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one, the grades had to be perfect. even three A's (acceptable) in total wouldn't be good enough to become a healer. I knew that all my other friends wanted to become Auror's, but I really loved helping people and healing them. 

"QUIET!", I heard Dumbledores voice echoing from the walls and suddenly the whole hall was totally silent. Dumbledore didn't get loud very often and when he did, it was better to shut your mouth and do what he told you. 

"I am very sorry, First years. Please excuse our rude behavior, we are all very sorry." He looked at the Marauders, Aya and me before he continued: "Please come forward and then Professor McGonagall will call your name and you will have to put on the sorting hat."

The first years walked walked with Professor McGonagall to the teachers table. They were all whispering and admiring the Great Hall. After the hat sang his song, the teacher of Transfiguration looked at the pell in her hand and started reading out the names.

"Aiden, James.", she called out, and we all craned our necks to see the boy who also had James's name. He was a pretty short with light brown hair,  a huge smile on his face and big ears. 

"Oh, he is nothing like you, prongs. He is actually capable of smiling.", Remus mocked as the boy but the hat on his head. It was way to big and slid down to his nose. The hat seemed to think for a moment, and then it called: "HUFFLEPUFF!" The table on the right cheered loudly as James put the hat back on the chair and ran over to his new family. 

"He is way cuter that you!", Aya laughed and I added: "Yeah and unlike you he knows how to run." James glared at me when I said that while the others started laughing.  I referred to a day in the summer holidays just a few weeks ago when we all met in a park near to James's house. We were having a picknick, when suddenly a dog decided that he wanted to take part in it and took James' burger out of his hands and eat it in one bite. When James took another burger, the dog tried to get that one as well, but James got up and ran away. The dog started running after him and it didn't take him more than thirty seconds to lay on top of the Quidditch captain and lick his face after eating the second burger as well. 

"Not funny, Scar. You wouldn't be able to run from a dog as well!", James muttered and pretended like he was really interested in the sorting ceremony. 

After twenty minutes, every new student was finally sorted into their house, and then the food appeared. I could hear my stomach growl and the sight of all the food made my mouth water. I put as much as possible on my plate and then ate it as quickly as possible to satisfy my needs for food.

"Slow down, Scar. Nobody is going to take your food away!", Aya commented, but there she was wrong. Like they have been waiting for a comment like that, Sirius and James both put their forks into my food and tried to get as much as possible from my plate. I defended my food with my fork by trying to get the stuff that they already had on their forks, off. It ended in a mess of potatoes, meat, carrots and sauce until we finally stopped our little fight. 

"You are so childish.", Remus pointed out, but that just made him the next victim. Now James, Sirius and I tried to get the food off his plate and he had to defend it. Aya and Peter joined in and we could only be stopped by a really angry Profesor McGonagall, who cleaned everything with a wipe of her wand and told us to behave.

Still laughing from our little food fight, we made our way up into the Gryffindor common room. I said the password to the Fat Lady and then we entered one on my favorite spots in the whole castle: The Gryffindor common room.  

"Welcome home.", I whispered to myself, when I walked up to the dorms. 


Tue- 2. September 1977


"Wake up, Sleepyhead!", Aya shouted and I was instantly awake. Usually, when she woke me up she poured water over me or pranked me in some other way. But when I looked around today, there was nothing. Aya was on the other side of the dorm, braiding her hair and the other two girls who lived here, Ashley Grey and Lily Evans were still sleeping.

Ashley was a small girl with no fat, but only muscles on her. She went jogging every morning and she wasn't afraid to fight someone when she thought they were wrong. Each year, she competed against her twin brother, Alex for the position of the seeker. Until now, he had won every time, but she was determined to change it this year. The tryouts of the team were this Saturday, and I was looking forward to it. All the girls in Gryffindor were rooting for her to get the position this time. 

We were a really good team last year, but two of our players had left the school, so we had to look for a new keeper and a new beater. Since the fourth class Aya and I were the Chasers together with James and we worked together like one person. We knew when we had to pass the Quaffle, when someone was surrounded by the other team we helped him out and we knew our routine moves by heart. Some Gryffindors started calling us the 'three Musketiers', and they even made banners with our faces on it.

Sirius was one of the beaters in the team and he was really good as well. He had a lot of muscles and a wide chest, the perfect statue for a beater. He also was a great flyer and he could do some moves on the broom that I dreamed of. I would never let him know that I admired his flying though. 

"Get up, don't you remember what day it is today?", she continued while I turned around to look at my alarm. It was seven o'clock in the morning. I groaned and  turned back around to face my best friend, who had clearly gone insane to wake me up so early. 

"No, I just know that it is way too early to get up. Even Ash is still sleeping. I have a rule: Never get up before Ash.", I muttered, but Aya shook her head and disapprovingly looked at me.

"Don't you remember what we talked about last year?", she asked and just when she did, the scales fell from my eyes: We were going to prank the Marauders on our first day of school as a payback for their last prank on us. Usually we didn't prank people, we just did it sometimes when we were really bored or when the other person did something to annoy us. And that prank from last year did annoy us a lot. The Marauders had tied our hands together with unbreakable handcuffs in History of Magic, when we were both sleeping,  so that we had to walk around together all day.  The problem was that we had different lessons and so we had to choose which lesson to go to and we had to explain the teacher why we could only sit next to each other. Every teacher tried to open the handcuffs, but the only thing that had worked was some liquid that the Marauders poured over it in the evening. 

"Oh, I remember! It's time for some payback!", I smirked and got up. I quickly put my robes on and brushed my hair. I braided it when we ran down the stairs and through the empty common room. It looked very peaceful with the flickery light of the fire that had been lit again by the house elves. It was comfortable and warm in here and it smelled a bit like honey. 

After passing the portrait of the Fat Lady, we walked downstairs to the Great Hall. I have never seen the Hall empty and it looks even bigger with no people in it. The four long tables are already laid and the cutlery was shining like it was new. The sky above us was still dark, but a little bit of red light from the rising sun mixed itself with the grey of the vanishing night. 

Aya and I went to our usual place and then poured some liquid into the glasses of James, Sirius, Remus and Peter. Then we did a little spell to make the liquid invisible. Now, to make sure that they would actually sit down here, we put a spell on the plates. This would make the Marauders want to sit here while other students would choose other seats. 

"Done?", Aya asked and looked at me. She now had the same twinkle in her eyes that Dumbledore always had and that the Marauders had in their eyes when they were planning or realizing a prank.

"Done. Let's go back upstairs before anyone notices that we were gone.", I said and we quickly sneak back to the Gryffindor tower. Just as we sat down in the sofa in front of the fire, students start to come out of the dorms. It is about half past seven now and some early birds already head to breakfast. With them is Ashley as well, and she came over us.

"What is going on with you two? You never get up before me.", she asked and smiled at Aya and me: "Are you up to something?" Aya and I shake our heads, but we know we can't fool Ashley anymore. She laughed and then drove with her right hand through her short brown hair, just like James always did to make it look like a casual mess. 

"Where do I sit to watch the awesome prank?", she then asked and we told her the place. She nodded her head and then winked at us: "I can't wait." With these words she walked away, but it wasn't long before the Marauders took her place. Since they came down on their usual time and we also usually waited for them on this sofa, they suspected nothing when we went downstairs together. They also suspected nothing when we sat on our usual places. 

The Great Hall was full with students now and the orange-yellow light of the sun made it more cosy. The teachers walked around, giving out all the timetables for their students and the smell in here was amazing. I loved breakfast, I could eat even more in the morning than in the evening and so I put some eggs, bacon, toast and jam on my plate. After that I would eat cereals, but first I had to look if our plan worked. 

"So, did you guys think of a prank already to get revenge on us?", Sirius asked mockingly, and I had to concentrate really hard to try and look innocent.

"No, but we're working on it.", I told him and Peter chuckled: "I don't think you'll ever be able to prank the Marauders. We're unprankable." Then he raised his glass full of orange juice and another certain ingredient and proudly said: "To the Marauders and to a great year full of pranks."

"Cheers!", the other three said and they all drank out of their glass. Now I couldn't hold my giggles back and Aya started laughing as well. The Marauders looked at us and asked what was so funny, but Remus already suspected something. He took the glass again and smelled it, then he took out his wand and said a silent spell. His water turned purple. 

"There was a potion in there with our drinks.", he explained to the other boys, and they

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