I would so prefer to take some damn stairs. They should have stairs though in case of a fire, but I didn’t see any. When the elevator doors slid opened I felt a huge breeze and I crossed my arms over my chest, and I stepped out and stood there baffled. Their where stairs when you step off the elevator, and a dark door at the top. I caustically walked up the stairs, and opened the door. When I walked out I was on top of the building.
“ Bathroom on the ninth floor my ass!” I screamed. I heard a laugh behind me and I jumped.
“ Hey Lilz,” Chase giggled.
“ Damn chase…” I gasped. “ What are you doing here?” I asked.
“ I followed you, and saw you on the elevator you going up on the ninth floor, and I followed,” He grinned. I let out a laugh.
“ Creeper,” I smiled. We walked over the top of the building and we were really high up, and I felt Chase’s body tense.
“ Chase?” I looked at him.
“ Hm?” he whispered.
“ Are you OK?”
“ I- I- Im fine… Kind of s- scared of h- heights,” He clenched his jaw. I put my hand on his shoulder.
“ it’s alright… you aint gonna fall,” I smiled. He nudged my shoulder and we both laughed. I heard footsteps and I turned around and saw Darien glaring at us.
“ D-…” I gasped.
“ What the hell?!” Darien shouted.
“ Darien please,” I mumbled I was so lost for words. Darien walked up to us, and chase had his hand on my back.
“ Get your dirty hands off her!” Darien screamed.
Chase stumbled to the side.
“ it’s not what it looks like,” Chase muffled.
“ Darien stop!” I screamed. He looked at me and his eyes where wide.
“ You want to have fun with the guy that tried rapping you!” Darien screamed. Chase ran towards the door, and left.
“ Oh chase,” I cried. I ran after him, and when I got to the stairs, and he was already in the elevator and the door where sliding shut. I ran back up the stairs, and made my way back to darien by the end of the roof.
“ Darien why don’t you listen to me?” I cried.
“ because you a plain whore!” He screamed. I felt my eyes burn.
“ H- How dare you!” I stifled.
“ How dare me!”
“ Yes Darien! You only hear what you want to hear. You got yourself selective hearing.” The wind blew horribly behind me and made loud wisp noises within the air.
He clenched his jaw.
“ I aint never been in love with you! All I wanted from you was to pop your cherry, and then be gone with you!” He screamed. My whole body went numb, and a huge whip of wind rumbled behind me, and shot forward at Darien. Darien stumbled backwards and one of his feet, went over the edge of the roof, and I saw his body fall back. He reached his hands up grasping for anything but he just swatted at air. I lunged my body forward reaching for his hands. I fell to the ground and leaned over the edge and watched Darien’s body fall through the air. Thump…
Screams filled the air, and blood… blood was the only thing I could see.
“ D- D- D- Darien!” I screamed loudly. Tears filled my eyes, and ran down my face. I stumbled backwards, and brought my knees up to my chest, and buried my face in my knees, and stuffed out cries. I felt someone wrap their arms around me.
“ Shhh Lilz,” Giles cried.
I heard someone run past me and stop at the edge and I heard him cry. I tilted my head up, and saw Ronnie’s back. His body was tense, and slowly turned toward me our eyes met.
“ Lillenette how could you?” Ronnie cried. His eyes where all red. My body tensed and I held my breath. I was lost for words. Giles let out little cries and wrapped her arms around me tighter.
“ Ron… You think I killed him?” I said baffled.
He just looked at me, and I felt like my head was spinning. I arched my back, and I felt like I was being choked to death. My body shook, and the world slowly slipped away from me.
Chapter nine-
The blankets wrapped around my body, and I felt my heart beating. I slowly opened my eyes, and my head was pounding. I started to rub my temples, and shut my eyes. I sat up on my elbows and looked around. White. The room was small, and there was one chair next to me. I turned over and saw a window. I squinted and saw my reflection. Is that really me?
I got out of the bed, and stumbled to the window, and stared at myself. My eyes where bright red and puffy, and my skin was so pale. It looked like I haven’t brushed my hair in days. I felt this pain go through my body, and I stumbled back and fell to the ground leaning against the bed.
“ Darien,” I whispered. I shut my eyes and replayed everything that had happened. My eyes started to burn, and I felt tears run down my face. He is dead… he is-
“ Lilz?” I heard a faint voice. I stumbled up and held onto the bed for support, and saw Giles standing by the doorway, and she made her way in and shut it slowly. My bottom lip started to tremble, and I broke out into cries.
“ Oh Giles!” I cried. Giles ran to me, and wrapped her arms around me.
“ Shhh its okay Lilz,” She whispered in my ears.
“ G- G- G I d- di- didn’t k- k- kill h- h- him,” I sniffled. You could hardly understand me because of my cries.
“ I know Lilz. I know you loved him.”
She sat on the bed and I sat down next to her.
“ Giles I don’t know what really happened! I mean we got mad at one another and we were fighting, and then he said something-…” I stopped and remember what he had said and I felt like a cold snake had their body wrapped around my neck.
“ Giles I got so mad… and the wind was crazy… like it was nuts, and darien he just fell backwards,” My body cringed and I started to pant for breath.
“ It’s alright Hun. Don’t worry…. I know you didn’t do anything,” She looked at me.
“ Giles… R- Ronnie thought…. He thought that I killed him!” I gasped.
Giles looked down, and she didn’t know what else to say. Giles kissed my forehead, and she started
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