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you think will happen if you don't accept the change? Cryder said the pains will worsen and we will die.”
“I don't know what'll happen, Cecile. But those are his words, doesn't mean it's the truth.”
“Do you not feel that it's the truth?”
“I don't know. What do you think?”
“I think his words are true. I can feel that. I always have, but it's stronger now. He cares for you. He loves you, but doesn't want to scare you by showing it too much.”
“How did you get all of this?”
“I think it's my power. Reading people. Pretty cool huh? Drake and I had tried it out. Every day he has been making me guess what he's feeling, and every time I guessed right. Anyway, honestly you should trust in Cryder.”
“But I don't want to be his follower. Because he says or demands something, that's the way it should be.”
“Well, it's not like you have all the time in the world to sit on this decision either.”
“I have six months. I know that. Six whole freaking months to decide if I want to be a vampire queen for all of eternity.”
Cecile opened her mouth to say something, but I shushed her. A rustling sound right outside the car caught my attention.
Barely able to hear myself over my own heartbeat, I whispered, “did you hear that?”
Cecile nodded and started to reach for the handle of the door, and I yanked her back. “What are you doing?”
“It's probably the guys.” She reached for the handle again.
“Stop,” I whispered. “I'm not getting a good feeling about this.”
My words were too late as Cecile stepped out of the car. I climbed out from my side and went to pull her back inside.
On the surface I hoped and prayed that it was the guys snapping the twigs in the woods in front of us, but my body screamed at me to climb back in the car or run as fast as I could. The thing on the other side of the bushes was not a friend of ours.
Cecile started to open her mouth to say something, but I put my hand over it and shook my head. I gestured toward the car, and she nodded in response.
We turned and started to rush to get back in the car, but not fast enough. It ran with vampire speed, and lifted Cecile and I off the ground by our throats. Squeezing tight enough to control our breathing, but loose enough to not completely cut off our circulation.
My feet weren't even close to touching the ground anymore, and my heart pounded out a bass solo. I could hear Cecile breathing loudly next to me.
“Mmmmm, half-lings. My favorite desert after a big dinner.” His deep voice slithered out of the darkness like a snake.
He released the grip on our necks, and we collapsed to the ground gasping for air. I grabbed onto Cecile, but before we could even stand the monster was able to get in front of us and block our path.
He had a gleam in his eyes as they glided over my frame from head to toe.
He was terrifying to look at.
In the place where his eyes should have been, he had sunken-in empty black holes. He tripled my height and weight. His body bulged with muscles from his neck and down to his tree trunk thighs. He was covered in dirt and grass stains, but underneath that he had on frayed jeans and a t-shirt that constricted around his torso by mere threads.
He took a step closer, and we took a step back.
The vampire bowed his head. “My queen. Do not be frightened. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I hoped I would run into you.”
How did he know about me? His words stunned me into silence.
He lifted his eyes as he spoke, “I assumed I would've had to wait patiently for you, but it appears you have fallen right into my lap. The gods are watching over me.”
I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. One- He terrified me. Two- I knew if I looked away I would be dead in seconds.
Cecile stood beside me shaking, with her hand in mine. I gave her a reassuring squeeze, and attempted to keep my unsteady legs from collapsing.
The monster stood straight and stared into my eyes, and a smile formed on his lips. “How wonderful that I would get to drain you so soon, and you brought a treat with you.”
My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my head. How did he know who or what I was to become? Could he smell it on me?
Cecile swallowed audibly, “w-who are y-y-you?”
His fangs slid down from his gums.
This vampire was the rogue we had heard about. A vampire so filled with rage and the overwhelming need for blood. My blood would be his greatest reward. Without a queen to help lead, the vampire race would become extinct. Revenge would be made, and he would gain great powers.
“So, you're Bristol,” I said. My fear sat on the surface, but I tried to talk and act calmly. No sudden movements.
He kept his gaze back on me showing his fangs as he smiled, and his soulless eyes watched like a hawk. “How rude of me to not introduce myself. My queen, Rena, you are correct. I am Bristol.”

Chapter 9

This couldn't be happening right now. The one vampire I had been warned against, now stood a foot in front of me. All the focus I had put into trying to be strong began to drain from me, and I felt my legs growing weaker the longer I stood on them. I felt my lungs closing. I couldn't breath or move. I prayed now that my emotions had made their way to Cryder, he would be our only way out of this.
“Rena is that look of shock on your face for me? How wonderful.” Bristol practically squealed in delight. “Apparently you have heard of me before?”
“You don't hide very well,” I responded.
Bristol pouted. “I would've preferred to have some surprise with our first meeting. But that look on your face and the smell of fear sweating out of your pores helps. Remember that feeling my face brings as I drain every drop of your precious blood. I'll let the friend watch for kicks.”
I snarled, “you sick bastard. Whatever you have planned leave her out of this.”
Bristol smiled like a kid at Christmas. “Oh, a feisty one. I can feel that power sizzling underneath your skin. I'm glad you haven't changed, you'll taste a hell of a lot sweeter with that human blood floating around.” He licked his lips, and took a step closer. “Now relax. I'll try my best to be as gentle as I can.”
“Shut up. Just let her go, this is between you and me.” I stood protectively in front of a trembling Cecile.
“Your protectiveness is pointless but cute. In the end you both will die.” The smile seemed glued on his face.
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever. If you're here to kill then do it already and stop bullshitting.” I scrunched up my nose. “I can smell you rotting from here.”
“Ren, stop.” Cecile's voice squeaked out.
“You should listen to your friend. It doesn't help to make me angry,” he said.
I could feel sweat building on my forehead, and hoped like hell that he would keep talking and give us some extra time to come up with something. I needed a plan, or a hope that the guys were on their way. My fear sat inside of me, and I tried my hardest to push it away.
Any time the tingle of fear would trickle up I forced myself to stand taller. Like mom always told me, 'when you're afraid, or if you feel intimidated, lift your chin and stand tall don't let them see it. Show them you are proud of who you are and nothing less.' Now I knew why she pushed for me to be stronger than everyone else, because she had to fight her whole life with her own differences. She knew I would change and would have to go through the same things. All of the tough parenting was so I wouldn't be afraid or over-whelmed by what I would eventually become. To accept the vampire blood in my veins, and to learn to take control of it. Remembering her words brought on a new understanding- I am half vampire destined to become the queen and there is no changing that.
Bristol reached out toward Cecile's trembling body behind me with extra fast vampire speed. That brought me back to reality and out of my thoughts. He was going to kill us if I didn't do something now.
“Stop!” I screamed.
Cecile shrieked and put her hands in front of her face waiting to be manhandled by the over-sized vampire, but the sound of her yelling faded out as she realized that Bristol had stopped.
He froze halfway to Cecile's throat, and a sneer had formed on his lips as he glared at me. He stood frozen to the spot.
“Oh my god. Ren what happened?” Cecile whispered.
“Part of my powers. Come on we have to get out of here before he breaks free.” I grabbed onto Cecile's arm and yanked.
She followed me, but kept her eyes glued on Bristol. “Can he get out of that?”
I shook my head. “He will eventually but if it's anything like Cryder, it'll take a while.”
“You did this to Cryder too?”
“Not on purpose.”
We moved far away enough into the trees and bushes that Bristol's frozen body was hidden from our sight, and hopefully we were hidden from his.
“Where are we going? Why are we going toward the woods?”
“We need to get away. Away from...” Rustling sounds in the woods stopped us from taking any other steps.
“W-what is th-that?” asked Cecile.
“Shh. Don't let him know we're here,” Cryder whispered from behind a bush. “How did you get away?” he asked as he stepped out of the bushes.
“Um. Well, my voice.” I shrugged.
“Oh you did it again?” Cryder amusingly asked.
Sarcasm filled me. “Yes. The anomaly strikes again.”
“You were amazing, Ren. You saved us,” Cecile said with a shaky voice.
“Are you alright?” Drake stepped from behind a tree and wrapped his arms around Cecile. She nodded.
Cryder wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and glanced around the trees. “He's starting to move. Please go and sit in the car. Wait for us to come and get you.” We both nodded and walked toward the car. We had gone in quite a ways into the woods, and took the long way back to the car.
Bristol broke free from my hold with a ferocious growl which echoed through the

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