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I always thought that my life was weird but never really considered how it would look to others. Sure I think my friend’s lives are so cool but I never let them see mine. Well assuming we stay around long enough for me to make any friends. My dad works at a law firm and we usually have to go place to place living in all kinds of locations. At one point in my life I thought a new school was my birthday present. Well as you can imagine it was really embarrassing when they asked why I was crying. The only thing I said was why is my birthday present early this year or why did I get two presents this year. My mother than told me that a new school wasn’t my present but that the only reason we had to move was because my dad had to move for work.
I was really hoping that this year we didn’t have to move so at least I’d have people to invite to my 16th birthday party. That obviously wasn’t the case when my mom told me we were moving. What she forgot to tell me was only we were moving and that dad was staying. So on my 16th birthday my present was that my parents divorce was final and we’d be going back to moms home town of San Antonio Texas. What she also forgot to tell me was that we were living on an Indian reservation but of course she would choose her old home, couldn’t have picked a better place.
I have to say mom’s old house doesn’t look that bad after all we both have our own rooms and we can repaint them if we want. It isn’t the brightest place in the world though it was always hot outside that’s a plus except at night then it is freezing cold. The house isn’t that big it’s the right for only two people. The only good part is that we wouldn’t have to move anymore hopefully. One flaw with this new move is my grandfather lives across the street not that we ever talked much. He told my mother when she left the reservation that he wouldn’t talk to her again until she moved back to the reservation but something doesn’t feel right here.

“Hey mom since when did we get a dog” I said as I stared at this cute little puppy who stared back so oblivious to the rest of the world.
“I didn’t know we had one why do you want one that will be a lot of responsibility for a girl your age” she replied which was the obvious answer for a parent.
“Hey you know the neighbors right do any of them have a puppy cause it wandered into my room actually how did it get into the house did you leave the door open” she obviously didn’t know what I was talking about.
“How am I supposed to know I haven’t been here for 18 years”. She replied I could tell she likes it as much as I do.
“Have you been listening at all there is a dog in the house and you aren’t going to do anything”. She obviously hadn’t heard the first time.
“Well what’s it look like. Take a picture so we can make posters later”. “It looks like a little wolf dog still a puppy with blondish fir almost the color of my hair”. It looked oddly familiar like I had seen it before. “Hey mom, when I was little did we have a puppy”. I didn’t think we did but I had to try. “No I don’t remember ever having a dog except was when I was a kid we had a husky”. Well now I know that there is something that she never told me about. I have to admit the dog looks really cute not to be vain but it kinda looks like me.
It felt like I was thinking forever, but the sound of the doorbell brought me out of my trance. I was curious about who was at the door people here don’t really know that we moved here yet and I didn’t think it would be this soon that they would find out. What would you know who was at the door so happened to be grandpa which explains why mom started screaming.
From the top of the steps I faintly heard “Why are you here you have no right to come near me after you exiled me for leaving after getting married!” He didn’t sound like the man she made him out to be he spoke really calmly. “I didn’t come here to see you I came to see my grandchild”. That’s when the screeching started. “I WANT YOU KNOWERE NEER MY CHILD YOU CAN STAY AWAY FROM HER AND ME”. She screeched with more anger than I ever heard her use before. “So it’s a girl I expected a boy like all the others this is going to change everything”. He whispered under his breath.
That’s when I decided that it had gone on long enough so I did what I knew how I confronted them. “Mom who are you talking to is that grandpa”. “Stay in your room mellony this doesn’t concern you”. “Well I heard my name so I think it does so let sit-down and talk”.
That was probably the longest sit down in my life. It started out with mom stating she hates him and ended with “I love you daddy”.
“Just remember your welcome anytime you want just come over”. Well I should take psychology when I get to college cause I fixed that pretty fast compared to what most people can do. “Can I see my granddaughter I want at least one look at her”. Of course with the new found love she left me alone with him.
“Listen melloney is it if you start feeling weird or start changing in ways tell me as soon as possible your about to go through something most teens don’t go through especially females”. Of course I was so freaked out that I said “sure” and that was it he said it was “Our little secret” and that we’d tell mom when it was over which just made the first day of school seem worst than its already going to be. Going to a reservation school was apparently the best thing for an Indian girl like me in her mind.
After my little talk with grandpa I had another concern what was I going to wear tomorrow.


Parents don’t understand how hard it is to find cloths for the first day of school. They don’t understand that first impressions mean everything in high school. I decided to wear my low cut v-neck top that shows my double D’s and my skirt that shows my perfectly angled legs. People notice when a new girl comes to school and there are only about 300 people in the school and 83% of them are guys. I went to the main office got my room and turns out we don’t change classes because there aren’t enough teachers. So we stay in 1 class all day and everyone notices when you walk in because everyone knows everyone and 1 person makes a difference.
I walk into my room and what do you know my whole room is full of guys. That made everything worst because when I walk in I’m the only girl so they all look at me. They all had the same tattoo so I’m thinking that this place has gangs and I should stay away. They seemed nice they had some manners besides the fact that they crowded my desk asking questions like why I had blond hair and Indians don’t usually have blond hair.
The teacher was pretty nice and of course it was a guy like almost everyone else in this school. I wasn’t the total center of attention just by most of the guys. That could also be because I have 1 brown-green eye and a blue eye which is really unusual.
The day went by pretty fast next thing you knew it was lunch which was fun I ended sitting with the guys from my class or at least 6 of them whose names I now knew was mike, James, Kory, Allen, Josh, and the oldest Paul. They seemed very nice they had more manners than the other boys who just stared at my boobs dumbfound they actually looked at my face but differently than the others. They stare like I’m one of them not like the others who stare like I’m an outsider. Kory was the most open he asked questions that the others didn’t like why was my eyes 2 different colors. I had to explain that my dad had blue eyes and mom had green-brown. He also told me that for a blond my thick blond hair and my 2 colored eyes make me look wild and exotic. Which under his breath he said how he likes the exotic girls. I have to admit he was really cute tall green eyes black hair muscular but not bulging about 6 foot 4. He had my eye and I caught his which wasn’t my intention.
Kory’s not the type of boy my mother would approve of but I didn’t care so it didn’t really matter.
“So Kory how long have you lived on this reservation”. Which I now realize was a stupid question.
“I’ve lived here my whole life I haven’t left much especially after……..” “Kory you need to learn when to shut your mouth she doesn’t need to know yet”. Paul sounded like he was about to rip off Kory’s head but I thought his rambling was cute.
“What do you mean yet what am I not supposed to know”. Of course Paul said
“We’ll tell you later after all you just got here”.
That just about ended that school day, we got back into class and Paul’s group surrounded me like I needed protection but that didn’t stop the rest of the boys from trying to shoot paper down my shirt 3 of them made it than Kory said to stop and they got scared and did.
I learned later that Paul’s groups were the big men on campus and I so happen to be with them and I felt in place. Going home was fun Kory and James were all too eager to see my house they all but ran till Paul told them to calm down. We got about half way there and I hadn’t realized that they were waiting for me to talk just like they do with Paul it was weird and kinda eerie.
“So Paul what was this stuff that you were talking about earlier is it important or something? When are you going to tell me it?” I said in a happy puppy voice like I was all too eager to know.
“I told you we’ll tell you later it will be important later but not know.” He replied in a polite tone.
We got to my house fairly quick it was only a 15 min walk from my house to school.
“Maloney who are these young friends you brought

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