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wolf you still have the same beautiful eyes.” She extended her arm and touched the side of my face. Instinctively I leaned into her hand. She didn’t feel the need to pull away. I heard the door open behind me jumped over my mom and went into a protective crouch right in front of her. I was searching for the intruder only to realize that it was my grandpa coming to say hi.
After my current out break everyone went into the house and I was still outside, I didn’t know how to change back. Suddenly Paul came out, taking off all his clothes and set them on the porch. Me, of course I looked away. As soon as he did this I got so excited but I didn’t know why. Some weird sense made me attracted to him and I didn’t mind.
He started to come over and I leaped playfully knowing he would follow. He saw I was excited and pranced up to me. Something in me told me what I already knew, that I was Paul’s mate and I didn’t mind. When he approached he gave me a hug (Or a dog version of a hug) and nipped me playfully. I whirled in a complete circle letting my tail pass his face and I smelt this wonderful floral scent.
I then realized that we were prancing around through the forest playing like two little puppies. Suddenly 2 dogs came out of know were I soon realized it was melody and a jet black dog running around like us. As soon as they realized that we were there they ran up to us.
“Who’s the black dog?” I suddenly barked out loud not realizing that Paul could understand me.
“That black dog is my dog sky.” That was weird because that dog looked like a mini him and mine looks like a mini me.
Suddenly when I didn’t realize I shifted back to my human form, leaving me stark naked in the middle of the forest. Paul who had averted his eyes hinted for me to get on his back and bury myself in his fur. That’s when I noticed that we weren’t normal sized wolves; we were the size of horses.
He ran back to the house and I was engrossed in his scent. It was the scent of pine and orange blossoms. Before I knew it we were there and he was walking past the house and over to mine (Probably to let me get more clothes) and covered the door so know one could see me naked besides him.
Some how I ended riding a black wolf through my grandfathers house. I had to admit it was really fun and he looked like he was having a really good time running around with him. He reminded me while we were at the house to get extra clothes. I, of course didn’t want to play as a human so I focused on what I felt when I changed the first time and it really worked.
He seemed really surprised that I came around back as a wolf instead of a human trying to sneak up on him. He gave me this look like he didn’t know how I did it. I didn’t really feel like explaining it to him so I flicked my tail for him to follow, and conveniently, he did. My first thought was that I really didn’t want the rest of the pack to ever come but they did, and they gave me a very pleasant welcome.
Next thing I knew I was between Kory and Paul. They were both snarling at each other. I had no clue what was going on but I didn’t like it. I let out a loud bark to get them to stop. They did as I said they immediately tucked their tails between their legs and glared at the ground.
If I thought Paul was the alpha I was wrong I was the alpha female and they all knew that and listened because of it. Even Paul listened to me and he was the alpha male. Everyone was looking at me in shock, they knew that I knew what was going on and they liked it.

CH. 3

I haven’t been part of the pack for very long but they already seemed to respect me as much as they do Paul. I’ve never had anyone follow me around before but Paul won’t let me go any where with out someone and usually it’s him. I really don’t mind he is really nice and does give me space even though we’re living in the same house. (Yah we sold mom’s house and moved in with grandpa since he had this huge house and all these rooms. The whole pack moved in!) I kinda liked the fact that he never left my side. People think we are engaged, which is basically true since we are mates and it is basically like being married.
We had this big date tonight it was our 3 month anniversary and he was taking me to this really nice restaurant, that he got reservation for from the money his parents left him. (He was technically considered rich but wouldn’t tell anyone but me.) He also bought me this really beautiful blue dress to go in.
Once we had got their I realized that he had reserved the most beautiful spot in the moonlight. He was so proper it was like he was the perfect gentleman. They were plating the most romantic song and he swept me away to dance with him. I was securely in his arms; it made me feel so safe and warm. I felt like he was the only one for me.
As soon as we were done with our dance we sat out in the moonlight looking at the lake that was running down the valley. He was in front of me kissing me tenderly when he pulled away all too soon. He got down on one knee on front of me and asked
“Melloney I’ve never felt this way about anyone and I’ve never been so sure in my life I want to make this official will you marry me?” I was awestruck for a moment and in a sure confident and tearful voice I replied “Yes I will marry you I love you more than anything in the world so yes.” As soon as I said that I was in his arms in a tender embrace, kissing each other so softly. As soon as I did this I knew I had made the right decision and he was the one person in the whole world I wanted to be with.
We made it home 2 hours later as wolves so elated we just had to howl. We stepped into the yard with the clothes we had worn that night strapped to our legs. As soon as we got into the yard the whole pack was sitting in the yard, waiting. They demanded the news and we hadn’t even changed yet.
We changed in the yard in no hurry behind the bushes that lead to the forest. When we got inside everyone was sitting on the couch waiting for our answer.
“Everyone we have some great news, we’re getting married, Paul just purposed.” The first thing I heard was my mom “say oh my god!” She was almost as happy as me the others were too except grandpa and Kory. I think Kory wasn’t too excited because he was jealous, and grandpa I could tell was pure concern.
For the past 3 months grandpa has acted like a dad. He was as protective of me as Paul was, but I didn’t mind unless the get into my personal space then I snap. I didn’t snap very often, I had learned how to control myself. It had only taken me 3 weeks to learn how to control my wolf, and finally learn how to stop bursting out of my clothes.
I had a fairly good idea of what grandpa was thinking when I told the group of our engagement. He had a gun in the closet closest to him and I think he really wanted to use it. I gave him a stern look knowing what he was thinking of doing.

For the next week I was bombarded by questions from my husband to be on where I wanted to go, what I liked best, and weather I get air sick or not. I told him my favorite flowers were cherry blossom, I don’t get air sick and that I always wanted to see Japan during the feudal era. He decided to tell me after that he had booked our honeymoon to Okinawa, Japan for their feudal era festival which lasted 2 weeks.
My mom had finally set a wedding date: 10-5-10 so we had 2 months to prepare a wedding. Considering the festival started on the 9th so we had a few days to prepare. She was trying to make this perfect; she didn’t ask were the money was coming from to fund it, and she didn’t care.
Paul and I finally got to share a room, because we were engaged and he swore not to do anything until the honeymoon. We were laying in this nice king sized bed that all the rooms seemed to have. We were snuggled in each others arms not even hot or cold just there. He pulled his lips to mine. He started tender and gentle, but then got more urgent. I had felt his tender kisses before but he had never kissed me like this before and I liked it, a lot. I wanted it to go on and I think he knew that, we were intertwined on the big bed getting closer and closer together. Next thing I knew he was positioning me on top of him still his kisses got more urgent. He started to take off my clothes. (There wasn’t much to take off I was wearing a silk short night gown.) Then he pulled away abruptly, I didn’t know why.
“We can’t do this now, not yet; I want it to be special. I promised we would wait for the honey moon and I will stick to that promise.” He responded noticing the confusion on my face.
“Why this is special to me, just being with you is special to me.” Was all I could say to his comment. He looked distressed so I pressed my lips to his to stop his worrying. He kissed me tenderly till I fell asleep, them he watched me peacefully until he was in the same calm place I was. Which happened to be in his arms.
I woke up the next morning and smelt the odd scent of breakfast. (Usually I never eat in the morning.) It smelt really good and I realized that today I was supposed to be the only one home because everyone had work except me. (I of course got fired for taking off the day Paul purposed.) I thought that I was the only one home at least. I scurried down the steps as quietly as possible; who knows it could be a robber who thought know one was home. Of course it would be my luck I had a gun in my hand and I almost killed my fiancé.
I looked at him surprised; I thought he was at work. He was setting a plate on the table. He saw me with the gun and quickly backed away. I looked at him in surprise. He walked up to me, very calmly and took the gun. He could tell I was surprised and he knew he had to explain. He took me into the living room so we could talk.
He quickly explained that his boss gave him a 3 months vacation with pay
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