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Book online «Escape by Katherine Brown (top 10 books to read TXT) 📖». Author Katherine Brown

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is anyone out there and I know that it is Spike before I kill the guard and open the door because he says that all the time and it drives us nuts. So me and Spike are running down the hall when we run right smack into Tiny which kinda hurt with how fast we were going he isn’t fat he is big very built, he helps us up and we are all running. When we here a slight pop and a door fly’s open and out walks Dru laughing her pretty little blond head off as she waves to the guard and walks away we laugh but the guard still isn’t moving which is kinda of scary. Then we are off again looking for Nik. When water starts coming out of the sprinklers in the ceiling, we know exactly where he is. We could not find Kenny’s room so I guess she is staying here, just like in my dream. I guess when I say we have to keep quiet when we get out tonight they did not understand me very well.

“We are running through this place like mice in a maze” said Kenny out of nowhere,
“Jesus Kenny we couldn’t find your room so we thought you might have decided to stay” said Escape, “Like hell I would not stay in this place if they paid me to” said Kenny. “Ha nice alright guys let’s get out of here while we still can” said Nik, “I agree with that” said Tiny. “Up ahead turn right guys there should be a window without bars on in we should be able to break it then it is a short run to the forest then we are home free” said Spike. “Spike you can’t see how do you know that” said Tiny. “I just know don’t argue” said Spike. “Is it there Nikkla” said Spike, “Yes it is there I am going to blast it stay back so I don’t hit you guys” said Nikkla. “Alright let’s keep going before the catch up with us” said Escape. “Alright jump, jump know otherwise we will not get out” said Escape, “Escape that is a really far drop down I am scared” said Dru, “then get on my back and I will jump but we have to go, hang on tight” said Escape. (Oomph “That was a far jump ok Dru you can get down know” said Escape. “Alright Spike lead the way so we can get out of here” said Nik. “Hey do you guys here that it sounds like dogs to me how about you guys” said Tiny, “Oh look at the puppies” said Dru. “Those aren’t puppies those are dog’s big dogs RUN” said Nik. “Keep going straight there should be a path stay on it till it turns but keep going straight it should lead us out of here, but there is a cliff at the end we are going to have to jump it’s the ocean below” said Spike. “Spike how do you know it is the ocean” said Tiny; “I can smell it and I can hear it too can’t you guys” said Spike. “Know that you mention it I can hear it and smell it too” said Tiny.
“Hurry they are going to catch us if you guys keep talking now move it or we are done for” said Escape. “There it is guys there is the cliff get ready to get wet” said Dru. “Alright guys get a running head start then jump; this is going to be really cold I have a feeling when we hit” said Kenny

(Splash splash) “Holy crap that is cold” said Tiny when he came up, “Keep going guys we have to get out of sight of the guards which shouldn’t be too hard there is a lot of fog” said Escape. “We need to get out of this water before we freeze” said Kenny through chartering teeth.

“Where did they go” shouted one of the guards, we don’t know sir they were just here, well go and find them know go go go.

“We can get out of the water if we go straight a little further there is an island” said Spike, “Spike this is why you are here you know where we are no matter where we are” said Nikkla. “Guys where is Tiny” said Kenny, “He was just right there” said Dru. “Tiny where are you cut it out this isn’t funny” said Escape, “Guys help” said Tiny from a distance. “Go guys, Tiny where are you talk to me” said Escape, “I am over here help me” said Tiny, “That is something you will never hear come out of his mouth” said Kenny, as me and her go swimming toward Tiny voice we are the fastest runners and that makes us the fastest swimmers too because we can move our legs faster.

“Tiny say something” said Escape, “Help” said Tiny with a small voice that sounded like it was fading, and then there was a scream that we all recognize as his and me and Kenny go a lot faster after that when we see Monk’s head go under the water. Just as we see it go under I dive down to see if I can get to him before he goes down too far, to see that he was caught on something and couldn’t hold his breath any long and was pasted out. I came up for a breath and then went back down to try and get him when I see a little line of red out of the corner of my eye to see that it is Nikkla melting the metal which is hard to do under water. We get him free and pull him up to the surface which is hard because he is heavy we get him to the little island Spike was talking about and was giving him CPR when he opened his eyes and said “What are you trying to do” so I hit his chest and said trying to save your life and we start laughing. “So what happened back there what was that you were hooked on” said Dru, “I have no clue I just couldn’t get out of it whatever it is” said Tiny. “Weird I wonder what it was” said Kenny; “Well we are not going to find out because for one it is melted down to nothing and for another that water is cold” said Escape.

“Alright we have to find a place to sleep tonight guys so they don’t have a chance of finding us” said Nik, “I agree with that we worked so hard to get out we are not going to go back in” said Kenny. “Hey guys come look at what I found” yelled Dru, “Dru where are you and please tell me its not something dead” said Escape. “No its not dead its a hut thing it looks like someone was here before us but I don’t think there are coming back” said Dru. “Why do you say they are not coming back, oh god I thought you said it wasn’t something dead” said Escape, “What are you talking about there isn’t anything dead” said Dru. “Then what is that smell” said Kenny, “It’s the hut I think but there isn’t anything dead in there” said Dru. “Alright guys we found a place to stay but we have to let it air out a little bit otherwise I don’t think we will be able to sleep with that stench” said Escape.

Chapter 4
The First Night

After we got the hut aired out really good we went in to see there was a bed and some chairs and a table other than that there was nothing in there, we also found that the stench was coming from something dead it was just a mouse though.

Thank god we got out of there.

“Escape wake up were hungry” said Tiny.
“Eat the dead mouse or something I’m still sleeping” said Escape rolling over.
“That’s just gross” said Tiny.
“Please Tiny I’m tired ask Nik or something” said Escape.
“Nik isn’t here I haven’t seen him since last night” said Tiny.

Escape shot up so fast she got dizzy and jumped out of bed and put on her boots looking over her shoulder at Tiny.

“Well what are you waiting for lets go find him” said Escape, going for the door when it flew open.
“Well your finally up I thought you were dead there for awhile” said Nik smiling.
“I found us some lunch since you were asleep so long” said Nik kissing her on the forehead.
“Thank god I was getting hungry” said Tiny rubbing his stomach smiling.
“Tiny you’re always hungry” said Escape and Nik at the same time laughing.
“I hope fish is ok that’s all me a Dru could find even with Kenny’s help” said Nikklan.
“Hey Nik I found some coconuts” said Dru jumping down from the top of the hut.
“Great know we can have something to drink other than salt water” said Nik.
“We can’t stay here after this guys we have to keep moving other wise they will find us” said Escape.
“We know we packed some blankets and we also found some cash in there in the drawers” said Kenny coming up from behind Escape.
“Well that’s good to know that we have cash now instead of trying to get around and stay at places without some” said Escape walking over to the fire

Everyone goes and sits around the fire where Nikklan made the fish and starts to eat when they hear something in the distance that sounds like helicopters coming towards the hut. Escape stands and runs into the hut.

“Come on guys put out the fire and lets get out of here” said Escape.
“Right behind you there” said Tiny throwing sand on the fire and jumping up.
“Kenny, Dru move it” said Nik sticking his head out the huts door.

Kenny takes Dru’s hand and jumps up and starts to run for the hut. Inside the hut everyone is grabbing all there bags and Escape lifts up the mattress and grabs her sword she leaves the mattress on the window and jumps down just in time to miss getting hit by bullets that go wising past her head and yells for everyone to get down and not move. After a few minutes of not hearing any bullets being shot Escape jumps up and runs out the door with her stuff in hand.

“Tiny I’m gonna need your help so hurry up” said Escape
“Escape where did you get that sword” said Tiny running after her smiling.
“I made it at the school they have no clue that I have it so this should be a very fun things” said Escape.
“So what are you going to have me do so I can get ready” said Tiny.
“I need you to take out the helicopters please” said Escape.
“How do you want me to do that” said Tiny.
“Here take my sword hit the blades with it and it should take it down with out problems then we can get out of here” said Escape.
“I don’t think this will work I might break it then I will feel bad” said Tiny.
“Just do it and see what happens” said Escape smiling and jumping up into the air.

Escape lands inside the helicopter and smiles. First she’s takes out the guys with the weapons who were shooting at them before then jumps out and lets Tiny take care of the rest. Tiny jumps up and slices at the blades on the helicopters they start to spin out of control he looks down at the sword and
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