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Book online «Bonded With Love by Tiffany Heiser (digital e reader .txt) 📖». Author Tiffany Heiser

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to her, it will only make it worse.”
I shivered at the thought that I was making my best friend hurt worse.
Drake lifted Cecile up into his arms like an infant and they whooshed from the room without even a second glance at the two of us.
“How long does that last? She won't always be like that will she?” I asked.
“It could be a few days to a week before she feels completely like herself again. But no she won't always be like that. As long as Drake keeps her satiated she will be fine around you. We will have to keep a close eye on her.”
I wrapped my arms around my torso. “You had said that it wouldn't be bad, but she looked terrified and upset.”
“Your body is still changing after a few days, but it does go away.” He rubbed a hand on my shoulder.
I could feel my stomach somersaulting and I ran to the bathroom. I laid on the bathroom floor letting the cool tile soak into my skin and calm my nerves. While lying there another wave of nausea hit me as I realized I still had to make this same decision. To change into a creature of the night and become a queen.
I brought my knees to my chest trying to relax. I wanted to let everything fall into place, but in the edges of my mind my thoughts were negative. Did Cryder really care for me? Or was this all because he had to? Would I really be accepted by the ancient vampire race at eighteen years old to be their queen?
With Cryder, he made me feel so strong and in control, but completely out of control at the same time. He brought out so many different emotions from me, and no one has ever done that. Something amazing is between us because my heart ached with the thought of him and my body thrummed with excitement by his scent alone, but at the same time my fear of what could or would happen tore at me and halted every decision I thought I could make. Can I jump into it like Cecile, and say yes to Cryder? Could I leave behind the human world? I had plenty of time to make my decision, so I didn't have to worry about jumping into it...right now...

Chapter 10

I didn’t sleep that night, I couldn’t. Cecile’s screams echoed through the halls. The first one I ignored, but then after the third one I ran like a kid scared of a thunderstorm to Cryder’s room. I lifted my hand to knock on the door then stopped. Why was I here? To ask questions, of course, I answered myself. And so I knocked.
Cryder came to the door in nothing but a pair of boxers, and my chin fell to the ground. All I could see were rippling muscles. Did he have a face? I couldn’t remember. I glanced up to see his sparkling blue eyes shine from the moonlight and remembered how beautiful he was from head to toe. A small grin played on his mouth as he stared at me. What was I doing here again?
“Right. Um...hi.”
“Are you okay Rena?” Cryder asked in a soft tone.
“Yes, well no. Why is she screaming like that?”
“Her body is still changing. I know it sounds awful, but she shouldn’t remember anything by morning. Can you not sleep?”
“Shouldn’t? Hell no I can’t sleep, Cecile, my best friend is screaming her lungs out right next door to me. Are you sleeping?”
“I was yes.”
“Are you use to tormenting screams in your house Cryder?”
“Well no, but I tend to be a deep sleeper. Do you want to go downstairs and I can make you some coffee.”
“Right, coffee. You don’t happen to have anything mocha flavored do you? I’m sort of missing that right about now.”
“Well, it won’t be the same, but I’ll try to make it as close as possible.” He chuckled and grabbed a robe to wrap around himself. Damn. He placed a hand on my lower back while we walked downstairs and a flush filled my body. His touch, oh god, his touch could change the world for me. My heart beat in my ears from his warm hand. The screams had quieted from Cecile, but my heart ached for her. Books didn’t lie with this, the change is never something pretty, or sexy. The one thing the media did get right, and it has to be the scariest part of all of this.
* * * * * * * * * *
Coffee with Cryder was great, and we stayed up for a few hours until I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Cecile’s screams stopped and it was only then that Drake left her side to shower and change. I said hi to him but that was all. There had been too much going on that night, and I still felt hurt that this happened without talking about it or a heads up. Something to say ‘Hey, so tomorrow I plan on changing into a vampire.’
I awoke and walked to the bathroom immediately to have the hottest shower known to man and try to erase all the pictures in my head from the previous day. After a while I finally walked out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam, and I could hear Cecile and the guys talking downstairs.
Thrilled as I was to hear Cecile's voice chiming like a bell, I couldn't free the fear clinging to my bones. Would she be different? Would she still want to drink my blood? Is our friendship doomed until I take the plunge and become a vampire myself?
I made my way down to the living room, sucked in a deep breath, and lifted my chin in the air hoping to trick everyone into thinking that I was fine.
I strode in, and all conversation ceased. That awkward moment where you know that everyone was talking about you. I took my seat on the couch and Cryder handed me a mug filled with more coffee. He apparently knew me well. I grabbed the cup from his hands and inhaled the rich aroma. My mouth watered. After I took a sip of the delicious brew, I huskily said, “hi.” and then stared at Cryder’s hand also holding a mug. “You can drink coffee?”
Cryder shrugged. “I can, not the best tasting anymore. But it’s an old habit.”
“You used to drink it a lot?”
“It’s like do I say it. It brings a sense of humanity back to me. You enjoy it?”
“Of course. When I was a kid, my grandpa would fill up the creamer cups with his extra sweet coffee and give them to me. It wasn’t much, but enough for me to crave it. As I got older it became a ritual. It helps when I'm stressed or freaking out, like now.”
That broke all silence and Cryder was by my side in a vampire second. “Are you okay?” he asked.
I only nodded. That question alone made my eyes water. “I'm still me,” Cecile responded.
Those words broke the dam. Tears streamed down my face and onto my shirt. “I'm glad,” I whispered.
Cecile stood and came over to me slowly. Probably waiting for another ticking time bomb reaction from me. Once she made it and realized I wouldn't run or scream, she sat. “Obviously vampire traits are a part of me now, but I'm not wanting to drink your blood or anything like that.” She gave a half smile and I noticed golden flecks in her red tinged eyes. Her fangs weren't showing now as she leaned in to hug me.
I wrapped my arms around her neck. “How are you?” I choked out.
“Fine. Honest. I'm not in pain or crazed for blood, well as long as I'm kept fed. I won't be so desperate for any other. A nice balanced diet of the tomato juice three times a day is sufficient,” she laughed. “I'm okay, seriously,” she said once she noticed I wasn't laughing.
“Good. I'm glad. I was so sc...” Hiccuped sobs bounced from my chest.
At that time everyone came to hug the last pitiful human in the house...well half-human. Cecile looked sad but she didn't cry, she only held me close. Cryder and even Drake wrapped their arms around me, cooing calming words in my ears until I stopped.
I wiped my face, and stared at Cecile again paying attention to all the differences that had happened over night. She may still sound the same and basically looked the same, but there were still so many changes. “Your hair is longer.”
“Yep. And curlier. Apparently another side effect. Positive though, my mountain sized pimple I had growing on my cheek has disappeared,” she giggled.
“But that's it?”
“Blemish free. Nicer looking hair. Plus I'm stronger and faster. And I can do this now.” She stood up and away from me then snapped her fingers and a red rose appeared in her hand. “Crazy huh?” She beamed.
“You can make things appear?”
“Yep. You can move things, and I can create things. We'll make an awesome team right?” Her smile rose from ear to ear.
“Right,” I agreed and tried to smile but my breath caught in my throat. “I think...I be alone...” I forced out.
They all scooted away fro me. Hurt faces on all three of my friends.
“I'm sorry,” I whispered. “It's a lot to take in, and very weird being the only human in the house. I just need to breathe my own air for a little while.” I stood up and headed toward the foyer, and then made a quick decision that I wanted to go outside and enjoy the hot sun.
I tip-toed through the entry way and headed toward the front door to make my escape. Did I hear footsteps on the other side? I put my hand on the doorknob and the doorbell rang like an alarm system. It yelled out letting everyone know I was trying to escape, or that’s what it felt like to me. Who would ring the doorbell to this house? I reached for the knob again to open it, and in a blur Cryder and Drake were in front of me. They blocked me from the door and Cecile stood to my left with a hand on my shoulder.
Cryder opened the door slightly letting a slither of sunlight slip into the house. A pang of fear struck me instantly. Laying in a heap on the front porch was a body.
“There’s blood. A lot of it.” The aroma didn’t smell like Cryder’s, it didn’t make my mouth water. The only thing this blood did was make me feel sick.
Before I could sneak anymore peaks around Cryder and Drake, Cryder picked me up and carried me in a blur and dropped me onto the couch. “Stay here do not move. It is not safe for you

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