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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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back to bed."
Derrick knew better. "No," he objected sternly, shaking his head. "For two weeks, I've been listening to you have countless nightmares, and I'll be damned if I let this go on for one more night!"
Ariana looked at him. Neither of them had their eyeglasses on, but their faces were so close, they could see each other perfectly. Reluctantly, she told him the nightmare, and he quietly listened.
That wasn’t all that was bothering her. She stared into space, thinking about Aaron and growing up in the orphanage with him.
After a minute, Derrick said softly. "There's something else, isn't there?"
She was silent, asking as she turned her head to meet his brown eyes. "Are you sure you want to know?"
"Only if you want to tell me." Derrick took her hand.
Ariana squeezed it and nodded. "Derrick, I just want this madness to stop."
He was confused, she could tell by the look on his face. "Go ahead."
Ariana took a deep breath before beginning her story. "It all started when I was five. I was an orphan at the Shore Point Home for Children. The orphanage is where I met Mrs. Helen Gertrude and her husband Gerald. Mrs. Gertrude was one of the most greedy and self-centered people I had ever met to this day. For years, I lived at the orphanage, getting the worst treatment I could take. Mr. Gertrude protected us from the countless beatings and late-night abuse before his own wife murdered him. The pain continued after his tragic death. Sure, I got an education all right -- in detecting. When I was twelve, I found out Mrs. Gertrude was embezzling money from the charity box and using it to pay off her gambling debts.
"That day, I met my friend Katherine Hawk, who was Banished from a place I knew as the Dream Realm. Kat, a Balinese feline Companion in her world, told me of the different feelings she perceived when Mrs. Gertrude was around, and to be aware.”
She didn’t want to tell him about the baby, so she made something up.
"Later, I found out I was to be sold to the highest bidder right before my thirteenth birthday. I overheard a phone conversation between Mrs. G and a bookie. I finally decided to take matters into my own hands by turning her into the police. My orphanage best friend, Aaron Theodore, helps me out, and we become close friends. Soon, he and his twin Amethyst Theresa would be the only ones that would help me escape the pain.”
The last part was true, she reasoned.
"From then on until recently, I was bounced between foster families and the juvenile home. Each time I ran away from the abuse of the foster home, I would be caught, only for the vicious cycle to start over. Overnight stays brought a new set of childless parents. At first, the parents were loving and nice. Then they started to change, and soon after I arrived, I was abused. For the next year, I would receive premonitions from my mind, as well as from Katherine, telling me things I wouldn't normally think of on my own."
Ariana's voice quivered, with tears coming to her as she thought of her past life. They came slowly, but quickened as she thought about how she lived before the System. Now, she was grateful for the change.

Ariana was crying now, and Derrick kissed away the tears. The tears came freely now, and Derrick hugged her close. No wonder she had been so solemn and sad on that first day. All this was the real reason for her tears in her sleep, then the sadness in her eyes during the day.
Well, he wasn't about to let that happen to her anymore. He had a job to do, as Lord Guardian had told him two months ago. He was to protect her, and be her Earthly Protector. Whatever he had to do, he'd do it for her.
When the tears had died down and her whimpers calmed, he still held her. Derrick's feelings for Ariana were not only of friendship, but also of true love. He didn't know how, but he felt he’d known her forever. He thought about his dreams from before they met, about his Dream Girl, and decided on one thing: She was definitely it.
She was quiet now, and he wanted to do something that was two weeks overdue.
Derrick looked into Ariana's tear-stricken eyes and softly kissed her on the lips.
How I’ve longed for you, my Earthly Protector! He heard her voice in his mind.
Startled, he broke the kiss, staring into her confused silver-blue eyes.
How did she know about my being her Earthly Protector? Derrick interjected. That was impossible! Shannon assured me she knew next to nothing about her Ancient Mystic past.
Earthly Protector? She thought to herself as she searched his eyes, only he heard it in his mind. What did that mean?
It didn’t matter now; all that did was that Derrick had his ultimate Dream Girl.
With as much passion as he could summon, he kissed her once again.
Meanwhile, in Ariana's mind, all was slowly falling into place. The kiss sent chills up and down her spine. It also marked the beginning of a very loving relationship.
Unfortunately, the madness didn't stop there.
In fact, it was only the beginning.

In the morning, Ariana woke with the warm sun on her face. She pulled back the covers and headed for the balcony. She let the sun and fresh air waken her. Taking a deep breath, she smiled to herself.
It felt good to have sunlight in my life again! How I missed its warm glow starting my day on a good note! Ariana thought happily to herself. It felt refreshing, especially after last night's terrifying dream.
Ariana perched her arms over the rail and recalled all that had happened the night before. The dream nearly scared her out of her wits, as it always had before. A comforting ear from a friend, a loving touch, and finally, Derrick's kiss. She told him the story of her terrible life, and still he kissed and loved her. It was as if he understood what to do the whole time!
The only confusing part was the voice in her mind, and the words “Earthly Protector.” She would have to ask Shannon about that later.
Ariana's heart skipped when she felt an arm take hold of her waist, and a whisper of a kiss on the nape of her neck.
"Good morning." Derrick whispered in her ear, holding her close. She felt his breath in her ear, and it felt good. "What are you doing up so early?"
"Just thinking. About last night and about you." Ariana turned to face him and frowned. She had forgotten to put her new glasses on.
He realized this and smiled. Derrick kissed her forehead and produced her lenses from behind his back.
"Thanks." Ariana replied, slipping them on her face.
"You're welcome."
It was still early, so they decided to relax before actually starting their day.
His body was so warm and comforting next to hers, she didn't want him to let her go for anything!
"Were you really thinking about me?" Derrick inquired.
Ariana nodded. "Yes and how much you helped me last night. I thank you."
He hugged her then, and kissed her again on the lips. "How did you sleep after that?"
"Pretty well, except I still couldn't find my Balinese best friend, Katherine anywhere." Ariana replied. "I wasn't being haunted by the Dominionite Master this time, and I found myself in the Ancient Mystic Palace in the...what did they call it?....Province. Lord Guardian continued to call me Young Guardian."
"Sounds too good to be true." Derrick teased her. "Did you say Ancient Mystic Palace?"
"Yes, don't you believe me?" Ariana asked. She knew he did, but just wanted to be sure.
"Of course. Lord Guardian told me in a dream some time ago that I was to be your Earthly Protector, and we were there with the Ancient Mystic Sisters."
So it was you I saw that day in the center? Ariana thought to him using telepathy. Did you hear that?
Derrick nodded. He looked into her eyes. Yes, my love. I heard it. Perfectly.
She smiled. He smiled back and kissed her again.
"Did you mean it when you called me your love?" Ariana asked, snuggling closer to him.
Derrick nodded. "For some reason, I have known you forever."
Ariana was silent. "You have, my Earthly Protector," She whispered. "You have."

Chapter Nine:
Project: Dream Realm Crusader

Later that week, they waited patiently for Shannon to call them into her office. They waited just outside the door.
"What could be taking her so long?" Derrick asked impatiently. He tempered, running his fingers through his hair angrily. He never did like waiting for things.
"Calm down." Ariana replied softly, watching him pace the floor. "I'm sure she's just busy, that's all."
Derrick stopped to stare at her. "Are you using one of your powers to see that?"
Ariana shook her head. "No, I'm not." She shrugged. "I just guessed."
Derrick next to Ariana on the bench, and she rubbed his shoulders to calm him.
A minute later, Shannon opened the door to her office and appeared excited. "Come in, come in! Sorry you had to wait, team. I had some urgent System-Network business to discuss with Nick." The Network was the System's main rival, but Shannon and Nicholas McNathaniels, the Network's Chief, were more than good friends. They were working on a plan to combine the two agencies into one.
"That's okay, Shan." Ariana grinned. "We both know how you feel about Nick."
"So, what's going on?" Derrick asked Shannon eagerly. "Your call said you had some exciting news. What is it?"
"I have a new assignment for you." Shannon said. "It has to do with the Dream Realm, which I know you both are familiar with."
"What's the project?" Ariana asked, excited.
Derrick looked at Ariana, then at a smiling Shannon Ryan.
"It’s called Dream Realm Crusader." Shannon replied, watching their reactions. "Using that necklace and a special watch I'm having Chips make you, both of you will Crusade to the Dream Realm's Dominion and fight the Dominionite Master and his clan."
Derrick gasped and Ariana's face went dark.
"You mean, there really is a Dominionite Master?" Ariana shuddered.
"Yes, why?" Shannon asked her, worried for her.
Ariana looked at Derrick with fear in her eyes. He explained to Shannon what had happened a few days before when Ariana woke up screaming.
Shannon shook her head, understanding completely. "He's started at you now, has he?"
Ariana shrugged. "I guess, but why me?"
"You're the Young Guardian, right?" Shannon asked, and Ariana nodded. "Well, he wants to get rid of the competition, which is why the two of you must Crusade and fight him."
"What about the project?" Derrick asked, holding Ariana close to him.
"Oh yes, the project." Shannon thought for a minute, and then started her story. "It all started when Mistress Enchantra came to my Aunt Dixilynne before she was sent to the Dream Realm to live. She knew my mother Sarabeth had died at the hands of the Master Orthos."
"That's terrible." Ariana breathed, interested. "Please, go on."
"Enchantra told Dixie about the Master, and how he sought to destroy the Ancient Mystics." Shannon continued her story. "The Dominionite Master, who calls himself Orthos, is a very cunning creature. He wants to take over the Dream Realm, which includes the Palaces and many Realms in the Province."
Shannon cleared her throat. "This may seem complicated at first, but you'll get it. Anyway, Dixie had to go back to the Dream Realm to live, and that's how I became Chief
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