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Book online «Supernatural Love by Sophere P. (e reader comics .txt) 📖». Author Sophere P.

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to just scoop her up in his arms and just nuzzle her neck.


Isadore's eyes widened at the facial expression elijah had upon his face, he was now biting down on his lower lip and giving her a sexy yet exotic stare that left isadore stiff and breathless. Isadore Groaned inwardly at how sexy he looked right now.


It must've let out because his eyes grew in alarm. Isadore quickly turned away back towards the window and burried herself deep into the coat, waiting for the bell to ring so she wouldn't have to die in embarrassment. After minutes of waiting, the bell finally gave out a loud rang and she gave him his coat back and quickly departed from the class before the rest of the students.

Chapter 2

The next day had came and was going by so fast, isadore was greatful that the hours in school were passing by so quickly, she hate being in english class. It's so boring isadore thought to herself as she made her way into Mr.Banks class. Taking a seat next to the window as usual, isadore took out her notepad to sketch in. Noticing that it was getting too hot, she took a rubberband and balled all of her hair onto the top of her head and tied it into a messy bun.


Damn! what the fuck do they have the temperature set to?Hell?! It's burning up in here, she screamed in the inside of her head.


She always talked to herself, no one else understood who she really was sometimes, besides dane and shirah.


Elijah laughed at isadore's distraught facial expression and how she was mumbling, complaining about the heat was bothering her so. Elijah was taking out his own thick leatherback journal and utensils when isadore looked over his way, frowning. "What's so funny?," Isadore asked, still kinda upset about the class being so dang hot.


"It's nothing, just old memories," elijah lied. He was still inwardly laughing at how mad she sounded when she said that.


Isadore frowned up at him, turning towards the window once again, her back towards him, "Mhmm yeah, iight!" she said with a little edge in her voice.


Head snapping up to look at isadore, he tapped her lightly on the shoulder. God she's so small and fragile he thought to himself, when his finger touched her gently. "Is there something wrong?" he asked.


"Nah it's just that this heat is killing me and I have bad sinuses; my nose will start burning if it get too hot," isadore said through gritted teeth. Smirking at her temper he closed his book and set it aside.


"You sure it's just the heat because if I'm a bother you can tell me. I'll move," he said, folding his arms across his chest.


Still looking outside the window she turned her head just a little and smirked at his statment slash half question. Why would you be a bother? she thought to herself. "Nah I hold nothing against you besides the fact that you have to endure this heat and suffer in this boring class." He laughed at that.


"At least I get to do my drawing and I'm glad you find me tolerable do to the heat and this boring class," he added on with a chuckle. She turned towards him, "It's not even cold outside, it's damnly 50 degress out and they blast the damn heat like they're crazy or some shit".


And that's hot to her? he asked himself.


Grinning he placed a hand on her backside and looked her in the eyes as best as he could, depending on how she was sitting. "Calm down," he said softly.


"I'm calm," isadore said with a sly grin. "So where are you from. this your first year here?" Isadore asked, running her index finger along the window pane.


"Nah, nuh-uh this my second year here," elijah said, holding up two fingers. "And I'm originally from here..Chicago."


"Oh, okay because I just moved back to Chicago. I used to go here during my freshman year but transferred after that and now... I'm back," she said turning around with a smile.


"Well... welcome back, Isadore." He said with a slight smile.


"Thank you," she smiled back.


Elijah felt something inside him when he talked to her and loved the feeling oh so well. He found her intruiging and wanted to know more about her and who she is. Patting on his thighs, elijah stared over at the clock on the right side of the wall. It was 5 minutes before class was about to end, and if he wanted to get to know her well he had to start right away. Why in a rush? he thought to himself. Elijah looked over at isadore, wondering if it was too soon in asking if he can walk her home..Afterall, they have only known each other for two days. Elijah sensed isadore wasn't a mean person so he decided to take his chances.


Isadore was packing up her things all the while, thinking to herself. Gosh he's so cute and charming. I don't usually like guys with them braid thingies in their head but it fitted him and he looked oh-so sexy with them. She wondered if they would become friends while taking this class together, she'd like that a whole deal, isadore thought to herself. Isadore was just strapping up her book bag when she felt a hand tap her shoulder. Sometimes isadore got annoyed with being so short and people having to tap her on the shoulders all of the time. But then again, she was getting immune to her height. Rolling her eyes, isadore stopped doing what she was doing and turned around with a frown on her face. "What!"


Elijah threw his hands up in defense mode, stepping back. "I meant no harm isadore."


Feeling completely stupid and embarrassed by the way she reacted, she gave her most sincerest apology.


"I'm sorry elijah," she half giggled.


Elijah then threw one hand behind his head, scratching in his hair while the other was tucked into the front pocket of his jeans, he was half smiling and seemed kinda nervous. "Umm I don't wanna come off as a creep but you seem like a nice young lady and I was hoping we could hang out more. Besides, I like your sense of humor," he added with a dazzling smile.


Isadore was too shocked and unable to respond to that so she just nodded her head. Because she never hung out with guys like that and she knew she wasn't all that humorous. She wasn't the type to get attention from guys, even if she did try. Too lost in her thoughts she didn't notice the bell ringing, indicating departure time from school.


Before she could even gather her wits and leave he stood before her and grabbed her hand. "Let your new friend walk you home issy, please?" he asked in a very low voice. He had already given her a nickname!?


Isadore just stared at him for a moment. "Why? and why are you whispering?" isadore asked, whispering back at him.


"I want to at least walk my new friend home and there's creeps out there issy, I want to be the one to fight them off and I don't know why I'm whispering," he said.


They both burst out in laughter. She smiled and nodded at his offer. "By the way, that was a cheesy answer," she said as they grabbed their things and left out the door. "Very cliche!"


Once outside elijah followed her down the street, leading off the sidewalk into what seems to be a forest preserve. "I usually take the long way home since I'm in no hurry, hoping thats okay with you?," she asked.


"It's okay," he replied.


As they walked to her house through the forest preserve they talked about random things about their life and even their worst fears and stuff they never told anyone before. Isadore felt as if she knew this guy her whole entire life. He likes to play the guitar, cello, flute, and piano. She had to admit he was multi-talented. He likes to play hockey, soccer, and his favorite is playing basketball. He said he goes to the court with antoine and his other homies he chills with. His favorite foods are fries, spaghetii, and pizza. His favorite color is an emerald green just like hers almost, except isadore's color was more of a forest green. He loves to go camping, partying, or anything thats fun and adventurous. He told her he tried smoking once and didn't try it again after that first time, knowing it wasn't his style.


"Would you like to come watch me play ball tomorrow, issy?" he asked, stopping in his tracks and staring down at her. There he go again with that name!


"Umm sure why not, but can I bring a friend?" isadore asked.


"I don't care" he said. Elijah heart dropped. Great she already seeing someone!


"Good because shirah doesn't like when I diss her on girl night." isadore rolled her eyes at how shirah be overreacting when things doesn't go her way, but she still loved her though.


Elijah paused for a minute to make sure he heard her correctly. After feeling foolish for his assumption , he began to walk faster. She fucking with my mind, he thought to himself. Lawd girl! "It's cool though isadore, I'm okay with you bringing whomever you like," he said as he picked up his pace.


Meeting the same speed she looked up at him, "Geesh, can you slow down a little, my legs are short and I don't think I can keep up much longer." Before she could even fathum what happened, he grabbed her by the arm and swung her about his back and began to walk faster.


"Oh my god dude like can you slow down," isadore said as she burried her face into the back of his shirt.


"I just want to make sure you get home on time," he laughed.


"I don't want you to get into any kind of trouble isadore and stop being such a girl."


He looked over his shoulder after she didn't respond and found her closing her eyes really tight. One of isadore's hand was clutching at her stomach and her face was scrunched up as if she was in pain. "Damn it!" he whispered.


Coming to a stop, he gently sat her down and took her face into his hands. "Are you okay?" he asked with urgency looking down at her.


"I didn't eat anything and by you going fast it must've upset my stomach." She sucked in a sharp breath, waving it off with a hand." But I'll be okay."


"Lets get you home, you look tired." Before she can protest he grabbed her backpack and tossed it over his shoulder, and scooping her into his arms, he began to walk slowly as she gave him directions to her house. Finally making it there, he grabbed her keys and opened the door and into the living room, settling her down onto the couch.


"Thanks for carrying me home," isadore said through gritted teeth.


"Anytime isadore." It got quiet for a few second. Elijah began to shift from foot to foot, worried. "You sure you okay with being here alone?"


"My brother should be here in five minutes, I think I can manage 'til then."


Elijah then wrote his number down on a

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