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Book online «NCIS Agent By Birth by Heather Reed (win 10 ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Heather Reed

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“In my life there's been heartache and pain. I don't know; if I can face it again. I can't stop now; I've travel so far; to change this lonely life. I want to know what love is; I want you to show me; I want to feel what love is; I know you can show me.” I took his hands into my hand and looked into his eyes. “Jeremy, I really do love you. I liked you when I first met you, that's why I gave you my cell phone number.” I told him.

“Bella, I really love you too. That's why I called you and asked you out last night.”

“I love you Jeremy.”

“I love you too, Bella.”

Then we both heard foot steps and then we saw it was Miley. “Hi, mother wanted to know if y'all were still here. And since y'all are, come on and lets eat.” she said grabbing our hands. When we got up; we kissed and we walked out to eat.

Miley was holding my hand, so I guess she liked me like Jeremy said. When we got to where we were eating our lunch. Miley stopped me. Jeremy saw that we stop but he kept walking.

“What's the matter, Miley?” I asked her.

“Bella, I like you. And so does my brother. I heard what y'all were talking about. I have never seen my brother this happy since I was little. I may be 15 years old, and don't know what love means. But my brother really loves you. Please don't leave him because what my sister says. She's a bitch like Jeremy says. Please stay with him.” she said hugging me.

“Do you say this to all his girls.” I said laughing.

“No, I just like you, since your a cop and know what your doing.”

“Lets go eat, shall we.”

She nodded and grabbed my hand and we went outside. When we went outside Miley told Jeremy to move over so I could sit next to her. When we sat down, Jeremy put his hand in my hand.

“Sorry about that.” I told his parents.

“Its okay sweetheart. Heather doesn't understand how Jeremy feels about you.” Sue said looked at Heather.

“Bella, I'm sorry for saying what I said. I just don't want my little brother hurt.” she told me.

I nodded. “Its fine.” then I looked at Jeremy. “I have never loved or met someone like Jeremy in a year. I been hurt too Heather by love but that don't matter anymore, I got Jeremy.” I said kissing his hand.

Then I looked at his parents. “Do you mind if I take this off while I eat. My arm is kinda hurting being like this.”

“Naw, you can take it off.” Billy said.

Jeremy helped me take it off and then Thomas came out with a cart full of food. He sat them on the table. There were trays of lunch meat, bread, cheese, fruits, and chips. Then he brought another cart of drinks.
We all prayed before eating, then we made what we wanted. Jeremy made both of ours, by me telling him what I wanted. I was still drinking my coffee so I didn't want a drink.
When we got done eating we all sat talking about life. But I didn't talk much about mine. My life was sad because of Edward did to me and my mother. I told them the good parts of my life. Then even asked me about college and I told them I didn't know right now.
Then Miley was telling me about her school. She even told me when her last day was for her 9th grade year. She also told me that they skip her up a few grades for being so smart.
I was wondering how smart she was against Carlisle and Edward. It would be funny, if she was as smart as them. We were having fun until my phone was going off. It was a text from Abby.


I got my phone out and Abby was texting me saying that my father was back.

'Bells, your dad is back and I think he's mad.'

I texted her back.

'He's always mad when they can't find out who the killer is.'

I showed Jeremy that my father was back and he shook his head. “Okay.”

“Is everything fine?” Sue asked.

“Yea, I just got a text from one of my Agents that they were back.”

“Oh okay. Wish y'all didn't have to leave. We were having fun.” she laughed.

“Yea, it was fun.” I said between laughs.

“Well, I got to get some stuff before we go.”

“I know. Lets go get it.” I said as I got up and grabbed my brace.

When I got up and turn around to go into the house, I walked into Thomas. He had a tray of drinks in his hands and they went all over me.

“Oh, I am so sorry Bella. Please forgive me.” he said.

“Its fine. It's my fault. I should have watched where I was going.”

Jeremy and Miley helped me up. “Jeremy your gonna have to take me home so I can shower and change.”


“No you don't. I might have some clothes for you.” Heather said. “Jeremy take her to your bathroom and I'll be there to give her some clothes.”

“Okay. I'll show you my room.” he said laughing.

“Okay. And thanks, Heather.”

“Your welcome.”

Then all 3 of us went upstairs to the 2nd floor. Heather went her way and we went the other. Jeremy's room was the last one on the right. When we walked into his room and wow; it was huge. Bigger than Edward's room. Maybe a little bigger than Alice's room.

“Oh my.” I said when I walked in. “Your room is huge.”

“Thanks.” he said when he sat on his bed.

I walked toward him and put my arms around his neck. He picked me up and sat me on his lap and layed back. When he layed back, I put my hands on the bed and my hair fell in his face.
He fixed my hair, he put all my hair to one side and put it behind my ear. Then put his hands on my hips. I kissed him when he looked at me. We kept kissing until we heard a knock at the door.


“Come in.” we said together.

It was Heather. “Here you go, Bella.” then she seen what we were doing. “Oh god, sorry y'all.” she said when she put her hand over her eyes.

“We are just kissing.” Jeremy said.

Then I sat up and got off of him and walked over to her. “Thanks, again, Heather.”

“No, problem. Well, I got to go to work. See ya.”

“See ya.” we said.

Heather walked out and shut the door. Then Jeremy got up and showed me the bathroom. His bathroom was big too. When we walked into the bathroom, he started the shower and I started to take everything out of my pockets and put them on the sink.
Then I turn to Jeremy and started to kiss him. I started to take his shirt off when he picked me up and put me on the sink. He took off my shirt and threw it on the floor. Then unhooked my bra and did the same. Then he picked me up and put me on the ground and we took off out pants and shoes and got in the shower.
We hurried thru our shower and got dressed. Heather gave me some black bootie shorts, black shorts, and a black tank top. I put my bra back on. It wasn't wet like the rest of my clothes were. When we got dressed, he picked me back up and threw me on his bed.

“God, Jeremy. What are you gonna do. Strap me to death.” I said laughing.

“No, I'm gonna love you to death.”

“You know we got to meet my dad. I promise him we would.”

“Damn, I almost forgot.” he kissed me and got up. “I'll put your clothes in my bag.”

“Okay.” I said when I turn on the radio. “Lover, Lover, Lover, Lover, you don't treat me no good no more more. Lover, Lover, Lover, Lover, you don't treat me no good no more more.” I sung.

I just layed on the bed, listening to the radio while I was waiting for Jeremy get his stuff ready.
I was laying on my good side on the bed listening to music then Jeremy slaps my ass. I rolled over onto my back and he climbs on top, kissing me.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Yup. Don't forget your stuff in the bathroom.”

“Oh yea.” I said laughing. I got up and went into the bathroom and hoot my gun on my pants. Putting my shoes on, then I was turning the radio and lights off. Putting my ID and keys in my pocket when I dropped my badge down the stairs.

“Damnit.” I said when I dropped my badge.

Then Billy, Master Sergeant, walked up and picked it up. “Dear, I see that you dropped your badge here.”

“Yea, trying to do too many things at one time and you drop things.” I said when I reached him. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome, Special Agent Gibbs. So can I ask you, what is NCIS?”

“It's Naval Criminal Investigative Service; NCIS. We do with the army. And kind Army. The Marines, Navy, Army, National Guard, Coast Guard, Navy Seals, whatever.”

“Oh. Well it was nice meeting you Bella. Hope we see you again.”

“You will. I hope.” I told him.

“Well bye dad. If y'all need me, I got my cell on me.” Jeremy said.

“Kay, son.”

Then we walked out to his car and he put his bag in the trunk and we got inside.

~NCIS Headquarters~

When we parked in the garage and got out, he helped me put my brace on. Then we walked to the front. There was a new guy there but when we tried to go to the elevators he stopped us.

“Excuse me, you can't go back there, unless you sign in as a visitor.”

I walked to him and pulled out my badge and my ID. “Well, I work here. And he's my boyfriend, he's a soldier/cop if you got a problem with it.”

“Sorry ma'am. You must be new.”

“Yea like 4 days old. I'm Special Agent Gibbs's daughter, Agent Gibbs. And this is Sergeant Lewis.”

“Nice meeting y'all. I'm one of the guards. I'm Steve, by the way.”

“Well Steve, I'm running late meeting my father.”

“Well run along them. I'm sorry for stopping you.”

I nodded and we went to the elevators. When we got in I hit our floor. When our floor came we got off. My father was at his desk on the phone. The others were on the phone or on the computer.
I walked to my father and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He waved and held up his index finger to tell me hold on for a minute. I nodded and walked to the flat screen and looked at the dead Marine.
I knew who this Marine was. I meet him in Forks at my school. So I went to my father's desk and turn his computer and keyboard. I typed his name and all his info
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