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didn't look so relaxed anymore. Sirius quickly touched his face to see whether his looks were being deformed, Peter looked at his drink in disbelief and James glared at us. 

"What does this potion do?", he asked us, but we didn't answer and just continued eating our breakfast. We could see that Remus tried many spells to identify the potion, but it wasn't possible as we invented it ourselves. Aya might not be good in school, but she was a talented potion mixer. She just didn't bother to pay attention in class because it bored her. The potion that she invented now was a little copy of the course of king Midas. Everything he touched became gold, everything they touched would start to dance. Metal or wood or clothes would not dance, just food.

After three minutes the Marauders gave up to ask us what this drink was going to do to them because their empty stomachs demanded to be fed. Just when they touched their forks and knives and with them they started eating, all the food on their plates started to come alive and danced like crazy. Some of them even sang, a side effect that we didn't intent to happen. 

"What the fuck?", Sirius exclaimed as his bacon sang 'Dancing Queen' to him. All the students that sat near us, stopped their conversations and looked at the dancing food that tried to climb onto the boys and the boys trying to get the food off. It was the worst for my bother, because he ate cereals and now all the little cornflakes jumped and danced on his armes and his head like little milky insects. 

"You two are just so -!", Sirius said, but he couldn't find the right word to explain what we were. Sadly for us, Remus was smarter that the other three and so he leaned over the table to touch mine and Aya's food as well. 

"Oh, damn!", Aya sighted when her food started dancing as well, but before it could climb on us, someone made all the food stop dancing and put it back on the plates. 

"I don't know what it is with you six and food, but would you please live out your fantasies somewhere else and not where you are distracting and discussing other people?", a familiar voice said and when I turned around I saw that no other than Professor McGonagall stood behind us, in one hand her wand and in the other hand all the time tables. 

"Sorry, Professor! It won't happen again!", Peter quickly said and I rolled my eyes. What a bootlicker. 

"Good. Next time I see you playing with your food you will all have detention.", our transfiguration teacher said put her wand away. Then she handed us our timetables and gracefully walked away. 

I looked down on my timetable and frowned. That was the last thing I wanted for the first lesson of the new school year. I hated the teacher and I hated the subject, but I had to take it to become a healer. Next to me, Aya started smiling and I knew that I wouldn't have potions with her. 

"Anybody else got potions first class?", Sirius asked and all the boys shook their heads. My mood sank even more. I would have potions with Sirius Black. 

That would not be good.


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Felix Felicis

Tue- 2. September 1977


"So, beautiful, I warn you now: When we spend enough time alone in the dungeons, you will eventually fall for me.", Sirius mocked me while we waited for Professor Slughorn in front of the class. We had potions with the Slytherins, a fact that made this lesson even more horrible.

I did like Sirius as a friend and I enjoyed flirting with him, but when we were alone, he went all in and always tried to get me to kiss him. I had to fight hard to resist, because I couldn't deny that he was very attractive. He smelled great, he had an amazing body and stunning eyes. The only problem was that all the girls in the school thought so and that he was the male slut of Hogwarts. Everyone knew it and still they went out with him, desperately hoping that they could change him and that he would fall for them, but he never did. He was a player and there was nothing anyone could do about it. 

"I don't think so. I am not like all the other girls who fall for you. I actually have a brain and I know that you would ignore me the second that I kiss you.", I hissed back and Sirius started laughing a very cocky laugh. 

"So you have thought about kissing me. You want to kiss me, don't you?", he asked, and smirked at me, his grey eyes meeting my grayish-blue ones. I felt my heart beating faster and a weird feeling in my stomach, but I just put a cold and arrogant expression on my face, hoping that I didn't look like an idiot right now: "No, sorry. I don't want to kiss an arrogant, self loving, cocky prick like yourself."

"Uh, she burned you blood traitor.", a slimy voice said and I knew just too well who this voice belonged to: Lucius Malfoy. I saw him coming over to us, leaving his Slytherin group to insult us and with him came his best friend Dalton Goyle Dalton was even worse than Sirius if that is even possible, but he only kissed pureblood girls, which kind of made his playfield smaller. 

"It is a shame that you are not a Slytherin, I would really like to have some fun with you.", Dalton said and winked at me, which made me punch him in the stomach. "Don't flirt with me!", I hissed at him, but the punch didn't even hurt him. He played Quidditch as well, and just like Sirius, he was a beater, and just like Sirius, he had a lot of muscles. 

"Oh, you're a feisty one. That's sexy.", Dalton purred and Lucius laughed. "Don't waste your time on a Gryffindor. Come on, let's go back.", he suggested, and then both of them left. Lucius went straight to his girlfriend, Narcissa Black , who I thought was the only kind of nice person in Slytherin. When I met her in the corridor once with nobody else around, we had a nice conversation, but as soon as somebody else saw her, she turned into a Slytherin monster like her sister. No, her sister was the daughter of the devil, hexing everyone who didn't have the same beliefs as her. 

"I hate these Slytherins.", a girl blonde hair and olive eyes, who was standing next to us, said. She was the best friend of Lily Evans, but I didn't have much to do with her. 

"Everyone hates the Slytherins, except for the Slytherins.", I add, shaking my head at a Slytherin girl Dalton was flirting with right now. She laughed at a joke he just told her and twirled her hair. She definitely liked him. Stupid her, didn't she see that he was an ass?

"Sorry, you probably don't even know me, I am Marlene. And you are Sirius Black and Katherine Pettigrew", the girl said and smiled at me and Sirius. When I saw the smirk appear on Sirius face, I knew what was going to come next: flirting with her until she would fall for him. 

"Oh, of course I know who you are. You are the prettiest girl in Gryffindor. I always wanted to talk to you, but I thought that you were out of my league.", he said smirking and drove his hand through his hair, a move that I saw him do a lot when he was with girls. Maybe he thought that it looked sexy, and of course he was right. 

"I am too smart to be seduced by you.", Marlene said and I started laughing: "I really like you!", I said then and high-fived her. Sirius wasn't able to say anything, he was too irritated by the fact that two girls just brushed him off. 

"I am sorry that I am late, class. I will begin with the lesson immediately!", Professor Slughorn said, breathing heavily as he opened the door to the classroom. He was an old man with quite a big belly who always wore brown and took his lessons way too seriously.

Once everyone found a seat (I sat next to Marlene and Sirius got a seat next to a Gryffindor girl hand't kissed yet), Professor Slughorn started to talk about the potions that we were going to prepare today. 

"Today will be a test, a test in that I will be able to see who the most talented of you students is. You will all try to make the 'Living Death' as fast as possible and the first one to do it will get this.", he told us and then took a little viol out of one of his many pockets and showed it to us. Inside was a golden liquid and all the students gasped. 

"Can someone tell me what that is?", Slughorn asked and everyone raised their hands. This potion was the most known and most wanted potion in Hogwarts. 

"It is the 'Felix Felicis', Sir. Bottled good fortune. Brewed correctly the drinker of this potion will be lucky in all their endeavors.", Marlene shot  before anyone else could say a word. Slughorn smiled at her and I grinned to myself: I had a pretty, fun nerd sitting next to me. This class might be more fun than I thought it would. 

"Turn to page 10 in your books. Go now.", Slughorn said and all I could hear now was the hectic turning of pages and some people sprinted to the ingredients without having looked at their books. I rolled my eyes and turned to page ten. I knew I was going to loose anyways.

"Come on, Katherine. We can win this if you take this class a little bit more serious. I'll get the ingredients and you read in your book what to do.", Marlene said and then got up to get all the things we needed. I watched her as she walked away and then I saw that Sirius was staring at her as well, or should I say staring at her ass? I shook my head and turned to page ten to read the instructions of doing the potion. 

Cut up the Sopophorous bean Pour in 250 fl.oz. of water and add 5 oz. of African sea salt to the beaker. Set the beaker aside after all the water has been added. Be very careful not to shake or move the beaker now. Leave the water and salt to rest for five minutes. Slowly pour all the water into the cauldron. With your left hand use the graduated cylinder to obtain 40 fl.oz. of essence of wormwood. With your right hand hold the cauldron at a slight angle and pour ten drops (20 fl.oz.) of essence of wormwood. Now with your left hand hold the cauldron at a slightly different angle and pour another ten drops of wormwood essence. Chop three Valerian roots into small squared pieces. After cutting place it in a beaker with water. Leave it
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