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Book online «Growing up in Heaven by Terri Collins (free children's ebooks pdf TXT) 📖». Author Terri Collins

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But I look back and know it was him leaving and my emotions were in turmoil.

He went peaceful a nurse had came to my side and whispered.

From that day on I told myself he is my guardian angel watching over me, and decided then and there I would talk to him everyday even if I didn't see him. I knew he would be around.

Chapter 3

Faith had went through the day smiling still to herself but it was driving her crazy to not know why.

"Dad... did you tell me a joke while I slept last night?"

There were no signs that he was there.

"Wish I knew why I was so happy today." She said aloud to nobody.

Faith lived in an efficency apartment. It was enough for her. She worked from home. She made crafts and had her own website. She sold her Quilts, Jewerly, knits online. She couldn't believe it had paid the bills and she had quite a savings account tucked away.

The last year had been difficult. She had been married once but it had ended almost as quickly as it has started. An abusive husband, a miscarriage... she had gotten out and never looked back. She was still afraid to go out often. She felt she was always looking over her shoulder. There was always a fear. Her friend Christina had told her once.

"it's amazing you see things, and hear things, and just know things that to me would scare me... but you aren't afraid of that"

Faith loved Christina but she would never understand. Her gift was something she lived with and really no one understood it. So Faith would often see things When Christina was around but had learn to not point it out. Faith had learned to keep it held in around people.

And Christina was happily married with children. A miscarriage and a divorce she didn't know about either. Faith learned sometimes you had to live it to understand it. But she still loved her friend Christina even though there was a barrier they would never have in common.

Chapter 4

Faith woke up covered in sweat the next night. The alarm clock registered 3 A.M.... She had trouble breathing and slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom. The room spun and instantly she threw up in the commode. She flushed the commode and grabbed the hand towel that hung on the towel rack.

She controlled her breathing. Her heart was racing and black dots were everywhere she looked.

Faith wondered what was going on. Last night it had been something that made her smile, now it was something that mad her feel very ill. She stood and went to the sink to wash up. She washed her face and brushed her teeth. The nausea was still there. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. The black dots had left her sight. But there was a golden glow around her figure. She took her fingers and rubbed her eyes. Looked again and it was still there.

She suddenly turned when she heard a childs giggle.

Am I dreaming? Did I just hear that?


Faith heard the words clearly.

What was going on. Was she sleep walking?

Another giggle made her turn and rush back to her room. She threw herself onto the bed. She looked around. Nothing. She sat up in bed until sleep overcame her.

She starled awake to the sound of her cell phone. She looked at the clock. Eleven A.M.


"Hey you don't sound so good... Were you sleeping at this hour?"

"Hey Christina. Yeah I was sleeping in for a change."

"Well you want to go to the market today? Thought I could swing by and pick you up?"

The market. Faith felt weak and shaky but knew the Market could make her feel better.

"Can you give me a half hour?"

"Sure thing. I'll bring you some cocoa. It's a crisp cool day. Autumn has arrived."


Chapter 5

The market was crowded.

"Thank Christina for the offer... I love this place."

"Your welcome... Hey you feel okay? You look like you don't"

"Well thanks... I look pretty crappy huh?"

Catherine eyeballed her.

"Dreams again?"

"Naw, I just stayed up too late. Just sleep dprived today that's all."

Christina still looked at her.

"Hey look at that quilt isn't it beuatiful?"

Faith had meant to end the conversation. But once she really got a look at the quilt she couldn't believe her eyes. Someone really had put some time into this quilt. There were pale blue patches mixed with white. shapes had been sewed into the patches. There were clouds, and crosses, and praying hands....

"O my... is that a little boy and jesus?"

Christina took a step closer.

"Yes... wow this one took some time."

Faith looked at the white tag to see how much it cost. One hundred and fifty dollars.

"Wow look at the price." Catherine replied.

Faith stood there mesmerized by it.

"It's beautiful..."

The vendor walked over.

"Can I help you?"

"Did you make this?"


"You did a beautiful job. This took some time."

"Did you see the back?"

Faith lifted the quilt from its rack and swung it open. The back had little boy hand prints.

"Wow! How did you do that?"

"Well I have a special machine that helps me along. This one was a special order that was never picked up. I can give you a discount if you really like it."

Faith had to have it.

She walked out of the market smiling. She hadn't felt this good in ahilw and she had no idea why?

"Earth to Faith.."

"Oh sorry."

"You seem so mesmerized by that quilt. I personally think you could make something like that. You've made batter..."

Faith was so into the quilt she hadn't hardley heard the compliment.

"Thanks." Faith answered quickly.

Christine was driving and looked at Faith out of the corner of her eye.

Something was up and she couldn't put her finger on it.

Chapter 6

Christine had dropped Faith off two hours ago and Faith still was examining the quilt.

She looked closer on the back. There were seven sets of handprints. Each set got larger and larger. Then she noticed a very small describtion sewed into the fabric. She held the quilt to her eyes and read.

To Mommy, Love Robbie...

Faith thought that was a shame. Some mother hadn't gotten her quilt that was ordered for her from her son.

A loud giggle came out of nowhere.

Faith jumped, still clinging to the quilt.

"Mommy?" a childs voice asked.

Faith froze. The hairs standing on edge.

Sometimes she heard sounds, seen shapes, seen oras....But never heard a child speak since the friend she played with in her basement adventures as a child herself.

A wave of nausea rushed through Faith. She laid down on the bed hopeing it would subside.

Faith feel into a deep sleep.

Chapter 7

Faith had slept soundly all night. She awoke the next morning with the quilt wrapped around her. Nice and cozy.

She had slept until noon. She rushed from the bed. She needed to get working on her website. She was sure there were orders placed she needed to ship.

As she rose from the bed everything became a blur. The room spun, she feel to her knees.

Her breathing was shallow. She knew she was coing to pass out. But before she did, she heard the sound of two little feet running towards her. "

"Mommy?... Mommy?"

Those words spoken, everything turned black.

Chapter 8

Faith Dreamed of a little boy.

She laughed, and played cars with him... he kept rolling toy trucks on a whilte pilllowy surface. The boy had dark hair, and very familiar hazel eyes...

The boy suddenly stopped playing.

"Here comes Grandpa.."

The little boy jumped up and down.

Everything was white around her. She was sitting on a soft white pillow of some kind. She seen The little boy running away from her to a larger figure. The figure hugged the boy and took the larger figures hand.

Faith heard a familiar voice. Everything seem to echo a little and it was hard to concentrate. The boy and the figure walked towards Faith. She heard voices but still couldn't make them out.

As the small boy got closer she began to make out the shadows.

"Faith... "
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