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Book online «Swimming by Sarah Cornett (best book reader TXT) 📖». Author Sarah Cornett

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in a body bag." I took it quickly. I had no doubt whatsoever, that she would do that.
I silently admired the cuff, as I sat on my bed at home. After Starbucks, I had hugged Tiana goodbye, then drove home. Time really does fly when you’re gossiping. I mean.......when you’re having fun.
I looked outside at the now dark sky. The ocean lapped gently against the sand; there were advantages if you lived in Miami. I suddenly decided to go swimming. No one was home. My mom was at a conference in Alabama. Perfect time. I nodded to myself, took off my cuff bracelet, then slipped on my gold-colored bikini and left.
I arrived on the beach. The sand looked almost snow white in the light of the full moon. I glanced down at my watch. Eleven-fifty-five. I'd only swim for at least half an hour. Having decided that, I dove into the crystal-blue water.
The water ran down my body in torrents; cool against my sun-burn skin. I dove deeper. The water was just so beautiful, so inviting. Before I knew it, I had gone deeper than I ever had before. I knew my lungs must be burning from lack of air, but I couldn't stop. Black and red dots wavered in front of my eyes, and I thought I might black out. But then they disappeared. All of a sudden my legs stiffened and went numb. I couldn't feel them anymore. I was sinking deeper, and finally I started to panic. At least I tried. But I couldn't make my limbs obey me. I tried to claw my way to the surface, where sweet, sweet air awaited; but my arms remained motionless, drifting in the water as I sunk. The last image I saw, was the full moon, huge, floating above the water in the star-dotted sky.

Chapter Four
When I woke that morning, I felt a cool breeze drift across me. My eyes snapped open. I was on the beach. All the memories of the night before rushed back to me, and I closed my eyes again. How was I alive?? I sat up quickly, and immediately regretted it; I had a headache that hurt like heck. I looked around, thankful no one was around yet.
"Xaia." I sighed. Spoke too soon. I turned around expecting Aiden, but was instead greeted by the handsome features of Lucas. I smiled, despite the pain in my head.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" I asked. He didn't smile back. "I could ask you the same question." he retorted. I rolled my eyes. Whatever. His eyes flicked to my neck and back up to my face. I quickly got my compact mirror out of my beach bag. What was he looking at? Lifting it up to my neck, I screamed.
Three narrow slits streaked across the side of my neck. They were like newly-opened cuts, but they were pale pink, and weren't bleeding. Almost like........
Gills. I heard Lucas say. I turned back to look at him, but he hadn't moved, let alone spoke. I suddenly had a strange feeling. Did he just talk in my head? I wondered. Yes. I nearly screamed. Lucas still hadn't moved his lips, but the voice was there all the same. What are you? I asked. I'll show you. But first, I think you should find out what you are.
He grabbed my hand, and jumped into the water, pulling me with him.
The water was strangely calming. My legs turned numb again, but I barely noticed till I couldn't feel my toes.
I glanced down at my legs, and nearly passed out. My legs were gone, and in their place was a tail. It was half the length of my body and was aquamarine mixed with a bronze gold. I looked to Lucas, and he held up my compact mirror. I gasped. My hair was now blonde and had a couple blue streaks in it. My eyes were still blue, but had a gold tint to them. My skin looked normal except for a soft gold glow to it. I turned to Lucas. His legs were a long tail too; except his was black.
I realized I needed air, and started to swim up, but Lucas stopped me and held me in place.
“Take a breath.” He said. I shook my head. “Just do it.” I shook my head again. He took my hands. “Trust me.” I nodded. Then, bracing myself, I took a breath.
I felt a cool sensation in the slits on my neck; I was breathing underwater. When I tried to talk it was still garbled, so I decided to talk with thoughts.
What am I? I asked Lucas. A beautiful teenage girl. I felt my cheeks heat up, and was glad I couldn't blush underwater. No. This! I lifted my tail slightly. He grinned. A mermaid.
I nodded; I had kinda figured it out. I flicked it slightly, and was suddenly five feet away.
Wow! This thing is strong! I said to Lucas. He smiled. Yep. Catch me if you can! He sped away, leaving bubbles in his wake. Oh it's on! I shot after him, catching up within minutes. I flicked under him, flipping onto my back as I swam. Tata! I said, speeding off. He grabbed onto my tail-fin at the last minute and shot ahead of me. No fair! I shouted. I heard him laugh. Then, going as fast as I could, I swam after him. Before I could stop, I slammed into him, both of us rolling onto the sand. We laughed, holding onto each other for support as we fell. When we landed I was underneath him, but with the pressure of the water, he wasn't heavy. Our laughter died away as we looked at each other. He slowly leaned down, and tilting his head, he kissed me. Our lips molded together like two pieces in a puzzle. I curled my fingers in his hair, and he stroked my cheek. He sent me a thought.
Do you believe in the soul mate factor?

Chapter Five
I dragged my heavy body across the sand. I watched in wonder as my gorgeous tail melted into my two legs, and I immediately missed it. Lucas did the same. I stood up awkwardly; I could barely feel my legs. I took a step and fell; but Lucas caught me. I felt his arms around my waist, and I looked into his eyes. He asked me again.
“Do you?” He asked. I nodded. I did. He leaned in, but this time didn't hesitate to press his lips to mine. A slideshow of images flew into my mind. Lucas's memories. I knew then I really was his soul mate. What seemed like a strand of our very souls, was connected. Our lives were intertwined forever. Just me and him; no one else. I knew I was okay with that. In fact, it was great! I loved him. And he loved me. I deepened the kiss, and sighed contently. Bliss. Complete bliss.
I walked home after that, and realized I could still talk to him through my mind.
Love you. I sent. Not more than I love you. I smiled at that, then ran the rest of the way home.
I walked into my room. When I looked in the mirror I realized my hair was still blond. Oh no. My mom is gonna kill me when she gets back. She'll think I dyed it. I grabbed my hoodie and put it on, making sure you couldn't see any of my hair. I'd worry about it later.
I picked up my phone and hit Tiana's number.
"Hallo?" she answered. "Hey T. Meet me at the school football bleachers. Five minutes?" I told her. I needed a serious girl-talk. "K. I'll bring the coffee, you bring the donuts." she replied. "K. Bye." I hung up. Time to go.
After slipping on Tiana’s cuff bracelet, I slipped out of my bathing suit, and into shorts and a blue tank, then hopped in my car and left.
"A dozen donuts please." I told the lady at the Krispy Kream counter. She nodded, and went to get them. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and froze. Aiden was sitting at a nearby table, and I did not need to talk to him yet. Between him, Lucas, and the mermaid thing, that was just too much. I quickly paid for the donuts and rushed out of the door.
I nearly moaned when I took a bite of the warm donut. SO good.
"So, what happened?" Tiana asked eagerly. I swallowed. "Lucas kissed me........and I kissed him back." I said. She squealed. "No way girlie!" I didn't tell her everything; at least anything that involved uh, tails. I took a sip of coffee.
"Yeah, I know. But I can't figure out what to do about Aiden." She rolled her eyes. "Dump him. You obviously love Lucas now. Not Aiden." I grimaced. "I don't want to do it that." I said. "Well you can't exactly date both of them. You gotta choose." I groaned. "I know. I just...... they're both so me!" I slammed my head into my hands. Too. Complicated. She patted me on the back. "I know, I know. It's hard." she said. "Pick Lucas." she muttered under her breath. I rolled my eyes. Good old Tiana.
"Well, I gotta go." I said, getting up to leave. "Okay. But take the donuts. You need them more than I do." she said. She took three donuts out of the box, then gave me the box. Typical Tiana. She smiled sheepishly. I laughed. "Bye!" I said, leaving.

Chapter Six
I set the donut box in the passenger seat and inserted the keys. Time to go.
I was driving down the interstate when it happened. I drove down a side road. No other cars were on the road, yet I heard a noise. A river flowed noiselessly beside the road; I saw someone in it. I got out of the car.
"Hey! Are you okay?" I yelled to the person. No answer. I walked closer. "Hey!" I yelled again. Nothing. I went to the edge. No one was there. I turned to go back, but something cold and wet grabbed me. A webbed, water-clear hand was clinging to my ankle. I tried to scream, but couldn't. The woman clinging to me had long, flowing hair that went down to her ankles, and a slim figure. Her teeth were sharp, like shark teeth. Her eyes are what caught my attention though. Her eyes, which at first I thought were blue, were black, deep, bottomless, and had an icy look to them. They froze me in place, and the woman pulled me deeper into the water. For some reason my tail wasn't forming. I was still human. My head was about to go under, when I broke out of the trance.
"No!" I yelled. I tried to break free but the woman had an iron grip.
"You will be hisssss. And if we can't get you to come willingly........" the woman trailed off. She released me and I scrambled onto the grass. I watched as the woman seemed to dissolve into the water; then she was gone.
I was breathing hard when I got back into the car. I thought about what the woman had said. What was she going after? Or………. My heart nearly stopped. Lucas. She was going after Lucas. I reached my mind out to him. Nothing. Time for plan B.

Chapter Five
I put my car in drive and took off. I examined
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