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Book online «The Element Keeper by Jinxrox (children's books read aloud .TXT) 📖». Author Jinxrox

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board with this whole killing Aaron thing. I mean, he's really nice, and I'm certainly no assassin.


We arrived to a large transparent wall. It rose high into the clouds, and stretched as far as the eye could see.

'Well, what do we do now?', I asked, dismounting Esperanza.

'We have to wait for someone from the other side to let us in.', Xavier said.

I looked at the wall, it was transparent but held a rainbow of colors. I looked deeper into it, and unconsciously took a step forward. I heard the faint voice of someone singing radiating off the wall.

'Do you hear that?' I asked. Xavier gave me a funny look, while Aaron looked stared at me, eyes wide.

'Do you, by any chance, hear singing?' Aaron asked.

'Yeah, why? Don't you?' He shook his head.

'No' but by this time a huge smile was plastered on his face. Xavier looked between us, suspiciously. The song picked up again, but I couldn't make out any words. It was a wordless tune, but very beautiful.

I stepped forward, hand stretched out.Somewhere in the back of my consciousness, I heard Aaron and Xavier yelling at me. Be quite , I wanted to say, as it was harder to hear when they were yelling like that. Without hesitating, I stuck my hand into the singing wall. A strange tingling spread through me. I jumped forward into the wall. It was about five feet thick, and now I was standing inside of it. Everything was a swirl of color and music. I knew somehow that I needed to exit quickly into the other side. I jumped out of the beautiful wall, the tingling sensation overwhelming me again. Dizziness came over me, and I quickly grabbed on to a nearby tree. Looking up I saw the most beautiful sight. In front of me was a wonderful meadow, one that in corny movies bunnies would hop by and deer drink out of the small waterfall. Remembering my friends, I turned around to help them through the wall. To my surprise it had disappeared. Aaron floated over in amazement, and Xavier brought the horses over.

'That wall had been standing there for almost three million years. It divided Aerthia in two, Malterre and Καλήγη. And then you come around and-', Aaron motioned to where the wall used to stand.

'Look, I'm sorry, I didn't-' I stated.

'No no no, don't worry everyone will be ecstatic to find out that it's gone. Some families were separated because of this wall, but their ruler forbade them to cross it.' Aaron said, giving a fleeting glance to Xavier,much to my confusion. I didn't dwell on it much because my mind was to preoccupied by one question. How did I do that?


We rode for about three more hours, and arrived to a to a completely burned down village. Black skeletons were all that remained of once mighty buildings.

'Aaron what-' I started, but he put up his hand, rudely cutting me off. Aaron led us to the town square, of what was left of it.

'Quickly everyone over here', he said, motioning to a large white stone that he was on top of. It seemed so out of place in this black wasteland that used to be a town. Xavier and I dismounted, and led the horses over to the white stone. The three of us plus two horses barley fit. Aaron clapped his hands once, and started talking in a language that I didn't understand. A column of pure white light descended from the heavens. The horses whinnied in nervousness as the rock started to shake, and then float upwards into the clouds. We emerged from the white field of clouds, and I saw a beautiful island. Yes, and island in the sky. It was almost like the movie Avatar, but without hot guys who turn into blue creatures. (AN: Great movie by the way) The White rock ported us to a station of some sorts.

'Welcome to Skya'; Aaron announced, lifting his hands up and motioned to the town behind us. Tall skyscrapers completely made of glass, reflected the sky. People walked from building to building by bridges that connected everything. It was magnificent. Aaron looked over at me, his face shining in happiness. Something sparkled on his chest, a sliver chain with a large bluish diamond rested on his white shirt. It kind of reminded me of my necklace from my father. The wind picked up as Aaron saw me staring. He quickly pushed it back into his shirt. It didn't take me long to add it up,. How the wind changed when he moved, how his eyes changed color with the sky, his flying abilities. This young man is no sorcerer. He's the air element.

Chapter 11: Sarah

Valissa's POV

I was born in February, month of the Aquarius, month of wind. My best friend is Bree Cole. My name is Valissa Sarah Winters. I am sixteen years old; and this is the day that Bree disappeared. I had finished cleaning the kitchen from a rather rowdy sweet sixteenth party, when I heard a crash coming from Bree's room. I jumped. Slow footsteps made their way upstairs.

'Bree? Are you okay?' I called. No answer.

'Ms. Cole?' I called to Bree's mother. Nothing. I ran upstairs, not hesitating for a second. Her room ,as usual, was in disarray, but one thing stuck out. Her treasured antique mirror lay face up on the ground. I stepped closer, and saw the tell-tale milky surface inside the mirror.

'Shit', I murmured. They weren't supposed to come for her. Once her dad left they were supposed to go away. I flipped open my cellphone, and held down the one. A tired voice answered from the other end.


'Aaron, its Vali, they took her, they took Bree.' Immediately he was wide awake.*

'They used her mirror, didn't they?' he asked. I heard him put the phone on speakerphone, and the rustle of clothes being put on.


'Have you sent an alva to your sister yet?' he asked. If two people (or more) were in the same family, our alvas can never have a limit.

'No, I'll call you back in a minute'.

'I'm on my way over, and I've alerted the Society'

'Good, bye' I responded, hanging up.

Lynn? Can you hear me?

Vali, is that you?

Yeah, Lynn we're on CODE RED Bree has been taken. Alert the Society in Aerthia.

WHAT?????!!!! she's been taken? I'll contact the elements right now.

I've already told Aaron, he's on his way over now.

Good, Demetri is taken care of and Abira too. We're going to meet at the wall in ten minutes.

Look out for her, Lynn, she'll be coming your way. Take care.

Bye. and good luck.


I sighed. At least now the elements knew. What am I going to tell her mother? Her mother. Ms. Cole . Oh. My. God.

'MS. COLE!!!!!!' I screamed.

'STACEY!!!!' Silence.

'ARE YOU HERE????!!!!!!!!!!! Please, answer me' Nothing. She's gone. They took her as bait. I screamed in frustration, my throat now sore. Tears pricked the back of my eyes, and I let them fall down my face, turning into icicles as they did. My tears hit the floor and bursted into thousands ofminuscule droplets. The wind whipped around me, dropping the temperature. I felt something light on my shoulders. My snow was falling in Bree's room. Great, my emotions got so out of control that i made it snow. Yes, you read that right, I made it snow. No, I'm not an element, but close. I am the Snow Queen.

Chapter 11: Secret Unveiled

Aaron's POV:

She knows. I can see it in her eyes. I saw the light that when off when she added two and two together. I don't know how she knows that I'm the air element, but she does.Xavier knows, maybe he told her. For now, we all need a place to stay for the night.

'This way', I said, motioning with my hand. I felt her eyes follow me, burning into my back. I sighed, this was a minor detour. I missed my city, Skya. The tall glass buildings, crystal clear water, and the air. The air its wonderful here, so fresh, untainted. No evil has come here, and hopefully never will. I would feel it if it came. As we made our way through the white, paved streets, citizens bowed their heads to me, acknowledging my return. I nodded my head back to them. The baker, the mechanist, one of the many flying teachers, people i love and miss.

We soon arrived to my establishment. Situated on the highest hill in Skya, sat a mansion mostly made of glass, and a roof of mirrors. My home. Three stories high, immense gardens, and exquisite art, it was the city's proudest building. I could see many servants running around, anxiously getting ready for my arrival. My father sat in his study, grey sprinkled hair covering his stern face.

'And exactly HOW are we going to get up there?' asked a very sarcastic and mad Bree. She was obviously referring to the fact that my splendid mansion was sitting on the edge of a cliff, and no transportation services could be found.

'Here', I said holding out my hands,'Ill fly you up.' Xavier reluctantly placed his hand in mine. Bree snorted, still fuming. Crossing her arms in front of her cream shirt, she slowly started to rise. Not even looking to where she was going, she landed safely on the edge of the cliff. My jaw dropped. Only citizens of Skya, and I could fly. She must- . I shook my head, impossible. Still in my shocked state, I flew up with Xavier, and landed next to a smug Bree. My wind slightly blew her honey colored hair, and she couldn't help but remind me of someone. No, Aaron; don't think of her, you promised you wouldn't, I scolded myself.

Me in the lead, we traveled through the wondrous gardens, making our way to the front door. I glanced at Bree's amazed eyes. She probably never seen flowers like this before. Flowers that turned the color of the sky, like my eyes or float in the air. Some, when it gets dark, glow silver in the moonlight, and are gold by day. Perched on every tree available, were birds of every color and species. Parakeets, parrots, toucans, and occasionally the Vermillion bird visits. Xavier was very wary, his hand posed on the handle of his sword the whole time, as if he expected the wren close by would attack him. I didn't know what to think of him. His almost black eyes held no trust, only greed. Bree seemed pretty attached to him though, i wonder what she saw in him. Girls, i can understand when certain winds should be where for both worlds, but girls completely fooled me.

I do wonder why Xavier brought her. It was just supposed to be him and me (not that im complaining, if it was just Xavier, I probably would have killed him by now) trying to ally each others countries. I guess she's some type of princess of something. I shrugged, I'll soon find out when we talk to my father.


Bree's POV:

I'm mad. Who am i kidding? I'm furious, and it shows. Why didn't Aaron tell me? I mean, he knows I'm an element too, so
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