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Book online «Swimming by Sarah Cornett (best book reader TXT) 📖». Author Sarah Cornett

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my memories, trying to see if Lucas had ever told me where he lived. Nope. Dang. I called Tiana.
“Hey. Where does Lucas live?” I asked when she picked up. She gave me the address and I thanked her, then hung up.
I knocked on the door of the house. A woman answered the door.
“Yes? Who are you?” she asked. “My name is Xaia. I’m a friend of Lucas’s. May I see him?” She looked confused.
“No one named Lucas lives here.” I nearly hit myself in frustration. Of course he didn’t live here. He was a freaking merman! I apologized to the lady, then got in my car and left.

When I got to the beach, I scanned the shores for Lucas. Nothing. But what I did see, was Aiden. He was wearing his scuba gear; he took lessons. Oh no. He was walking towards me. I groaned. I did not need this right now. I started to drive off, like I hadn’t seen him. He ran after the car.
“Hey!! Xaia!” I looked up, and are eyes made contact. Oh man. He looked amazing; his hair was carmel-brown due to the sun, and his eyes were as blue as mine. I shook my head as I pulled over. No. Not Aiden. Lucas. Just think Lucas. I took a deep breath, then got out of the car.
“Hey!” I said, plastering a smile on my face. He didn’t smile back. His eyes were stormy, not the sea-blue I had seen before.
“Hey. Where have you been?” he demanded. “Well, I-“I began. “Are you avoiding me?” he interuppted. “N-No……” I stuttered, backing up closer to my car door. He stepped closer to me. “This is about that blonde guy isn’t it?” he asked angerly. Before I could respond, he slammed me againts my car; his hands making red marks on my arms as he squeezed.
“You will be mine. All mine.” He muttered.
I wiggled out of his grip, and ran towards the ocean. Water was my only escape now. I dove in barely making a splash, before I relized it. My tail wasn’t forming. I surfaced, making sure Aiden didn’t see me, then dove again. But not in the same spot. I slammed into the camofluged rock, and my cuff broke off. No! Tiana was gonnna kill me. But then, my tail formed. What?!
I flicked my tail experamently. It worked. Tiana; why would her cuff stop the transformation? Unless……… I gasped. She must be working with whoever took Lucas. I don’t see how……… I shook my head. No, it didn’t matter. All that mattered was finding Lucas.
I flipped my tail and sped off into the water. I had no idea where I was going. I reached my mind out to Lucas again.
Lucas? I thought hesitantly. My mind was instantly bombarded with what felt like daggers. I didn’t know whose mind it was, so I hesitated before fighting back. But then I did. Hard. I felt the presence draw back a little, and I hammered it as hard as I could. It disappeared completely. I let myself drift back againts a rock. What was that? I got up again; I had to find Lucas. Then a thought occurred to me. I hadn’t tried communicating with him way out there. I sped out, trying to get close enough to hear my soul mate.

Chapter Six
I was panting by the time I heard him.
Xaia. Is that you?? A thought asked. I perked up. Lucas! Where are you? I asked. I’m trapped. But you can’t come after me. It’s too dangerous. I ignored him, and fought to get to his memories; I needed to know where he was. He slammed down a wall in his thoughts, but not before I caught a picture of him. Surrounded by the things that almost drowned me!! I broke through the barrier and found where he was.
I’m coming for you. Whether you like it or not. I thought before slamming down a mind wall of my own. I could still feel his anger, and desperation, but I ignored it. The place I had seen was huge, and Lucas’s thoughts had told me exactly how to get to it. I was very close; the tunnel beside me, just happened to be a way in. I turned and dove into the narrow tunnel.
I finally reached the end of the tunnel; it opened on land. I dragged myself onto the sand and my tail shifted to legs. I stood up, and turned around. And nearly screamed. Standing there was three creature type things. They were covered in fish-like scales, and had gills. Spiked tails snaked around their legs and they had long claws. Behind them was I didn’t know what they were, but no one was keeping me away from Lucas.
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way. Now.” I said threateningly. They grinned at each other, revealing sharp fangs and long tongues. Ewww. The one in the front stepped forward.
“Or what?” it rasped. My fingers started tingling, and a second later, the creature was knocked down. The feeling in my fingers vanished, and the scaled figure got up, soaking wet.
“N-No. Not possible.” another monster stuttered. The others started backing up slowly, eventually breaking into a run. I stared after them in confusion. Weird. I wasn’t that scary was I? I thought back to the weird feeling in my fingers. What had happened? I sighed. Life was too confusing right now.
I turned around and stopped short. A tall man stood there; he had on a dark cloak and I could barely make out his face.
“At last we meet, Xaia.” He said. I shivered. His voice cut through me like ice; it chilled me to the bone. Who was this guy? “Who are you, and what do you want?” I demanded. He through back his hood, and I gasped. He was gorgeous! He had spiked blonde hair and icy seaweed-green eyes. A scar crossed over his eye and continued to the side of his nose. His biceps were as big as Aiden’s, and he probably could have thrown me at least ten feet.
“I’m Zain.” he answered. I shook myself to clear my head. “Where is Lucas?” I said. He took a step to the left, revealing a figure. Whoever it was, was on their knees and had a cloth bag over their head. Zain stepped behind the figure and yanked off the bag. My eyes scanned the familiar black-streaked blonde hair, and I gasped. Lucas. I dropped to my knees in front of him, and placing my hands on either side of his face, I raised his head to look at me. It was him. I leaned forward impulsively and covered his mouth with mine. He leaned back slightly.
“Is that really you?” he whispered. I answered him by kissing him again. I felt him grin, then kiss me back, pulling me closer to him.
I love you. He sent me the thought. Right back at ya. I replied. I heard slow clapping, and we broke apart. Zain was clapping, looking down at us.
“How touching. Too bad I can’t let you live.” The statement was directed to Lucas. I shifted a little so I was in front of Lucas. “Over my freaking dead body.” I snapped. Xaia………. Lucas began. Shut it! I’m not about to lose you again. I told him mentally. He drew back a little. I looked back up at Zain. He didn’t look surprised at my response.
“I thought you might say that.” He raised a hand and waved it in my direction, just as Lucas tightened his grip on me. I felt like a rag doll as I was ripped out of Lucas’s warm embrace, and slammed againts a sand dune. I felt invisible bonds wrap around my wrists and ankles; I struggled againts them.
“Xaia!!!” Lucas took a leap towards me before being thrown back by Zain. “Don’t think so. She’s mine now.” He snarled. Lucas tried again, and almost fell into the water. I didn’t scream, until Zain drew a sharp, jagged dagger.

Chapter Seven
Zain disappeared in a rush of water. I didn’t know where it had come from, but I didn’t care. The invisible chains vanished, and I ran to get to Lucas. But before I could get to him, I felt a hand grab my ankle. Zain stood up, and pulled me closer. I waited to see if Lucas noticed. Oh, he noticed. Lucas ran towards me, and my heart leapt for joy; until I felt the icy feeling of cold-steel.
Lucas stopped short, and warily eyed Zain. The knife pressed harder into my skin, and a tiny stream of blood trickled down my neck.
“She’s. Mine.” Zain said again. There it was again. That word. Mine. I wasn’t, his. I didn’t belong to anybody. No boy owned me! I was mad now. The tingling feeling entered my fingers again, and the waves got bigger. Lucas’s eyes widened.
You’re doing that, Xaia. You’re the one from the prophesy. Lucas said to me. I was controlling the waves! The waves grew bigger, and sloshed higher onto the shore. Zain didn’t seem to notice; until a giant wave crashed into us. My tail formed, and I swam out deeper into the ocean. I lost sight of Zain. As I hovered in the salty water, my tail brushed againts something smooth. I sank lower to catch a glimpse of what I had touched. I gasped, tiny bubbles escaping to the surface.
Swimming around me slowly, was a great white shark. It had smooth grey skin, and a sleek eight foot long body. Its eyes were icy seaweed-green and it had sharp teeth. Wait, back it up. Icy seaweed-green eyes? Zain. I swam as fast as I could to the surface and finally released my held in breath. Lucas swept me into his arms before my legs could even appear. I clung to Lucas like he was my entire life; in a way he was. Lucas wiped my wet hair from my forehead.
“He won’t ever touch you again.” He whispered. I snuggled into him. “But he’ll be back.” He placed his cheek on my head, and stroked my hair.
“It’ll be alright. I know it will.” He murmured. I sighed. I really hope so. My hair fell down in my face, and I looked at the golden-blonde strand. Oh no. My hair was still blonde!

Publication Date: 08-05-2012

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