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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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friend further, but was interrupted.
"Come right in, Ariana. My name is Shannon Ryan. I'm the Chief of Detectives here at the System." A young college-aged woman introduced with a smile.
She had brown eyes one moment, and silver-blue like Ariana’s own the next. Ariana gulped, biting her lip.
"Sit down and take a breath. Your partner will be here any minute."
"How do you know about me?" Ariana decided to ask Shannon as she sat down.
Ariana used her Empathy once again, sensing kindness and sincerity.
Just like Big Guy, she thought.
"Truth is; you're already one of us." Shannon said with a gentle smile.
Ariana was confused. There was that saying again: "One of us." What did it mean?
"It basically means you're an Ancient Mystic." Shannon said, and Ariana gasped. "I'm practicing telepathy, in case you're wondering how I could read your mind." Shannon smiled at her and she blushed.
This is going too fast for me! She thought.
"Wait a minute, Miss Ryan." Ariana started.
"Call me Shannon, please."
"Okay, Shannon. I still don't understand how you know about me." Ariana replied. She was silent, debating whether to speak out.
“I told you; you’re an Ancient Mystic.” Shannon supplied. “I’m Ancient Mystic, too.”
“Is that how you were able to change your eye color?” Ariana asked.
Shannon nodded. “A simple changing task. You’ll learn more once you settle in.”
“I’m not sure I want to learn.” Ariana supplied softly. “Does anyone else here know I’m an Ancient Mystic? I mean, I wouldn’t want to get in trouble with you if something goes wrong with my wild magic.”
"Relax.” Shannon laughed, taking her hand. “I'm the only one that knows about you in that way. You don't have to worry about your secret being revealed unless you want it to be." Shannon decided to take a chance at one statement. "Nor do you have to worry about abuse while you're here. We're here to help you."
Ariana found the bracelet once again, sensing Aaron’s love for her. She closed her eyes, thinking about him. It gave her confidence to go on. "How did you know about the abuse?"
"Our Lord Guardian told me." Shannon said seriously. She looked up, sensing something in the air. "I'll explain later. For now, I sense Agent Reading coming this way. He'll be your partner."
"Okay, I guess." All that had transpired in a matter of hours overwhelmed Ariana. It was all too quick for her to understand. She decided to listen to Shannon's advice and stay silent for the time being.
How did she know about Lord Guardian? Was she one of the few that were a part of the Circle as well? So many questions, so few answers! Ariana shook her head in amazement and total confusion.
In a minute, a young man poked his head through the open door. "You wanted to see me, Shannon?" He asked.
He was so cute to her, and so familiar, that Ariana just had to blush. She didn't dare look him in the eye, but she sensed something about him that held truth and sincerity. Was he my Imaginary Romeo?
He stared at her, and she felt it. Her cheeks blanched.
"Agent Reading, I want you to meet Agent Ariana Sister." Shannon introduced them. "Ariana, this is Derrick Reading, your partner."
Shannon smiled, turning to Derrick. "Why don't you take her to Fourth Floor and get her settled, then come back? I'll be waiting."
Ariana stood up and reasoned with herself. What was going to happen with me?
Being in this strange building was all too much for her to bear, even after all the beatings she'd had to take over the years. She followed Derrick to a room, where he slipped his card through a slot and punched a few numbers, covering the console with one hand so she wouldn't be able to read it.
Clever one, this young man is. Kat thought to Ariana, and Ariana nodded her mental head.
I agree with you, but I shouldn't talk out loud to you until we're totally alone.
Kat purred in agreement. You have been through a lot, Ariana. Find a bed and sleep; you have been tiring yourself out using your Magic. Call Lord Guardian’s spell and I will be there to guide you to our world once again.
The thought of the Dream Realm saddened her, making her silent.
After sensing Ariana's sadness, Kat made a single remark. I promise, everything will be all right.
Ariana smiled, and entered once Derrick opened the door.
"Take the bed by the balcony." He told her roughly, leaving.
She walked to the bed, glancing at the view from the balcony. Ariana set her pack down beside the bed and lay down. Drifting off into a deep sleep, she allowed for the peace and serenity of the Dream Realm to welcome her, taking her away from a once painful, cruel world she had known.
Thinking of Katherine's promise, she smiled.

Ariana awoke a few hours later in a strange place. Where am I? Am I home?
Ariana yawned and stretched. What a strange dream she'd had! It was a horrible nightmare, but quickly turned into a wonderful dream. It had felt so real!
The thoughts of the past few hours before she fell asleep flew back to her memory.
She ran from another abusive home. She had enough of living the life of a pauper and a servant. She'd allowed herself to be caught by the local juvenile home, where she spent the week in a day-dreamy mood. She saw her Imaginary Romeo, though he was still vague in her mind. A shadow of a man, so mysterious.
After being swept off her feet by an agent of the System, she had agreed to one last chance for freedom and independence. Now, she was in a whole new and different world. It seemed funny to think, but she liked the pleasant atmosphere of the System already.
Already, it felt like home. Between the System and the Dream Realm, she felt safe.
Ariana's glance went to a nearby clock, squinting to see the digits. She'd been sleeping for hours. She looked around and saw a young man with dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and black-rimmed glasses. The events of a few hours came rushing back to her, and she blushed red-hot. It made her head hurt to think of it.
She smiled sleepily at him, and got a scowl in return. "Hi." She tried softly. "Who are you?"
"The name is Reading, but you can call me Derrick." He said as he stared at her eyes. Silver-blue and gorgeous! He thought to himself.
She heard his thoughts and gasped as she looked away shyly.
"Don't even try it!" He playfully scolded her.
"What?" She asked innocently, listening in his monotone for some clue to his identity. She could tell he was wary of her. Why?
“Reading my mind." He said. "That's what."
Ariana was now uncomfortable around Derrick. He wasn't being himself, as everyone else had.
Why was he trying to hide his kindness?
She stood up and looked around the room. "Where am I?"
"At the System's headquarters." He said simply, not taking his eyes off her.
She felt his gaze, but continued. She turned to him for answers. "What's with the nicknames around here?"
"For our cases, so the enemy doesn't know who their dealing with." He turned his eyes off her, not wanting to reveal himself to her just yet.
Ariana saw the balcony and headed outside. Derrick followed close behind.
"Why did you tell me not to try reading your mind? Do you know something about me I don't?" Ariana asked, staring to the sky's purple haze. It was as mysterious as Derrick was, but she didn't say that to him.
"I don't know." He stammered, nervous. She continued to stare into the California sky. "This is the perfect spot for thinking you know. It's so quiet and peaceful."
Now she was getting somewhere! He was softening around her.
She turned and faced him. "Really? I think I'll like the view even better once I grow to appreciate this place. There has to be so many mysteries locked behind every one of these doors. My sleuthing instincts are triggering for the first time in years."
He nodded. "I know what you mean. That's exactly what I thought my first day."
Derrick sat on one of the chairs, but she continued to stand. A light breeze made Ariana shiver, her long reddish-blond hair danced. She noticed his gaze was to her Dream Locket.
"That necklace is pretty. Where did you find such an unusual gem?"
Ariana's hand found the locket. Should she tell a complete stranger about Lord Guardian and the Dream Realm? "I got it from a dear friend." Her stomach growled, and she clutched it instead.
Derrick smiled. "Hungry?"
She timidly smiled back.
He kept his smile. "We've got a place to eat here that has everything you could think of. Want to join me?"
Ariana looked into his eyes. Already, she felt as if she could trust him with her soul if she had to. She didn't know him though, and that scared her. "Lead the way."
The two of them left, with Derrick closing the door behind them.
Ariana was silent while she followed him. He was sincere, yet apprehensive. What was his deal? The quick glimpse of his eyes told her that he was infatuated with her. They also told her he was a troubled young man, with problems with his family.
At least he had a family! Kat thought to her.
Kat, don't think such a thing. Ariana replied. I'm sure I'll find my family soon. I was wondering.
Aye? Kat answered.
What do you sense from him? I can barely use my telepathy or empathy on him. He's too closed in. I want to let him know everything about me but what about him? Is he as sincere as I hope?
I will let you decide that. Kat told her.
"Hey," She heard Derrick's voice interrupt her thoughts. Ariana turned to him. "What's on your mind?"
She shook her head. "Nothing. I was just thinking about your remark."
"Which one?" He asked as he sat down at one of the booths. She sat across from him.
Had she been in such a daze that she hadn't realized her surroundings? "Where you said, 'don't even try it.'"
"If you're mad about it, I was only joking." He tried to convince her.
"No, I'm not mad, exactly. It just got me thinking." She picked up a menu and started squinting to read it. She looked back at him. This time, her eyes couldn't focus. They never really could, and they now hurt trying. She had to guess on his appearance, but his aura stood out. "I couldn't even if I wanted to."
"Why's that?"
She pointed to her eyes. "No eyeglasses. I can't see as well as I used to." She continued to squint at the menu.
"You're not kidding!" He laughed, not meaning to sound harsh. "I'll have to talk to Shannon about getting you glasses."
Ariana looked at her lap quickly. "Sorry." She muttered under her breath, almost in tears.
Derrick paused. "For what?"
"For being such a burden on you." Ariana said softly. "You don't even know me, yet I have the feeling you hate me."
Derrick laughed.
"See?" Ariana pointed out.
Derrick shook his head. "You haven't given me much of a chance. You've only been here for a few hours." Derrick commented. "I apologize as well."
Ariana wiped a tear that had escaped from her eye. "Whatever for?"
"For being so abrupt and mean." He said. "I know I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help it. Let's start over." He held his hand out for
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