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Book online «Reality Lies by D.F. Downey (books recommended by bts txt) 📖». Author D.F. Downey

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No one had gotten any sleep last night. There he was, large as life, Gary, Jay’s father, her husband. He had never left. He could never leave. He was trapped in the picture. Trapped! How awful! Maybe he didn’t feel anything. Maybe he had slipped into a different state of consciousness. She hoped.


She couldn’t help but feel guilty. If she had looked for him, she might have been able to free him. Now, what could they do? Jay had seen him, his existence on paper was now part of Jay’s reality. She couldn’t trick him into seeing him as real. It wouldn’t work. Jay didn’t have that power.


‘Poor Jay.’ She kept coming back to it. ‘How is he going to deal with this? Finding out he was different, gifted, was one thing but to find out that you are the reason your father is gone? I wish I knew what to do.’


Jay had spent the night huddled at his father’s feet, mumbling over and over. “Daddy, I’m sorry.” He was a mess. He hadn’t slept.


She knew she was going to have to move him. He couldn’t stay like this.

Ted, bless him, had stayed all night and was asleep on the couch. She wondered what he made of all this?


At least she thought he was asleep. “Hey, what are you staring at?” Ted mumbled without opening his eyes.


“Ted, I thought you were asleep. Can I get you anything? Juice? Coffee?”


“No, I’ll catch something on the way to work.”


“That’s right. I forgot. When do you have to be in?”


“Not until 10. I’ve got awhile. Were you up all night?”


“I caught a few minutes but yeah I’m pretty exhausted.”


“If it’s all right, I’m going to catch a quick shower.”


“I was hoping we could talk.”


“Sure, why don’t you lie down?” Ted urged as he headed down the hall.


“Okay but don’t be afraid to wake me.”


“Don’t worry, I will.”




Johanna woke at about three. “Damn it Ted.” she groggily mumbled then ran in to check on Jay only to find him sound asleep on the floor.


She gently roused him then walked him over to bed. He started mumbling. “Daddy I didn’t mean to.” He fell back to sleep as soon as he hit the bed.


Johanna stared for awhile at the wall. All the emotions of the day Gary “left” came rushing back to her. She felt anger but it was quickly tempered with an overwhelming feeling of loss. “Gary, I missed you!”


As she tried to put her arms around his image, she kissed him hard on the mouth bloodying her teeth.


“Ow. I have to remember you’re a wall.” She mumbled, giggling, not sure if she was talking to someone. He had been caught as a shadow with basic features revealed. His eyes were open.


“There is so much I have to tell you, to share with you.” She thought for a moment. “I guess you’ve gotten to watch Jay grow up. At least what’s gone on in this room.


She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts. “I was so mad at you. I thought you had just up and left me, left me alone, with our son, our problem, our gift. You don’t know how many times I have called out to curse you for leaving me, how often I fell asleep crying. You always knew what to do. I didn’t always listen but you tended to be right. Now here you are. Heck, you never left and there is not a damn thing you can do to help and not a damn thing I can do to free you.”


She stopped, grabbed at his hand and started rubbing on it absently. She continued for awhile then said, “I better be careful, wouldn’t want to wear you out.”


She looked at Jay, walked over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “It’s not your fault honey.” She whispered softly.


He scrunched his face and rolled on his side.


Once she cleared the room her mind returned to the moment. She abruptly set about straightening up the house. Shortly, she found the note Ted left.


“I tried to wake you but it was no use so I decided you needed the sleep. I’ll be back later. Thought it might be better if you and Jay had some time alone with this anyway.”



She just finished reading the note when the doorbell rang. As she plodded toward the door she wondered who it could be. She peeked through the living room window. It was Jackie. ‘What was she do… What time is it? Right, we were supposed to meet to go shopping.’ She checked herself in the mirror. The Jay field was still in effect. She opened the door.




“Johanna, you ready to go?”


“No Jackie, I can’t”


“Why not?”


“Something has come up.” Johanna answered evasively.


“Anything I can help with?” Jackie knew something was up.


“No Jackie, it is something I have to deal with but thanks for the offer.”


“Do you need anything from the store?”


“Thanks, but no.” Johanna answered.


“Ok, but if you need me let me know. You know I’m here for you.”


“Don’t worry I’ll be sure to give you a call.”


“See ya, I gotta go if I’m going to get back in time.”


‘I really should have told her.’ she thought as she closed the door. ‘I am going to need her before this is through.’


Just then the bell rang again “Sorry, I forgot I was supposed to pick up that cake dish that I loaned you.”


“Right, right it slipped my mind! Give me a minute.”


“You don’t mind if I come in, it’s brutal outside.”

Hesitantly, Johanna offered, “Uh sure, you can uh, wait in the living room.”


“I’ll be right back”


She ran down the hall. She felt something coming from Jay’s Room.






The two hugged. Jay was taller than his father. They clung to each other for several minutes.


“This is a dream, isn’t it?” Jay finally asked.


“No son, this is reality. I’m really here.”


Jay drew away as the night before came crashing back. His mother stood in the doorway, her mouth hung open. His father turned to see her, arms out-stretched as Jay spoke.


“No you’re not!” He cried.


Just like that he was gone.


His mother dropped Jackie’s cake dish then screamed. “He was there! He was free! Why didn’t you let him out?”


“He wasn’t real.” Jay replied simply.


“Of course, he was real!” his mother shouted.

“Not to me.”


Jackie ran to the doorway. “What’s the matter?” she called as she came into view.


She found mother and son slumped together on the floor. On the wall behind them stood a man, he had tears in his eyes.


Jackie put it together quickly. “Oh my God! Oh my God! That’s Gary! He’s been here all along! Oh my God! Oh my God!”


She realized this wasn’t helping.


“Is there anything I can do?” she said vacantly, not imagining there was anything she could really do.


“Just stay with us. Okay?”




It seemed like hours passed before Jay suddenly exclaimed, “I gotta get out of here!” as he rose from the floor. He threw on a pair of shorts, sandals and a T-shirt and exploded out the door.


Johanna didn’t say a word.


“Do you want me to talk to him?” Jackie asked.


“And say what? Thanks, but I think he needs to get out of the house, away from his father.” She shook her head. “I don’t know what I’m going to do Jackie.”


“Talk, I’m all ears.”









Chapter 25



Jay had run out with no clear idea of where he was heading. Finally, after wandering awhile he had arrived at Amy’s house. He paced around a bit before dropping himself on her front stoop.


He didn’t check to see if anyone was inside. He didn’t really care. He just felt comfortable here. He let his mind drift. He started thinking about Amy. It must have taken a lot to tell him the truth. She risked everything, her identity, their relationship but she had to do it. That’s a girl you could spend a lifetime with. He knew his mom would come to like her despite the current circumstance or maybe even because of it. He imagined his dad would like her too. But he didn’t know his father, might never know him for that matter. Still, he was sure he’d like her. “I mean she’s the reason the wallpaper’s off his face.” he said aloud.


He couldn’t escape thinking of his father. It was all too fresh. He focused on the tree at curbside but it bought him back to the woods on the wall. Eventually, fitfully, he drifted into a light sleep.


He was startled back into the world of the conscious. “Jay, what are you doing here?” It was Amy’s mother Frieda.


“Uh, hi Mrs. Murphy, I was waiting for Amy. Do you know when she’s due back?”


“She should be home any minute. Why don’t you wait inside?” She eyed him up and down. He was a mess. His eyes crusted, his face reddened, his clothes dirty and wrinkled.


“No, that’s all right. I’d rather wait for her here.”


“Okay, if you want to stay for dinner we’re having… I don’t know what we’re having. I’ll let you know as soon as I figure it out.”


“Okay.” She actually coaxed a smile out of him.


She paused, “You’re sure you don’t want to wait inside?”


“No, I’m all right.”


“Okay then.”


She came out a minute later. “It occurred to me. What would you like for dinner?”


“I don’t care.”


“No, what would you like?”


“Whatever you’re having will be fine.” She had worn him down.


“Would you like meatloaf?”




“No, you don’t really want meatloaf.” She paused then continued, “Why don’t I order pizza?”


“Sure, that would be fine.”


“Do you want anything on yours?” she was relentless, in a good way.


“No, that’s all right.”


“Don’t you like mushrooms? I’ll get half mushrooms.” The next question followed rapidly.


“What would you like to drink?”


“Whatever you have.”


“I don’t think we have soda. Do you want Pepsi?”




“Of course you do. I’ll have them deliver it. You sure you won’t come in.”


“No thank you.” He was smiling broadly now.


“I’ll see you in a bit.”




The pizza guy showed a half hour later but there was still no Amy. He looked at Jay expectantly.


“Don’t look at me. I don’t have any money.”

The guy struggled with the packages.


“Okay, I’ll ring the bell.” Jay pushed it and stepped aside.


Frieda came to the door. “That was quick, you guys usually take at least an hour. Jay, would you get that for me.”


“Uh, I don’t have any money.”


“I meant the box. Just put it on the table.” She handed the delivery man the exact change and then a dollar.


“For you.”


“Thank you ma’am.” You couldn’t tell if he was being polite or this was the usual.


As she closed the door behind her, she remarked. “I guess nobody tips anymore. He seemed really happy.”


Jay smiled and nodded.


“I guess it’s just you and me. Dig in Jay, help yourself. Just leave one or two slices for Amy. Patti’s eating out.”


“Would you mind if I took it outside?”

“Jay, sit

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