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Book online «Young Guardian Trilogy by Lady Adellandra Dratianos (no david read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Lady Adellandra Dratianos

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here at the System."
She looked at Derrick. "When Aunt Dixie left, your old partner told me of her dreams and how I was to hire you two to help with the fight. Derrick, you would be the first, next would be Ariana. There were two others, but I've forgotten their names." Shannon explained. She stared into space. "Since you're her Earthly Protector, I thought you would care to be more understanding toward Ariana's new life."
"My new life? What does this have to do with the project?" Ariana asked, interested.
"This is the project. With a little help from Katherine and me, you will literally Crusade to the Dream Realm to fight the Dominionite Master and his brood of Warriors using your Ancient Mystic powers.” Shannon gasped for breath and smiled at Ariana. “You'll discover just how much you can both do in the Dream Realm then you can here." She looked at Derrick and said. "Derrick, you'll need to assist her when she's actually practicing her new powers."
"When do we start?” Derrick asked, glancing at Ariana. “What do we do now?"
Shannon laughed at his enthusiasm. "I always liked that about you, Derrick. To start, Ariana's going to stay here with me while we go through what she learned. Later, she'll join you with Chips, the main electronics genius around here. He's going to set you up with something called a Life-Line. The watch will serve as a guide in helping you tell where each other are in the Dream Realm should you be separated. Got that?"
"Not really, but we'll learn." Derrick replied with a smile. He wrapped his arms around Ariana's shoulders and asked her. "Right?"
She smiled and nodded, repeating, "Right."
"Then what are you two waiting for? Christmas?" Shannon laughed. "Derrick, go see Chips. He'll fit you with the watches, and Ariana, stay here. I want to practice with you."
Derrick playfully saluted, clicking his heals. "Aye, Captain Ryan." He kissed Ariana and was on his way.
Ariana and Shannon laughed.

Chapter Ten:
Promise of a Perfect World

"So," Shannon began as the girls settled down. "How long have you known about your special abilities?"
"Since I was about thirteen." Ariana answered. "Before then, I think it was just accidental."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, I wanted things to happen so badly to people, I didn't really know what I was doing. I just made things happen." Ariana told her. "I even told a future to my friend, Aaron Theodore, and later, when I thought about him, I found out it actually happened. Aaron and I began to call it wish-craft."
"He's the one that fathered your child?" Shannon asked, cautious. She knew it was still a soft subject for Ariana, and decided not to say anything about it until now.
Ariana's hand went to her stomach. "How did you know?" She whispered, awed.
"Everyone in the Dream Realm knows about the Enchanted Child, especially the Sisters." Shannon told her honestly. "Named Kelina Erin, right?"
"I don't know where the name came from, though. I just knew I was going to name her that." Ariana said. "Just like I don't know where you got the surname Sister from."
"I do. The Ancient Mystic Sisters." Shannon explained. "Both you and I are the daughters of an Earthbound Ancient Mystic Sister. With a literal family surname of Sister. Long story short, we're not only Ancient Mystics together, we're family."
Ariana brightened at the thought of a family, but sat in silence for a while. "You didn't tell anyone, mainly Derrick, about Kelina Erin yet, did you?"
Shannon shook her head. "I told no one that didn't already know. I guess Kelina makes you an official Elder Ancient Mystic, instead of just a daughter of one."
Ariana shrugged. "How do you figure?"
"You had her when you were thirteen, right?" Ariana nodded. "Well, according to the Ancient Mystics, you're officially an Elder." Shannon took a breath and continued knowingly. "The rules state: ‘Those females born of the Ancient Mystic are Young Ones until they conceive their first child, or turn twenty-one. Then, and only then, are they considered Ancient Mystics.’” She paused, explaining. “It’s different for male Ancient Mystics, called Wizards. You’ll learn that later. Anyway, from any Ancient Mystic's birth, the powers are weak, and they only have the five basic powers of telepathy, clairvoyance, empathy, premonition and telekinesis. When a live birth occurs from an Ancient Mystic female, such as in your case, your powers are heightened to unlimited proportions and you’re called an Elder. It would be up to you to learn how to use them to your utmost advantage. However, such as in my own case, without the live birth taking place, the basic powers aren't as developed. I’ll remain the title of Ancient Mystic until I bear a child."
Ariana nodded. "This sounds really interesting, Shannon, but I thought you wanted me to practice my abilities with you?"
Shannon smiled. "Oh, I do. First lesson, controlling the telekinesis." She stood and picked up a cup from another desk across the room. "Try bringing this to yourself."
"Just think about it coming to you, and it will." Shannon explained. "Go on, try it."
"Okay, here goes." Ariana took a deep breath and stared at the cup. Her mind focused on it coming to her, and it started to. She became so excited, she forgot about the cup. In mid-air, it dropped to the ground. Ariana frowned at it, as Shannon stood aside, quietly watching.
Ariana shook her finger in shame at the cup. Naughty, naughty. She thought to it. Let's try it once again.
She crooked her finger at it, telling it silently to come to her. It rose up from the ground and started to float again in thin air. When it reached her hand, Ariana looked at Shannon. "How was that?"
"I like that. Telling an inanimate object whose boss." Shannon giggled. "Brilliant."
"Really? Thanks, I guess." Ariana liked what she could do, once she got used to it. Because of her beloved daughter, Ariana had unlimited Ancient Mystic power. "Any more?"
"Nope, sorry." Shannon regretted, smiling. "I like your enthusiasm, though. I'll tell you what. Next week, after your official Crusade to the Dream Realm for the System, I'll show you more. Okay?"
Ariana nodded. "Speaking of Crusading, I wonder where my Romeo Reading went."
"Why don't you go see what he's up to?" Shannon suggested.
Ariana saluted as Derrick had. "Aye, aye, Captain Ryan."
With a nod, Ariana was on her way.
As she wandered the corridors of the System's Fourth Floor, her head began to throb. Slowly and painfully, it began to ache. She tried wishing it away, but it wouldn't go. Instead, it just got worse.
She touched her temple and started to massage it.
What's going on? Ariana thought, but nobody answered. Why is this happening to me?
Finding a bench nearby, she sat down. Desperate for answers, she cried out for Derrick in her mind. She only hoped he'd be able to hear her.


Shane “Shadow” Morehouse fell hard for Aluna Sister. Even when he heard the vicious rumors about her and Derrick dating. When he confronted her with it, she told him the truth.
“I never really loved him as much as I love you, Shadow.” Luna replied, kissing him. She snuggled closer to him as they held each other tight. The couple were at Paradise Peak, a romantic hideaway they’d found not too long ago. “I told him the truth about us. He seemed crushed, and I promised I would be a best friend to him until he saw his Dream Girl. I know his Dream Girl is my twin sister.”
Shadow kissed her hair, thinking of the rumor Chips told him.
They were all wrong, Shadow thought. Luna loves me: not Derrick.
“Darn right, I do, Shane Morehouse!” Luna cried, kissing his lips again. Shane looked at her and she pointed to her temple. “From the moment we met, you were always something special to me.”
“No, I’m not.” Shadow replied, nearly blushing.
She didn’t respond. Instead, she had a pained look on her face.
“What’s wrong?” Shadow asked, concerned. He caught her as she almost fell trying to walk. “Are you all right?”
Luna held her temple, and repeated. “Please, don’t take her now, Orthos. We haven’t met, yet. I need her.”
Orthos? Shadow thought angrily. Dominionite Master Orthos?
He felt his Dream Locket grow warm, almost hot. There was something going on, and his girlfriend was right in the middle of it.
He held her hand and steered her in the direction of Doc Swanson’s office.
Before heading inside, she opened her eyes and glanced at her ring. It was glowing bright orange. Shadow never noticed it before, and decided not to ask about it now. He’d learn soon enough.
“She’s coming, Shadow.” Luna whispered without turning away from the door. “The twin who doesn’t know I exist is coming. She’s hurting. I can feel her.”
“Did you want me to go in with you?” Shadow held her hand and kissed her neck.
She nodded and he followed.
“May I help you, Lu-Lu?” Doc Swanson was sitting at his desk, reading over one of many patient files. He used Luna’s codename. “Something wrong with Shadow?”
Shadow shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong with me, Doc.”
“Ready yourself, please, Doc.” Luna said simply. “My twin is on her way here.”
Doc knew the story. Luna’s twin didn’t know Luna existed, and needed that fact kept secret from her until it was time. “Are you sure?”
Luna nodded ecstatically. “Yes. Please, Doc. Listen to me.”
He nodded. “Whatever you say, Luna. I know what remarkable powers of Clairvoyance you have.” Doc said with a tight nod. “I’ll ready the room for her.”
“Thank you, Doc.”
Shadow Morehouse only hoped Derrick’s Dream Girl, Luna’s twin sister, was going to be all right. The Dominionite Master Orthos and his Warriors were none to contend with.


Derrick was in the middle of studying when he heard a voice in his mind.
"Ariana." He breathed. "Hold on, love. I'm coming."
Quickly, he rushed out of the room and raced to her rescue. He found her on the bench, passed out. Could I have been too late? He thought, terrified.
Crouching to the floor, he felt her head. Noticing it was hot to his touch; he picked her up and carried her to Doc Swanson's office a few paces away.
Doc was talking to Shadow, and his old partner Luna! Derrick ignored this and concentrated on what he came here for.
"Doc, what's wrong with her?" He laid her body on a table. "I found her down the hall, passed out on a bench. I felt her head and noticed it was above normal."
Doc nodded, stepping in to examine Ariana while Luna and Derrick stared. Once the boys met eyes, Shadow disappeared. They both knew what Ariana meant to Luna, so Shadow decided to make himself scarce.
"Why don't the two of you wait outside the door until I can tell you the diagnosis?" Doc Swanson suggested.
"No, I believe we have to be here for her when she wakes up." Luna replied.
"Alright, Lu-Lu, but be quiet." He turned to Derrick through his bifocals and teased. "Both of you."
They nodded, and watched while they let the doctor do his job.
Luna pulled Derrick back. "Has she been using her powers lately?" Luna whispered to Derrick, making sure the doctor couldn't hear.
Derrick nodded. "Shannon practiced with her before. I got a message from her, telling me something was terribly wrong."
Luna took his hand and squeezed. "Watch. She'll be okay in a bit. I promise."
Derrick looked at her, and still couldn't believe the resemblance. Ariana didn't know that
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