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Book online «Moonlight run by patricia Full (top 10 non fiction books of all time .txt) 📖». Author patricia Full

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home” I hadn’t realized she was waiting in front of the house for me.
“This is Paul, Kory, James, Allen, Mike, and Josh they’re in my class.”
“Oh sweetie you made friends on the first day your really getting good at the whole new school thing.” Which I can’t believe she actually said.
“Mom you promised if I ever brought people home you wouldn’t say stupid embarrassing things.” Which was probably even stupider than what she said but they didn’t really seem to mind. I don’t know why but theirs something strange and inviting about them.
“Mom can you keep them busy for a few minutes I took gym in my cloths so they stay here and I’m going to take a shower.”
Of course mom being mom she didn’t pay attention to numbers just if she was a good enough hostesses, so of course she wouldn’t realize that one of them was missing. Boys being boys he was looking for the bathroom and happened to walk into my bathroom where I happened to be singing in the shower. I hadn’t realized that anyone was in there till I heard someone trip and almost fall into the shower.
“What the hell are you doing in here get out!!!!” of course it was Kory the peeping tom.
“What’s going on up there Maloney is something wrong.” Was the obvious answer she always used the obvious answer.
“Do you realize one of the boys down there is missing perhaps?”
“I think they’re all here how many are there 5?” “Mom there are 6 of them I know one of them is in the bathroom.”
“How did he get up there I swore all of them were down here.” “Well maybe you lost track of one of them like the one coming down stairs.” Of course she wouldn’t notice one boy missing to engrossed in all the others.
I was finally done it only took 10 minutes but it was the longest 10 minutes of my life, but I made it through somehow. I realized as I was coming down the stairs that I didn’t really know these boys that well but I didn’t really read into it. Then I realized something was following me? It was the dog who I had gotten around to name melody, because I had found out it was a girl like me. She looked so similar to me that I gave her a similar name.
I finally made it downstairs with my dog following me like the puppy she is who just goes prancing down the steps and jumps in Paul’s lap like his dog.
“Paul is that dog yours she seems to know you pretty well.” Obviously it wasn’t that simple.
“No I’ve never seen this dog in my life, dogs just really like me.” That made me madder than I already was its bad enough it won’t stop following me around but now it loves him to.
“Mom has anyone claimed the dog yet if they don’t by tomorrow I’m keeping it.”
“No honeys know one has claimed it yet but look at the bright side you always wanted a dog and you might actually get one.” She was always so predictable; it was so easy to tell what she was going to say next.
“Actually I was thinking that since I already named her we could stop looking.” She didn’t see that one coming. She just stood there with her mouth open, I’ve never been known to take responsibility for anything let alone an animal.
“Well what’s its name?” was all I heard from josh.
“I named her melody, because she looks so similar to me so I gave her a similar name.” I replied. I knew I probably just said the stupidest thing in the world.
“Well that’s really weird, but in a good way not in one of those creepy ways.” Was Kory’s answer which I was about to smack him for.
“Keep it up and I won’t go to the bon fire with you and I’ll just stay home.” That should shut him up for a little while. Of course he wanted me to go so bad that he stopped talking unless spoken to. It was very convenient, for me at least.

How I managed to get there without any uncalled for comments I don’t know. My mind kept wondering as we walked near the bon fire I never knew fire could be so pretty so I just stared stupidly, waiting for it to do something weird , but it felt like the fire was dancing its own ballet. It looked so graceful it made me just wanted to grab it but I realize what I was doing when Paul grabbed my hand and looked at me.
“What are you doing you could get burned” I never knew that he cared that much as to prevent me from doing something stupid. Most people I know would have just let me do it and made me pay for my mistake apparently I was a member of their group and the only girl which is going to be confusing I might add. I had a feeling that this day was only going to get weirder and weirder.
I was surrounded by my group around the fire not talking unless I or Paul talked to them. People would think it would be an unsettling moment but surrounded by them it was peaceful I didn’t want for it to end, but someone had to break the silence. Instead of me or Paul it was mike that had to break the silence bringing up the weirdest subjects for the next hour. He started off with “I wonder if a person can live without a heart and ended with “What do girls do when they aren’t with boys them do they drink blood.” It was getting very annoying.
I hadn’t really noticed how many people were there until I realized a group of boys had drifted towards me. That’s when the weird stuff started. All of a sudden out of know where Paul let out a growl to let them know that they were heading in the wrong direction, and looking at the wrong part. I never had anyone so protective of me not even my parents. What I really didn’t understand was why they were so protective I’m not that important, am I.
I had to admit he was really cute and he had this way of presenting himself which was so dominant. I was staring for what felt like forever when all of a sudden a striking pain when through my spine spearing me to the floor, I couldn’t stand it. Then I realized some one was carrying me I looked up, which seemed to be all I could muster and saw Paul’s strong, muscular, tan, and bare chest.
I hadn’t realized what he really looked like till now he was kind, compassionate, strong, hot, brave, and he was a leader. He was the type who didn’t take orders from anyone. I then got hit with another wave of pain this one more intense than the one before. I hadn’t realized until now that the only thing that let them know I was in pain was the expression on my face. I was surprised that I wasn’t flailing out of pain.
We were in his car I was laying in Paul’s lap across the back while mike drove. He refused to let anyone touch me at the bon fire. He looked like he was suffering while I was covered in sweat trying not to scream in pain. For some reason it hurt even more to see him in pain because of me. It was like being run over by a truck, burned alive, and ripped to shreds at the same time, I couldn’t help but spasm, my body started pulsating than when limp I couldn’t move but I was fully conscious with my eyes open. I could feel all the pain, see all their faces and I could see Paul’s face he could see the pain in my eyes. He knew something was wrong and told mike to speed up.
What felt like days later we were at a house I didn’t recognize. Maybe its Paul’s house. I saw grandpa at the house only to realize I was at grandpa’s house and not Paul’s. Paul told me it was going to be okay, he could see the pure terror in my eyes. Grandpa approached me like he would a normal person; he could also tell I was scared.
I’ve never felt such pain in my life and I don’t think I ever will. It felt like my whole body was being twisted and pulled from the inside out. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t make out the words. Then suddenly everything just went all woodsy. I couldn’t tell when it turned from the pain to this lovely dream of this beautiful forest.
I woke up with the realization that someone was watching me. I looked to my left and saw Paul in all his glory looking at me, he looked so tired. I had the sudden realization that he had watched me the whole time.
“What happened, I remember all the sudden pain and you carrying me but all I can remember after that is the pain.”
Then I suddenly realized I was completely naked with just a blanket for cover. When I realized this I blushed a scarlet red, and as I did he turned away and handed some clothes with the tag still on them.
“We realized you shifted out of your clothes when your grandfather cam out and wrapped a blanket around you so I sent Allen to go get some.”
“What exactly was that, I had this weird dream of a forest and running through it then to a house but then it went blank.”
“That wasn’t a dream what you experienced was real, and most people don’t remember as much as you did.”
“What happened, I saw paws and that’s basically it when I looked down besides the ground.”
“Those paws were your paws this may be hard for you to know but you are a werewolf and that pain was your first transformation.”
“Wait so you guys already knew what I was and neglected to tell me.” That’s when my whole body started to shake I didn’t know what was going on but their was a slight pain, but an enjoyable one.
Paul told me to take a deep breath and calm down but I was past that part I suddenly bursted into this beautiful blond wolf in my grandfathers backyard. Seeing I was in need of command Paul turned into this beautiful jet black wolf.I finally realized he was my alpha, he was the leader, I finally understand why they were all so obedient to him.
The others came out I think sensing his distress. They weren’t as big as him. I suddenly realized that I was the smallest out of all of them. It kinda made me feel short, but I really didn’t read into that too much I was just really happy that I was accepted in their pack. I didn’t notice this until now but I was looking at Paul and my tail was wagging a mile a minute. I felt really embarrassed so I dipped my head and hid my excitement with embarrassment, my tail tucking between my hind legs.
Everyone looked at me with curiosity, their heads tilting ever so slightly to the side. Someone out of know where someone approached me; my first instinct was to growl. I looked at the person for a minute and saw it was my mom. Instinctively I dipped my head and approached her. She looked at me for a minute and knew it was me.
“Even as a
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