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he held out a hand.I stuck out my tongue, and proceeded to unwrap the present.

He stopped me with one hand, ' No wait until everyone is gone,' he said mysteriously. I smiled it is just like him to do that. I mean, we've know each other for forever and a day, so there's nothing I don't know about him.

After a couple more hours, and twelve more chimes, the party started to disappear. Now it was just me, Sarah, and a HUGE mess. I sighed, this night wasn't over yet.

'Sarah, how about you get the kitchen, and I work on the living room?' I said. She nodded in response, grateful for getting the less horrendous room. I grabbed a large trash bag and started to chuck black plastic cups and various types of food into the sack. I was about halfway done, and Sarah had long gone home, when a heard a loud crash. I looked around nervously.

'Mom,' I called 'is that you?' No response. I started to get seriously freaked out. The crash obviously came from upstairs, A. K. A., my room. I grabbed the nearest object, which just happened to be a rolling pin (no idea whatsoever how it got in the living room) and gradually made my way to the pull-out stairs. I slowly mounted them, rolling pin ready. I suck in my breath and turned the corner.. No one was there. My window was open and my white drapes billowed in the light breeze, my mirror lay face up on the ground. That must have been what caused the crash. But that's impossible, I thought. It was barely enough wind to knock over small pillow, much less a thirty pound antique mirror. I closed my window, still wondering why it was open and how the mirror fell over. I walked over to it to pull it upright. Maybe the stand broke? Not really watching where I was going I didn't see the over turned chair on the ground in front of the mirror until I tripped over it. Hoping I wouldn't damage the mirror I put my hand out to stop the force of my body. But the impact never came. My hands passed through the glass like mist. Now with no support, I fell, just like Alice through the looking glass.

Chapter 3: The Awakening

Darkness....... that's all I can see. All I can feel. It's like I've been swallowed by the night. Then... a light, glowing brighter, getting bigger and bigger. Shining and then a voice. Not quite a man's voice but but not female either, something in between.

'Wake up!' louder now almost yelling,

'Wake up!' then softer, 'please both worlds need you.'

My eyes flew open. Oh my god. Where was I? All around me was sky. I looked down, treetops. How can this be? I was flying.

You might think that is when I screamed, you'd be wrong. Then I realized nothing was holding me. No ropes, harnesses, nothing. I was, as we call it in the normal world, flying. You might think, "Cool", but all I thought was the scream that filled my body and traveled this world. Then I fell. I tumbled towards the ground branches whipping at my face, the wind whirring in my ears. I instinctively put my arms in front of my face, my feeble defense for this fatal impact. I felt a thud. I opened my eyes and wriggled my legs. Nothing was in pain....yet. My arms were totally fine. Maybe I broke my spine and the pain hadn't registered yet. I sat up s-l-o-w-l-y. Nothing, not even a bruise. Weird. Cool. Unbelievable (but DEFINATLY in a good way) I'm alive. That fall should have killed me (don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but just curious) but here I am, not a hair out of place. Alive. Is this a dream?My outfit didn't take the fall so easily. Dirt was smeared all over my new dress and shoes. Grass stains covered the whole front of my dress. Where am I? I looked around, I was in a small clearing, (and from my earlier bird's eye view experience) in a large forest. My stomach grumbled. Great, I'll starve to daeth in a dream forest. Something growled in the distance. Or I'll just get eaten by a wild animal, my pick. If only I could see where I am, I could find somone nearby to help me get out of here. I looked at a large oak tree suspiciously. Mybe if I climbed up there......

10 minutes later...

Ooph. I fell off the tree for the umpteenth time. I sighed, this was never going to work. It was getting pretty dark so I curlled up near the base of the tree, and sleep overwhelmed me


CRUNCH. I jumped up, my heart beating a mile a minute. Someone or SOMETHING was out there.

I froze. There it was again, the sound of someone or something approaching. There it is, to my left. Closer, faster. My heart was beating wildly, and I felt my breaths coming out in short rasps. A flash of white, oh great, now I really AM going to die. It came closer, closer, until, he stepped out. I took one look and, for the second time in one day, (I think its record) I fainted.

Sam? Is that you? I walked along a beautiful white road, and saw a familiar face at the end. He turned and looked at me. He wasn't Sam. Eyes light blue, almost white, tanner skin and lighter hair. He smirked at me. Sarah stood beside him. Except, it wasn't her. Her hair now a sandy blond with blue highlights,and eyes of a stunning turquoise blue. Her pink lips were pulled up into a grin.

'I am Lynn' the beautiful girl said.

'And I am.....' the Sam look-alike started, but Lynn shot him a nasty look.

'You'll find out about HIM soon enough, but for now its time for you to wake up, Spirit'

When I woke up, my first thought was, are you able to dream in dreams? My second thought, as I saw who was before me, was Oh. My. God.

Chapter 4: Him

I woke up to the sound of a fire crackling and and its warm embrace. What happened? I groggily asked myself. Then I remembered. Him. I bolted up into a sitting position, disturbing both the coarse blanket that now was draped over by body, and the dirt smeared all over my once beautiful dress. Sighing, I looked around. The he was, sitting on a medium sized rock, not ten feet away. His broad shoulders and naturally muscular built was breathtaking. His dark brown hair was cropped short, exposing his highly tanned neck. I stood up slowly, and he instantly spun around. A shadow of a beard was etched into his profound chin. Eyebrows that matched the color of his hair enhanced his brown eyes; the color of molten chocolate. The minute our gazes locked, warm brown on confronting gray, I couldn't look away. I shivered, who is this guy? Noticing my questions would not be answered unless voiced aloud, I asked him, quite timidly;

'Who are you?'

He opened his mouth to answer, when suddenly; a giant bird swooped down in front of me. Sustaing flight just a couple inches from me. It was my height, and with feathers every hue of red and orange imaginable, and a long tail consisting of yellow feathers.

She was beautiful.

'Stand back!' my unnamed hero yelled, thrusting his sword close to the bird.

'Don't hurt her!' I shrieked, but before his sword could touch her, she burst into flames and disappeared.

'What was that?' I gasped.

'A Vermilion bird, more commonly known as a phoenix.'

'A phoenix', I breathed.

He nodded and slowly sheathed his dark black sword, glancing warily around.

'Will she be okay?' I asked. I hated to think that beautiful bird was dead.

'Unfortunately, yes, she is immortal', he growled. Slightly taken back at his dislike for the phoenix, I remembered my earlier question.

'So', I started hinting that he should answer my earlier question.

'So?' he questioned.

I sighed, men, typical they never remember anything.

'Well then, who are you?'


Xavier. His answer rang in my ears. It fit him perfectly. Muscular bodied, knight-in-shining-armor kind of name. His name.

'And yours?' he asked.

'Brianna, but you can call me Bree-if you want o-or Bree's fine I- ill stop talking now',i stammered out. Looking in those chocolate brown eyes, made my legs melt,much less my voice. He smiled,as if he could find my embarrassed self charming.

'So i guess you need some new clothes' he remarked noting my filthy dress. Leading me to a nearby stream, he opened his satchel, that i just realised he had, and pulled out a light blue dress. Billowy in the arms, its boat neck complimented the full skirt. it was totally what you would think a colonial/medieval dress would look like.

'You can change over there' he said, pointing to a near by bush.

Double checking to make sure he was out of sight I crouched behind the bush and changed, also taking a gulp from the stream. When i was finished, I walked back to the clearing.

'It looks good on you' he said taking in the dress.

I blushed. 'Were you looking for me? Because i mean, why else would you have a dress?'

Yes. He didn't say the answer,but it seemed to flow from his mind to mine.

'What just happened?' i asked.

'I sent you an alva, a mind-message in your language, almost everyone can do it here'

'Can I?' i asked. He nodded. I focused on his eyes and mentally created a line that attached us.

How do I get home? I asked, feeling that it worked.

I don't know, but my father might, ill take you to the castle.

Images of me being chained up in a dungeon flashed through my mind.

' As a guest of course', he said, breaking the silence.

'Of course', I answered, he would never hurt me, would he? I mean i hardly know the guy. As if sensing my misgivings he sent an alva.

You can trust me,you know. There are some you can't,but you can trust me.

What if you're one of the ones who i can't trust? , i shot back, a very good looking one i added to myself.

He chuckled, 'that's a risk you're going to have to take', he said holding out his hand. I slowly placed mine in his, felt a jolt in my stomach,and at once we were in front of a HUGE black castle.


Pronunciation key: Xavier: x-a-v-er

lùgr: lu-ger

Noirsu: no-r-su

Malterre: mal-tear

Chapter 6: The Hastle

Welcome to my home. Xavier's alva said.

'You live HERE?' i exclaimed, looking up at the imposing castle before us. Made of polished black stone that glistened in the setting sun,and its many tall towers, it was a sight to behold.In answer to my question, he grabbed my hand again, and in an instant we were in to be what i to to be the great hall.

'How do you do that?' I questioned referring to our transportation.

'Its my lùgr, talent in your language. Everyone of us is born with one'

I nodded in answer, and wondering to myself if i had one. But I couldn't I wasn't born here. Was I? It all
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