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Book online «Swimming by Sarah Cornett (best book reader TXT) 📖». Author Sarah Cornett

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I looked at myself in the mirror. I have light-tanned skin, long jet-black hair, and sea-blue eyes. The dress I was wearing was blue and went well with my matching flip-flops. I was getting ready for a party at my best friend's house. Her name is Tiana (T-ONA). She's from New Jersey, and as sassy as they can get. And as long as I am telling you names here, I might as well tell you mine. My name is Xaia (X-ZAYA) I'm seventeen years old.
Nothing unusual ever happened in my life; you know, normal stuff. Until now, when I get the biggest surprise of my life.

Chapter One
"You're gonna be late, Xaia!" I groaned inwardly. Moms! "I'm hurrying!" I yell back. Grabbing my iPhone, I rushed downstairs.
"Bye mom!" I grabbed a soda and ran to my car.
Then stopped short. Leaning against my car, was Landin Wolfe. Great. He was a big-shot at my school; perfect blonde hair, perfect blue eyes, blah blah blah. And a total jerk. He had been asking me out for at least a month, and I had always turned him down. I already had a boyfriend. I stalked up to him.
"What do you want, Landin?" I asked, glaring. He seemed kind of surprised I was acting so hostile. Well, too bad. I was already late, I hadn't picked up Tiana's gift yet, and he was getting annoying.
"Well?" I asked again. He flashed me a smile that I'm sure melted other girls on the spot. "I was wondering if you wanted to head with me to the movies. You can buy the popcorn!" I rolled my eyes. "As tempting as that is, I'll pass." I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. I went around to the other side of the car and got in. He followed. "Please?" he asked. I shut the door and rolled down the window. "No. I have a boyfriend remember?" Then, putting the car into drive, I drove off.
I stopped at the mall and picked up Tiana's gift.
"Do you have these in a seven?" I asked the saleswoman. She nodded and went to get them. The shoes I was getting her were purple, heeled, wedges. They were super cute on her. I was just starting to wonder how much longer the woman was gonna take, when I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist.
"Hey beautiful." a deep voice said. I looked up. It was Aiden. Silky brown hair and eyes that matched mine, he was adorable. "Hey!" I turned around in his arms and leaned up to kiss him. He kissed me back, and I sighed contently. Bliss. Total, and complete bliss.
"So what time is the party?" he asked. I groaned. "Right now! Could you give me a ride on your motorcycle?" He grinned. "Sure." I smiled back, and jumped up and kissed him.
"Thanks!" I said when we let go of each other. I grabbed the wedges when the lady came back and Aiden and I walked to the parking lot.
Aiden handed me my helmet; a customized one he had designed himself. It was black with little gold hearts dotting the side. He had given it to me for my sixteenth birthday. I slung my leg over the side, sat down, and buckled my helmet. I wrapped my arms around Aiden's waist.
"Ready!" I told him. He nodded. "Hold on tight!" he yelled back, starting it up. We drove out of the parking lot.
We were on the interstate; the wind blowing my hair everywhere. I squeezed Aiden's waist.
"This is great!" I yelled over the wind. "I know, right!" he yelled back. I laid my cheek against his back. We'd be there in no time.
We got off of the motorcycle and went to the door.
"Hey sista!" Tiana said, opening the door and hugging me. I laughed. "Hey T. Happy birthday!" I handed her the wrapped box. Her eyes lit up, and she smiled.
"Is it.......?" she asked. "Maybe." I replied. She tore at the paper, eager to get to what was inside. "Shut up!" she screamed when she lifted out the purple wedges. "I knew you'd like'em." I said grinning. She leaned over and squeezed me to death.
"Yeah, you’re welcome." I managed to choke out. "Hey, T?" I said. She didn't stop hugging me. "Yeah?" "Could you stop trying to suffocate me?" She let go. "Sorry. I just can't believe you bought me these. When we went, they were at least a hundred bucks." "No problem for me; my Mom gave me my birthday present early." I got out my platinum credit card, and waved it in front of her face. "Credit card baby!" I said, grinning. She gasped. "No. Freakin'. Way. You are so sharin' that thang!" she said. I held it back. "Maybe. Maybe not." I said smiling. "That better change to a yes, or I'm gonna hold out on your gift, girlie." she said, poking me on the nose. I pushed her finger off. "Fine." I said. She grinned. "Great! Now who's ready for some cake?" Aiden leaned over my shoulder.
"I am. Hearing girls talk, can really make a guy hungry." he said teasingly. I slapped his arm. "We aren't that boring." "Ya kinda are." he whispered under his breath, chuckling. I rolled my eyes.

Chapter Two
I laughed. The guy talking to me was hilarious. He said his name was Eric. He was in the middle of another joke, when I felt a hand grab mine. Aiden appeared beside me. Putting an arm possessively around my waist, he looked at the guy.
"Umm, this is Aiden." I said awkwardly. "Her boyfriend." he added, tightening his hold on me. Eric suddenly grew wary. Aiden was tall, and was very strong; his huge biceps were signs of that.
"It was nice meeting you, Xaia." Eric said, keeping his eyes trained on Aiden; he left hurriedly. I turned to Aiden.
"What was that about?" I demanded. His eyes widened in feigned innocence.
"What?" he asked. I glared at him; he was being ridiculous. "Aiden, ’fess up." He relented. "You’re my girl. I don't want another guy mooning over you." he said. I rolled my eyes. "It's not a big deal." I replied. Aiden thought about it some. "Fine. I'll go get you some cake." He left. I sagged against the wall in relief; he had become very possessive lately.
"If he's your boyfriend, then I'd hate to see how you act when your friends leave." I spun around at the voice. The guy standing there had blonde hair with a streak of black in it; his eyes were a silvery color.
"Who are you?" I asked. He smiled. "My name is Lucas. And I take it you're Xaia?" I blinked in surprise. How did he know my name?
"I know Tiana. She talks about you a lot." he said, as if he had read my thoughts. "Oh." I smiled. We stood there silently. I broke the silence.
"Uhh, you want some cake?" I asked. He shifted his water bottle to his other hand and he held up his slice. "Already got some. Thanks though." I blushed. I knew he had cake, why did I say that? I had known this boy for three minutes, and I was already acting flustered. What was with me?
"Xaia. What are you doing?" a deep voice said. I turned around; it was Aiden. Dang. I plastered a smile on my face.
"Just talking to Tiana's friend." I replied. His eyes shifted to Lucas, and he glared at him like he had glared at Eric. Eric had left; Lucas didn't. He crossed his arms and held his ground. Aiden seemed surprised he didn't cower in fear or whatever. I looked between the two. Really? Why are they acting like this?
"Uhhh, guys? Still here ya know." I spoke up. They were being ridiculous. Aiden looked to me, then leaned in and kissed me.
"Hey babe. Been lookin' for you." he said when he broke away; he acted like what happened before, hadn't happened. Weird. What was wrong with him lately? I looked at Lucas and was surprised to see a flash of jealousy; but it was gone as quickly as it had appeared. I turned to Aiden and put my hands on his chest, pushing him back.
"Uh, let’s go see how Tiana is doing. Okay?" I silently dared him to say no; I did not want to see a full-out brawl. He nodded. "Fine." We went to find Tiana.

Chapter Three
I rolled over, putting my pillow over my head. I was super tired; the party had lasted till one in the morning, and as Tiana's best friend, I had to stay. Rolling over again, I soon realized I wasn't gonna fall asleep again anytime soon. I sat up and looked to the clock on my nightstand. It was already eleven! Dang! I had to meet Tiana at Starbucks.
Jumping out of bed, I quickly took a shower. After that I got into the outfit I had hastily thrown together, a pair of low-slung jeans with one of my favorite shirts; Candy: The Seventh Food Group, it said on the front. I put my hair up in a high-ponytail, slipped on my heels, grabbed my purse, and ran downstairs.
"I'm going out, bye!" I yelled, going out the door and hopping in my car. Aiden must have picked it up from the mall and dropped it off.
Starting it up, I turned on the radio. When I heard the familiar sound of Ke$a's 'Blow', I pulled out of the driveway and headed to Starbucks.
The last notes of the song faded away as I parked. I walked in and was immediately met by Tiana.
"Hey girlie!" she screamed. I made a shushing motion. "Not so loud." She rolled her eyes. "Whateva." she dismissed my warning.
I went up to the counter and ordered my caramel frap, then sat down beside Tiana at our table.
"So, give me all the dirty deets." she said once I sat down. "About what?" I asked, taking a sip of my coffee. She rolled her eyes. "You and the blonde hottie, duh!" "What? I thought you knew him. That's what he said. He even knew my name." I said confused. She gasped, then smiled mischievously. "Sounds like he's into you. He even did research on ya. You are sooo lucky. He's a total hunk." I rolled my eyes. Then a new thought occurred to Tiana. "I see a fight in your future." she said. I rolled my eyes. "Since when did you become physic?" I asked. "I don't have to be physic to know Aiden is gonna freak and wanna beat the guy up." I groaned, and slammed my head on the table. She was right. I lifted my sore head from the cold surface and took another sip of my coffee; I was stressed.
"Hey, I know what'll cheer ya up!" Tiana said, pulling out a small velvet box. She handed it to me. "Early birthday present!" she exclaimed. I smiled and opened it; I gasped.
Inside was a jewel-encrusted, dolphin cuff bracelet. The aquamarine jewels glittered in the bright cafe lights, and I turned to Tiana.
"I can't accept this. This must have cost a fortune!" I tried to say, but Tiana interrupted me. "No way chica! You’re not the only one with rich parents. Take it, or tomorrow night you will find yourself tied up

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