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Book online «THE CROWN AND THE FLAME by ROCHELLE PIETERSE (the little red hen read aloud .txt) 📖». Author ROCHELLE PIETERSE

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as he handed her a glass of wine. “Unless…maybe you think you’re better than me at this.”

“Are you challenging me to a drinking contest?” Skyelar asked smiling.

“I wasn’t being subtle. I’ll even make it more interesting,” Liath said. “If you outdrink me, which no one ever has, I’ll make up a song in your honor.”

“I accept,” Skyelar said and downed the entire glass of wine in one gulp.

“Impressive...” Liath said as he drank his own.

“That…that was aged in green oak for over a decade,” Annelyse gasped. “If you’re going to be drinking this hard, you’ll want something stronger.”

Annelyse slides another two goblets in front of them. It is filled with a thick, gold liquid. “Formally it’s called Aurelian nectar, but we’ve taken to calling it three hells fire,” Annelyse explained.

Skyelar took her glass and drank it down, “Oh my gods…that is unnatural!”

“Another round!” shouted Liath.

Skyelar downed another glass, “Whoa… why did the room get all spinny?”

“Now this is a celebration!” Annelyse exclaimed happily as she instructed for more wine.

“I don’t feel so good…” Skyelar said after she downed yet another glass.

“Don’t tell me you’re done. I’m just getting started,” Liath said mockingly.

“I’m not stopping anytime soon. Not when my honor is at stake.” Skyelar picked up her glass and as her vision cleared momentarily she downs it all. “Uh, does anyone else see three cups right now?”

Liath was beyond drunk, “Hic…I can’t believe…hic…you’re…still…”

“Come on, Liath. You owe me a song,” Skyelar laughed. “Sing, while you still can.”

Drunkenly Liath bursted into song, “Skyelar…mmf…she’s the best! Skyelar…something…better than…the rest…”

Liath slumps over, his head hitting the table as he passes out. Justin hauled with laughter, “Surprised he managed a rhyme.”

“I win!” Skyelar exclaimed.

“A toast to Skyelar!” Greine shouted as she raised her glass. “She’s got the heart of a champion…and the stomach of one too1 every one cheers!”

“Thank you, thank you,” Skyelar said as she stood and bowed slightly.


Rayden was mesmerized. Her hair was tumbled down her back, around her shoulders, and over her breasts. She was dressed into a slim, straight, low cut, bejeweled, gold ball gown. As she crossed the room, all the sound and motion stilled. She left everyone staring after her in bemused, immobile silence. She seemed to float, the only evidence of physical movement the gentle sway of the material of her dress. The warm, creamy softness of her skin, the moist vermilion of her lips, her eyes stood out in stark contrast to her attire of gold. He watched as she drank with her friends and decided to step out from the shadows just as she won the contest.

“Lady Skyelar,” Rayden said. “Reports of your beauty haven’t done you justice.”

Skyelar blushed as she looked at the stranger, “You’ve been watching me ever since I got to this party.”

“Not true,” Rayden smiled. “I’ve been watching you ever since you arrived in Aurelia.”

“I could have you killed for that,” Skyelar said bluntly.

“Not true again.”

“And why is that?” Skyelar questioned.

“Because I only allow things to happen that I want to happen,” Rayden winked. “And I wouldn’t allow someone to kill me, since I’m rather fond of me.”

“And you are?”

“Rayden,” he answered kissing her hand. “An… associate of Annelyse’s.”

“Well, Rayden the associate,” Skyelar smiled. “Are you saying that I saw you only because you allowed me to see you?”


“And why would you allow that?”

“The same reason I allow anyone to see me…” Rayden smiled. “Either because I’m about to do them harm… or because I find myself desperately attracted to them.”

“Really?” Skyelar blushed. “Well, I suppose I’m unharmed so-“

“-So you should be very concerned.” Rayden took a glance behind her, “We’re about to be interrupted. But if you wish to continue our conversations more… intimately, meet me in the gardens.” Rayden leaves just as Annelyse arrives, slipping her arm through Skyelar’s.

“Skyelar! You’re…stunning!” Annelyse whispers to her. “The most dazzling woman here, by far.”

“Thank you. That means a lot, coming from you.”

“Now that the party’s in full swing, I thought we might escape for a private celebration of our own. What do you say?” Annelyse asked seductively. “Join me for tonight’s real fun? I promise we won’t talk about business. Just…us.” Annelyse winks at Skyelar and motions for her to follow her as she walks away. Skyelar started to feel nauseous. She looks from Annelyse to where Rayden is standing, just about to leave for the gardens. Farther off she sees Sir Luke and started to head towards him.

“Did you make a new friend?” Sir Luke asked as she joined him.

“I’m not feeling up to socializing right now.” Skyelar said softly, “Would you mind giving my apologies?”

“Of course not,” Sir Luke hugged her shoulders. “Cheer up, my queen. This is a party after all.”

“I’ll never be able to enjoy a party. Not until Dragonstead is mine again,” Skyelar sighed.

“If it’s any consolation,” Sir Luke tried to comfort. “I believe we’ve made a good impression. I heard the Aurelian nobles talking with Annelyse… they seem to be in favor of supporting us.”

“Let’s hope we stay in their good graces…” Skyelar smiled and retreated to her chamber.


As Zayden and Lucy returned to the kitchens, Zayden noticed that many of the guards aren’t at their posts, “Somethings going on. No guards.”

Lucy looks around, “The halls do feel less intimidating than normal.”

Zayden spots a young messenger heading towards the throne room, looking at Lucy he whispers, “Follow my lead, Lucy.”

“Of course,” Lucy answered.

“Psst! You there! Boy!” Zayden softly called the boy.

“I’m not supposed to talk to anyone,” the boy hesitated. “I have to go straight to the throne room.”

“This is a matter of life and death,” Zayden urged. “Surely you can talk for that.”

“I…” the boy started but stops.

“When you enter the throne room, can you leave the door open behind you? Just a hair’s width,” Zayden asked.

“It’d mean a lot to us,” Lucy smiled lovingly.

“Why?!” the boy seemed scared. “So you can spy?! Spies are bad! I’m going to…” the boy started. “I’m going to tell the guards right now!”

Zayden stops the boy just as he turned to run, “Listen. I’m not a spy. I’m a legendary hero to defeat the bad guys.”

“Huh?” the boy asked confused.

Zayden turned to Lucy, “Stand and watch! I’ve got this.”

Lucy nods, “Be quick, Zayden.”

Zayden pulls the boy into a small alcove.

“What are you doing? Don’t hurt me,” the boy stammered, tears rimming his eyes.

“You don’t have anything to fear from me,” Zayden promised. “I’m a good guy. Just like out of the old tales.”

“Prove it!” the boy said barely convinced.

“I can make fire do whatever I want,” Zayden told the boy. Concentrating he makes a ball of fire appear in his hand, the flames glowing an eerie blue.

“You…” the boy said in awe, “You can use magic? You… you are just like one of the old legendary warriors!”

Zayden nods, “I’m a defender of justice. And if you want to be a good guy too, you’ll help us!”

“Yes!” the boy exclaimed, “I want to be a good guy too! I’ll help.”

They trail behind the boy as he steps into the throne room, the door left barely open. Zayden sneaked up to the door and peeked in.

“H-here you are, sir,” The boy said as he handed Giles a piece of paper.

Giles finished reading the message and smiles, “Good news. Our spy says everything’s according to plan. The girl is in the gilded city now, just as Andrew predicted.”

“What about her army?” a soldier demanded.

“Army?” Giles choked, “Pfft. She has only a few fighters with her. The rest are outside of Aurelia. And Queen Annelyse has kept Skyelar and her people there, as ordered. She’s proven rather useful.”

The soldier nods and grins, “There’ll be no escape for Skyelar this time.”

“Oh, how surprised she’ll be when she discovers that prince Andrew is the one leading his soldiers to ambush her!” Giles laughed.

“OH NO! Skyelar!” Zayden breathed.





Zayden turned to Lucy, “I had no idea prince Andrew had even left the castle. He could be there already! I have to warn her!”

“Be careful, Zayden! You can’t risk getting caught,” Lucy said concerned.

“It’s a risk I have to take,” Zayden replied as he peek back through the door.

“Prince Andrew has promised to bring her back alive. I wonder how I’ll kill her,” Giles boasted. “Maybe I’ll start by slicing off her-”

“Excuse me sir,” the boy interrupted, “May I go now? Please?”

Astonished and angry Giles looked at the boy, “Yes, get out, you sniveling…wait.” Giles looked straight at the barely open door, “Why is that door open? Someone is spying on us!”

“Oh no,” Zayden breathed.

“What is it?” Lucy asked but he ignored her.

“Who’s out there?” Giles bellowed.

Zayden could not move, he stood dumbfounded in front of the door.

“Zayden, what is it?!” Lucy asked as she grabs his hand and yanks him out of his trance.

“He saw us,” Zayden said just staring at Lucy.

“Come on!” Lucy grabbed his hand and started to run, “Run!”

Running as fast as possible down the corridor the worst thing possible happened. Lucy fell!

Without thinking twice Zayden stops to help her to her feet, “Not the time for a break!”

Just then the throne room doors flew open with an agitated Giles screaming, “No one spies on me!”

“He saw us!” Lucy panicked almost at the end of the corridor.

“Not yet! Just a little more!” Zayden said as they ran as hard as they could.

“I think we made it…” Lucy said as they turned the corner but bumped straight into Avery.

“What’s the hurry?” Avery asked suspiciously. “What have you two been doing without me?!”

“Now’s not the time. Andrews’ guards… they’re after us!” Zayden said hastily.

Avery pulls aside a tapestry, revealing a hidden nook, “Quick then! Hide in here!”

“Not bad...” Zayden whispered as he pulled Lucy in, “Apparently, I don’t know every secret in this castle.”

The three of them hid as Andrew’s men ran by.

“Damn them! Where did those traitors flee to?” Giles was out of breath and disgusted of losing the spies.

After a few moments of not hearing a sound Avery peeked from behind the tapestry, “Looks like they’re gone. I’ll stay here and keep a look out.”

Stepping out from behind their hiding place Avery finished, “You’d better head back to your rooms.”

Zayden nods and hastily returns to his room. As he enters he rushes to the window, whistling two short blasts for Dragon. A few seconds later, Dragon lands in the window, nuzzling him with his beak.

“I missed you too,” Zayden replied.

“He sure cares about you,” Lucy said from behind him.

“We’ve been together a long time,” Zayden pets Dragons head. “You like that, don’t you, Dragon?”

“He’s so cute!” Lucy exclaimed.

Zayden grabs a scrap of paper and scrawl down a quick message. Skyelar, Aurelia is not safe. Andrew is there to ambush you. Flee now.

“Listen up Dragon. I need you to deliver this to Skyelar. Can you find her?” Zayden whispered to his beloved hawk. Dragon answers him with a chirrup.

“Her life may depend on you reaching her swiftly. Fly strong. Fly fast,” Zayden continued.

Dragon takes the message in his talons and flies off. They turn away from the window when suddenly they hear Dragon squawk.

With dread filling inside him, Zayden turns back to the window to see dragon spiraling lifelessly downward from the sky. An arrow protruding from his breast.

“NO!” Zayden screamed. Rushing out of

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