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Book online «Supernatural Love by Sophere P. (e reader comics .txt) 📖». Author Sophere P.

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a kiss on the forehead, he out the door. Hearing the door slam isadore sunk back into the chair and tried to figure out why he just ignored her the way he did.


After a while of sitting there and thinking she got up and went upstairs and showered.


Oh well. He's been acting stranger than he really looks, isadore thought  to herself. Erhaps it was the traits of being..being...well being whatever the fuck elijah was. He better have a good explaination for not going to the party with her, she frowned. Leaving the table, she skipped off upstairs to her room. Once she showered and picked out an outfit that would be fitted in all the right places and then styling her hair, she was set to go. Heading towards the door isadore thought it would be too early to go but she guessed shirah can use the help with decorating. Even though she knew shirah would be too busy trying to get the food ready and drinks. Shirah was always lazy when it came to decorating for events. Isadore walked over to shirah's house and rang the doorbell. To her surprise doug and antoine answered the door. "hey isadore! came by to help?" antione chimed.


"yeah did you? because we can use the help" doug said from behind.


"Yeah I most definately did."


Hours went by as they fixed up the place for the party. Of course Shirah was in the kitchen , stuffing her face and trying out the snacks and candy. As soon as she seen isadore she ran from behind the counter and hugged isadore. "girl im so glad to see you!"


Isadore gave shirah the stale face as she placed a hand on her hip. "Girl I been here for two hours , helping out doug and antoine fix this place up." shirah gave isaodre an apology look "ooo you have?! gil im sorry. I been in here trying out these food and stuff"


Isadore sucked her teeth, giving her a sideway glare. "You mean stuffing yo face like there's no tomorrow?!" shirah only rolled her eyes and proceeded back to her tasks.


"where's mister tall hot stuff?!" shirah asked as she assorted the candies, now being finished with the foods. isadore turned her back, assorting the drinks on the counter island. "he's ummm..I don't know really?" she looked up, giving shirah a slight smile.


that only caused shirah to jerk her head back in confusion, her nose all scrunched up. "Umm ..wait what?"


Shrugging it off as she finished grabbing the pepsi and sprite cans from the crate onto the counter, she paused and tilted her head thinking. "I mean maybe he had an family emergency with his uncle or aunt." 


Shirah slammed down her bowl of mixed variaties of candy in a big bowl , sucking her teeth. "girl please, if he ain't tell you, that means he doing some shit he ain't got no business doing!" she continued over to the chips. "You better check him girl, before I do!" 


isadore only rolled her eyes. she couldnt blame shirah from the way she was acting and to be honest, from the way she was thinking at the moment. Isadore has the same thoughts inside her head. But she refused to let them come out as assumptions for now. She couldn't imagine him doing her bad....He wouldn't... At least that's what she thought.


Snapping isadore out her trance, shirah grabbed her hand as they walked through the flip doors , into the living room. They were right on time because the doorbell rang and there stood outside the door was damnly a whole concert of people. Good enough Shirah had a nice size house. 


People showed up hours after and the place was getting crowded. There was loud music and drinking, people dancing on the table and furniture, couples making out on the stairway and in other areas of the house. Surprisingly no one was smoking.


A hand Tapped isadore lightly on the shoulders. "So He really ain't making it here huh?" shirah yelled over the booming music.


"He had to go to his uncles'," isadore yelled back.


"Mhmmm...." shirah said ina sly voice as she pursed her lips as isadore, slanting her eyes. "If you say so.." But isadore smiled and shook her head. Shirah gave isadore a bear hug before asking if she liked something to eat or drink. Isadore shook her head and shirah disappeared back into the dancing crowd, screaming and juking on everybody.


Isadore was standing by the stairs dancing when she felt hands wrap about her waist, picking her up and lips kissing the nape of her neck. Isadore smiled and turned around. Shocked that it was daunivan, isadore backed up completely, settling back on her feet with disappointment displayed across her face.


"Oh so you really thought I was that niggah didnt you," he asked as he stepped towards her.


"How did you get in here?!" isadore asked in rage. isadore began to look around for shirah and dough. She knew dough was never too fund of daunivan the moment she started liking him and he started abusing her. Staring back at him , she placed her hands on her hips waiting for an answer.


"I got my ways of getting into things," he said as he steadily stepped towards her.


Just as she was bout to turn around and walked away, he grabbed hold of her wrists. "C'mon and lets take a walk, I promise I wont try nothing."


Isadore contemplated for a while. She knew daunivan like a book. He say one thing and mean another. But he looked sincere about it. She thought maybe if she finally give him this last chance of getting things out of his chest, then he would leave her alone for good.


"Only for a few minutes then you leave me alone." He noded in agreement.


They left the party and walked down the street to a nearby bench and sat there. "How you been lil mama?" he asked.


"I've been fine I guess." isadore tried not to keep eye contact. She really didn't like staring at him because he always thought her looking at him meant something different. He just really look at her in a uncomfortable way at times. Besides, he was ugly. She really didn't know what she was thinking when she talked to him. Scooting closer he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.


Isadore rolled her eyes. Did she mention he was played out with having "game" and corny as fuck. She gave him a sideway glare. Lawd why! She felt even more disgusted. He doesn't need to be that close to me..All this ugliness jesus! She could still hear him blabbering on and off about his absence out her if she cared!


Isadore soon began to shake her legs as annoyance took place more than anything. Should've stayed my ass at that damn party she thought to herself. I wish he just shut the fuck up, he like a damn motor mouth!


"You know I miss you, right?"


isadore rolled her eyes and laughed out at that lie. "boy please. I don't miss you. I dont think about you and i damn sure dont want you. so why keep pressing, huh?!"


Frowning, he got up and snatched her up.


"let go of me right now!" she spat out.


Daunivan just chuckled, spit flying onto isadore's face. "And what you gone do if I don't hmmm? He shook her til her teeth rattled and her head spun. "Gonna tell your bitch ass boyfriend?!"


Isadore spat in his face, which caused him to stagger back and release his hold on her, dropping isadore  to the ground.


Daunivan quickly wiped at his eyes before isadore could get up he yanked her up really hard and tight by her upper arms and next thing she know a strong hand came ascending across the left side of her face. Then again and another time. isadore dropped to the floor, struggling to get up by the hard blows to the face. Her vision began to blur and she felt an instant headache coming. she was then pinned down onto the cold concrete ground and slapped again. He gripped her chin and squeezed to the point she was sure she heard her jaw cracking. "Why the fuck you gotta play so much?! he yelled out.


Isadore bit his fingers with all her might and kneed him in the groin and got up and ran for shirah's house. Leaving daunivan balled up on the ground in pain, holding his crotch.


Pushing past people isadore managed to get hold of shirah, who was talking to some friends in the living room. Shirah turned to see isadore staggering and her bruised up face. "Oh god what happened, who the fuck did this to you?!" shirah yelled out in rage, looking around.


Everyone stopped dancing and looked over at isadore and shirah. "Just tell us who did this isa and we throwing them hands," doug said as he and his friends gathered up and was already looking around to whoop on somebody.


"Daunivan did this!" isadore cried out. Before she could say anything else doug and his crew went flying out the front door and into a white cadillac truck. "I've been waiting on this moment," daunivan yelled out. His crew howling and shouting.


shirah was already escorting people to the door while others stayed and helped clean up. "C'mon girl let me drive you home," she said. She yelled out at her cousins to watch the house while she went away. "Yall better not let these motherfuckers walk out here with nothing either!" she said lastly before turning back to isadore.


"lemme just get my purse isadore slowly breathe out" Holdingher aching head in agony with one hand as she made her way to the staircase, the other hand struggling to hold onto the balanster to keep her upright. She stopped at the middle of the stairs, taking a moment to catch her breath.


"You sure you can walk, you dont look so good girl." she asked concerned. Smiling, isadore patted her back "I'll be right back."  "just go back down stairs and stop following me and wait in the car."


"Okay I'll be waiting for you in the car." Isadore gave shirah a brief look of annoyance before rolling her eyes and turning back up the stairs. Shirah can be so dumb at times, isadore thought. which is why I love her crazy ass.


Wobbling her way up the stairs and retreiving her purse from shirah's room, isadore heard giggles, moaning and whispering in the nearby bathroom. She knocked lightly on the door. "Aye y'all gotta come out here the party is over."


Isadore staggered back only seconds before catching her balance. Causing her head to ache even more. Groaning in pain, she held her head with both hands, purse draping on her arm. Waiting for whomever was in the bathroom to come out.


Some seconds went by as no one said nothing, so isadore burst in the bathroom and couldn't believe her eyes. There was elijah sitting on the sink with some half naked blonde headed chick sitting on his lap ,facing him. His shirt was half way unbuttoned and pants unzipped.


Elijah looked just as shocked as she was. Struggling to talk for the chick was still trying to kiss all over him, he looked at isadore. "Issy please lemme explain," he begged. Isadore suddenly felt dizzy as if the slaps to the face, would've been enough to send her falling down.


Now seeing her boyfriend kissing on another girl did just that. Isadore tried to walk down the stairs but it felt as if her head was bound to burst at any moment. All of a sudden isadore lost her vision and faded into darkeness, sending her tumbling down the stairs.

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