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Book online «Charlie Gyid 2 by Anysia Eaton (big ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Anysia Eaton

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for the rest of the performances, and getting the audience in a good mood. I must admit if I was performing I would do my best to avoid this spot, but I wouldn’t want to be last to perform either. I believe they have the hardest job. Ending the show. They always have to be the best act. The one everybody leaves talking about. The one that outranks the rest.
“Hello. My name is Sam Tyler, and my partner Alexander Marros. We’re going to show you today the extensive power of Spells and Enchantments.”
These two students are the best Warlocks in their year, so it wasn’t a surprise when Mistress Halsente asked them to represent her subject. They were also asked by Jeff and Sir Mallot to represent potions and History, but they had to refuse as they had already accepted to demonstrate Spells and Enchantments. There – like usual in a school – was a rumour going around that they actually wished to be doing the potions performance but as they had already accepted Spells and Enchantments they couldn’t. They had been trying to convince everybody it wasn’t true but even I knew they did prefer Potions in lesson times, but this didn’t stop them being the best for Spells and Enchantments. This showed in they’re performance. They performed spell after spell, charm after charm, enchantment after enchantment including the levitation charm, the protection bubble spell, and even the extremely tricky transformation enchantment – which is where the prince as a toad story originated from. They pulled it off brilliantly, and with much more style than anyone was imagining. It was up to them to introduce the next act.
“Please give a warm welcome to the Carris sisters who will be showing you the hoys of underworld history”
The Carris sisters were always a sight – a good sight and a half. One was in the year below me and the other was in forth year. They were both wearing flowing white dresses and white high heels. Both of them had stuck silver gems in a decorative fashion around their eyes.
Once they had entered the glass box, they both sat crossed legged in the centre of the box, facing each other.
“Aleska visionia, explainion whatiska mesota seeska” they chanted together as they took each other’s hands.
A white ball of light appeared between them. It raised above their heads and grew until it was just smaller than a cinema screen. I had seen this spell being used in our history lessons. No matter where your sat the screen will look as though you are looking at it straight on.
“A long time ago, when the world had only just been reached a mature enough age to handle the creature of man, the world was plentiful. Life population was small and simple...” started the oldest. As she spoke, the white light turned almost into a screen, showing exactly what she was saying. All of us had seen this happen before, this was Sir Mallot’s favourite way of teaching us.
“...Food was easy to come by and people lived long and happy lives. But these people grew greedy. They took what they had for granted. They wanted what they couldn’t have and they took a grab at it and as a result illness and hunger found them. For centuries, the descendants of these people paid the price. They prayed for a way out. Four couples tried to take – for a second time for their people – what they couldn’t have...”
“As they hunted, all they found was a small bundle. They opened it up. At first they believe they had found what they were looking for. Inside was four crystals; one was a blood red colour, one a dark blue colour – the same colour as the sky that night –, one an amber colour, and the last a violet colour. The couples spent a few hours deliberating what they should do with their newly found treasures. They decided to split up – in their couples – and taking a stone each. They took them to their individual houses in their individual villages.”
“In the house of the red stone, the couple woke thirsting the blood of their own human children. Their thirst got the better of their self control. Their skin had turned a pale white and they could no longer hear their hearts beating. They fled to the northern area of the globe. These were the first Vampires.”
“In the house of the blue stone, the couple woke in the middle of the night, howling in pain. The hair on their body had grown and moved around to cover their whole bodies. They found themselves uncontrollable. They slashed through their local village, with their increased strengthened teeth and claws. After realising what they had done they fled to the eastern area of the globe. They were the first Werewolves.”
“In the house of the amber stone, the couple woke in need of relief. They felt extremely uncomfortable in their own skin. During the next night – even though they tried to resist – they morphed into their favourite animals – deer. The others in their village were suddenly hungry and they hunted the couple in their deer forms. They fled to the southern are of the globe. These were the first shape shifters.”
“In the house of the violet stone, the couple felt themselves strengthen. They became more aware of the world around them; the nature, the animals, and the weather. The power inside of them made them arrogant. They bragged to the others in their village, and their neighbours grew jealous. They wished to end them and so they attacked. The couple had no choice but to flee to the western area of the globe.”
“This was the beginning of the underworld creatures. These four creatures grew in number. The vampires bit person after person, passing on the Vampire venom. The werewolves in their uncontrollable tempers attacked person after person, passing on the Werewolf curse. The shape shifters had children who had children. And finally the Wiccans had children who had children. The individual creatures decided among themselves their power ranking. The Vampire Prince, The Werewolf pack leader, the Shape shifter king and the Wiccan Royals”
“Unavoidably these four different creatures collided violently, forgetting their ancestors and predecessors had once been great friends. The first Underworld War lasted for many years, causing great loses on each side. As more years passed and the numbers of each creature reduced they started to make alliances. The Wiccans and the Shape shifters joined forces and then so did the Vampires and Werewolves.”
“It wasn’t until a Wiccan royal from the Austrian covert – Alexandra Taltuie – and the current Vampire Prince at that time – Sir Alec Tavestest fell in love that peace seemed to be in view. All of their friends believed their love was boomed because of the war, but they refused to accept that and so they fought to bring peace to the world. After years of struggling they finally managed to bring peace. It was on that day that the first Underworld Co-operation day was held between the different creatures. And now hundreds of years later we still celebrate the day of underworld Co-operation and live in peace all thanks to the love of a Wiccan and a Vampire”
The screen ended on a collection of pictures from our last Underworld Co-operation day including a picture of Me and Brad as the two leaders. The screen turned a blank white, and then vanished altogether.
The room erupted into applause. Sir Mallot seemed especially please with the Carris sisters’ performance, after all it is his subject area – History. Sir Malice also seemed pleased. I doubt he’d ever seen history shown that way before. The Carris sisters stood and bowed.
“may we introduce Alice Parrow, Sarah Satchit and Kelly Marrow, from second year, who will be brewing the potion of light” The younger sister said.
Alice Parrow, Sarah Satchit and Kelly Marrow were the youngest performers in the show. The potion of light is something you learn early in your third year of studies. It was one of the things I had to learn in catch up with Jeff, while I was also studying fifth year magic. It was meant to show the different colours in the light spectrum but in a stylish fashion. It was a good thing the glass box didn’t have a hole in the roof in case everybody with sense would be running out of the room. It could spit up and then land on the audience. They didn’t always fire straight up.
They prepared themselves and the ingredients and three adult males brought on a large cauldron that already had a salty water boiling in it. They placed it in the very centre of the glass box and lit an improvised fire beneath it.
“A series of life, light grows within. The seed of life with life in...” Chanted all three of them as they each placed in a seed from an apple tree. “...The light of early man...” They each lit a splinter of wood and dropped it in. “...The light of the sea...” they each dropped in the light that had once belonged to a fish found in the deep sea. “...To have life... light is the key”
The liquid in the cauldron started to glow. Suddenly a streak of white light shot up. It stopped only centimetres away from the glass roof. Two more shot up; a red one and an orange one. Then another three – the next three colours in the rainbow. It started to look like the dancing fountains you can find by the coast. The colours stopped coming in an arranged order. They changed randomly.
When it stopped the room erupted into applause. The three men who had brought the cauldron on and lit the fire, set out the fire and took the cauldron away.
The shortest of the three girls said, “And now you have the brilliant pleasure of having Brad Watkins and his trusted assistant Mark Hames demonstrate defence from fire”
Brad and the fourth year, Mark, came onto the platform as the three girls left. Brad and Mark entered the glass box. Everybody will be glad for the glass box for this act – even more than with the light potion. Had the glass not been there it would get extremely hot in this room.
I felt Sir Malice fidget next to me but I was determined to watch Brad.
“Dragolishtika” Said Mark lifting his hand, palm facing up. A small ball of fire sprouted. It shot into the air leaving behind a trail of fire to Mark’s hand. The ball grew and grew into the size of an average dragon head. The fire slowly changed shape mimicking the shape of a Swiss dragon head.
I felt Sir Malice’s ice-cold finger stroking the back of my hand. What had gotten in to him? Didn’t he understand the idea of a show was to be watched? I looked at him and the answer was clear on his face. Yes, he did know, he just wanted my attention on him and not Brad, just like I feared.
I turned my head back to the fire dragon and Brad.
The dragon shot some fire from his mouth. Using one of the many counter charms Brad stopped it in its tracks. Sir Malice’s hand took mine in a strong, ice-cold, stone, iron grip. I looked towards him trying to control the bitterness in my ears. This was just what he wanted but know he had me locked I couldn’t turn away.
I crushed my eyes shut so I could re-gather my thoughts. I quickly got them back and turned away. I opened my eyes but what my eyes saw made me want to shut them again. Brad was no longer focused
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