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Book online «Supernatural Love by Sophere P. (e reader comics .txt) 📖». Author Sophere P.

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He didn't recall turning the lights off before stepping out. Maybe isadore did, he was outside for quite a while. 


He called for isadore but didn't get an answer. Taking the steps two at a time he checked the rooms down the hall. No sign of her. Then he heard a loud sound of glass breaking coming from downstairs. Growling deeply, his instincts kicked into gear. He tried to fight it back and headed back downstairs. 


"Issy!" He yelled. going into the kitchen, he didn't see her either. He took the kitchen door, that led out to the patio. "Girl where the fuck are you!" He growled out, now officially pissed off. His voice getting deeper and deeper. 


Isadore was down in the basement , doing laundry when she heard heavy footsteps coming from upstairs. "Who the fu..." she quickly raced up the stairs, slamming the basement door behind her. She forgotten she turned off all the lights. Balling up her fist , she called softly for elijah name. "Eliiii...."


Elijahs keen hearing heard isadore soft call from all the way inside the house. He rushed back in ,slamming the patio door. "where the fuck you at?! " elijah growled out.


Isadore heard the deep yet scary voice, shaking her head. Hell no , thats not elijah. She turned around and tripped over the carpet. "ouch!" sitting up, she rubbed her carpet burned hands together slowly. "fucking carpet!" Two strong hands snatched her up. She could hear strong heavy breathing and a slight growl.




He chuckled, kissing the nape of her neck. "who else would it be?" Isadore tried to turn but he held her really tight..actually tighter than necessary. "why umm...why you sounding like that?"


"isadore, didnt you hear me calling you, huh?!" he half yelled at her.


isadore eyes widened as she wiggled out his grasp, falling on the floor. Who the fuck he think he is talking to me like this. he really has lost it tonight, isadore thought to herself. straightening her clothes as she turned towards him , she looked up slowly. "i don't know what has gotten into you but...but....-" her words trailed off suddenly. 


 Isadore was too shocked and horrified to pay attention to anything he was doing. She stared in disbelief as his eyes were now from a hazel to a jetblack and glowing marks appeared on his face.

Chapter 5

He must've realized it shown because he took two steps towards her and she backed away. "Issy please let me explain," he pleaded as he stepped towards her.


Isadore was backing all the way into the living, tripping over the carpet and getting back to her feet, running to the other side of the coffee table. "Elijah what the fuck is going on with your face?!" she yelled.


Elijah balled his hands into fists as he bowed his head. Ashamed and angry that she had to see him this way. Now everything is fucked up, elijah thought to himself.


"What are you?" she whispered, half afraid and half curious. Isadore examined him closely , realizing he was not what he seemed to be at all. He damn sure ain't human! Humans don't glow in the damn dark nor have lights on their face, isadore thought to herself. Time seemed to tick by as she stared at him in dead silence, her body completely stiff.


"If I show you, you have to promise you will treat me the same and not to scream, issy,"he begged. He was almost a little emotional and had to get his voice in check, it was cracking kind of. He cleared his throat and stared over at her under his lashes.


Isadore was waiting for...well she didn't know exactly what the hell she was waiting for but she was slightly afraid of the freaky shit that was happening right before her eyes. This is definitely some Syfy shit, isadore thought to herself. The way he was looking at her right now, really creeped her out. She bout damn ready to jumped out the window, fuck the glass. She'll manage to get through it.


Elijah cracked a sideway smile , showing his long sharp animal like teeth. Isadore almost damnly had a stroke right then and there. She started to step sideways to the nearby window, trying to lift it ip without looking back. Elijah's eyes were still on her, they never strayed. Which was really fucking freaking her out, beside the fact they were all black. He never blinked. Now he has the nerve to smile at her like that. Her heart was surely to burst right now.


Elijah could hear isadores heart beat faster than normal and he straightend his head looking at her and stopped smiling. I don't mean to frighten you isadore, but can you really deal with what i'm about to show you?


Isadore still couldn't get over the fact of his voice changing so drastically. She couldn't say a thing but nod.


With that sign of agreement, elijah stepped back and fully transformed right before her. she watched as his skin went from a mocha to catlike animal. His skin was an indigo color.The only furr he had on him was on his head. He had long ears just like a cat, with small hairs at the tips. His dreads even changed colors. They went from dark brown to jet black. They were more silky than normal hair, its like they moved at one little soft blow of the wind. He began to sprout a long tail that had glowing spots running down the tips, wrapping it around his legs. He had sharp fingernails too. That's the main thing isadore recognized.


Isadore hesistated before walking up slowly towards him as he watched her intently. He bent down and his fastlike motions sent isadore backing up, startled. Realizing he meant no harm, she moved towards him once again. Isadore raised her hand out and he leaned his nose into her palm. She gently rubbed the side of his face and laughed as he purred, feeling the vibration running into her palms.


"Elijah this is...incredible!" isadore laughed out. "you are so adorable!"


As if content with that he picked issy up several inches up off the ground and hugged her. She sighed in his arms and rubbed his ears, watching as they flickered. Liking the way they move she rubbed them again and watched it repeat the same motion, she giggled. He licked isadore's cheek and nuzzled her neck with his wet nose, causing her to giggle even more. "Elijah I think I might be in love with an animal. Is that a bad thing?"


Feeling his body stiffen she looked up into his black eyes. "Isadore there's something you must understand," he said as he settled her down firmly to the floor.


"Oh my god!" isadore squealed, clasping her hands together. Elijah stopped in mid sentence and just stared down at her, half frowning. "what issy?"


"You're so fucking adorabllllllllle!" isadore cooed. Elijah huffed in disgust at her mushiness. Folding his arms across his chest, he stared down at her. "isadore this is a serious moment right now!"


Isadore tried to hide her happiness , bowing her head and nodding. elijah proceeded to talk. "Isadore how can i say this without freakin'-" he was stopped once more because isadore was playing with his tail. running her hands along the mane.


Elijah couldn't help but smirk at the image of her playing with his tail. He liked the fact that she accepted him for who he truely is. But he had to get some things situated. Slapping her softly with his tail, he wrapped it about him and walked away, continuing his speech. Frowning, she waited to hear what was comming next.


"Isadore I cannot stay here without mating with my one true love and.."


"So I'm not your true love?" she looked at him with sadness in her eyes.


"You can live with someone like this forever and love me for who and what I am, are you ready to do that?"


"I couldn't ask for nothing more that would make me happy. I love you for christ's sake. I've never felt this way about any guy eli and you are the one I want forever and for always."


Turning back into his human form, she ran and jumped into his arms. "You do realize that your shirt is ripped up right?" she whispered into his ear. Chuckling he gave isadore a quick kiss on the lips and set her down. "Do I need a shirt?" he aked as he unbuckled his belt.


"No elijah!" isadore giggled at his nakedness.


"Let's just snuggle for now and maybe later."


"I was just teasing love," he said as he climbed on the couch behind her, holding her close to him with one arm wrapped about her.


Minutes later isadore fell asleep and he realized she said "maybe later"... What did she mean by that? elijah asked himself, staring down at isadore's sleeping body.



Chapter 6

Isadore woke up stretching, realizing she must've slept the whole night on the couch. Standing up and stretching once more, she heard the sound of a sizzling pan on the stove. Walking into the kitchen she smelled the delicious scent of pancakes ,bacon, eggs and ...pickles?



"Rise and shine sleepyhead."


Isadore woke up stretching, realizing she must've slept the whole night on the couch. Standing up and stretching once more, she heard the sound of a sizzling pan on the stove. Walking into the kitchen she smelled the delicious scent of pancakes ,bacon, eggs and ...pickles?


giving isadore a kiss on the top of her head as she yawned. Elijah covered his nose. "Don't forget to go brush," he added jokingly. Isadore tried to punch him in the back ,which he dodged.


She went upstairs and brushed her teeth, washed her face and headed back downstairs to the kitchen to find him texting at the table. Isadore took a seat across from him and made her plate and ate. Afterwards she watched him text, noticing him laughing and doing that biting thing with his lips. the only time she know when he does that is when he finds someone or something attractive. She let that momentum thought out of her mind because she know he wouldnt cheat on her or hurt her in any way.


"Breakfast was good," she added to fill out the silence.


"Mhm," he stated without looking up.


"Imma go get dressed. Still up for that party right?


"Urmm no actually have to go and visit my uncle, isadore. But I'll see you later in the day or tomorrow." Getting up he placed his plate in the sink and grabbed his coat. Giving her

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