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Book online «Charlie Gyid 2 by Anysia Eaton (big ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Anysia Eaton

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creatures they would undoubtedly choose side and we may end up with a second Underworld War. In which case we need to remain strong. We mustn’t lose faith. That is the worst thing we can do. I cannot promise you everything will be alright, but the adults in the Wiccan will do their best to keep you out of the conflict until you reach an age where you may wish to join. I don’t want to end a bad note so I am going to wish you all good luck in your exams next week and let’s hope something good can come from this month.”
I stepped down from the table as the whole room erupted in a thunderous mass of chattering.
“That was terrible” I moaned to Brad, later that night. We were lay in bed. He was lay on his back with nothing but his boxers and the quilt cover on. I was lay next to him, my head lay resting on his chest. He had missed the meeting. He hasn’t once stepped outside of our room since he received the cuts to his face. He was too afraid of the coverts stare. All of us had tried to convince him to come out but he refused all of us.
“How did they respond?” he asked.
“Well they didn’t scream if that means anything. They were mature about it but it was easy to see through their calm faces. They were absolutely petrified, even the older students” I replied. “I hate having this responsibility. I always have to give them bad news, never good. Only bad”
“I think they give you that job because you are so good at giving bad news. You give people bad news but you give it in a way where nobody can help but be at least a little bit calm.” He replied.
“Must be an orb thing” I sighed. “I missed you, you know. I wanted you next to me”
“Charlie, don’t start this again.” He moaned making my lift my head so he could look me in the eye. “You know I hate leaving you, but I just can’t go...” He scrunched up his eyes.
“Baby, staying in here... it will just get worse, this fear. You have to get out and face it straight on. How will you come out when the first battle starts?”
He didn’t reply.
“Just try it. Please. For me?” I asked.
I gave him the best pleading look I could. He sighed and then nodded.
“Love you” I whispered into his ear, lightly kissing it.
Friday morning. It couldn’t have worked out better for Brad. If he didn’t like going out, he would have the whole weekend to lock himself in our room, preparing for Monday. I made sure we were running late so then nobody was in the corridors as we headed for breakfast. He took a deep breath at the door. I squeezed his hand tightly. He looked at me a gave me a weak smile and whispered, “For you”
I opened the door and we both took a step in. Everybody in the room turned to face us. They all knew about how he had saved me and so it didn’t surprise me when the whole room erupted into applause, even the adults. I lead him to our usual seats opposite Gabby and Alison. As we walked down in between two tables, everybody we passed within arms reached patted him on the back saying “Good job”
I watched Brad’s expression the whole way. The closer we got to our seats the smile on his face became more apparent.
We all knew that we could possibly have only two weeks until Sir Malice returns with a whole army of vampires. Over the next week we started to prepare for the upcoming battle. We increased the battle hours for all students. Especially those who would be fighting. We practiced in Magical combat as well and physical combat even though we all knew should it come to physical combat the Vampires would win, as they have much more strength and speed.
During the week we got replies from some of the coverts, mostly those in Europe and a few from Asia. The rest of the replies – we guessed – were on their way.
Elspeth who had been planning to leave on Sunday had committed to staying to help fight. She was glad that she had a reason to stay longer but everybody had suspicions she hadn’t been talking about the upcoming battle. We all thought there was another reason – Jeff.
Laura Drew from the German covert – who helped me with Malietta – came to the Swiss Covert to help. She – as we did – guessed the vampires would attack the Swiss Covert first so she had no great moral difficulty leaving her own covert.
We had decided the dates of several War meetings. All the Wiccans that were going to be fighting had to attend including the student fighters. The first one was this Sun day in the training room. That had placed a platform on the far wall with a spell on the wall behind so it will act as a strategy board.
All the fighters flooded into the room. Th students fighters took up the front two rows. The adults filled the rest of them. I could see from the corner of my eye Jeff and Elspeth talking. They were sat close to each other, they were practically touching. I nudged Brad and nodded towards Jeff and Elspeth.
He looked and then nodded in my direction telling me he thought exactly the same as me – something was going on between the two of them. I hoped something was. Jeff had been alone all this time, and Elspeth was perfect for him, and he was perfect for her. Brad looked back to the front of the room to where Sir Mallot and Mistress Halsente where stood discussing with our Battle teacher, our defence teacher, our magical creatures teacher, and the head guard.
Jeff suddenly looked in my direction. I quickly averted my gaze going red in the face. Brad took a quick at me and sniggered. I elbowed him in the side, but I couldn’t help letting out a little giggle. Just the Geska headed in the room. As she walked in everybody turned to face her. She walked to Sir Mallot who lifted her up in his arms and talked to her. I watched her carefully. Surely she wasn’t planning on fighting. She may have lived longer then me but she’s still only three years old. Sir Mallot placed her down. She ran to me. She held up her arms for me to pick her.
“What was all that about?” I asked.
“I’m helping” she replied.
“Not fighting?” asked Brad. He was just as close to Geska as I was. Brad and I were old enough now to be her parents. And we practically are her foster parents.
“Yes. I know some of the old dynasty magic that nobody else does. The Vampires stand no chance against any dynasty magic. So I won’t be in any danger. Beside, do you think the vampires will be expecting a three years old to be fighting?” she explained.
I looked towards Brad with worry in my eyes. I knew I wasn’t going to let Geska fight but how was the best way to let her down easily?
“Geska...” I started.
“Don’t start Charlie, I’m helping no matter what you say” she replied.
I closed my eyes trying not imagine Geska against a Vampire. She seemed so small and so young against these. I felt a small hand on my cheek, “Charlie, look at me”
I opened my eyes. Her beady eyes were in my face.
“I have survived a whole decade of working for Malietta. Do you think I didn’t get some experience fighting Vampires during that time. You have no idea how many times Malietta met with vampires” she said.
I nodded. I didn’t like it but she somehow seemed to know what she was doing.
“Ok. But promise me you’ll be careful” I whispered.
She nodded. I lifted her up and placed her in the middle of me and Brad. Brad had pushed the two chairs together so there was enough chair for her to sit on.
Sir Mallot cleared his throat so we all turned to face him.
“Right, we...” he started but somebody rushed in through the open door. It was one of the guards. He held in his hand a letter. He handed it over to Sir Mallot. Sir Mallot and Mistress Halsente read it. Sir Mallot looked over to and motioned for me to come over. I slowly stood and walked over. It note was from a covert in Sweden.
Sir Mallot, Mistress Halsente, and Mistress Gyid.
We have just heard from one of our normad Wiccans. They have reported seeing an army of Vampires heading in your direction – from the far side of Sweden. We predict you will have at least two days until they arrive if not longer. We have sent a collection of Wiccans to help you. They shall arrive shortly. They will be able to give you a better estimate to how long you have to prepare. Good luck. We wish you the best.
Sir Lancesta.
“There’re closer to us than we thought” whispered Mistress Halsente.
“What do we do? In two days we can only fit in two meets, and two battle session. I don’t think the student fighters will be very prepared by then” I whispered back.
“We have no choice. We won’t receive much help in those two days. Only the others from Europe will get us to us by then. We will need every Wiccan we can get. The Vampires will most likely outnumber the Swiss Covert. Sir Malice would have thought to increase his numbers until we were at least outnumbered one and a half vampires to every single wiccan.” Whispered Sir Mallot. “Charlie, go and sit down. We will start this meeting and we shall tell them everything we know”
I went and sat down next to Geska. Brad reached over Geska to take my hand and squeeze it tightly.
“I’m fine” I whispered to him letting his hand go. I knew Geska wouldn’t want our hands in her way.
“Right, we ave just had news that the Vampire army is just two days – at the minimum – away from here. They are on the far side of Sweden. At the highest Vampire speed they will reach here in those two days. We don’t have time to waste so we are going to tell you everything right here right now. Over the next two days, school will be cancelled. Students will be training all day, and so will all that are planning on fighting.”
“Mistress Halsente, Mr Walice, Mr Taresca, Mr Tikitska and I have been discussing the best techniques for this battle. As you know, we have split you into eight different groups. Red group, you are defending the grand room where the students and young children will be. We don’t expect the Vampire’s to focus there so don’t be put out by the little number of you. Blue group, entrance three. Yellow group, entrance five and six. Green group, entrance four. Orange group, entrance two. Silver group, entrance four. All of you are there as a precautionary measure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they sent small groups of Vampires up the side routes. Those groups won’t be too large so you should have an easy time.”
“Now we move on to gold group...” this is was mine and Brad’s group. “Gold group you have been split into Gold A, Gold B and Gold C. Gold A and B you will begin by entrance one. Gold C you will be waiting in the five training rooms. Are we
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