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Book online «Escape by Katherine Brown (top 10 books to read TXT) 📖». Author Katherine Brown

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Charaters -
Escape the main charater
Monk nickname Tiny
Kenny Fastest in the group
Dru talks to much but knows alot
Nikklan Escapes boyfriend
Spike he's blind but knows where he is at all times

Then all the Lab coats that are after them

Chapter 1
The Lab

“You have hurt me to much” said Escape, as she stabs the guard outside her door. But I am getting ahead of myself here; this story starts two years ago in the year 2015. With a girl named Escape Healy who wakes up one day in a lab having no clue how she got there.

When I tried to sit up all I could move was my head to see that I was strapped to a table. “Hello is anyone out there,” said Escape, trying to get someone attention. Then the lights above her dimed so she can actually see around her to find out that there were at least 3 other people her age strapped to table too. That’s when I heard a scream that still haunts me today and then a gunshot, which told me this, was not a good place to be.

As I was moving my head to get a better look around, I saw a door. Just then it flew open and a boy my age runs in wearing all white and shuts the door as if he was trying to find a place to hide. I hear shouting outside that sounds like (were did he go). He sees me looking at him and smiles then puts a finger over his mouth like to tell me not to scream, so I nod he runs over to me and was trying to unstrap me when the door fly’s open and I hear a slightpop as the boy falls on me, that’s when I started to scream.

I shoot straight up sweat everywhere in my room at the lab, room number 73. As I say to myself “it was just a dream of the first day I arrived at the lab.” I slowly get out of bed and walk to my bathroom and take a hot shower, when I finished getting dressed it was 8:30. Then I knock twice on my door and the guard opened it and injected me just like every morning.

As he leads me to my other room where I get tested to see how much I can lift and how fast I can run and all my other gifts like they call them. If you haven’t guessed I am not like most 17 year old girls, I call myself a mutant for all my gifts that I have and my skills too. These guys can be pretty mean sometimes they will shock me if I stop doing my work which is not cool I mean 100 watts of electricity going through me it hurts. After I am done with my test I get taken to a class room where there are 5 other people in the class so we don’t get any ideas which we do but we don’t do them well not yet that is.
Of course we talk about getting out of here wouldn’t you?

We're under high salience all day even when we are in our room we are surrounded by guards all the time if we did try to get out of here we would probably be caught. The people in my class are just like me we have all the same gifts but one guy and his name is Nik weird name right well don’t let him hear you say that he might start you on fire its cool but weird we have been dating for about a year know that’s right we are dating it’s the guy who tried to get me out of that room my first day here. He is nice you just have to get to know him we only get to see each other in class and when we eat too it’s enough for us sometimes not all the time though.

You know how teenagers can be when we are dating we can’t always get enough of the person we are dating sure we have got out of our room a couple of times it was fun while it lasted. The last time we got out we almost got shot that wasn’t cool at all but we heal pretty fast so it’s not that easy for us to die which is cool but weird. We stop aging when we turn 21 which is so cool so we can start to drink and what not but not if we are still in this place they will just keep running test on us till they kill us. Everyone in this class are in the same age group and we are all friends there me and Nik and then there is Kenny she is pretty cool she runs faster than any of us and she is really tall, and then there is Tiny but his real name is Monk he’s really big, but that is one person you do not want to make mad, let me tell you from experience, then there is Spike he is blind but that does not mean he can’t do stuff he is knows where he is no matter where he is, and last but not least is Dru she fun she talks a lot but we deal with that she has really long blond hair that is deadly, and that’s the gang.

After we got done with class and dinner we got escorted back to our rooms like we usually do which is not cool because I and Nik wanted to spend more time together so we might sneak out tonight, but I fall asleep right after my shower, and start having the weirdest dream ever well I think it is a dream.

Chapter 2
The dream

“Hurry up guys we have to keep going other wise they are going to catch us” said Escape.
“Escape I can’t run any more my legs are tired” said Dru, “Come on Dru you can do it we are almost there” said Escape. “Up ahead turn right guys there should be a window without bars on in we should be able to break it then it is a short run to the forest then we are home free” said Spike. “Spike you can’t see how do you know that” said Tiny. “I just know don’t argue” said Spike. “Is it there Nik” said Spike, “Yes it is there I am going to blast it stay back so I don’t hit you guys” said Nik. “Alright let’s keep going before the catch up with us” said Escape. “Alright jump, jump know other wise we will not get out” said Escape, “Escape that is a really far drop down I am scared” said Dru, “then get on my back and I will jump but we have to go, hang on tight” said Escape. (Oomph) “That was a far jump ok Dru you can get down know” said Escape. “Alright Spike lead the way so we can get out of here” said Nik. “Hey do you guys here that it sounds like dogs to me how about you guys” said Tiny, “Oh look at the puppies” said Dru. “Those aren’t puppies those are dog’s big dogs RUN” said Nik. “Keep going straight there should be a path stay on it till it turns but keep going straight it should lead us out of here, but there is a cliff at the end we are going to have to jump it’s the ocean below” said Spike. “Spike how do you know it is the ocean” said Tiny; “I can smell it and I can hear it too can’t you guys” said Spike. “Know that you mention it I can hear it and smell it too” said Tiny.
“Hurry they are going to catch us if you guys keep talking now move it or we are done for” said Escape. “There it is guys there is the cliff get ready to get wet” said Dru; “You guys go I will catch up otherwise they will get us go” said Escape. “Come on guys lets go, Escape be careful ok” said Nik.

“I will now RUN; my plan is to lead them off the gangs trail I don’t know if it will work or not but I hope it does otherwise there are going to get caught and I won’t, then I will have to go back in and get them; which I really don’t want to have to do I mean I would love to get my sword but I guess I will have to live without it” said Escape.

(There’s a whistle in the distance) “Did you guys here that it sounded like a whistle” says one of the guards, which must be them stupid kids to whistle while they are being chased.”

“HA I can’t believe they think we are stupid enough to whistle while we are being chased but they are the ones that didn’t catch us when we got out either; alright guys jump so we can get out” said Escape. When the cold water hit me it was like I just jumped into a snow bank without clothes on.

I jolted up in my bed with a line of sweat going down the side of my face holy crap it was just a dream but it felt so real I really need to get out of here and so does the gang we are getting out as soon as possible, this time I am bringing my sword so I can do some damage not just Nik he would get tired to fast.

Chapter 3
The Escape

The next morning after my training I guess you could call it that in class I told the gang about my dream and told them that we were getting out tonight and they smiled and nodded in agreement with me.

After dinner we smiled and waved goodbye to each other and went back to our rooms I told them when our watches read midnight we would get out of our rooms and meet and I told them to be as quiet as possible so we do not get caught. After my shower I sat on my bed in a clean change of clothes with my duffle bag on my shoulder ready to go and my sword on my back ready to strike, and I was smiling I am happy to get out. My watch beeps at midnight I get off my bed slowly and walk to my door I knock twice the guard outside my room opens it is he stupid or what.

“What do you want you are suppose to be asleep, why do you have a bag were do you think you are going” said the guard.

“I am leaving were do you think I am going oh by the way I have something for you” said Escape; “You have hurt me to much” said Escape (As she stabs him). I take off running toward Dru’s room well I hope that is were I am going no one sees me they just feel a light breeze as I pass which is funny but I try not to laugh as I pass them in the hall I do not want to die before I get out of here. I stop outside a door when I here a little hello

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