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Book online «Charlie Gyid 2 by Anysia Eaton (big ebook reader .txt) 📖». Author Anysia Eaton

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Brad’s. A shiver fell down my spine from the chill of his lips. I pulled back as he pulled me into his room.
“Are you ready to join me?” he asked me.
I nodded not trusting my voice.
He moved closer and moved my hair revealing the left side of my neck.
“Will it hurt?” I asked in a whisper.
“If you move too much, yes. But if you stay as still as possible, no.” He replied as he stroked my neck with his cold fingers.
“Are you scared?” he asked, obviously enjoying himself.
I nodded, again not trusting my voice not to reveal the extent of my fear.
“Don’t be. It’s a simple and painless procedure...” he way he used the word procedure made a another shiver go down my body. “All you will fell is my teeth biting down – two pin pricks – then some of your blood leaving your body and then some venom entering your body.” He explained.
“What happens if I move so much that your teeth are pulled out? Does it stop the transition?” I asked.
“Only if you pull back before any venom gets in, but that would hurt. And, trust me, you won’t want to pull away. You won’t want me to stop” he replied kissing my neck.
My mind wondered to Brad. Has he woken up? Or will he not wake until Sir Malice and I have vanished? I could feel Sir Malice place his hand on the back of my neck, to stop me from pulling away. I wondered what everybody will think and say when they find out what I am about to go through to keep them safe.
Sir Malice leaned in, tightening his grip on my neck. He ran his tongue over my neck.
Two pin pricks.
This was it. I could feel my blood leaving my body slowly. He was right about one thing I didn’t want him to stop. All feeling halted. Pleasure ran through my body, numbing all feeling. It was pure pleasure. It was heaven. I couldn’t help but close my eyes to absorb it all. Suddenly the pleasure stopped and nothing replaced it. I couldn’t open my eyes. I couldn’t speak and I couldn’t hear. Had he finished? I couldn’t tell. Was I a vampire?

My eyes fluttered but refused to open.
“Charlie?” the all too familiar voice of Geska rang.
My eyes fluttered again but refused to open.
“She’s waking Brad” she said.
“Good” his voice danced around my ears. “I need my Charlie”
I couldn’t understand this. Hadn’t I become a vampire? Had Sir Malice left me behind? Or had he not in fact finished it? Did he have a change of heart?
My eyes opened.
“She’s awake” Geska screamed throwing her arms around my neck as I sat up.
I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed her tight. He hadn’t turned me. He hadn’t finished. I was still a Wiccan. I was still alive. I was still me. She lay her head on my shoulder. Her eyes were wet. I could feel her wet eyelashes on a bare patch neck in between my pyjama top and a plaster patch – placed where Sir Malice bit me.
“You’ve been crying” I commented in less than a whisper.
“You love me, right Charlie?” she asked in her sweet little voice, not moving her head.
“Of course, what would even make you doubt it?” I asked her shocked.
“Because you were going to leave without saying goodbye” She replied.
“I’m sorry. I knew it would be impossible to do the right thing if I saw you. I knew you would convince me not to do it. And then War would have broken out, and anyone of you could have got hurt or killed. I couldn’t live with that” I explained as I pulled her closer. I couldn’t believe I had gotten so close to leaving everyone, so close to leaving her.
“There would have been War anyway” he spoke. He was sat on the sofa. He was looking down at the floor. Not even looking at me to talk to me.
I must have really hurt him by being so stupid. It must have really hurt him to read that note and see the engagement ring left on the pillow. I had no doubt that he officially hated me for hurting him so badly, for leaving him like that.
“You’re mad at me” I said in less than a whisper. He hung his head more. I did the same. I couldn’t take my eye off him though. My head hung in his direction. “I’ll understand if you want me to move back in with Geska”
“No” he said far too fast and to loud. He almost turned his head towards me but stopped himself. “Why would I want that?”
“You won’t look at me” I replied.
“He won’t look this way in case you want to leave him” whispered Geska in my ear.
“Why would I leave you?” I asked him.
“I tried to save you... I got the leech” he sneered the word. “... off you. But he had his daggers in hand. I didn’t move fast enough. Mistress Halsente did what she could but she couldn’t heal them completely.” He explained.
“Heal what?” I asked.
He turned to face me. The right side of his face had three slashes that will undoubtedly turn into three scars. I couldn’t help but gasp. As soon as I did, I regretted it. He turned his head away. I could see the tears in his eyes threatening to break out. To be perfectly honest I didn’t care about the scars at all. He was still my Brad.
“Will my brave, heroic and always hunky fiancée come and sit next to me?” I asked in my sweetest voice.
A smile appeared on his lips as he came and sat next to me and Geska – who was still cuddled to my neck.
“You scared me. I thought I was going to be too late” He whispered.
“What happened?” I asked curious.
“I woke as you shut the door. I quickly got changed. I didn’t need to read your note to know what you were doing. I quickly called the others. I read them the note that you left. They called every single adult in the covert, explained what was going on and sent them to sort out the other vampires. Uncle, Mistress Halsente, Jeff and I came straight to you.”
“According to Mistress Halsente we got to you just in time. He had taken just under a pint was preparing to inject the venom. I pulled him off you. I scared myself then. His teeth literally ripped your neck into two. Mistress Halsente soon sorted you out while I fought with him. What I didn’t realise is that Vampires always have their weapons on them. He got out his daggers and I didn’t move quick enough. Jeff and Sir Mallot took over. They weren’t able to kill him. He escaped, declaring War on his way out. Though the other adults did their job. He left alone. The other vampires are being burnt to ashes as we speak.” Explained Brad.
“Before, you said that there would have been War anyway. What did you mean by that?” I asked him.
“Had he have turned you, we would have declared War to avenge you”
“Well then... you spared me the trouble of living in a hell on earth. Thank you” I replied. I kissed him on the cheek and whispered “My hero”
He chuckled. “Well, you can’t be the hero, all the time”
I unravelled Geska and placed her – sitting down – next to me. I climbed so I was sat on Brad’s knee, facing him. I lightly stroked his three cuts and then looked down.
“Do you know what hurts the most?” I asked.
“The fact you thought so little of me, that you thought that I would leave because you have three cuts on your face. Three cuts that you got trying to save me” I said in less than a whisper fiddling – with both hands – with his shirt buttons.
He cupped my hands in his and replied, “I know I was being stupid. I panicked. You know what I’m like, I worry unconditionally. I knew inside that you would never leave me, but there will always be a shred of worry in the back of my mind.”
“You have no reason to worry” I whispered, gently kissing him on the lips. “Never let me do anything so stupid again”
I kissed him again.
“What do I do to deserve you?” He asked. It was obviously a rhetorical question but I answered anyway.
“You were you”
He kissed me.
While I had been sleeping, messages had been sent to the different coverts all over the world, warning them about the war and asking for them to help us, for what we knew would be the first battle. The whole covert knew the very first battle will be Sir Malice taking his revenge on the Swiss Covert. So the battle will be here.
I – as per usual – had the terrible responsibility of telling the student the news and instructing them on what to do.
I stood on my usual table reading – off of a piece of paper – the plan that concerned the students.
“Right before I begin you still know my rule right?”
Every head nodded so I started.
“Right as you have probably guess, Sir Malice has gone. You may cheer here if you like...” I had to allow them that.
The room erupted into a thunderous applause. I motioned for them to quieten down, a lot sooner then they wanted me to, but they did eventually quieten.
“However, it wasn’t the peaceful farewell, we were hoping for. On his way out, he declared war between the Vampires and the Wiccans” I explained. There was a loud gasp as worry and understanding filled every face.
“But you mustn’t worry. Nothing will harm you. We won’t allow it. Now as you know, War means battles. And a war against Vampires means we will need every single Wiccan we can get. We have gotten in contact with other coverts, but there is a good change that some of them will not arrive in time for the very first battle.”
“We are led to believe that the very first battle will be here in this very covert. And so, new ground rules are being lay down. You all know and recognise the danger alarm. Should you hear it you are to go straight to the grand hall. Beginner years and intermediate year one you are to gather in the centre of the room. This is because we are aware that there are several hidden passageways into that room that we may not be able to protect – for some we have no idea where the entrance actually is. Intermediate years two and three, you are you encircle the lower years. Should a vampire get through you will be their only protection. Is that clear?”
Everybody I knew to be in those years nodded.
“Right, Intermediate year four and Expert years we are giving you a choice. You are of course of fighting age and so if you wish to fight, you may. For those of you who do, there shall be a strategy meeting soon in the main training which you will have to attend. You will also have to attend extra Battle sessions. You will not be only ones though. Even the adults will be adding in a few battle sessions. Is that clear?”
The rest of the room nodded.
“Now, this is a dangerous time for us all. The balance of the underworld is about to go off. As soon as the news spreads to the other underworld
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