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he tried using them. He knew he had them and he started to use them and they killed him because of that….. Lilz how could people be so evil…. How many have they killed… how many….” He started to cry, and I wrapped my arms around him, and I felt a horrid pain in my head, and I took a step back, and my father flashed in my head…. My father he… my mom said they couldn’t find him… I never did know about his job, because he would never tell me.
“ Johnny how do you become a supernatural?” I asked.
“ Well you get it from one of your parents,” He said.
Is my father a Aether….. I nodded my head, and I looked over at the Lukris home.
“ Johnny we need to find out if there are more supernatural here, and after that we need to find out what the true purpose of the Lukris Home,” I said looking at the house. Johnny nodded and we made our way back into the house.

Chapter sixteen-
We all sat at the dining room table, and everyone was eating their breakfast, beside me. I poked my eggs with a fork, because I kind of lost my appetite. Alright… so river is an angelic. Johnny is a Necromancer, which I am just gonna call him a ghost seer because it’s so much easier, and Dan is a humanoid, and I am a Aether. Four of us are supernaturals. What about the other six? What other powers could their-
My thoughts where interrupted when I felt someone kick my shin extremely hard, and I doubled over in pain. I sat on the floor clutching my shin.
“ Argh,” I cried out. I held onto my leg very tightly.
“ Lilz,” Joanna said kneeling down next to me.
“ God… Mother….” I muffled. I stood up, and looked at Jacie who had a smug smile. I pointed my finger at her and was full of rage. The room became dark, because the sky outside was turning black. I lunged forward, but then I felt someone’s arms wrap around me, and hold me in a tight embrace. My anger slowly started to diminish, and I tilted my head up and gasped when I saw Patch holding me.
“ Patch…” I gasped. He looked down at me, and his dark brown eyes drilled into mine. I was lost in his eyes. Everything started to spin, and I just let myself go in patch’s arm, and I was gone. Somewhat…. I felt myself being lifted, and someone was walking up the stairs, and I heard a door get slammed open, and I was placed gently on a soft surface. I didn’t want to open my eyes though. I felt someone brush my bangs back with their hand, and it sent shivers down my spine. I felt the bed lift when they got off and I slowly opened one eyes to see patch walking towards my door.
“ Patch,” I croaked. He turned back and our eyes met, and I went to go sit back, but patch pushed my shoulders back down, and he had one arm over me, and was looking me in the eyes.
“ Don’t get up,” he whispered. I just nodded my head, and he went to go leave, but I grabbed his hand, and he looked down at me confused.
“ Patch,” I whispered. He looked at me, and I opened my eyes a little more, and his skin was so hot… “ thank you…” He cut me off and got up to leave. I wasn’t finished talking to him. “ Patch wait!” I croaked. He didn’t even turn back to me, he just walked out of the room and slammed my door shut. I laid their completely baffled.
“ That son of a b*tch!” I whispered. I shook my head, and put my hands over my eyes, and let out a sigh. I heard my door open, and I turned my body away because if it was patch he could go screw himself. I felt the bed go down a little, and someone sat there, and put their arm on my shoulder. I flinched, and turned my body and saw Joanna.
“ Joanna,” I gasped. He smiled and let out a little laugh.
“ Expecting someone else?” He asked. I nodded my head, and propped myself up on my elbows, but Joanna lifted me up so I was leaning on him.
“ hey,” I smiled leaning on him.
“ How are you feeling?” he asked looking away from me.
“ Im… Im fine,” I said.. should I ask Joanna if he has any powers… we sat there in silence for a few minutes, and then tension was killing me. “ Joannaareyouasupernatural?” I said way too fast for him to understand. He looked at me confused.
“ Whatdya say?” he laughed. I sighed, and sat up a little, and put my face into my knees, and took a long deep breath, and Joanna looked at me confused.
“ Joanna… are you a supernatural?” I said. Nothing… he didn’t say anything. I tilted my head up, and he was staring at me intently.
“ Why…. Why would you ask a question like that?” he said turning his whole body away from me. his whole body was tensed, and I could see he was completely pissed, but I don’t know why?
“ Joanna,” I whispered.
“ Just leave it be Lillenette,” he said getting off my bed. I went to stand but I stumbled back onto the bed.
“ I can’t just leave it be Joanna!” I nearly screamed. He stopped midway to the door, and stood there, and he turned towards me, and shot his arm at me, and I felt this pressure on my chest, and I fell back, and had the air knocked out of me. Joanna was five feet away from me, but he didn’t even touch me, but it sure as hell felt like I was punched in the chest. I laid on my bed trying to catch my breath, but I just went into a fit of coughing. Joanna gasped and ran over to me, and lifted me into his lap and rubbed my back.
“ Im so sorry im so sorry,” he cried. I couldn’t get my breath, and I was becoming light headed, and I started to choke. I heard my door fly open, and someone came in.
“ What the hell happened here?” a voice screamed at Joanna.
“ I didn’t mean to hurt her! I just got so mad! Im so sorry,” Joanna sobbed. I was swiped out of Joanna’s lap, and I was in someone else’s arms, and my breathing started to go back to normal, and my body started to relax, and I matched my breathing with his. He rubbed my back, and had his chin resting on the top of my head. I buried my face into his chest, and started to cry.
“ Joanna go get her some water,” he whispered. I heard Joanna’s footsteps leave, and I looked up to see myself in Patch’s arms. I pushed him away from me, and tried to get away but he just held me closer to him.
“ Let me,” I croaked. It hurt to talk and breath.
“ Shhh Lillenette,” he whispered running his hand through my hair. I let out a sigh, and buried my face into his chest.
“ Are you bipolar?” I asked. He looked down at me confused.
“ What?” he muffled. I let out a laugh and looked at him.
“ Are you bipolar?”
“ Why would you ask that?”
I let out a huff and shook my head. Why would I ask that…. Humph stupid boy. He held, and I heard Joanna come back in, and he held the water to my mouth, and I sipped it and I was laid back into my bed, and I looked into patch’s eyes, and just looked at me, stood up, and stomped away. I let out my breath. The asshole, what’s wrong with him? I laid there and closed my eyes, and I looked over and saw Joanna looking at me.
“ What are you Joanna?” I whispered. He looked down, and scratched the back of his neck.
“ Sorcerer,” He mumbled. I nodded my head and stared at him. “ Im sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you… I was just mad and when I saw I accidently hit you with a spell…. Ugh I felt horrible!” he said shaking his head.
“ Its Ok, you’re not the only person that can’t control their powers,” I mumbled. Joanna looked at me confused. “ When Jacie kicked me I was in kill mode, and the sky was turning black outside… I am a Aether I can control earths elements, and I think you and patch know that because when I went to go attack Jacie patch stopped me, and tried to call me down so no one else would know about me,” I said looking him in the eyes.
“ How did you?” Joanna mumbled.
“ Don’t worry Joanna. Others in here know about me, and I know about others,” I smirked. Joanna nodded his head.
“ how many people do you know about?” he asked.
“ three know four,” I smiled.
“ only three huh?” he asked. I sat up a little more, and looked at him confused.
“ What do you mean only three?”
“ Everyone here has some type of supernatural power. I know this for a fact, but I don’t think Jacie does,” he said staring at me. I nodded my head.
“ What’s patch?” Joanna’s body tensed and he looked away from me, and at the floor. “ Joanna…” I whispered. He wouldn’t look at me. “ is he a sorcerer like you since you two are brothers?” Joanna shook his head, and sat on the bed next to me.
“ me and patch…. Well we aint anything blood related. We were both in a foster homes since we were children. Everyone in this place is foster children…” he said.
“ Oh….” I whispered. So no one here knows who their parents or nor family.
“ unreal right?” Joanna asked. I looked up at him and scrunched my face.
“ What do you mean?” I questioned.
“ That this can be real. Sorceress, aether’s, transformers, all this supernatural crap. It’s just to unreal,” He mumbled. “ impossible.”
“ Aint nothing impossible,” I said looking him in the eyes. He nodded his head.
“ Are any of us ever gonna get out of here?” he asked. I was a little taken back by the question.
“ We gotta find out why we are really here to get out first Joanna,” I said. He looked at me, and then wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back.
“ Do they know about you?” I asked.
“ Who?”
“ Joanna and Dan?”
“ Nope,” he popped the p. “So you know about Johnny and Dan, but you said you knew about three people. That’s only two.
“ I know about Johnny, Dan, and River. Know you,” I whispered.
“ River… that guy gets on my nerves,” he said giving an evil look. I let out a laugh.
“ He hates me,” I smiled. Joanna started to laugh.
“ Why?”
“ because I call him a fairy,” I smirked. Joanna fell on my bed cracking up, and he clutched onto his stomach, and tears rolled out of his eyes. I joined in with his laughing, and we heard someone knock on the door, and we both looked up with teary eyes, and I saw River standing at the door looking at us like we were crazy.
“ Hey Fairy,” I smirked. His face dropped and he glared at
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