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Book online «The King's Crown by Gavin Johnson (reading fiction .TXT) 📖». Author Gavin Johnson

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Chapter 15

Imp’s gigantic, torn wings flapped once. John grimaced, and charged. Imp opened his mouth, spraying out a storm of thick lava. John avoided the blast and came up at Imp’s right arm, with one long swipe, John sent Imp’s arm plopping to the ground. John smiled as Imp howled screamed in pain. Suddenly, Imp’s arm miraculously began to regenerate. John gasped. “Idiot! I am a demon! I can’t be defeated!” Imp cackled with glee. Of course, that all made sense! Imp is another way to say demon! Isabella began searching for water, but none was around. All she could do was watch John, continuously attack the demon. Suddenly, an image flashed through Isabella’s mind, a vision, it was awhile since she had a vision.

The vision showed the demon’s weakness, closing in on the pumping fiery orange heart. When she returned, she shouted, “John, aim for the heart!” John nodded, he ran towards the demon. It spit out more waves of lava, causing John to jump back. John tried again, but this time evaded the waves. Realizing he couldn’t get any closer, he through sword, but fell short. The demon swatted him away. John grunted as he went down. Now weaponless and in need of back up, John glanced back, but the three were paralyzed in fear.

John sighed, and got up, his next objective was to retrieve his sword. John dashed. The demon swung his claw, but John dove, avoiding the attack. The sword was now within his grasp. He reached out, grabbing the weapon. He jumped up, and went straight for the demon’s heart. The demon sent yet another spray of lava. John gritted his teeth, his heart pounding, and sweat on his brow as he tried to get in close.

Yet, the demon swatted John away yet again. John screamed in frustration. He breathed slowly. he got up, and charged once more. The routine was the same, but when it came to swat John away, John slice at the demon’s finger. The demon’s hand receded. Which gave John enough time to aim. “I’m sorry it had to end this way Imp,” John thought sorrowfully

John jumped. He plunged his sword into the demon’s heart. The demon let out a scream, like a poisoned animal. The piercing had grown to Imp’s arms, and finally, the demon was reduced to ash. The three kids were automatically shocked out of paralyzation, to see John sitting on the ground, breathing hard, wiping sweat from his face. “hey, you were amazing!” Jack said, patting John on the back. “Yeah, you guys did a good job also, y’know, cowering on the sidelines and all,” John said sarcastically. Jack grunted. He motioned for the others to follow. Once outside of the city, they fed some food to Magik and Misty. Soon they were off, following Og back to where it all started, the kingdom of Ken-yang. Today, might be the day Og’s wicked ways are stopped.

** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
“There’s the lake where Claire and I first met!” Isabella exclaimed. “Well, we can go down memory lane later, right now we have to find...hey! Why did Magik stop?” Jack said, pointing down to Magik. Magik was a good distance away from the lake, and Isabella knew why. Og knelt down at the lake, he began taking big gulps of water. Near him was a band of pirates, the same pirates that had driven the four away from their campsite. There was also a giant scorpion! “Hey, those are the pirates that we saw when we camped outside, and the scorpion was from the cave we fought the spider queen in!” Jack said. “Yeah, that’s weird, to think we would see these people again!” Isabella said. “Hey boss!” One pirate called, “What should we do with the scorpion?” “Kill it,” Og replied, wiping his mouth. “He brought us here, but I have no use of it, so kill it!” “Music to my ears,” The pirate muttered. He took a jagged knife, and plunged it into the monster’s neck. The knife made a long opening on his neck. The scorpion howled in pain, and staggered to the left then the right, and finally dropped. Isabella gasped as blood trickled from it’s slit neck. Jack patted her back. “Come on, we have other things to worry about.” Isabella nodded. “Welcome back to Ken-yang,” Isabella thought.

Chapter 16

Og walked up the long, stretched stairway with seven pirates. About five minutes later, a pirate tapped Og on the shoulder. “Um, sir? Look up there!” He said, pointing upward. “What?” Og said, squinting. Then, he saw them. The huge owl flying towards him, with a horse charging behind on the ground. “No, it can’t be!” Og gasped. The two animals came to a halt. John and Jack leaped off, and drew their weapons. “So you survived this long, eh? Impressive!” Og said, drawing his twin swords. John fell back into a defense stance, while Jack ran right in. Jack swung furiously, but Og blocked the attack, and used the bottom of the handles to smash into Jack’s side. Jack grunted and tumbled down the hill. Og returned his gaze to the remaining three. “Demon pirates! Attack!” Og ordered. The pirates shouted, their battle cry. The pirate’s eyes turned into breathing flames. Their flesh literally peeled from their skin. They took out their swords, and charged. There were seven pirates. Three went down to Jack, while two ganged up on John. One demon pirate chased Isabella while the last ran at Claire.

John had already destroyed one, then clashed with the other. John broke the lock by kicking the skeleton in the rib cage. It fell down the stairs, smashing into bits. Jack, with three swift strikes, destroyed his enemies easily. The one skeleton that was chasing Isabella had caught up to her, and grabbed her shoulder. He raised his sword, preparing the final strike. Suddenly, a sword sliced through the neck. It dropped, the sword rolled out of it’s boney hand. “You’re welcome!” John said, grinning. Meanwhile, Jack was just finishing off the skeleton that was hunting Claire. Og screamed in fury. “Worthless!” He screamed. John and Jack charged at Og. They clashed. John and Jack pushed hard into Og, but Og was still too strong. He used his weight to throw Jack down the hill once more. Without Jack, John had no leverage what so ever. Og merely tossed him aside. Claire began running down to the street. Though Og caught up to her. He threw her into a building, knocking her unconscious. “Now where did that last one go?” Og thought. Thump! A rock hit the back of Og’s head.

Og turned swiftly, to see Isabella, holding a rock in her hand. She held her ground. Og walked up to her. She threw the rock, which Og sliced in half. Once he was close enough, Og held up his sword under her neck. “Hi,” She squeaked. Og said nothing, he grabbed Isabella by the collar and threw her into the ground. Isabella tried to get up, but was too badly bruised to do so. John came out of nowhere, and slashed at Og. Though Og blocked yet again, and parried the attack by kicking John hard in the stomach. He gagged, as his stomach lurched. BWAM! Jack had snuck up on Og, and smash his hammer into Og’s back. He tumbled over. Jack helped John up. “You okay?” Jack asked. John was red in the face. He nodded, his stomach hurt too much to speak. Og got up. He charged at both boys, knocking down John, and going into a lock with Jack. Jack pushed hard, yet Og pushed harder. Jack stumbled back. Jack tried to regain his balance, but Og swiped at his knee, and Jack was down for the count.

Isabella was close to unconscious, she saw John get up, and resume a defense stance. “You can do it John, you can beat Og, You can do it,” Isabella thought, before finally letting unconsciousness consume her.

Chapter 17

John grunted, and coughed up blood as Og made an uppercut to his chin. “Come on, that the best you got?” John gargled, he still had some blood in his mouth. “I could always do better,” Og said, readying his swords. John spit out the blood, and ran towards Og hard. Og smiled, and swung his swords horizontally. Though John ducked, and rammed his own body into Og’s. Og fell to the ground, winded and caught by surprise. John finally had the advantage. “You’re good boy, but not good enough!” Og taunted. He knocked John’s sword out of his hand. John raced to retrieve it, hoping if he was fast enough, he could get it before Og got up. Unfortunately, that was all the time Og needed. He charged at John, and clashed swords yet again. This was followed by a series of

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