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Book online «Soul owned by Collet Devocour (different ereaders .TXT) 📖». Author Collet Devocour

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of gray .It was Vladimer.

" What are you doing in here ", Iasked my breathing got quicker .

" Well I wanted to know where Damens Precious toy lives ", He said smirking.

I didn't llike I was alone here with him I could sense his evil.

" Get out ",I hissed.

" Those are rude manners right there I expected you to have more manners , I mean no offense Damen likes educated things to play with ", He said loooking down at my body .

" But you do have the curves ", He said as he licked his lips.

" I am not his toy ", I shouted.

He rapidly covered my mouth.

" Shhh , we wouldn't want to bother your neighbors don't you think ", He said .

I nodded. He removed his hand from my mouth .

" Good ", He said .

" I'm going to ask you again what do you want ", I asked.

" Well to tell you the truth I thought you where very intresring ", He said grinning he kept on staring me up and down that made me shiver.

I gave a look that said and thats it. When he saw that he sat on the couch.

" I wanted to invite you out I'm very attracted to you ", He said.

" You're kidding me right ",I said unsure if he was joking.

Again in a flash he was behind me.

" Why do you thjink I'm kidding ", He whiperd behind my ear in a very sensual voice.

I pulled away completly uncomfterble.

" Um , you call me Damens toy you come in my house withh out permission and you keep on looking at me if I where something to eat ", I said.

Vladimir was sitting on the couch and staring at me again.

" I was just teasing about the toy thing and about eating you well I woul if I where a flesh eating monster so are we going out ", He asked arrogantly .

I looked at him he was again in front of my face something about his green eyes made me want to go with him . As if he where manipulating me.

" Okay ",I said.


Negitive attraction


After the council meeting I greeted an old friend named Eris he had been living with th priest in Translyvania.He looked the same I hadn't seen him in at least five centuries.

" I understood you where living with a girl named Autumn ", Eris asked.

I didn't want to talk about her I had to get the thoughts and worries about her out of me. She had decided to leave now she had to take care of herself . She knew the risks as well as I did.

" I'd perfer not to talk about that , but I thought you where intrested in Emily ", I asked.

Emily is one of Autumns crazy sisters.

" Things go around here quickly", He said grinning.

" You haven'y answered my question ", I said.

" Okay I am a little ", He admitted.

" A little ", Said a voice behind me .

Jason .

" You asked her to marry you when you arrived yesterday but she said you went to fast on the prposal ", Jason said smirking .

I raised an eyebrow.

" A little bit intrested ", I repeated.

Eris face went red.

" Um the Priestr wished to have a word with you ", Eris said ;.

Why would they want to speak with me ?

" Do you know what for ", I asked.

Eris shook his head " They only said to tell you to see them pronto ", He said .

I got up from my seat an left Eris with Jason. As I walked away I could hear Eris telling Jason why he had open his big mouth . Eris knew I had no desire of getting marrien not until another thousend years.I opened the door in a where the priest where talking as soon as I entered they told me to sit down.

" Damen we have come to a time where we think its time for you to get married ", Priest Gregory .

I gasped the Priest hadn't bugged me on getting married centuries ago after my father died.

" Why ", I asked .

" Its time you become king ", Said Priest Allistar.

" You can't always rule as prince Damen you have to become king you have to get married ", Pries Jerome said.

" You have till the end of this year to find a bride ", Priest Christain said.

" Isn't that a bit.... drastic ", I asked.

Drastic times call for Drastic mesures you may go ", They said kicking me out.

What was I going to do I have six month to find someone to marry !


I had to addmit I did have a great time with Vladimir . He was arrogant but something about him made me want to know him more.The day had went by quickly .

" Thankyou ", I said .

"A plesure ", Vladimer said.

We where standing in my apartments door. He grabbed my hand and kissed it . I had a strange feeling becuase his fangs came out he gently bit into one of my fingers . He licked the blood off my finger . The strange thing was I let him I actually let him bite me .

He came to my neck I thought he was going to bite me but instead he licked my neck as if he where tasting my pulse he kissed my lips but I pushed him off .

" Good night " I said.

I was about to close the door.

" See you soon Autumn ", He said smiling in a mischevious way .

What was happening to me I wondered . How could I let him kiss me and bite my finger when I barley met him today .He hadn't tried anything when we went out .If he weren't so arrogant he would be okay but he kept on bring Damen up . Vladimir asked me lots of Questions about him like if I loved him or if he was nice company . He always tried to compare himself to him as if wanting me to think he was better than Damen.

I kept on thinking about Vladimir and also Damen . What would Damen be doing right now . Is he thinking about me ? Many probloms and questions didn't let me sleep . I got up for a glass of water when I saw a shadow near the window . I opened it and I wasn't suprised to see him there.

" What are you doing I thought you left three hours ago ", I said annoyed.

" Your thoughts are very intresting ", He said inviting himself in .

" I'm suprised that you also think about me ", He added .

" Those are personal ", I muttered .

" Sorry your just so ... so diffrent", He said licking his lips as his gaze roamed my body and went to my face staring deep into my eyes .


What was I to do I had little time to find a bride I of couse could marry Crystal but sharing eternity with her would drive me insane . Maybe I could get the priest to change their mind in that tim and Crystal would be my back up plan . Maybe I could kill the priest and that way I wouldn't have to get married. No that was nonsense . I sighed knowing everything was wrong.

I saw Eris he was standing talking nto Autumns sister Emily . Everyone knew Emily was only playing with Eris she had been doing that for the past four hundred years . I watched as Emily left Earis he turned to me and was instantly on my face .

" You should stop begging her ",I advised him.

" How did you know I was begging her ", He asked.

" We are vampires Eris remember hard not to hear from far away ", I said annoyed.

" I love her Damen and you can't understand me becuase you've never loved anyone ", He said .

His words actually stung what did he know about feelings . I would have snapped at him but I sighed .

" I know enough to assure you Emily is not worth it ", I told him.

" No becuase when you love someone so much you'll never let them go you would do anything to make that person stay with you ", Eris said .

I said nothing knowing he might be right the only person that had made my ice cold heart flutter was Autumn . Eris had been in love with two girls one of the girls was Emily and the other one had died killed hunters .

" So changing the subject what did the priest say ", Eris asked.

" They want me to find a bride in seven months they want me to become king ",I informed.

He gasped in shock.

" What are you going to do " ,.

" I'll just let them think I'm looking for a bride and then I'll say no way ", I told him .

" The priest are very stubborn Damen the haven't asked you to marry someone in more than two thousend years ago ", He said.

I shrugged not caring what the priest wanted .


" So how come your here in california ", I asked .

" Well I'm just passing by , I leave in two more days ", Vladimir said .

I sighed in relief I was actually happy he was leaving .

" Why are you so glad ", He asked faking hurt in his voice .

" I barley know you and you are strange in a bad way ", I said .

" A strange vampire girl

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