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Book online «Bonded With Love by Tiffany Heiser (digital e reader .txt) 📖». Author Tiffany Heiser

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right now.” I started to open my mouth to protest, but he put his hand up to stop me. “Please, trust me.”
I stopped short and simply nodded. He stood there in front of me looking into my eyes with pure concern, and lifted his hand up to my face then ran from the living room.
I sat on the couch shaking my leg in frustration. I knew he was right. This was not for me to see, but curiosity was seriously killing me. So I stood up and headed to the archway between the foyer and the living room, what would it hurt to check it out? I leaned around the doorway and instantly saw everyone crowding around the body. Blood was everywhere, trailing down the body onto the tarp the guys had apparently brought in to cover the hardwood floor of the foyer.
It took everything in me not to throw my guts up right there in the entryway. I kept reminding myself I was the idiot who decided to come and look. I needed to suck it up and deal now.
I heard a lot of whispering coming from both of the guys, and Cecile sat there staring at the body.
The body, a man, had his chest ripped open. From where I stood I could see his eyes were opened and staring up at the ceiling. His mouth frozen with a grimace, and his fingers curled into fists. His last moments had been spent fighting for his life. I didn't realize I was crying until I tasted salty tears on my lips. Then Drake reached into the torn opened chest, and my gag reflex kicked in. Squishing noises came from inside the body as Drake pulled out a knife connected to a note which was attached to the dead man's heart. That did it, I ran from the room to the bathroom and let my stomach empty itself out.
I sat in there letting the tears free fall from my eyes, and tried to take deep breaths which seemed impossible.
A knock at the door made me jump.
“Rena, are you okay? You weren't supposed to see that you know?” Cecile's sweet voice rang through the door. “Can I come in?”
I sat up enough to open up the door for her, and then plopped back down on the ground.
She came in and sat down next to me, watching me carefully. “Oh man you look awful.”
“I don't feel so hot either.” I rasped out.
She stood up and grabbed a washcloth hanging on the towel rack and ran it under water before handing it to me and plopping back down next to me.
The warm water felt good on my face. “What did the note say?” I held my breath for what felt like forever until she finally looked into my eyes.
I knew that Cecile couldn't keep secrets from me, and whether it was good for me to know or not know she would let it slip. “The note was...for you Rena. I told Cryder it was good for you to know what was going on.”
I tried to swallow down the bile rising in my throat. “What did it say?”
“Here I wrote it down. The paper was drenched in blood.”
I scrunched up my nose. “Oh...okay thanks,” I said and took the piece of paper from her hands.

Rena, my dear loved one, I have been waiting so patiently to see you again.

I took a deep breath and read the rest of the note, scared to see what else had been written.

I did try to be patient and wait only for you, but then this human tempted me. I ripped through his heart as an example to show your beloved and his people. You belong to me and no other. I will see you again soon, My Queen.
Warmest regards,

Cecile wrapped her arms around my shoulders. “It's okay Rena, the guys won't let anything bad happen to you. Plus I'm here to take care of you too.”
“I know they will Cecile, that's not what's bothering me. That man, out in the foyer, he died because of me. Because Bristol wants me. I can't be the reason for people dying and just go on. I can’t just live life, dammit.” My hands shook hard rattling the note.
Cecile nodded at me, then her next words pushed me over the edge. “Relax girly. It’ll all be okay. I promise. Drake and Cryder will take care of it all.”
My anger started to rear its ugly head inside of me. “Relax? You want me to sit and relax while people are getting killed? People that know nothing about me or even about vampires. He was innocent, Cecile!”
I stood. Cecile held the same scared face that I never wanted to see on her again. Her body pushed up against the wall as much as she could, trying to get away from me.
I closed my eyes, sucked in my breath, and let it all out in one big whoosh. “I'm so sorry Cecile. Everything in our lives has gone from zero to one hundred in a few days, and it's too much for me. I'm sorry.” A lump formed in my throat.
She stood up, wrapped her arms around me in a hug, and I laid my head on her shoulder. “It will all get situated, please trust me, and trust the guys. I know it's a lot, but they know more about what's really going on than we do. They won't let anything happen to us.” She ran her fingers through my hair trying to help calm my fears.
The comfort of her hands in my hair reminded me of when my mom use to do it when I was little and scared of the monster under my bed. The lump in my throat felt like a baseball now.
I lifted my head off of Cecile's shoulder and looked her in the eyes. “Let the guys know, if you don't I will, that from now on I will be told the truth. I'm just as much a part of this group as anyone else. No matter how I react, I'll still stand back up and face whatever is next head on.”
“I'll tell them Rena. You know Cryder won't be happy about all of that.”
I nodded and then gave an over-exaggerated shrug. I really didn't care.
Cecile left the bathroom. I knew the guys wouldn't be happy with us, but they would get over it. I splashed some water on my face, staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked like roadkill ran over twice. My hair fell flat against my head, the simple make-up I had tried to apply earlier was smeared across my face, and my clothes looked like I pulled them from the dumpster. This was definitely not one of my best days. I opened the door.
Cryder stood right outside the bathroom waiting for me. Running right into his tall broad body, I had to bite my lip to stifle a scream. He towered over me as he glanced down at me with true worry in his eyes.
His hand immediately went to my cheek and he gently stroked my face. My breath caught in my throat by his touch, and I could feel myself melting into a puddle right in front of him. His touch could make any fear I had go away in seconds. “How are you doing?”
I put on my best fake smile.“Oh I'm fine. No need to worry.” I walked past him toward Cecile, who was talking to Drake.
They both stopped talking once I reached them, and I wanted to scream. I hated feeling like the outsider. “Where’s the body?” I asked.
“We got rid of it,” Drake answered. He and Cecile were sitting on the couch. Cecile still looked shaken up, but Drake seemed tense. I stepped closer toward them.
“What? You just threw it away like yesterday’s garbage?”
“Can’t keep him here and have him stinking up the place. Don’t worry we’ll take care of the big stuff for you.”
“Excuse me? What the hell is your problem?” I stood directly in front of him now, my eyes staring right into his.
“You should stay seated in here little girl. This is all too much for a mere half-ling. Queen or not. Maybe once you are all grown up you’ll be able to handle all of the grown-up situations, but for now you should sit all of this out.”
“Cecile dear, you better get your new boy toy in check. I can't control anything that happens when I get angry, and right now I don't plan on trying.” The loud pounding of my heart was all heard by that point.
“Oh please little one, you aren't a match for me, but I would enjoy seeing what you think you could or couldn't do to me,” Drake said as he stood up and started to walk away from me.
“Fine.” I growled through clenched teeth.
I let the shaking in my hands shimmy its way all through my body. I sprinted to him, and put my hands out towards his chest pushing all of my anger against him. I had expected him to not be affected by my touch. Instead he went flying through the closed front wooden door, through the missed blood splatters, and landed on the porch.
I ran to him and stared into his gray eyes, he glared back. He dusted his pants off with that same expression glued to his face. Drake walked toward the house and bumped into my shoulder as he passed me.
I spun around and yelled before he passed over the threshold. “Drake! Don't you dare walk away you shithead. You come and face me and let's finally get this over with.”
“Drake, Rena dammit. You both stop this. You’re acting immature.” Cecile whined from behind Drake.
“Drake you stop this immediately.” Cryder’s voice boomed from inside the house.
I came to stand in front of Drake within seconds. We stood face-to-face. “Yeah Drake stop picking on poor little me.” I giggled.
He crossed his arms. “Don't touch me again little girl. I'm not going to fight...”
I interrupted him. “You will fight me. I'm tired of your snide remarks and I’m ready to wipe that annoying ass grin off your face. So let's get this over with.”
“You two stop now.” Cryder started to grab onto Drake.
It was too late. Drake growled and charged toward me like a rabid bull, and all I waited for was the foam to start boiling out of his mouth. He stalked up to me puffing his chest like a blow-fish. My height held no competition toward his, but I wouldn't back down.
He took a deep breath, lifted me with all of the strength, and then threw me. He tossed me like a Frisbee. I flew and stared back into his bright red eyes and could hear Cryder yelling.
I couldn't say how high I had gotten, but he had definitely put a lot more power behind his hit. Drake definitely wanted me gone. I couldn't blame him actually. I wasn't exactly sure why I had gone that crazy besides my vampire emotions were out of control, and Drake just pissed me off.
I wasn't afraid of the flying part until I noticed that I was falling now. I panicked and started screaming. As I came closer to the ground my heart pounded threatening to break free from my chest. I thought I was a going to die of heart attack before I landed.
I somehow bypassed all of the forest trees, but I had nothing to slow my crash. I prayed to whoever would listen, and then blacked out for what felt like seconds.
My body seemed
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