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Book online «Wings in the Darkness by Jason Richard (e book reader pc .txt) 📖». Author Jason Richard

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feathers. The color suited him, though it wasn't his usual. His expression was heavy, as if he knew he bore bad news. He was talking to Terin, and that meant one thing.
Terin had been chosen for the chief's personal guard!
She landed and bowed in respect, but inside she was terrified! It was a great honor, but Terin would be in the most dangerous place during the battle. He would be next to their leader.
The Chief noticed her, "There's no need to bow," he said. "I'm taking your husband. I know that must be hard for you."
"Kareen stood timidly and said, "I know it's a great honor..."
"Sacrifice," the Chief corrected. "And it pains me to ask. Feels cruel even. But I need the best out there, and your husband is one of the best."
"I shall do whatever I can Chief Kalvor," said Terin.
"Fight well, fight bravely, and give your family the best goodbye you can. That's all I can ask."
With that, Chief Kalvor flew away; gracefully despite his bulk. Kareen felt dizzy. Terin immediately walked over and put his arms and wings around her.
"Oh Terin."
"It will be alright. Someone has to guard the Chief."
"I know. I'm just so scared."
"I know."
He held on to her for a few moments, and as she was scared to lose him, she was scared when he would let go.

Chapter Five
Final Preparations.

Kareen kept her wings high, this time to dye her son's wings. Mila's wings weren't a problem. Hers were already brown, but Jenin's bright red wings had to be hidden. Jenin also had the red feathers on his head, the ones that stuck up and back like on the head of a cardinal. He looked like his father before shaving his own head.
So much like his father.
Mila huddled up in a corner. She didn't need to be there, but Kareen didn't want to leave her alone. In the back of her mind she knew she could have left her with someone else, but she didn't want her out of her sight either.
That was the last thing she wanted.
She finished dyeing Jenin's wings and he said, "I think I'm ready to shave the feathers from my head now mother."
"I thought you liked them?" said Mila.
"I do. But it's war time. I want to look like it."
"Alright," said Kareen. She let his wings dry, and then went to work on his head, carefully shaving the feathers away. When she was done she took a good look.
He looked so much like his father.
Terin flew high above the ground, which was green and lively. The nest palace floating high above the ground looked like any other nest at the bottom, but it seemed to have a palace growing out of it. A palace made of wicker. He flew with the Chief and the rest of the guards who had either black or brown wings. He could tell at least one of them was dyed, as he had feathers on his head like a cockatiel that stuck up. Those were usually white.
The palace had several levels of battlements, and they flew to the highest one. They took their positions, and watched the horizon. The directions they knew the goblins were coming from. That's where the nearest goblin cave was from their position.
Terin looked up. The dark cloud that had been spreading across the land was almost completely across the sky now. He knew they couldn't fly the palace over it. Too high and they couldn't breathe. Besides, the few eagle men who had flown into the cloud had perished. The cloud was poisonous, and flying above it would trap them with no food. They had to take a stand.
He watched the horizon. The goblins would be coming soon.

Chapter Six
The swarm approaches.

Kareen flew about the great hall, visiting every perch she could. Most had dyed their wings black or brown, so there wasn't much color in the great hall today, but that was the point. She checked in on all the women she had trained in bows with, asking if they were ready.
She asked Jendra the baker's wife. She was big for an eagle woman, with brown wings, and when asked she said, "I'm ready, and my husband is good with fire from his furnace. Let's see how these goblins like flaming arrows."
Kareen also spoke with Hawla, the widow, whose feathers had turned grey, and she replied, "Some of my children will be defending the gate, and my husband taught me to shoot before many here were born. The goblins had better beware. I'm not happy."
She may have been one of the elderly Kareen intended to protect, but Kareen was happy for her bow all the same.
She talked to others of all shapes and sizes, including her sister Lailen, who was only armed with a sword. It wouldn't keep goblins away from the elderly and children as far as a bow could, but it would have to do.
Afterwards Kareen flew to her own perch, where she saw her children in a makeshift tent made from chairs and a bed sheet. She could see them silhouetted against the sheet from a candle. She couldn't help but wonder if she was ready for this.
She picked up her own bow and fired at a lightning bug pinned to the wall. The arrow struck dead center. Her aim was good. She was still afraid for her children, but knew she could protect them.
"Ready," she said to herself.
Terin watched the horizon while standing on the battlements. For the longest time everything was still. The dark cloud was completely over the sky now, blocking the sun. The goblins would be there any moment, and then he saw it.
The swarm.
From the distant horizon he saw a mass of figures flying up. It was like a swarm of locusts, but Terin knew it was really goblins coming to destroy them. As the great host flew towards them he could hear the buzzing, as if a thousand wasps were coming to sting. He looked and knew...
The battle was upon them now.

Chapter Seven
The Battle begins.

Terin watched as the goblin swarm flew up. There were countless numbers of them. The eagle men stood their ground on the wicker palace. Then the goblins came closer. Terin, like all eagle men, had hawk-like vision, and could see well even though the dark clouds above blotted out the sun. He could also see far and, for the first time, he saw what the goblins looked like with his own eyes.
They were thin, but they had powerful muscles. Their heads were big, round, and bald. Their mouths had no lips, and their noses were just two slits, and they had eyes and wings like dragonflies. They wore loin clothes and carried swords made from a single piece of metal. They flew towards the nest with one purpose.
"Archers!" cried the Chief of the eagle men near Terin. "Fire!"
Eagle men with bows sent deadly projectiles into the goblin swarm. Flying goblins dodged and weaved, but many were struck, falling to their death and the distant ground below.
"Archers! Fire!"
A few more volleys sounded and the goblins reached the nest palace. They circled around it, high above, and the archers on all sides fired in every direction! As goblins fell on all sides Terin wondered...
Why haven't they attacked yet?
His answer came swiftly. Circling the nest, goblin dropped something...bottles. Glass bottles filled with water. Terin wondered why, and then the bottles broke on the nest. The water evaporated instantly, turning into a mist. The eagle men were quickly covered in a thick fog. Enchantment. Terin thought. They could not see the goblins above. They couldn't even see that far in front of them.
Dark figures started flying through the mist, and eagle men fell with cries. They couldn't see the goblins coming until it was too late. Terin, however, stopped looking as he drew his sword. He closed his eyes, and heard buzzing. The moment a goblin approached him he sidestepped and struck where he heard it. He felt his sword cleave through something, only for that something to fall next to him.
He grinned.
"Fly!" cried the chief. "Fly! Archers stay on the palace!"
There was no choice. They had to fly above the mist. Terin leaped up with the chief and the rest of the bodyguards. They soared over the mist and right into the goblin hoards, still circling the palace. Terin, with the other warriors, weaved through the sky, dodging swords and killing any goblin that came within reach.
Kareen huddled up with her children in the great hall on their perch. Her bow was within reach. Many other families followed this form, huddled up with bows in reach. Kareen could hear the clangs outside and wondered if they were safe.
And if Terin was alright.

Chapter Eight
A Tough Fight.

Terin curved his flight path, avoiding a deadly goblin blade! He quickly slashed the goblin and kept flying. With he and the other bodyguards few goblins got close you the Chief, and if they did they fell to the Chief's axe! Most of the mist had cleared around the nest, though goblins still dropped the enchanted waters on them when they could to keep it up. Eagle men archers fired into the swarm, even as their fellows fought them, but they hit no eagle men. With eyes like hawks their aim was deadly, and they only hit their intended target, or no target.
As Terin and all the other eagle men circled against the flow of goblins, killing whatever came in their path, more goblins were falling than eagle men. The battle was going well.
But then more bottles with that enchanted water were thrown directly at Terin and his group. They dodged, but one unfortunate eagle man struck with his sword and...
"No!" cried Terin, but it was too late.
The bottle exploded into that mist. For a second Terin could not see, and when he passed the mist he saw the group in the same formation, but with no chief!
He spotted the chief falling, a goblin holding onto him from behind! The goblin had no sword, but he had pinned the chief's wings and axe, and the chief couldn't reach over to throw him off!
"Down! Down!" cried Terin! He and the bodyguards dived straight down to their chief!
They fell, the chief struggling to throw off his weight. They were getting closer and closer to the ground. Terin knew they wouldn't reach him in time. He lifted his sword as he descended and threw it with all his might! It struck the goblin straight in the head!
The chief let go the goblin, spread his wings, and grabbed Terin's sword! He just took off before hitting the ground. Terin and the others flew next to the chief.
"Good aim Terin!" said the Chief as they flew together. "But you

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