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so we can discuss the escape plan,” I smiled.
“ Isn’t someone BA!” he chuckled. I smiled, and lightly hit his arm and we walked out of the room and to Joanna’s and I opened the door and walked in.
“ You only got one?” Dan asked sitting up. Patch and Joanna where sitting and Patch’s bed, and Dan was sitting on a the computer chair, and Johnny was sprawled out on Joanna’s bed.
“ Unfortunately yes,” I sighed, and sat down next to Johnny.
“ Alright so there are…” Joanna stopped and was thinking. “ six of us are leaving.” I Nodded my head. “ Alright, so I was thinking… right know it is ten…. We are gonna go back to our rooms, and make a bag so we can get all of our stuff together, and we will meet, in the kitchen at one, and we will sneak out the window, and go out the backyard, and over the fence. Know when we get past the fence there will be two more blocks of homes, and then the woods hits. We need to get to those woods as soon as possible, and find a hiding spot. Know if it comes down to it, and we lose one another, you need to find somewhere to hide, and wait their until Dan and one of us comes back for you.” Joanna said.
“ How will you find us?” I asked.
“ I am a humanoid Lilz. I can find anyone and anything,” Dan smiled. I widened my eyes and completely forget about that. I let out a laugh, and nodded my head.
“ alright let’s get to our rooms. We’ll see each other in three hours,” Joanna said. We all passed glances and nodded. River, Dan, and Johnny got up and headed to their rooms, and patch Joanna and I sat there. I got up.
“ Alright see you guys soon,” I smiled. I felt my lips tremble. I was terrified but I couldn’t let them know that. I waved goodbye, and made my way to my room, and when I stepped in someone shoved me, and closed my door. I turned around and saw patch standing there.
“ Patch what are-.” I was cut off when patch placed his hand over my mouth.
“ Do you know how dangerous this is?” he snapped. I couldn’t say anything since he had his hand on my mouth and he continued to speak. “ If we get caught then we will be killed Lillenette!” I pulled his hand away from me, and grabbed his arm.
“ Do you know how dangerous it is to wait around and wait for them to kill us!” I said tears coming into my eyes. patch wrapped his arms around me.
“ Sh I know…. I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
“ Why do you care?” I grumbled. He let out a slight chuckled, and pulled away and looked down at me.
“ how could I not care?” he smiled. I looked up at him, and then someone opened the door, and I stumbled back, and sat on my bed, and Joanna stood there.
“ Patch help me pack,” he said. Patch nodded his head, and followed Joanna out of the room, but before he shut the door he turned back to me. I looked up at him, and he did a faint smile.
“ Be careful,” he whispered, and then he closed the door. I sat there, and I was confused. This boy is an emotional roller coaster. I sighed, and walked over to my closet, and put some clothes in a bag, hairbrush, socks, just the basics. I wasn’t going to take everything. Just the basic things I needed so I could carry it on my back. I finished packing and starred at the bag, and I felt tears running down my face, and I held onto the locket that was around my neck, and I laid on the bed and closed my eyes.
“ Darien am I doing the right thing?”
Chapter twenty-
I opened my eyes and the clock read one. I got out of bed, and grabbed my bag, and hauled it over my shoulder, and quietly opened the door. I peered down the hall, and it was empty and quiet. I slowly walked down the hall way, and stopped at Joanna’s door and put my ear up to it, and it was completely quiet. I guess they are already downstairs. I started to walk down the stairs, and I stopped at the last stair. It’s too quiet. There is something off. I went down the last stair, and looked down the hall, and made my way into the kitchen. When I got to the window it was partially open. I guess they are already out there. I opened it a little more, and climbed out, and I heard something and I stopped and looked around. I continued to walk, and I got to the fence and I looked around and I didn’t see anyone. Where are they?
I placed my hands on the fence and went to go haul myself over, and my pant leg got caught on the fence. I was on top of the fence now, and I couldn’t get free. I held onto the fence with one hand, and reached down for my pant leg. I felt myself becoming shaky, and I finally got my leg free, and I felt myself falling forward. I put a hand over my mouth to hold back my cry, and I shut my eyes preparing myself for a face implant. I felt someone’s arms wrap around me, and they put their hand over my mouth, and dragged me into the bushes, and didn’t take their hand off my mouth.
“ Don’t say a word,” I heard Johnny’s voice. He took his hand off my mouth, and I turned my head to look at him. I gave him a questioning look and then I saw a light pass over our heads, and Johnny jumped on top of me. he put his hand over my mouth again, and peered through the bushes.
“ Did you see any of them?” a familiar voice asked.
“ one of the guards said that they saw one of the brothers in the woods. We have the whole perimiter surrounded,” Another familiar voice replied. My eyes started to widened. They found out about our escape. Oh no…. I bit down on Johnny’s hand and he pulled his hand back, and glared at me. I crawled away from him, and he tried to grab me but he didn’t succeed. I looked through the bushes, and saw something shiny reflecting the moon. I crawled even further, and then I saw Dr. Roe, and his son Josh. Josh was holding something and I squinted my eyes to see better, and my mouth went dry, and I gasped and then placed a hand over my mouth. I crawled back through the bushes, and grabbed Johnny’s hand, and continued to crawl away from the men.
“ Lilz what are you doing!” Johnny whispered.
“ J- Johnny we need to warn the others,” I whispered. Johnny grabbed my arms and turned me around to look at him.
“ You’re not making any sense Lilz,” Johnny said looking at me.
“ Johnny they have guns!” I cried. My hands were shaking. “ They…. If they find any of us they are gonna shoot Johnny,” I cried shaking my head. Johnny let go of my arms and sat back taking in what I had said.
“ How could they do something so inhumane….” He said to himself out loud. I sat there, and I felt tears in my eyes, and I took a deep breath and pushed them back.
“ We need to find Joanna, Patch, River, and Dan,” I said looking Johnny sternly in the eyes. He nodded his head. I slowly got up. “ Come on we need to get to the woods,” I whispered. Johnny nodded his head, and we sprinted towards the trees. Johnny ran by my side, and then a light flashed over us, and I let out a cry, and grabbed Johnny’s arm and darted towards the trees. He picked up his pace, and we reached the edge of the woods, and started to sprint even faster. My eyes wandered around and I then heard footsteps behind us, and I turned my head and saw flashlights going through the air. I jerked Johnny’s arm to the left, and ran under a tree.
“ Climb!” I hissed pushing him towards the tree. He looked at me like I was nuts. I pointed to the tree. “ I said climb!” he jerked his body towards the tree, and slowly started to maneuver his way up the branches. “ Faster!” I hissed turning my head around and heard the footsteps getting closer. I grabbed onto a branch, and hauled myself up, and started to make my way up. We continued to climb, and then I flashlight was pointed upwards and I stopped climbing, and clung onto the tree trunk, and tried to push myself against it. “ J- Johnny don’t let them see you!” I whispered. He stopped and also clutched onto the tree trunk.
“ Hey I found one of them!” A voice called out. The flashlights came away from us, and they started to run away. I let go of the trunk, and started to climb down the branch, and peered into the forest. I saw three guys standing in front of something, and then I made out a figure standing in front of them….
“ Johnny they got someone!” I cried. I squinted my eyes more, and saw blonde hair, and I gasped. “ Johnny it’s Dan!” I cried. I started to climb down the tree and Johnny looked at me like I was nuts.
“ What are you doing Lillenette!” Johnny cried.
“ im not letting Dan get killed!” I said. I jumped down and looked up at Johnny. “ Johnny you better listen to me! You stay here do you hear me! No matter what happens,” I said. Johnny just looked at me. “ Johnny say you promise! I aint leaving until you say you promise! And if you don’t hurry Dan might get killed!”
“ I promise,” He said weakly. I tried to smile, and then I turned on my heel and started to run towards Dan. I stopped behind the men. They were not aware of my presence. I closed my eyes, and opened them again…. Wind…. Fire…. Earth…. And water….. I have them on my side….. I closed my eyes, and remembered when Jacie slapped me and how angry I became, and when darien said those horrible things to me. my anger started to build up, and the wind started to pick up, and I clenched my jaw, and threw my hand forward, and a gush of wind sent all three guards on their knees. They turned around and looked at me. I saw Dan there, and he had blood all over him. He tried to stand up but he fell back onto his knees, and coughed up blood. My eyes widened and I felt my fists clench, and my body tense. The wind picked up even more and the guards all fell to their knees, and bent over and put their hands over their necks to protect themselves. i walked up to them, and took one of their guns, and opened it and…. It wasn’t bullets but it was tranquilizers. I closed the gun again, and aimed it at one of the guys and I felt my hands shaking.
“ I can do this,” I whispered. Then I squeezed the trigger, and then I shot it off two more times. All three men stood
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