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Book online «Jacob Black - True Imprint by Jessley (the chimp paradox .TXT) 📖». Author Jessley

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far too big for me” she stated. “The only thing is baby, I wanted to speak to you about was the furniture, will be okay if I can take what I need?” she asked. “Nana, that is your furniture, please by all means take your furniture, Jake and I were talking about getting our own furniture” I said hugging her. “Thank you honey” she responded.

We got out the car and walked over to the site manager little office. The site manager spotted us and came over to greet Nana; they caught up to where the construction was at, at the present time. He confirmed that all building and landscaping would be completed by December. He showed me the plans and escorted us around to see how far they had come. “I think its going to look wonderful Nana and thank you” I said hugging her. Nana gave the site manager the cheque and we left shortly afterwards.

We made our way back home; Jake hadn’t come back yet, so Nana and I spent the rest of our afternoon together. I told Nana that Jake and I had purchased a building site where Jake will start his mechanical shop. She was very excited with the news and that I would also be starting my course in photography soon. I got started on some dinner when I heard the front door and some voices, it sounded like some of the pack followed Jake home. “Hello Kayla, Nana” they greeted as the entered. “Hello boys” I answered. Quil came over and picked me up and swinging me around. “Quil!” I laughed as he put me down and then felt myself being lifted again, this time it was by Jake, he turned me around and planted a kiss on my lips. “Miss me?” he asked.

“Always” I replied. “Awe, look at the love birds” Embry sniggered. “Hey, have you thought of a name for your company yet?” I whispered to him. “Well I was thinking of Jake’s Mechanics, or Hawke’s Mechanics or maybe Black Hawke Mechanics” he suggested. “We voted for Jake’s mechanics” voiced Embry as they settled around Nana’s table, who was then smiling at them as Seth and Embry fought over a chair next to Nana. “I agree, I think Jake’s mechanics is perfect, people will know who you are” I said. “Hear ye, hear ye!” called Quil as we burst out laughing as Seth beat Embry to the chair and Embry whacking him on the back of the head. “Hey watch it!” moaned Seth as Embry made another effort to whack him but Seth ducked so Embry missed it.

“Well you better decide on a name so we can register it and get your business up and running” I said kissing him on the nose.

Chapter 47

Over the next few days we got Jake’s business registered as “Jake’s Mechanics”, we got opened up a business banking account for him. I then transferred some starting up funds for him into his business account. Leah, who offered to help us, helped us get the telephone lines connected, helped ordering of the computer equipment etc. Once we confirmed the telephone lines were up and running we started planning the advertisements for a mechanic and a receptionist as well as advertising for the company. Leah in the meantime was helping out with the telephone calls; taking of messages and printing CV’s that were sent through.

She managed the delivery of furniture and equipment for the workshop. In the evenings Jake and I would go through the CV’s and choose the few that stuck out for us. Leah then called them to arrange interviews, who then also assisted Jake with the interviews as I had started my photography course.

We would then sit down in the evenings to confirm which out of the lot he would like to employ. It was decided on a lady in her late forty’s to be employed as the receptionist and a guy in his early twenties for the mechanic; both applicants were local to the area so there would be minimal travel for them. Leah had been such a great help, that Jake and I agreed to offer her a part time position at the company, in the accounts department. Leah was happy with the offer, something for her to do she said and she would at least earn some money. This left Jake and Leah to finalise a lot of the last details of the company in getting it up and running.

The photography course was great; I had to a get a few things of my own to do my practical, and software etc as well. The course was exciting and it was great getting ideas of what to do. Jake would come home exhausted in the evenings as they were still working on getting the place organised as equipment was being delivered regularly.

Chapter 48

I don’t where the time flew to, but Sam and Emily’s wedding was upon us. The day was beautiful, warm, perfect for their wedding, and I was going to be the photographer for their wedding. I drove Nana to the small chapel on the reservation, while Jake took his dad. The wedding consisted of only close friends and family.

I got to take so many beautiful photos. Just around the back of the chapel was a gorgeous marquee set up which was to be for the reception. The wedding went as planned which was followed by the reception. Nana and I left around nine pm while Jake stayed on to take his dad home. Jake arrived back at home about an hour later.

“Kayla” Jake called when he got in. “Up here” I answered from upstairs busy at the computer; Jake came in and kissed me on my forehead, then pulled a chair up next to me. He watched as I downloaded the wedding photos. Every so now and then he would comment of some of the photos or just have a good chuckle when the photo’s of the pack downloaded, especially where some of them were dancing. Jake yawned and then went to lie down on the bed while I continued with the photos, deleting the bad ones. When I looked again, Jake was fast asleep which made me yawn. I finished up what I was doing and crawled in next to him.

In the morning Jake and I were up early, we needed to go do Nana’s shopping, she was spending the day at Billy’s. Jake and I decided to go and get a little something for Sam and Emily; we were looking for a beautiful wedding album as part of their gift from us along with a lovely frame to put an enlarged picture in.

We left the house and made our way into town and upon doing so we drove past Jake’s new shop, he was beaming at it with the new sign outside and he had customers booked in for the next two weeks.

We made our way over to the shopping mall to do the shopping and then over to the photography store to buy the album and frame. We then stopped for some lunch before making our way back home. Jake went to get some of the bags out the car while I went to unlock the door, but the door was already unlocked and I remembered locking it. I looked over at Jake and then opened the door going inside. “Nana, Nana, are you home?” I called out; when no one answered I stepped back out onto the porch and turned to Jake, because I knew I locked it.

“Jake we did lock the door when we left didn’t we?” I asked as he was bending in the boot taking out bags, at that time the direction of the breeze changed and Jake’s body stiffened.

Chapter 49

He ran to me quickly moving me out the way and away from the door and into the house he ran. He went through the entire house, the scent was the strongest in my room, and it disappeared out the window which was still open. Jacob made his way back outside to me and pulled out his phone.

“It’s been in the house” he said. “Edward is on his way” he said to me, I was confused. He then called Embry who would let the pack know. It must have been maybe five minutes when some of the Cullen’s entered the front door and the pack came in from the back door. “Was anyone at home?” asked Edward. “No, we were all out” Jake replied. Jasper and Emmett came through the door.

“We lost the scent at the beach cliff” said Jasper. “But it’s not the same scent as last time” added Emmett. “I know” replied Jacob. “My concern is what it wants here!” stated Edward. “Alex didn’t have a mate did he?” questioned Seth, which sent shivers down my spine, frightening me. Edward read my mind and moved towards me. “It’s okay Kayla, you don’t need to fear him, he can’t hurt you and we won’t let anyone else try. Alex is gone” he said trying to sound reassuring. I just gave him a weak smile as Jake came over to hold me.
“No, he tried to make Kayla his mate last year” replied Edward looking at Seth as they all continued to talk about it.

I excused myself and went up to my bedroom while they spoke. I couldn’t bear the thought of Alex being out there, but it was not possible he wasn’t alive, I thought. But I still feared what ever it was out there. The Cullen’s finally left and so did the pack. I heard Jake making his way up the stairs; I was at the computer busy printing the completed wedding photos. “Hey you, you okay?” he asked coming over to me and rubbing my shoulders. “I’m okay, thanks” I responded. “Come let’s make something for dinner, before Nana gets home” I said getting up, but Jake caught hold of my hand before I could leave the room. He put his hands on my cheeks; he could see the worry in my face as he kisses me.

“I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise you” he whispered kissing me again and then pulling me into a hug. And then we made our way downstairs and into the kitchen to start dinner. Jake decided he was going to cook dinner this evening. He was no sooner done with cooking when Nana arrived at home. “Mmm, that smells good” called Nana as she came in the door. “Hi there stranger” I answered. “Hello my babies, that smell’s like Billy’s famous spaghetti bolognaise” she asked. “Yes Nana, it is the famous spaghetti” whispered Jake. “Ooh, better not let Billy know that Jacob’s trading family secrets” Nana said laughing.

“You okay my baby” said Nana as she came over to me. “I’m fine” I replied as she took my hand and rubbing it. Jake brought Nana up to speed as to what had happened today while we ate our dinner. I wasn’t at all that hungry, I ended up nibbling here and there, and Jake could see I was worried.

I then excused myself and decided to finish up Sam and Emily’s photo’s and put them in the album, while Nana and Jake spoke down stairs. Once that was done I headed for the shower as I could not stop shivering, even though it was not cold. I went to grab my pj’s but they weren’t where I last left it. “Jake, did you pack my pj’s away this morning?” I called from upstairs. “Nope, sorry I didn’t” he answered. “Nana, did
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