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Book online «Daylight by Verbayne +Demonata-Freak (ebook reader with highlighter TXT) 📖». Author Verbayne +Demonata-Freak

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and my eyes stinging.

“Saoirse!” Clair snaps. I glance up at her; she looks like she is radiating some form off heat, but the room remains gold. It wraps around her like a thin fog, slightly intimidating. She nods to a metal table a few feet in front of her. “Lie him down,”

Obediently I grip Dustin’s waist and lay him down on the metal table gently, his hand never letting go of mine. His eyes are shut and he’s breathing is coming out more jagged by the second, the torn flesh off his neck pulsing a light flow of blood. I brush his hair out of his face, causing him to lurch up. “Saoirse?!” He calls, hands frantically searching blindly for me.

I grab his hands and hold them down on his chest. “I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here.” Leaning over his face I try to force a smile to my cracked lips, causing them to split, but his eyes remain shut and he lets out a whimper.

“Am I going to die?” He croaks, fingers entwined with mine and surprisingly gripping my hand tightly considering the condition he is in.

My bottom lip trembles, cupping his face with one hand, I shake my head. “No,” I lie. “You’re going to get through this.”

“Off course he is,” Clair scoffs. I lift my head to see her opposite me, hovering over Dustin. “I’m going to save him,” she grins, showing off her sharp canines.

She peels my hand away from Dustin’s, with a soft moan of protest from him, and holds it in front of her face. She mumbles something under her breath, brings her see through nails against Dustin’s veins and slices them open, and then makes another a few millimetres beside it. Dustin squirms slightly in pain as Clair puts her lips against the wounds and starts to drain his blood. “What’re you doing?!” I shout, leaning over to snatch his arm away from her mouth. Clair easily swipes me aside, causing me to go flying across the dark room. “We can’t change him! He’ll hate me for it!” I climb to my feet and rush over again.

“Do you want him to die?!” Clair growls, having almost drained him completely, and dropping his wrist and slicing her own. His skin has gone a white lighter than snow and his chest is heaving slower than can be registered healthy. “You must understand, this is the only way we can save him,” she says with no emotion. She presses their wrists together and fights the urge to jerk back.  Dustin’s back arches with pain as soon as their wrists are together. His human blood being pulled away and replaced with the cursed blood of Vampires, something I remember well. He grinds his teeth down harshly and tries to not scream out in pain.  “And now…” Clair mutters to herself. I glance at her as she opens a gash on the stub were Dustin’s leg end, being so caught up in the blood transfer, Dustin doesn’t even notice. She does the same thing to his other leg and holds her other wrist, I have just noticed it slit and pours with crimson liquid, against his wounds for a few seconds. The blood is instantly sucked into his legs and he cries out with pain, glistening fangs piercing his gums. The flesh around his knee starts to pulse, I stare in slight horrific fascination as a bone forces its way through his skin. Blood spurts out, Dustin howling with pain, as muscles and flesh wrap around the bones, and forming the rest of his legs he lost so many years ago. Suddenly Dustin stops screaming and Clair collapses. I jump over to her, she’s shaking slightly and her eyes have returned to their natural brown. “Told you I’d save him…” she whispers with a sound, I assume it’s a laugh.  I glance over at Dustin; his face is a mixture between pain, confusion and terror. His mouth is open but nothing is coming out. “He needs to feed,” she groans trying to get to her feet but falling again. Pulling her arm, I help her to stand, she is resting her body against my hip and her arms are wrapped around my neck.

“You need to feed, too,” I say glancing over her beaten body, as if all her life force had been drained.

“I’ll take care of her,” Janus walks over to us and picks Clair up, bridal style. “You just look after that man; use the human’s blood over there.” He nods to where Red is lying in a heap across the room; the pillow over his head stained with his blood, but amazingly his chest is still falling and rising.

I nod and turn to thank them, but Janus and Clair are already out of the room. Rushing over to Red, I grab his ankle and drag him to the table Dustin is lying on, his eyes fixed on the ceiling high above, his eyes the colour of blood, no white or pupil visible. This is how young Vampires look when they have just been blooded. Holding Red over Dustin’s face, I pull the pillow case off and gasp. His face is practically missing, his muscle visible due to his lack of skin, even his eyelids is missing but they are glazed over, he’s unconscious. How is he still alive?!  I slice his jugular and push it over Dustin’s mouth, as soon as the blood drops on his tongue, his lips clamp over the gash and start to drain the Hunter of his precious red liquid.  Dustin groans with satisfaction as the blood causes colour to return to his face, the wounds on his neck knit back together and he sits up, still holding the slightly squirming Red against his face. His eyes lazily return back to their electric blue and connect to me; he instantly drops Red, who slides of the table, dead. “Saoirse?” He whispers, fingers gently grazing my face. A tearful laugh erupts from my chest and I wrap my arms around his neck and tightly hug him. “Saoirse,” he sighs contently and buries his head in my flaming hair.

Chapter 27 - Clair

Leaning over Dustin I feel his heart shudder in his chest, trying desperately to keep what blood was left in him going through his body. Eyes lifting to search the darkness surrounding us I frown. I wasn't entirely sure how he made it this far without dying in Saoirse's arms, he was on deaths door, eating calamari with him now, but he still fought. He still called out Saoirse's name. My eyes flicked to her.

Her eyes are a little red around the edges, stained form unshed tears pooling behind her lids. I glance down at  their hands, hers having never left his. I listened to her voice whisper to him that it would be ok. I felt that crushing feeling of lose that was starting to surround her heart and felt pity for them.

"Am I going to die?" Dustin asks weakly, drawing my attention back to him.

Saoirse brushes his hair, eyes going wide, voice slightly shaky. "No, you're going to get through this."

I glare at her, at the lack of hope, belief, even trust in me. "Of course he is." I say darkly.

Her head raises form her dying lover to me. Her eyes are still a little to wide, chest rising and falling a little too fast. But her eyes remain dry, only the pinkish stain showing she had been on the verge of tears before. Defeat radiated form her, its weight putting a sour taste in my mouth. I glared at her again, that distant memory of the black haired man nagging at me as I pried Saorise's hands from Dustin.

He whimpered weakly, fingers grabbing for her blindly. Taking his hands I press them to his chest. With Saoirse's pain, her sense of loose, crushing me I put my nails to one of his wrists, making a pair of incisions spaced an inch apart. Somewhere deep inside my heart I felt desperation hit me. A lose so strong, so old, it made me physically weak.

That was the kind of lose Soairse would go through, the feeling she would carry with her for most of her unnatural life. It was a feeling I didn't want her to experience, the lost of a lover. Unfortunately the only way to keep her heart from shattering involved break it. Dustin whimpered again, drawing me back to the task at hand and out of memory lane. A very thin line of blood rolled down his oh so pale arm, beckoning me to lick it. Keeping his other hand on his chest I lower my face to the fresh blood and begin devouring it.

Soairse screamed at me, outraged by my actions. "What are you doing!?" Fingers wrapping around Dustin's arm she pulls. I shove her away, half growling at her. A quiet thud echoes through the room, Saoirse's voice distant when she starts ranting again. "We can't change him! He'll hate me for it!"

I speared her with a glare, dropping Dustin's wrist. "Do you want him to die?!" I snap, snarling at her.

She flinches, face barely visible in the shadows she stands in. Turning away from the half hysterical Saoirse I slice my wrist in a similar manor to Dustin's, lifting his limp hand and pressing the two different cuts together. The second my blood touches him I feel a jolt of power pass between us. His body screams at me, drawing in the blood through the two cuts on my wrist. I start to pull back, pain winding its way up my arm, but stop myself.

Grinding my teeth I growl at Saoirse, trying to distance myself from the pain slowly worming its way up my veins. "You must understand this is the only way to save him." I tell her.

Another jolt of pain runs through my body, my limit fast approaching. Glancing at Dustin's legs I frown, knowledge filling my head, knowledge I took from another vampire and stored in the black book sitting on the table by Dustin's trembling body. I saw sights and images form a past that never involved me, but drifted through my head as if I had truly been there. I remembered bleeding a young woman to the point of death, then slitting my wrist I gave her the barest amount of my own blood, the amount that would turn her into a vampire. That much of the process I, myself, knew how to perform.

It was the next step that I had never done before, yet knew how to perform as if it were second nature to me. I knew this because the vampire I had slaughtered, the vampire whose blood I had drank and feed to the book, knew how to re-grow something that was lost or damaged beyond repair. He knew how to perform regeneration, and now so did I. Looking down at Dustin's agonized face I nodded to myself.

"And now..." I mumble, nails dragging across one of the stumps that hand become Dustin's legs.

Nails digging into the slightly tender flesh I tear open two slits, just like on his wrist. Yanking my still bleeding wrist from his I hold it over his legs,

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