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Book online «Magical EVE: Origin by Nanase Sakamoto (historical books to read txt) 📖». Author Nanase Sakamoto

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"Did you sent Eodor for Terris?"
"Of course. I am waiting for Colonel Nakajima to report in."
"Do you think our king would agree to this?"
"Well, considering if we lose Jumus, the capital is next. So my obvious guess is yes."
"I truly hope so." Slap lightly on Levila's wound. "My, aren't you quite the lady? I can smell the beautiful perfume even after you bathed in blood!"
"I am a lady, you know." Brushing her smooth curly blond hair with her free hand.
"Who are you hitting on, sister?" Marie giggled.
"It is none of your concern, you little cat!"
Chapter II

Several days after the visit of Colonel Eodor Nakajima, Terris sit silently next to his circular window, viewing the kind view that the villages in the south offers him. Being a war veteran during the war against the Orcus, the only reason why he recalled himself to stay in the village because of the vision he saw during the war and yet to see again, except this time, it will be against his kin. Gather as much opportunity he can to breathe the peaceful air around his house, Terris looked at the sky with yonder thoughts. With an instant interruption, a familiar knock input from his door, Terris answered: "Come on in, Eodor. This little house has always welcomed your presence, it's a little less lonely when you're here anyway."
"Thy bring good news to ye." As Eodor open the door and enters the house, he waved his military ceremonial hat with a following salute. "You are now back in action, Captain."
A brief sigh coming out from Terris, and for the first time he smiled after the death of his parents. "You always do things without my consent, brother."
"Of course it was by your consent, why else would you let me enter anyway?" Eodor chuckled. "I can tell that you are happy that the king gave up his pride to win this war."
"I already knew that without you telling me, fool."
"So, are you ready to go back with me and fight this war together?"
"Do I even have a choice? Haha!" A slight sarcasm coming from Terris, as he gets up.
"Looks like we're on the same page of the book, little brother." Eodor turned to the direction of his chariot, "Hey you! Bring me in the Captain's uniform!"
"Yes sir!" The commanded guards hurried inside the chariot, scrambling through the bag. As soon he found the uniform for Terris, he quickly rushed into the house, saluting the Colonel on his way, then gave Terris his uniform.
As Terris inspected the uniform before taking it into his arm, he commented, "A fine fabric."
"I picked those for you, I thought to give you some decoration before returning to duty. Now, here is your sword." Eodor handed the officer sword over to Terris.
The first thing that Terris noticed about the sword was, that it has strange features over the normal swords that was commissioned to soldiers from the war that he fought four years ago. "I have never seen such details for such weapons before."
"As you can see, just as soon that the king is convinced that magic is needed to win this war, he created a new branch in the military. That branch is called the Majestic Sentinel." Eodor replied with haste. "Now quickly, from now on you are stationed with me in Jumus. We're making our final stand there. If it fails, then the Shalier Army will send about seven divisions into the capital."
"Our final frontline, I see?"
"It's all on you now."
As he is getting ready to exit the house, Terris turned over to the shrine of his deceased parents, and gave them his final goodbye, "Mother, father, brother Eodor and I shall preserve the peace to our unified nation as you once did. May our Mother watch over us."
The young Captain walked out from his dear home, and the village that he isolated himself in for so long.

Over the few days of journey to the fortress of Jumus, a long, yet redundant pathway that strained the mind of the veteran Captain, awaiting for any following ambushes that is going to take place as an obstacle to his destination. Terris, while sitting inside the traveling chariot, opened the curtain for the fresh and illuminatic view from the chariot's dark shell.
Sharing the same chariot as Terris, Eodor realized his brother's anxiety, "Lusting for war?"
"Not in particular, we can never be too carefree." Terris placed his palm on his right cheek while leaning against the curtain. "I truly don't want to fight this war, to be honest. But if I don't volunteer, our home will be ravaged by the flame of war itself."
"Not really. A pleasure to serve my sense of justice."
"Sense of justice?"
"Indeed, you are right about changes. However, how far will that lead us? It's a mystery if you tell me, if we change one thing, a whole chain reaction will occur. The world that we used to know will never be the same. I am curious, I like to see the shrouded shadow before reaching the sunlight, or is it eternal void that I might reach?" Terris gazed at his sword. "For example, this sword, the symbol that our society in desperation has gave up their root, and their loyalty to orthodoxy in order to survive. It is called adaptation. A common humanoid flexibility to live." Terris lifted the curtain a little higher to take a peek in anxious whether or not they have arrived at Jumus yet.
"We will arrive at Jumus by dusk." Eodor offered Terris a cup of wine. "Liquor?"
"I see." Terris fondled his hair, and then took possession of the wine cup, offered by Eodor. "Thank you-"
For the quickest reflex, Eodor jumped up and handled Terris by placing his palm on top of the young Captain's head. "Terris, get down!" As Eodor pulled Terris down, spilling the wine cup on the floor of the chariot, he then hear whistling of arrows flying and penetrated through the window of the chariot. "By the love of our Mother, we are being ambushed! Quickly, we must get out of the chariot and find cover!"
Terris tried to reach for his sword, as he was about to reach the holster, an arrow came flying and pierced through his wrist. "Agh!" As he struggling through an extreme pain, holstering himself from panicking, Terris has finally reached for his sword, as he catches up with Eodor hiding behind a huge rock, making shelter.
"Bloody valiant! We have lost four men!" After drawing out his sword, Eodor stood up and waved at his escort unit to rally with him. Finally, there were only sixteen soldiers remaining. Without hesitation, Eodor ordered his men to make a phalanx in front of him, covering the projectiles with their shield. "Lancers! Hold position!" Then, Eodor turned to Terris, posing him a question about his wound, "Can you still fight?"
"This is nothing, get me a piece of cloth to seal the bleeding after I take out the arrow."
Eodor hurried and ripped out a piece of cloth from his shirt, and as Terris yanked out the arrow from his wrist, blood poured. Terris quickly grabbed the piece of cloth, placing pressure on top of the bleeding, awaiting for Eodor to help him to tie up the wound. As soon the treatment is finished, Terris stood up, ordering the troops to stand back. "Gentlemen, change your position to cover my posterior." Terris then walked to the frontline of raining arrows flying toward his direction, at the same time, he raised his uninjured arm while holding the sword to the air, and without chanting, he summonded a prismatic sphere shielding his frontierior, immuning to any flying projectiles coming at him and his brethren. Taking note of the advantage at hand, Eodor ordered his troops to carry out the bows from their inventory, and started to counter the ambusher. The fighting raged on for another twenty minutes or so, as Terris grown tired due to blood loss, and defueling the prismatic shield, he quickly withdrawl himself from the battlefield, as seeing the enemy's sinister ambusher fleeing after suffering their own casualties.
"We got them." Said Eodor, calmly. "Now we must take you back to the chariot, and salvage any sort of medical herbs that we can to heal that wound of yours. Quick, we can only make it out alive during dusk." Eodor grabbed Terris by his arm, and carried him on his shoulder to the chariot, while multitasking, giving his soldiers to salvage from the dead, and finding medical cure for his spiritual brother.
"Brother. . .-" Terris looking over to Eodor as he is being carried.
"Rest up, you did well."
"What about our men?"
"They are the best of the best, the Majestic Guardians, they are trained for this and the aftermath. Do not worry, my brother."
"I . . . see. . ." Consuming too much energy, and loosing too much blood, Terris went unconcious.

Chapter III


t was a dark void of frozen time and space, as Terris continued drifted within his slumber. While exploring his unconciousness, he noticed voices afflicting through his mind as if it was a thunderstorm. Awoken to the noise, he turned and look around, trying to relocate his mind to the world. As it progressed, he soon realized a familiar face, Eodor.
"Fine slumber? You're missing out the action!" Eodor chuckled, sharpening his sword, "Shall I help you get up? Or would you rather remain the bed until the war is over?"
"Damn your sarcasm and your whore mouth," Terris raised his arm, making his decision, "Now hurry with your foolishness!"
Eodor reached out his hand and pulled Terris up, along the path he threw over Terris's uniform, handling it to him, "Quickly now, the king want to talk to you."
"The king? Why me of all the fine marshalls?"
"Because you were a war hero during the fight against the Orcus two years ago, remember?"
"I do not recall such memory besides a survival instinct."
"You silly old fool, during the campain on Constampelis, we were outnumbered and our reinforcement were stranded in Imenus and your heroic action; consisted of carrying the king's banner, an iconic symbol of hope to our people, you held off the attack until the reinforcement were

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