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said, rolling her eyes sarcastically.


“It is!” she bit her lip then calmly said, “You’ll just have to find out.”


“I’m looking forward to it.”










Chapter 20

She was home a whole twenty minutes when the doorbell rang.


“Amy, it’s for you.”


She bounced down the stairs, “Okay mom.” she froze when she got to the bottom and saw Jay standing there.


“What are you…? How did you find me?”


“It was written in the book. I believe this is yours.” He extended the history textbook to her.


“Thank you.” She hung her head. “It could have waited till Monday.”


“Or I could have turned it in to lost and found. But I really wanted to see you again.”


“You see me every day. Why this sudden urgency?”


“Because I finally got to know you, I thought we hit it off but you left and I want to know what I did wrong.”


“You didn’t do anything wrong.” She noticed her mother was still standing there. “Mom, could you excuse us.”


“Sure dear.” She turned to go to the kitchen. “Why don’t the two of you go into the living room and sit down. Can I get you anything… I didn’t catch your name.”


“Jay Noll, and no ma’am, nothing for me.”


“Well Jay, I’m Frieda, Amy’s mom. You don’t know how happy it makes me to meet one of Amy’s friends.” she said smiling absently.


“Mother, could you excuse us?”


“Okay honey.”


“Patti, did you see the young man who came to see Amy? Wow!” she said as she entered the kitchen.


“Ma!” Patti grabbed her by the arm. “For Pete’s sake, you’re embarrassing her.”


“You’re right.” Frieda couldn’t stop smiling. Something about mothers and reflected beauty.


“Besides, if you keep quiet we’ll be able to listen in.” The two giggled conspiratorially. Back in the living room there was an awkward silence. Finally, Amy broke it, “So you were saying?”


“I believe you said I didn’t do anything wrong.”


“That’s right you didn’t.”


“So why did you disappear? Why have you been avoiding me?”


She realized she had to be careful how she put it. “I’ve been going through some pretty major changes lately. I just realized I wasn’t really comfortable getting close to you. I shouldn’t have run and hid but I’m not quite the same person anymore and I’m just learning how to deal with it.” ‘Good job’, she thought, ‘and I didn’t even have to lie.’


“Oh, is there any chance you’ll change your mind?”


“I think it’ll take me a while to adjust. So I don’t think. . .”


Just then her mother entered the room. “Here’s some chips and soda.” she announced. “Let me put the table closer to you.” Amy was extremely uncomfortable. With her mother you never knew what to expect.


Frieda gushed, “You two look so cute together. Stay still, I still have a few pictures left in the cardboard camera.” Before Amy could say anything she had returned and was posing the shot.


“Amy move closer to Jay. Jay put your arm around her. Don’t make a face Amy, just do it and I’ll be out of your hair.”


Click. “Did the flash go off?” Let me take another one to be sure. Why don’t you stand over by the end table?”


Reluctantly, they moved as she relentlessly instructed them on how to pose. “Oh my, you’re even the right size for each other. I like when a couple is proportional. Don’t you Jay?”


“Umm yeah.”


Amy had had enough. “But we’re not a couple mom!” she protested.


She was undeterred, “You look like a couple to me. So Jay, where are you taking her? Amy here’s a few dollars just in case.”


She shoved some money in her hand, put her hands in the small of their backs, led them to the door and pushed them outside.


“Have fun you two! Don’t stay out too late.” She practically slammed the door behind them.



Frieda rubbed her hands together with her back to the door. “Not a couple! Did you ever hear such rubbish?”


“Mom you’re impossible.” Patti replied “but still I’m actually glad you forced things.”


Outside the two didn’t know what hit them. They both spoke at once. “I’m sorry.”


Simultaneously, they dropped their heads, embarrassed. Then Jay spoke, “Do you think she’ll let you back in?”


Amy laughed, “Maybe in a couple of hours.”


“So then, is there anything you want to do?”


“No, that’s all right.”


“Really, where do you want to go? You have to go somewhere.” Then he whispered, “She’s peeking through the blinds.”


Amy laughed, “You’re probably right.”


“I know you haven’t eaten yet, any preferences?”


“There’s this veggie place.”


“Aw Christ, you’re not one of them?” Jay was disappointed.


“No, I’m just trying to fix my new persona. Actually, I’m a fry type of girl.”


“Much better, want to go to Holstens? They have great burgers.”


“Okay. Is it far?”


“Five, six blocks tops, an easy walk, you do walk? It doesn’t conflict with your new persona?” Jay teased.


“Yes, I walk. Besides, what’s wrong with my old persona anyway?”


She fell into him, then straightened herself out. She was happy. ‘Damn you mom for forcing me to do what I wanted to do anyway.’ She smiled to herself.


Ice cream, a movie then some plain old fashioned hanging out, they had made an evening of it. They agreed on one thing. They liked each other. Amy saw a wedding dress, a house, kids, the whole teenage romantic fantasy.


In his unique way Jay saw the same thing. This became really uncomfortable when Amy found herself in a wedding gown when she exited the bathroom. ‘It’s like an episode of Bewitched only Samantha doesn’t know she’s wrinkling her nose.’ she thought. Fortunately, these particular visions didn’t last long. Jay chalked them off to fantasy, especially fortunate since Amy was pregnant, really pregnant. Nobody seemed to notice or at least they didn’t acknowledge it. Although, she was sure a few people may have given up or taken up drinking as a result of this change.


“You look good!” he said eyeing her up and down.


“Thank you.” she said slightly uncomfortable and continued hustling to the stairs.


“You look happy.” Instantly she softened, drawing herself up and smiling broadly.


“Thanks.” Now she wanted to linger but she had already begun her escape. She turned sideways holding the door as long as she could to make the moment last. As he lost sight of her he turned and started walking. He smiled finally realizing what had happened. ‘I wish I’d known that when I was single.’ He thought with mock irony. Telling a girl she looked happy. The ultimate line, especially if you meant it. He realized what the heck! “Amy wait up!” He caught up with her slightly out of breath. “I can’t let you walk home alone.”


They walked slowly trying to make the night longer. He escorted her to her door then risked a kiss goodnight. He met with active acceptance as they entered into a game of one-upsmanship. Finally, Frieda opened the door. “Oh, you two, I thought someone was trying to break in.”


An awkward moment followed, “Never mind me. You two say your good nights. I’ll be in the kitchen making myself a cup of tea.” She turned away then back. “Would you…”


Amy gave her a look that shut that down. “Never mind.”


It was a few minutes before they felt comfortable enough to pick up where they left off. But try as they might they realized that moment had passed.


“There’ll be other nights.” Jay assured her.


“But only one first night.” Amy replied.


“Well, there’ll be only one second,” he countered.


“Only one third,” she teased.


“Only one fourth,” they started laughing.


“So I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.” Jay stated the hanging obvious.


“I suppose.” She became Mona Lisa like.


“You like me.”


She burst a giggle and punched him in the arm. “I guess?”


“You like me.” Jay pushed.


“Maybe.” She countered coquettishly.


“Maybe!” She pummeled him as he backed off the stoop.


“Don’t be so rough. You’re a big girl”


“Are you saying I’m fat?” she said with mock anger as she continued her assault.


“No! No!” He pleaded with obvious concern. They grew quiet. “I think you’re perfect.”


They looked deeply into each other. He lightly stroked the side of her face with his fingers. She softly caressed the inside of his arm.


“I think I have to go.” he said breaking contact. “I have to get up early tomorrow. I have practice.”


She recovered quickly. “It is late. I have some things to take care of in the morning too.”


“So, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”


“Sure if you want. What time?” Amy tried in vain to sound nonchalant.




“Noon! What, are you going to bed early?”


“I don’t know.” he said embarrassedly. “We’ll figure it out.”












Chapter 21


Amy was uneasy. She really loved Jay but she couldn’t help but feel that their relationship was based on a lie. They had seen each other just about every day since they met. If she loved him, she had to tell him. She had to tell him that this was not how she looked. She had to tell him about his powers. He had to know. If that ended things at least she’d know it had all been an illusion.


They were meeting for dinner later. She figured she tell him then. They were going to Vinnie’s. A step up, it had tablecloths and waitresses, when you’re seventeen that seems like the height of elegance. Amy was trying to make it special. She had gone on about it being their anniversary. She felt guilty about pressuring him but still it was their anniversary. She thought about it and realized it was the perfect place to tell him. They wouldn’t be likely to be near anyone they know and the tables were far enough apart to provide privacy. ‘There’s no better place, no better time.’ She thought. ‘Now get ready, when I’m through they’ll be no way he’ll break up with me.’


Jay arrived promptly at six-thirty. Frieda let him in.


“Amy, Jay’s here!”


“I’ll be right down. Tell him to wait in the living room.”


“You can …” She pointed, he was already there.


“Thanks, I heard.”


Frieda followed him in. “So how have you been Jay? We haven’t had much of a chance to talk lately. You two have been flying in and out.”


“I’m fine.”


“Your mom?”


“She’s fine too.”


“You must be going someplace special tonight. You’re so dressed up.”


“Uh thanks. Yeah, Vinnie’s.”


“Ready to go?” Amy called from the doorway.


“You look great!” Jay momentarily skipped the question.


“Thank you sir.”


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