Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Element Keeper by Jinxrox (children's books read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Element Keeper by Jinxrox (children's books read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Jinxrox

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seems so familiar,normal, talking with your mind seems like second nature to me.

Hearing someone clear his throat I looked up. Now noticing the blood red draperies in this auditorium sized room, and twenty giant black doors on each side that opened into various rooms. My eyes traveled to the man approching us now. Very tall, maybe 7' with black slicked back hair, and a black ensemble. With his pointed and slightly hooked nose, he didn' look at all friendly. His brown eyes were cold and unwelcoming, then i saw his crown, almost as black as his hair; it would be impossible to see, save the enormous diamond plastered on the front.

'Welcome to my humble home' he said, bowing his head:

I attempted a clumsy curtsy in return. Xavier caught my elbow to save me from falling.

'I am king Noirsu of the Malterre lands'.

'Sir, y-your Majesty, if i may ask you something?' i asked.

'Of course, my child,' he answered in his nasally tone.

'Why am i here?'

'Ah!' he said putting up a finger. 'That along with your other questions will be answered tomorrow, tonight you shall stay here.' he snapped his fingers, and at once a young maid came.

'Show Brianna to her rooms' he instructed.The maid gestured for me to follow and i let go of Xavier's hand, which i had just realized i was still holding. As we passed along the corridor, my hand still tingled from his warm grip.

At my rooms the young blond and blue eyed girl opened the door and ushered me in. She seemed strangley famalliar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I saw her before.

'Here is the sitting room' she said pointing to the room were are now in. The black shiny walls reflected of the roaring fire in the fire place next to two red chairs and a decently sized bookcase.

I followed the maid, who told me her name was Lorie, into my bedroom. Half of the grand room was taken by a giant bed of black wood four posters and a red duvet. French doors opened into the bathroom where everything was white. And off the pristine bathroom was a balcony.

I sighed in content after the beef stew with warm bread and potatoes, and loved the feeling of the silk nightgown against my bare skin. I pulled the covers over my head and as i drifted off to sleep, I wondered what adventure tomorrow would bring.


In the morning when I woke up, I looked to the right to check the time on my alarm clock, when i saw the shining black walls. It all flooded back to me. I'm in some "magical" land with a really cute guy, and a creepy king. Every 16 year oldtypical day.

Changing into a light yellow dress with white trimming, i felt like a princess. After a breakfast, which In ate alone, an attendent of King Noirsu came in and said that the King requested my presence.

Nervously adjusting my caramel colored hair, I walked into the King's chambers. His sitting room, being five times the size of mine, consisted of a roaring fire in a gold encrusted fireplace, that miraculously didn't seem to melt, and a large mahogany table, and three large sitting chairs. The King was sitting in one of them, and stood when i entered.

'Welcome Brianna', he said bowing.

'We have much to talk about' he continued.

I nodded in agreement. He gestured for me to take a seat. We both sat down.

'So...why am I here; i mean in Malterre?' I asked, my mind burning for an answer.

' I don't really know how to put this, but you are an element'

'An element? like earth water, fire, and air? Isn't that kind of impossible?'

He chuckled, a hollow sound. 'No, you are the most powerful of all, spirit and-'

'How clichรฉ, let me guess, im supposed to defeat a "bad guy" and save the world' i interrupted, throwing up my hands at the last part.

'you're be suprised how much of that is true' he mumbled. 'We need to discover your powers'

' My what?'

'Your powers, we already know you can fly, and allegedly spirit is supposed to read minds and communicate telepathikly. Oh, yes and heal animals.'

Woah. Wouldn't that be so cool???!!!! i mean flying around reading peoples minds, I'd be just like superman!!!

' So what are we waiting for? Let's try these "powers" out' i exclaimed.

(one hour later in a big plain hall with Xavier)

'So remember what i told you, just concentrate on you inner element, your aerth.' Xavier said.

I know i thoght. He has been repeating this 5 thousand times. Granted, I still haven't been able to fly, nor read his mind. I concentreted deep inside of me. Pulling all that energy from my soul into my being. And then I felt it. I was lifting off the ground. I was flying.

'I'm doing it! I'm really flying Xavier!!!'


Chapter 6: Crying and Scrying

Time passed by, days turned into weeks, and then in no time two months had passed. I had perfected my elemental powers, with help from Xavier.It seemed that I could manipulate things. Like the air around me, I can make it move and carry me up. Levitating things is another example, or how any substance, water for an example, goes where I tell it to. One thing I've come to question, is that can I manipulate minds, like make someone do something? That would be....interesting. Weird and cruel, yet somehow strangely temping. I'll have to ask Xavier later.

Xavier, he owned 90% of my thoughts. I didn't know what was happening to me. When ever he walked by I blushed and my hands turned clammy. I wish Sarah was here, she would know what to do. Sarah, Sam, Mom, I missed them all. I had no idea what they were doing, I just wondered if the missed me as much as I miss them. Sudden homesickness overwhelmed me, taking over my emotions and thoughts. I stopped walking down the hallway and slumped to the floor, and started to cry my eyes out. It was like I had been holding it in since I got here, maybe I had. Everything crashed down on me. What was I doing, fantasising over some boy when I should be trying to get home? I started to stand up and demand a way back home, when I noticed something strange.

The tears that I had shed from my last emotional breakdown were moving down my light purple dress onto the floor and formed a small puddle. My necklace from my father lit up like a beacon, then went out. Slowly my blurry eyes made out images forming in the tiny pool. I saw a woman, not just any woman-

'Mom!' I shrieked.

She turned and looked straight at me, her beautiful face stained with recent tears; she probably cried over me.

'Bree is that you? Where are you I can't see you,'

'Im here I can see you' I said.

'I thought you were dead' she said with a shaky voice but I was surprised that she hadn't questioned our strange communication.

'I'm alive. You won't believe me when I tell you this but, I'm in another world, Malterre its called.'

To my surprise she turned white as a sheet.

'Sweetie, you need to get out of there, trust me you don't know them they're-'

The puddle went blank.

'Mom?' Why was she so anxious for to me to leave, and what was she going to tell me before she got cut off?


After my strange magical encounter and emotional breakdown, I felt much better. But still something lingered in the back of my mind. What Mom said about the king...maybe he has a reason behind his kindness. I thought about it as I lounged around in my princess style room. I shook my head. No, I believe that he is gruff on the outside but in the interior, sincere. It helped also that he had a hot knight (AN: i don't know if i said this but Xavier is a knight). I sighed, need to talk to them about leaving this land. It's great,, but I need to get home.

Lorie came in to announce that King Noirsu and Sir Xavier requested my presence in the throne room. Her words, not mine. Perfect, maybe I could ask them about leaving then. Leading myself to the now familiar throne room, I couldn't help but being awed at the two imposing black thrones. Why two I don't know, because as far as I know, the king is currently single. Made out of two giant black diamonds, they shone in the late afternoon light that flew in through the clear glassed windows. King Noirsu welcomed with a nod of his head, and Xavier bowed low. I curtsied in return. How couldI have ever doubted the King's generosity? I thought as I looked in his coal black eyes.

'Brianna, we need a favor from you' the king stated. I was surprised at his request, he came off alittle forceful, but smiled and said,

'Of course, anything to repay your hospitality.' He nodded, obviously pleased with my response.

'We are in need of you powers, you see not all of the people in this world are "good" like us. There is a group of four very powerful sorcerers are, as we speak, wrecking havoc on our villages. Last week, they burned down a whole village, killing adults and children alike.'

'Where do I come into all of this?' I questioned. Imagining the horrible scene.

'Well, the leader of the revolts is nearby. and I want you and Xavier to befriend him. One you get his trust', he drew a line across his spindly neck with his finger. I gulped.

'Your majesty, I-' I started.

'I know it is somewhat brutal, but trust me if I had any other choice I wouldn't ask you to do this' he paused 'think about it Brianna, he's killing innocent children.' the King said persuasively.

I clenched my fists. What kind of creep would kill innocent children?

'I'll do it', I found myself saying. He smiled.

'Good, you and Xavier will leave in the morning.' I turned and smiled at Xavier, and he returned my half-smile. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.


by the way, this story isn't the regular "she goes into another land and falls in love.....blah blah blah"

no. this story is about to have a MAJOR plot twist that NOBODY will suspect; so stay tuned xp

comment vote and fan!

~ jinx

Chapter 7: Preperations

The next morning was hectic. Servents flying around the castle, trying (and failing) to get things in order for Xavier and my trip. I trotted to my chambers, which were full of maids packing unnecessary clothing. Seeing me in the doorway they all froze.

'Miss Cole' they all saind and curtsied in unison. Then all hell broke loose. Twelve different women came up to me with questions such as,

'Miss Cole would you like to take your silver gown?' or

'Miss Cole may I suggest your ruby necklace with tomarrows outfit?'

At this time normaly in a movie someone (preferably me) would wistle loudly; I stuck my fingers in my mouth and blew; I only succeded in
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