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choking me.

“Please, please, I am pregnant” I tried to say. “All the more better, two birds with one stone as they say, now your mate will know what it feels like to suffer” he said letting me go as I crumpled down to the floor. He picked me up and hit me in the stomach; I felt like the blood had just been drained from my body, I couldn’t breath; he slammed me down on something that cracked underneath me, he threw me around like a rag doll, finally moving away from me. The pain was excruciating, all I could think of was Jacob, Jacob and our baby. I felt something wet between my legs and looked through my bruised and swollen eyes, I looked down and saw blood, I was bleeding, and I knew I was losing the baby.

“Please, just kill me; get it over and done with!” I screamed in pain as he stepped onto my broken leg. “Aargh!” I screamed.

Chapter 56

Outside the pack heard noises but they weren’t exactly sure what it was. “Edward, the cemetery, I see Samuel Hawkes name, she’s there!” shouted Alice. Edward turned to Sam and Sam commanded everyone in the pack, they shouted for Jacob. They headed to the cemetery as they got closer Edward heard the minds of others and gave the other’s advanced warning of the oncoming threat waiting for them.

They arrived at the cemetery prepared, vampires were jumping out of trees, behind headstones and the battle started. There was a blood curdling scream coming from somewhere and Jake flew through the air, towards the scream, any vampire in his path didn’t stand a chance, as quick as the scream started it stopped.
Jacob spotted a man trying to a leave a mausoleum, but Jake caught up with him in no time.

“Oh, come to you look for your love?” he sniggered as he caught Jakes scent behind him turning. Jake growled and leapt towards him, but he was fast and moved out the way. Jake saw Leah moving slowly behind this man. “It’s too late, I killed her and your baby, yes she told me she was pregnant, but that didn’t stop me” he laughed as Leah caught him on the back of his neck and snapped his head off. “Jake go, go find Kayla!” Leah shouted to Jake as she was busy tearing the vampire apart. Jake didn’t need to be told twice, he found a small inlet into the side of the mausoleum, but he couldn’t get in there in his wolf form so he changed back and slipped inside. He had only walked a few paces when he saw Kayla’s form lying there, blood everywhere and her limbs turned in awkward positions. She wasn’t moving, he kneeled beside her.

Jacob’s POV:

I saw a bloodied, lifeless Kayla lying there. I kneel beside her and lifted her head, her curls fall away from her face, soaked in blood. “Kayla” I whisper as the tears run down my face. “Kayla, please” I begged more urgently, but her eyes didn’t open. “No, please Kayla, no” I whimpered. “Kayla, no!” I screamed as I held her and rocked her. I then picked up her broken body and carried her out. I couldn’t see where I was going I was blinded by tears, it was quiet and someone touched my arm, but I held on tighter onto my broken love. I fell onto my knees, keeping her close to me, I didn’t care anymore, I wanted to die along with her and our baby, and I didn’t deserve to live.

I sobbed harder that I ever did before. “Jake, let her go” someone said. “Jacob she needs to get to a hospital” someone else said. “Jacob, her heart is still beating, she needs medical attention otherwise she won’t make it” another man said. I growled at anyone who tried to take her away from me. Next moment I was being wrestled to the ground and Kayla was being taken away from me. “No, don’t please no!” I screamed and I dropped to the floor. I was so overcome by the trauma I changed into my wolf form and ran. Kayla was gone, I didn’t have the right to live, I didn’t want to live, and this was my fault it had happened. If I didn’t leave her the way I did this morning, none of this would have happened. We could have dealt with it.

I just ran, I didn’t care where I was going, or what would become or happen to me, today was the day I had lost everything I loved.

“Jake, Jake, please come back, Kayla’s at the hospital, she is alive, don’t do this, Kayla needs you!” Sam’s voice called. “Kayla’s alive Jacob” came the other voices of the pack. “Kayla’s alive!” he said again, bringing me around. “Alive” I thought stopping in my tracks and turning around.

Chapter 57

I got home and no one was there, I got dressed and drove to the hospital. “Hi, can you please tell me what room Kayla Hawkes is in?” I asked reception. “She is in ICU room one on the fourth floor” she replied. “Thank you” I said and made my way up to the fourth floor. The elevator doors opened on the fourth floor, I stepped out and saw the sign to ICU wards, so I followed the sign. I walked towards the reception to sign in, opposite was the waiting room.

I heard the guys behind me in the waiting room as I signed in. “Jacob” I heard a soft voice behind me, I turned and it was Nana, there behind her sitting the waiting room was Edward, Bella and the pack. Sam nodded to me as I looked at them all. Nana hugged me as she cried. “Dr Cullen is with her now” she whispered. I nodded and turned towards Kayla’s room and put my hand on the door. I was too scared to enter, but I knew I had to. I walked in and towards the bed, I moved to the other side, opposite Dr Cullen and I just fell into the chair at the sight before me.

Kayla’s head was bandaged, her eyes swollen shut, her one arm and leg in a cast. She was on a ventilator. I just sat there looking at this broken body lying there. “Jacob, I am glad to see you, Kayla is doing much better. We’ve put her in an induced coma as she has received extensive injuries and with the amount of pain she is in her body will seize up” said Carlisle. “She is on a ventilator as her one lung was punctured by broken ribs” he added.

I nodded as I got up and moved closer to her bed, I struggled to get my shaking under control. I stroked her hand, she was warm. “Jacob, did you know Kayla was pregnant?” asked Carlisle. I nodded not taking my eyes off Kayla’s form. “Jacob, I am so sorry, but Kayla’s lost the baby, the trauma and injuries she sustained caused her to miscarry” he apologised. All I could do was allow the tears to fall, fall for our lost baby. “Call me if you need anything, anything at all” offered Carlisle. “Thank you Carlisle” I managed to say.

As days went by, Kayla started to improve slowly, she was on the mend, but it was going to a long road to recovery. She was visited daily by everyone; she was still kept in an induced coma. The guys tried to make me feel better, try and brighten the place with flowers, cards and gifts, but I just kept to myself. I blamed myself for her being in this position and I would never forgive myself for it.

After about a week or so Kayla started breathing on her own and was taken off the ventilator, slowly they brought her out of her induced coma. I was with her day in and day out, when Nana came to visit; I went home, showered and was back in no time. I was so exhausted that I fell asleep with my head on the bed sitting in the chair.

I dreamt of Kayla and I getting married, then there was a baby in her arms, our baby. I felt this stroking of my hair which woke me out of my dream, thinking I was still dreaming I heard this voice calling my name. “Jake, Jake” it was a husky voice; I looked up to see Kayla awake. Most of her swelling had gone down at this point, but she still looked beautiful. “Kayla” I replied with tears down my eyes, I was so happy to see her eyes open and talking to me.

I sat up and crying from happiness, “Kayla, you’re awake” I said trying to kiss her lips as it was still a bit swollen, she smiled as I kissed her.
“Kayla, I am so sorry, so sorry, I shouldn’t have….” I was trying to say. “Jake, what do you mean sorry, what happened?” she asked. “Kayla, don’t you remember what happened?” I asked. “No, why am I here, what happened Jake, was I in a car accident?” she asked sounding confused and frightened. “You were taken, you were hurt and you lost…” I said sounding scared that she did not remember anything. “Lost what Jacob, taken where, please tell me, Jake, you’re scaring me” she pleaded in a whisper.

Just then Carlisle walked in. “Kayla, welcome back, you are progressing well” he said as he picked up her chart and marked on her medical notes. “Carlisle, why am I here, Jacob is not saying anything” she said looking at me. “You don’t remember anything that happened that night?” he asked. “What was the last thing you remember?” he asked. “Well Jake and I went out for supper and I felt sick that evening and now I wake up here” she said looking at us worried. “Jake, this is common in these types of trauma, she has had a mental block that has blocked out that memory” Carlisle said to me. “But she doesn’t remember….the baby” I gulped.

Carlisle sat down and ushered me to sit, we sat and told her everything that we knew had happened and that she was pregnant and that we had lost our baby. Kayla put her head in her hands and cried, cried for a trauma she didn’t remember and a baby she had lost. Carlisle left us to be alone and we cried for the longest time ever as I stayed in his arms.
Before I knew it, people were popping in and out to visit; they had all be advised of Kayla’s memory loss of that day.

Chapter 56

Kayla’s POV:

I had to move forward, how I could let something affect me that I didn’t even remember. Jake and I had each other and we had our futures to build up now. I was feeling stronger everyday and Jake was helping me immensely, I could see it still bothered him as to what had happened to me, but I couldn't understand as to why he felt responsible.
“Kayla” called Jake one evening, while we were relaxing at home, I was released from hospital and a month had gone by. My bandages were off and it wouldn’t be long my casts would be off too. “Yes” I responded eating my ice cream.

“What do you think about us getting married this summer?” he asked. “I thought you only wanted to get married next year?” I asked. “I decided I don’t want to wait any longer to be married to you,
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